Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1045 Zhong Yao's mission

Liu Jing and Sima Yi entered the official room and sat down. A guard served them tea, and Sima Yi said in a low voice, "Cao Cao sent Zhong Yao as a special envoy to Jiaozhou."

Liu Jing frowned, "Is the news reliable?"

"It should be reliable. It's the news from Yang Tian."

Liu Jing walked a few steps in the room with his hands behind his back, turned his head and said to Sima Yi, "Cao Cao wants to use Jiaozhou to contain me and form a north-south echo. This is not surprising. I just wonder why Cao Cao sent Zhong Yao as an envoy?"

"I thought of this point. This should be related to the Seventh Jian'an case that broke out in Yedu recently. Cao Pi took the opportunity to eradicate Cao Zhi's influence, and even the Cui family of Qinghe was also affected. Zhong Yao is Cao Zhi's main support, Cao Cao is In order to protect him, he was sent to Jiaozhou as an envoy."

Liu Jing nodded, "You're right, this should be the reason, but Cui's involvement in the case is not entirely for the eradication of Cao Zhi's influence, I think it has something to do with Cao Cao's order."

Sima Yi was puzzled, "His Royal Highness, isn't the issue of Ding Ling nothing more?"

"How can it be nothing?"

Liu Jing sneered and said: "The Dingling order is the same as the land resettlement order of the Han Dynasty. It is related to the life and death of Cao Wei. How could Cao Cao let it go? He couldn't move the army and dignitaries, so he took the gentry who had always opposed him. Qinghe The Cui family has tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land, hiding thousands of refugees. If the Cui family does not hand over these people and the fertile land, Cao Cao will never give up. After clearing up the Cui family in Qinghe, the Hongnong Yang family is below, and all the noble families cannot escape. , This is something Cao Cao wanted to do many years ago, and now he can no longer delay it."

Sima Yi sighed, "He has affected the interests of the gentry, and he will undoubtedly destroy his own foundation."

"There is no other way. The number of self-cultivating farmers in Cao Wei has been reduced by nearly half, and the tax revenue of the government has dropped sharply. If this continues, what will Cao Cao use to support the army? Chen Qun told me last year that Xun Yu first proposed the Ding Order. At the beginning it was called the public land order, privately owned more than five hectares of land, ten mu had to be handed over to the government and four mu, together with the population on the land, it could not be implemented later. Last year, Chen Qun proposed improvement measures. make."

"Why is that?" Sima Yi asked with a smile.

"It's very simple. Now the government has enough arable land, but there are no farmers to cultivate it. Therefore, Chen Qun suggested to Cao Cao that he only needs to force the local tyrants to release the people who are hiding. Implement the well field system, just like Jiaozhou."

Sima Yi sighed, "The tyrants everywhere are not stupid. Without farmers farming, what is the use of the land in their hands? No wonder it still can't be carried out. Now we use coercive means to favor the powerful and only target the gentry. I guess even if it succeeds, it will be very Shake the foundation of Cao Wei."

Liu Jing pondered for a moment and said: "Cao Cao knew very well that he was not a gentry at all. He had already opposed the gentry when he promoted the humble Legalists and killed Bian Rang and Kong Rong. His foundation was the powerful and powerful who supported him. And eradicating the gentry who supported the Han state, and at the same time seizing their population and land, wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone.”

"Then His Highness just watched Cao Cao attack the gentry without moving?"

Liu Jing laughed meaningfully, and said to Sima Yi: "If I defeat Cao Cao and unify the world, then how should I deal with these gentry, how can I make them hand over their population and land? Has Zhong Da ever thought about this?"

For Liu Jing's black belly, Sima Yi didn't realize it once or twice. He felt it again today. Sima Yi sighed inwardly, and could only remain silent. At the beginning of the war, the princes had to rely on the support of powerful landlords, but once the climate became stronger, they had to turn around and deal with these powerful landlords who had supported them. This is the case with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. This is the art of the emperor, and it has been repeated for thousands of years. , the wise king will find a balance point, which is the so-called mediocrity. I also hope to find such a balance point. The heroes who follow me should enjoy the glory and wealth, and they should own land, but not too much. There must be a limit. It’s clear, it’s just that the rules and regulations have been corrupted, and these systems have survived in name only, since I’m revitalizing the Han Dynasty, I want to rebuild the system and establish the rules and regulations, one Han is not the other, can Zhong Da understand?”

Sima Yi stood up and said, "I can understand!"

Liu Jing smiled and nodded, "This topic is too big to be finished at once, let's talk about it another day! Let's talk about Zhong Yao's mission to Jiaozhou, what Zhong Da thinks we should do?"

"Weichen thinks that both specimens should be taken into account. On the one hand, we must prevent Cao Wei from forming an alliance with Jiaozhou, and on the other hand, we must actively prepare to go south to attack Jiaozhou. This is the basis, and we can't delay it any longer."

Liu Jing walked to the window, pondered for a long time and said, "If we support a force in Jiaozhou to contain Liu Bei, and let Jiaozhou go temporarily, what does Zhong Da think?"

"Your Highness means to raise wolves to control tigers, but we are afraid that tigers and wolves will join forces, and we will suffer instead."

Liu Jing nodded, "Zhongda is right. The only way to get rid of Liu Bei and unify Jiaozhou is to cure the root cause. In fact, Gan Ning and Lu Xun are already making preparations."

Speaking of this, Liu Jing turned around and smiled at Sima Yi: "Since Cao Cao sent Zhong Yao to Jiaozhou, how about Zhong Da going to Jiaozhou for me?"

