Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1067 Ye City Incident

Nanyang County is the place where the Han Army and Cao Army had the closest contacts. About forty miles northeast of the county is Kunyang County in Yingchuan County. The strategic location of Kunyang County is not as important as the county, and the city is not tall. The terrain is not steep enough, the population is not large, it is just an ordinary small agricultural county.

However, since the Han army captured Nanyang County and moved the garrison to the front line of the city, Kunyang County has become the forefront of Cao Jun's defense against the Han Army, and its importance has also been revealed. The garrison in Kunyang County amounted to 5000 people, led by general Cai Yang.

The Han army in the county also has more than a thousand troops, commanded by General Lang Cai Jin, and the two Cai armies are only forty miles apart, and they are in a confrontational state.

The chief general of Kunyang County was originally Li Dian, because Li Dian was a member of Xiahou Dun. After Cao Zhen took over the defense of Xuchang, he replaced his own people in important positions. Cao Zhen used Li Dian as an excuse to be captured in the county. The head of Kunyang County was replaced by Le Qun.

When Li Dian was the commander-in-chief, although the Han and Cao armies were not friendly, they were very suspicious, and if there was any trouble, the two sides would be at war. However, Cai Jin and Li Dian were cautious people, and they restrained their soldiers separately. conflict.

Le Qun is the younger brother of Le Jin, a general of the Cao Army. He is cunning by nature and highly skilled in martial arts. He was originally a general of Cao Chun. After Cao Chun died in Nanyang, Cao Zhen took over the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. , and gradually became Cao Zhen's right-hand man, and the official served as a partial general.

Although Le Qun is not as cautious as Li Dian, and is quite insidious and cunning, but he was strictly ordered by Cao Zhen not to clash with the Han army. Therefore, in the three months since he took office, Le Qun has been able to restrain his subordinates and has not had any conflicts with the Han army. over conflict.

However, he has another idea, that is to use his position to make money. Kunyang is located in the core of Wanying's commercial road, and there are many merchants, which gives Cai Yang another way to make money.

Since the end of the Great War in Hefei, the war in Yuan has gradually subsided. It has been a year and a half, and the economy and commerce have gradually recovered. .

Most of the medicinal materials, silk and tea in the south, and the fur, livestock and handmade utensils in the north are sold well on both sides. In addition, both sides encourage trade and reduce business taxes. The business in Nanyang has gradually become very prosperous.

This morning, a caravan composed of more than [-] mules left the city and headed towards Kunyang County. It is fully loaded with the best silk produced in Jiangxia.

Due to their long-term refusal to cooperate with the Han State’s plan to cut land, the Cai family has gradually been squeezed out of the power of the Han State. The prefect of Xiangyang, Cai Yan, retired three years ago due to his poor health, and no young talents entered the Cai family. Officially, Cai Jin is currently the only one serving in the military.

After the patriarch Cai Yan passed away last year, Cai Jin did not succeed his father as the Patriarch. Instead, his clan uncle Cai Lin took over as the patriarch. Although the Cai family was frustrated in officialdom, the Cai family still owned nearly [-] hectares of land. The richest family in Xiangyang, and the Cai family is a good place in Xiangyang. The government of Xiangyang has taken care of the Cai family to some extent, so although the Cai family is marginalized, they are living a good life without much sense of crisis.

The new head of the family, Cai Lin, has a more flexible business mind. He is no longer limited to relying on land harvests, but actively devotes himself to trade and industry. He has many taverns and shops in Xiangyang and Fancheng, and established Cai's business firm in Fancheng, starting a cross-border business. In trade, the goods from Jingzhou were exported to Xuchang, and the goods were purchased from Xuchang to go south, which was very profitable.

General Cai Jin stood on the city wall, watching the caravan go away, he had a trace of worry in his eyes, he was worried about the future of the family, he felt that the owner of the family was too commercially interested, and he valued money and interests too much, and he was concerned about the long-term future of the Cai family. Too little, the most typical example is the closure of Cai’s family school and Cai’s martial arts school. Cai Lin thinks that the family school and martial arts school are too costly. 2000 million money expenditure.

There is also the establishment of Cai's commercial firm, the establishment of ten caravans, and the purchase of ships and the establishment of a merchant fleet. All this left Cai Jin speechless. With the prosperity of the Tao family's business, he still wants to withdraw from business and establish a family business. The price is to hire famous Confucianism and focus on cultivating younger brothers. In contrast, the Cai family has taken the opposite route. If this continues, the Cai family will completely decline within ten years.

Cai Jin couldn't help but heaved a long sigh. The Cai family couldn't see the situation clearly and put too much emphasis on the family's interests, which would eventually destroy the family. Cai Jin alone couldn't support it alone.

The mule team went all the way, and passed the Kun Bridge at noon. This bridge was originally called the Sanyan Bridge, but now it has become the Han-Cao Boundary Bridge, so it was renamed Kun Bridge. After crossing this wooden bridge, it entered the boundary of Kunyang County.

The deacon of the caravan, surnamed Wang, was in his fifties. He was an old family member of the Cai family.

Deacon Wang was a little worried. He went back and forth between Xuchang and Xiangyang a few times, and it went smoothly. But the last time he was charged a high toll in Kunyang County, which was almost equivalent to tax money, which was equivalent to a batch of goods in Yingchuan County. I have to pay the tax twice, and I don’t know how much toll I have to pay this time.

"Father Wang, don't worry, the owner doesn't care about the toll anyway, so just buy it for safety!" Yang Qing, who was in charge of protecting the safety, saw that Deacon Wang was frowning, and persuaded him with a smile.

"Hey! You're right. We have so many goods, and there are only a dozen of us. If something goes wrong along the way, we can't explain it when we go back! Just think of it as spending money to buy safety!"

Just as he was speaking, a group of cavalry appeared in front of them, rushing like lightning, