The backside of the wooden village at Sanbakou is not rammed with mud and wood, but a simple wooden fence, and there are dozens of tents next to the wooden fence. This is a temporary warehouse for storing grain, covered with a huge tarpaulin. There are still [-] shi of grain in these tents.

Not far from the wooden fence, Ren Ping led two hundred soldiers of the Eagle Strike Army, who were waiting for an opportunity. They had already heard the sound of the horn and the harsh alarm bells, but Ren Ping still held back and continued to wait for the opportunity. At this time, he heard the faint shouts of killing coming from the front, and he knew that the opportunity had come.

The rear battalion was not empty, there were about ten soldiers guarding in front of the wooden fence. They were all attracted by the battle ahead, and their attention was focused on the battle ahead, but they didn't notice that there were countless Han soldiers quietly approaching behind them.

At this time, a defender turned his head inadvertently, and happened to see the soldiers of the Han army dozens of steps away, he said 'ah! ' with a loud cry, jumped up, pointed to the outside of the barracks and shouted: "There is an enemy situation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a powerful shot hit him in the throat, and the soldier fell on his back, but the other soldiers saw the enemy behind and shouted in horror.

Ren Ping shouted, "Get in!"

Two hundred soldiers of the Han army swarmed up and pulled down the gate of the barracks. Two hundred people rushed into the wooden village. Most of the ten soldiers were killed, and the remaining three ran forward desperately.

At this time, the offensive of the Han army in front of the wall was suppressed by the defenders' rolling logs, and one after another the rolling logs hit the valley entrance, making it impossible for the Han army to gather, and they were forced to hide on both sides. People were injured, but they couldn't get within fifty paces.

Yang Jin laughed triumphantly, and said to the surrounding soldiers: "The Han army is nothing more than that, I thought it was so powerful, as long as they attack, just hit me with a rolling log!"

At this moment, three soldiers from behind rushed up, shouting: "General, it's not good, there are enemy troops coming from behind!"

Yang Jin was taken aback. Looking back, he saw countless soldiers of the Han army entering the camp and heading towards the wall. He was so frightened that his hands trembled and his silver gun fell to the ground. The surrounding soldiers were in chaos and were at a loss.

Liu Zheng was already full of anger. It wasn't that he couldn't kill, but to attract the enemy and create opportunities for Ren Ping's army, he had to resist passively, but suffered countless casualties. It was obvious that Ren Ping had entered the enemy's stronghold, and he yelled, "Brothers, follow me!"

Liu Zheng bravely took the lead, holding a shield and a saber in his hand, and rushed to the gate of the wooden village. The soldiers of the Han army behind shouted in unison and ran bravely. At that time, the soldiers of the Han army had opened the gate of the village from the inside, and three hundred Han soldiers poured into the wooden village like a tide.

Two days later, Wang Ping led [-] barbarians to Sanbakou. At this time, the Jiaozhou Army Bingzhai was under the control of the Han Army's Eagle Strike Army, and the [-] defenders were all wiped out. The Han Army's planned plan was fully realized. Not only did they seize the grain stored in the village, but none of the enemy soldiers escaped.

The food in the army camp was replenished in time for Wang Ping's army. At this time, Liu Zheng invited Wang Ping to the big tent. Liu Zheng smiled a little mysteriously: "I want to tell the general that a Jiaozhou army is going north. on the way."

Wang Ping immediately became interested. For a general, leading the army on an empty trip is definitely a loss-making business. This time Wang Ping is only serving as the backup of the Eagle Attack Army. Thinking of Liu Zheng telling him that there was a battle to fight, this filled his heart with anticipation.

"What's the situation, how many people are there?"

"It should be the reinforcements coming to support Sanbakou. There are about 2000 people. There are still [-] miles away from us. Lao Ren is leading a dozen brothers and is closely monitoring the other party."

Wang Ping looked at the map. Coming from the south, the road is almost full of high mountains, steep canyons, and towering old trees, which are very conducive to the implementation of ambushes. Wang Ping asked again: "This time to capture the Sanbakou, how many enemy troops escaped?"

Liu Zheng smiled, "Don't worry, general, this time we are catching the turtle in the urn, none of them escaped, and the enemy will not get any news."

Wang Ping nodded slowly, "In that case, let's do it!"

It is not far from Guangxin County, Cangwu County, to Sanbakou, only about [-] li. Except for the canyon at Sanbakou, which is a bit easier to walk, the rest of the road has to turn over mountains, and the road is difficult, so although the journey is not far, But it also takes two days of marching.

In addition, Heshui is running southward tens of miles to the east, but the current of Heshui is relatively fast. Most of the banks on both sides are cliffs, and the river is full of large and small sharp stones. If you are not careful, the boat will capsize and people will die , so passers-by seldom take the Heshui River Valley, but would rather waste time and take this land route.

