Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 104 Confrontation

At dusk, in a servant's room in the front yard of Liu's mansion, Wang Cheng, who was lying on the bed, told Liu Biao the truth of the matter intermittently, while Liu Jing stood aside, a little uneasy in his heart, wondering whether this killer move efficient.

If Liu Biao knew the truth a long time ago and just pretended to be deaf and dumb, he would be self-defeating, but then again, the Tao family is still valuable to Liu Biao.

He did not believe that Liu Biao would cut off a source of income in Jingzhou for the sake of a nephew's selfish desires, especially when the manor was growing and the number of self-cultivated farmers was decreasing. When Jingzhou's finances were in crisis, the possibility of Liu Biao pampering his nephew was even lower.

Liu Jing believed that this killer move would offend Liu Biao, so he quietly observed the change of expression on Liu Biao's face.

On the bed, Wang Cheng's injuries were still serious, but Liu Jing couldn't procrastinate any longer, and if the situation was unfavorable to Zhang Yun, there would be serious consequences of murder and silence. At the most unprepared moment, the knife is fatal.

The expression on Liu Biao's face was startled at first, and then an indescribable anger surged up. His fists were clenched tightly, his eyes were as cold as ice. After a while, he turned around and ordered, "Bring me the statement from my study!"

A guard rushed away, and after a short while, brought a thick stack of confessions, which were the confessions of everyone in the case of the Tao family. Liu Biao rummaged through it a bit, and found Wang Cheng's confession.

He looked it over and found that he was indeed making the confession as Tao guy, admitting that he carried the weapons onto the ship, of course under the order of the steward of the Tao family. Below was his fingerprints, a bunch of bright red thumbprints.

"Fingerprint him!"

Two guards stepped forward and pressed Wang Cheng's right thumb on the confession again. Liu Jing next to him suddenly felt that if he killed people in the future, even this finger must be cut off, so that there would be no loopholes. .

The guard handed the confession to Liu Biao, and Liu Biao squinted at it. There was a new red fingerprint under the original fingerprint. The two fingerprints were exactly the same, and they belonged to the same person.

Liu Biao's expression changed drastically. He had already confirmed that Wang Chengcheng was Zhang Yun's elder brother, whose real name was He Zhen. At this time, he had become a key figure in the Tao family's case, and the truth was suddenly revealed.

"You come with me!"

Liu Biao strongly restrained his overwhelming anger. The anger was like a flood that was about to burst the embankment. Zhang Yun and Cai Mao dared to bully him like this. For Liu Biao, Jingzhou was his territory, and this was the crime of bullying the emperor. After walking away, Liu Jing quickly followed.

He followed behind Liu Biao, already feeling the wrath of Liu Biao's impending explosion.

Back in the study, Liu Biao stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, staring at the apricot tree in the yard, without saying a word for a long time. On the banner above his head, there were two characters written in big characters, 'control anger'.

He needs to think about it, and he needs to straighten out the cause and effect in his mind. Zhang Yun must have recruited Qubu and has no money in his hands, so he got the idea of ​​the Tao family and wanted to extort huge wealth from the Tao family, so framing is the best way.

"Why do you want to help the Tao family?"

Liu Biao turned around slowly, and glanced at Liu Jing who was standing with hands hanging down. This was his question, how could Liu Jing have a relationship with the Tao family?

Before Zhang Yun could be held accountable, he had to clear up all the doubts in his heart.

Liu Jing had already made up his mind about this question, so he saluted and said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Uncle, when my nephew went to Jiangxia last time, he met Tao Zheng, the second son of the Tao family. Du Cao, he flattered me in every possible way, just yesterday afternoon, he came to find me, saying that a fleet of the Tao family was missing, and begged me to help find it, so my nephew intervened in this matter."

"And then?" Liu Biao stared at Liu Jing, and quickly judged the authenticity of his nephew's words in his heart, which should be true.

"Then my nephew found my old colleagues from the Youpay Office and found out what happened last night. Some of them knew the jailers in the water army camp, so my nephew asked them to do so."

"Is that all?"

"Another point."

Liu Jing added: "This afternoon, my nephew went to find Duke Kuai and asked him for help."