Sima Yi understood Liu Jing's meaning, stood up and saluted, "I would like to share your Highness' worries!"

Since Liu Bei's Northern Expedition ambitions were shattered a few years ago, Jiaozhou has been hit hard. After several years of hard work, Jiaozhou's military strength has gradually recovered to 3. The population of Jiaozhou is sparse, which is the most military force that Jiaozhou can support.

Of course, the Northern Expedition that year was not completely fruitless. Jiaozhou eventually occupied Luling County as a passage for the Jiaozhou army to go north.

This morning, a Baishi passenger ship slowly approached the wharf of Ganxian County. Ganxian County is located in the south of Luling County. It is an important commercial port on the Ganjiang River. Although the population is small, the commerce is very developed. And medicinal materials are collected and distributed on ships here, and shipped to Jingzhou or Jiangdong.

It was the beginning of winter at this time, and the wharf in Gan County seemed a little deserted. More than a dozen dilapidated cargo ships were moored beside the wharf, but there were dozens of Jiaozhou soldiers on the wharf, and a 30-year-old taxi in between. Liu Bei's secretary, Bo Madi, was accompanied by a group of local officials such as the county magistrate and county magistrate of Gan County.

Ma Di was Zhong Yao, the special envoy who came to welcome Cao Cao under Liu Bei's order. Zhong Yao's entourage had already arrived at Panyu City, Nanhai County, and sent Liu Bei a letter from Cao Cao. Liu Bei attached great importance to it and immediately ordered Ma Su to come to Gan County. Meet the special envoy Zhong Yao.

The news of Jiangdong's demise had spread to Jiaozhou, which made Jiaozhou very nervous. Zhuge Liang thought that after the Han army's destruction of Jiangdong, the next target must be Jiaozhou.

"My lord, here we come!" A soldier pointed at the passenger ship that appeared in the distance and shouted.

Ma Su looked a little nervous, and the special envoy turned out to be Zhong Yao, who was famous for his calligraphy, which made him admire him. After a while, the passenger ship docked, and several entourages surrounded an old man in a green robe and cap.

Ma Di hurried forward to greet him and saluted, "Your Excellency is Zhong Junshi?"

Zhong Yao smiled and nodded, "Of course!"

Ma Di was overjoyed, and said hastily: "This is Ma Di, the chief bookkeeper of the imperial uncle's office, who came to meet Zhong Junshi under the order of Liu Huangshu."

Zhong Yao smiled slightly, cupped his hands and returned the salute, "It turns out that he is Ma Liang's younger brother, and I have admired him for a long time."

Ma Su felt a little unhappy, the other party had admired him for a long time because of his elder brother Ma Liang, but then again, they had been in Jiaozhou for many years, I am afraid that Yuan had already forgotten them.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable, Ma Di didn't dare to neglect, so he immediately asked the horse to come over, and said to Zhong Yao: "The river in front of you is full of rocks and rocks, and the current is fast, so we can't go on a boat. Let's go south on horseback first, and pass Dayu Mountain. After reaching Longchuan County, board a boat and head to Panyu."

"Oh! How far is it from here to Longchuan County?"

"About five days."

Zhong Yao didn't speak any more, got on his horse, and followed Ma Di and others to the south

Panyu County was the capital city of Nanyue Kingdom established by Zhao Tuo in the past. The political heart of Jiaozhou was originally in Jiaozhi, but because the Shixie family had been operating in Jiaozhi for many years, they often married with tribes such as barbarians and Zhans.

Although Liu Bei's army destroyed the Shi family, it was hostile by the barbarians and the Zhan tribes. Liu Bei tried to ease the relationship several times but was rejected by the two tribes, and the envoys he sent were also killed. Liu Bei had no choice but to rule In Panyu County where the capital of Nanyue Kingdom is located.

Panyu County, which is today's Guangzhou, is located at the mouth of Lingding Yangkou, where two rivers meet, and the water transport is convenient. Zhuge Liang established a 5000-man navy for this purpose, with more than [-] large and small warships. , so that food and materials from Luling County, Cangwu County, and Yulin County can be continuously transported to Panyu City through water transportation.

Liu Bei has always been eager to return to the north, and he is not very dedicated to running Jiaozhou. He just regards Jiaozhou as his temporary stop. Operating Jiaozhou.

He appointed Zhuge Liang's military division general to be in charge of government affairs. Wang Lei and Huang Quan from Yizhou were his servants to assist Zhuge Liang in managing government affairs. He also appointed Sun Qian as the prefect of Yulin County, Jian Yong as the prefect of Cangwu County, and Mi Zhu as the prefect The prefect of Luling County ordered Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Chen Dao, Liu Feng and other generals to take control of the army, drill day and night, and prepare to seize Jian'an County by chance.

This is also Zhuge Liang's northward expansion strategy. Instead of seeking Jingnan to avoid powerful enemies, he instead seeks Jiangdong. Jian'an County has a vast area and rich products. If Jian'an County can be captured, it can continue to capture Linhai County in the future. Kuaiji County laid the foundation.

Liu Bei thinks so. He has already discovered that Jiangdong is gradually declining and is no longer as strong as before. He may not be able to offend Han, but he can seek Jiangdong, which also satisfies his desire to go north.

Just when Liu Bei was about to seek Jiangdong, Liu Bei was shocked by the news that Jiangdong had been captured by Liu Jing. At this moment, Cao Cao's envoy Zhong Yao arrived in Jiaozhou. At the same time, Cangwu prefect Jian Yong Sending someone to send the news, Han Wang Liu Jing's special envoy, Sima Yi, Minister of the Ministry of War of the Han Dynasty, also arrived in Cangwu County.

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