This 2000-strong Jiaozhou army was led by general Zhang Zhi. Zhang Zhi was a native of Nanhai County in Jiaozhou. .

Zhang Zhishi is a three-pointed double-edged sword with high martial arts skills and bravery in battle. Although he cannot compare with Guan Ping, Zhou Cang and other Guan Yu's confidants, he is also highly valued by Guan Yu, who values ​​martial arts, and appointed him as the left forward commander. Wei.

This time Zhang Zhi led [-] troops northward to support Sanbakou, mainly to cut off the passage of the Han army going south by land, and at the same time to preserve the [-] shi of grain at Sanbakou.

After Zhang Zhi led his army to walk for a day, he finally arrived at the south entrance of Sanbakou Canyon. Seeing that the soldiers were exhausted, he ordered the soldiers to rest on the spot, and at the same time sent scouts to Sanbakou to inform Yang Jin.

Compared with Yang Jin who was ignorant about the Han army, Zhang Zhi knew more about the Han army. He was born in a poor family and went to the Central Plains to learn martial arts when he was young. He even joined Zhang Xiu's Nanyang army. After Zhang Xiu surrendered to Cao Cao, Zhang Zhi returned to Jiaozhou, joined the Jiaozhou Army, was promoted step by step to school lieutenant, and then surrendered to Liu Bei.

Zhang Zhi had obtained various news from the Han army through many channels, and knew that the Han army was good at fighting strategically, so he was also extra vigilant. He saw that the mountains on both sides of this canyon were high and dense, and it was easy to hide and ambush, so he didn't dare to be careless, so he dispatched The scout went to find out the situation.

After more than an hour, the scouts he sent came back to report, "General, the Sanba Pass is still relatively calm, there are only about fifty soldiers, led by Marquis Chen Lin, Chen Lin said, Yang Jin led the brothers to rush There are still hundreds of farmers who have not paid their taxes.”

Zhang Zhi frowned, how could it be such a coincidence, he thought for a while and then asked, "How is the food in the village?"

"The food is very safe. Even the humble officials have seen the piles of grain packages."

Zhang Zhi nodded. Although he still had some doubts about Yang Jin not being in the camp, generally speaking, there shouldn't be any problem. Seeing that it was almost noon and the brothers had to rush to the camp for dinner, he immediately ordered : "Get up and go!"

The soldiers stood up one after another, patted off the snow on their bodies, lined up, and marched quickly towards the valley.

The total length of this valley is about twelve li, and it can be covered in half an hour. Zhang Zhi rode on his horse, and kept looking up to both sides. The forests on the mountain were covered with snow, and it was still a world of ice and snow. The snow had already begun to melt, revealing patches of mottled colors. With Zhang Zhi's eyesight, he still couldn't see any signs of an ambush, but he was still a little uneasy.

This anxiety came from Guan Yu's instructions to him before he set off, "The Han army is scheming and good at strategy. You must not be careless when marching north. If there is an abnormal situation, you would rather withdraw than fall." '

So far, no abnormal situation has been found, and there is no trace of a large army and horses passing by in the snow on the road, but he is extremely disturbed in his heart, always feeling that something will happen, but he cannot withdraw the army because of anxiety, that is cowardice In the event of a war, he will be punished by strict military regulations, and he can't afford to lose that person.

After walking for about half an hour, they were still two miles away from the Bingzhai. They had faintly seen the wooden gate of the Bingzhai. At this moment, a gong shot over their heads, making a sharp sound, echoing in the valley. Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of clappers on both sides, and arrows were fired from the woods, shooting densely at the soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army in the valley road.

The Jiaozhou army was caught off guard, and was immediately shot down. Zhang Zhi's horse was also shot by three arrows at the same time. On a big tree.

The sudden attack caused chaos among the soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army. The soldiers lay down on the ground to avoid the arrows from both sides. , Pounced on the soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army, Wang Ping took the lead, and swung his knife to take the enemy general.

The army led by Wang Ping is the "Wudang Flying Army" in the Han army, that is, an army composed of barbarian soldiers. They have served in the Han army for many years. They are well-trained and brave in combat. An elite army in the Han army also became one of the soldiers of the Han king Liu Jing.

The [-] Han army plus [-] of the most elite eagle strikers faced the [-] Jiaozhou army. There was no suspense in this ambush. The enemy general Zhang Zhi was captured alive by Wang Ping. They also knelt down and surrendered one after another, and the Han army only suffered dozens of casualties.

Wang Ping immediately left 1000 people stationed in the Sanbakou camp to guard the prisoners and food. Together with Liu Zheng, he led 500 people pretending to be an army of [-], and continued to attack Guangxin County.

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