A doubt in Liu Biao's mind was quietly resolved, no wonder Kuai Yue suddenly came to talk about it in the afternoon, he was a little surprised, how could Kuai Yue know this matter, it turned out to be because of his nephew.

Liu Biao nodded. He was very satisfied with Liu Jing's honesty. As a superior, no matter what the subordinates did, as long as it was not excessive, he could tolerate it. The only thing he couldn't tolerate was the deception of the subordinates.

This is the reason for the so-called "crime of deceiving the emperor". Liu Jing is his nephew. He made friends with the Tao family, secretly communicated with Youjiao, and asked Kuai Yue for help. These are small problems. The key is that the nephew should not deceive himself. , Liu Biao especially valued the word 'integrity'.

Compared with Liu Jing's honesty, Zhang Yun's deception to himself is particularly dazzling. He can even tolerate Zhang Yun's framing of the Tao family and his blackmail of the Tao family, but he can never tolerate his deception to himself.

This has violated Liu Biao's bottom line. No matter who it is, even his own son, as long as he violates his bottom line, no one will forgive him.

The embankment of anger in Liu Biao's heart finally burst, and the flood of anger raged like a flood. He yelled, "Come on!"

A guard walked in and knelt down on one knee: "Please order from the state pastor!"

"Go and find Zhang Yun for me immediately."

"Obey!" The guard hurried out.

Liu Biao paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, his pace was rapid, showing his inner anxiety. At this time, Liu Biao thought of Cai Mao, and thought of Cai Mao's various defenses against Zhang Yun.

I'm afraid that Cai Mao was also involved in this matter, and he was even the one-handed planner. Liu Biao's fists were clenched and let go at times. After a long time of contemplation, he finally locked Cai Mao into the sane corner of his heart. He didn't want to make things big. , Cai Mao put it aside temporarily.

In fact, Liu Biao was angry with Zhang Yun not because Zhang Yun blackmailed the Tao family, nor because Zhang Yun deceived him, which made him angry at being fooled. The real reason was that Zhang Yun and Cai Mao formed an alliance. It made him intolerable.

Yes, it's unbearable, ever since he learned that Zhang Yun secretly formed an alliance with Cai Mao, dissatisfaction has taken root in his heart.

Liu Biao glanced at Liu Jing again. This nephew had been silent for three months, but he was impressive when he came out. Zhang Yun's painstakingly designed planting scheme seemed to be watertight, and even he had been fooled, but was easily broken by his nephew. Yes, Liu Biao had to admire this ability.

Moreover, Liu Jing performed outstandingly in the Battle of Xinye, which made Liu Biao especially satisfied. After listening to Huang Zhong's report at noon, Liu Jing had already started to learn martial arts from Huang Zhong, and this was a good start.

Liu Biao secretly praised Liu Jing, but he didn't know that in this Tao family case, it was not Liu Jing's ability or luck that really turned the situation around, but Cao Cao's forces in Jingzhou.

But no matter what, Liu Biao has gradually begun to place high hopes on his nephew. Now that Jingxiang's power structure is unclear, he will vigorously cultivate Liu's children. If Jing'er can stand out within two years, he may become his most effective soldier.

Liu Biao thought to himself: "After this matter is over, it is necessary for my nephew to go to Chaisang to appease the Tao family. After all, the Tao family donates a large amount of money and food every year. It is an important source of income and must not be lost." '

Liu Jing stood with his hands down, calm on the outside, but he was thinking quickly in his heart. Judging by Liu Biao's attitude, I am afraid that Zhang Yun will not be able to bear it this time. If Zhang Yun is suppressed, who will take over the post of captain of the Navy It will be Wang Wei.

Liu Jing has gradually seen Liu Biao's intentions. No matter who takes over as the lieutenant of the Navy, Liu Biao will definitely use this opportunity to remove the influence of the Jingzhou family in the army.

Liu Jing suddenly had a realization that Zhang Yun's relegation this time was probably because he had offended Liu Biao by forming an alliance with Cai Mao. Indeed, Zhang Yun was Liu Biao's nephew, and he was supposed to be someone he could trust and was able to hold the power of the navy.

He should be loyal to Liu Biao and avoid too much association with the family, but he was caught in the door and ran to form an alliance with Cai Mao. So, would Liu Biao still feel relieved to let him take charge of the navy?

Maybe Liu Biao couldn't find the handle on him for a while, but now he sent it to his door by himself. It can only be said that Zhang Yun did it on his own and couldn't live.

Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps outside, followed by Zhang Yun's voice, "Nephew Zhang Yun, please see uncle!"

"Come in!"

Liu Biao's voice was very peaceful, which reassured Zhang Yun slightly. He was thinking in the barracks how to end the Tao family's arms trafficking case as soon as possible, that is, to get money from the Tao family as soon as possible.

Although he temporarily stabilized his uncle, Kuai Yue had already intervened in this matter, and the longer it dragged on, the more disadvantageous it would be for him.

The Tao family, in particular, is likely to refuse to hand over the money because of Kuai Yue's intervention. In fact, Zhang Yun has already thought of the fastest way to solve the case of the Tao family, which is to capture Tao Li's niece, who is also Tao Sheng's daughter. As long as she falls into his hands, Tao Li will immediately succumb.

He had already sent people to look for the daughter of the Tao family, but found nothing, but just now, he learned from a steward surnamed Li that the daughter of the Tao family had a close relationship with Liu Jing, so would she be hiding in Liu Jing's place? ?

At the same time, Zhang Yun got the news that Liu Jing had sent more than a hundred soldiers to guard his house, which was actually tantamount to telling himself that Tao's daughter was most likely hiding in Liu Jing's home.

Just when Zhang Yun was about to take action, his uncle Liu Biao sent someone to find him.

Zhang Yun walked into Liu Biao's study, but met Liu Jing's eyes, his heart skipped a beat, why is Liu Jing here?

Zhang Yun had a bad feeling in his heart, maybe the last visit to pay the office made him unforgettable, he always had an indescribable fear of Liu Jing, and tried not to provoke this scourge.

The Tao family case this time should have nothing to do with him, but now Zhang Yun knows that the Tao family case is still related to Liu Jing, and the Tao family daughter is probably hidden by Liu Jing.

Zhang Yun was still worried on the way that Liu Jing might be involved again this time, but the situation in front of him told him that Liu Jing was most likely involved.

Zhang Yun didn't have time to think, knelt down and kowtowed, "Nephew Zhang Yun pays respects to uncle!"

"Get up!"

Liu Biao's face was flat, without any emotion, Zhang Yun stood up uneasy, and the moment he lowered his head, he quickly glanced at Liu Jing.

But Liu Jing also looked like a clay god, standing there, motionless, without any expression on his face, and didn't even say hello to him.

Zhang Yun swallowed dryly, waiting for Liu Biao's question. After a long while, Liu Biao asked unhurriedly, "How is the matter with the Tao family going? Has Tao Li been put back?"

Of course Tao Li was not released, and he was still locked in Shuizhai Prison. Zhang Yun wanted to delay his release for two or three days until the Tao family gave in, but at this moment Liu Biao asked again.

Zhang Yun changed his mind quickly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said in a low voice: "My nephew has already ordered me to go down. I don't know whether I have let him go or not. I will urge you after I go back."

Liu Biao nodded and didn't ask any further questions. At this moment, he said calmly, "Jing'er told me just now that you framed and framed the Tao family's case, and the purpose was to get money from the Tao family. Is that the case?"

This was Liu Biao's last chance for Zhang Yun, Zhang Yun's heart skipped a beat, could it be that he was showing off?It's impossible for Liu Jing to catch any loopholes. There are all evidences for this matter, and those who should be silenced are all silenced. Liu Jing can't catch any clues, he is just guessing.

Zhang Yun immediately turned his head to stare at Liu Jing, and shouted boldly: "Young Master Jing is a bunch of nonsense, I loyally guard Jingzhou, and I will never give any Xiao Xiao a chance to take advantage of it, how could you frame him, Young Master Jing, you are still holding grudges Next thing!"

Liu Jing smiled, "Uncle is asking you now, why are you yelling at me?"

Liu Biao stared at Zhang Yun with endless disappointment in his eyes. He waved his hand and ordered the guards on the left and right, "Bring him up!"

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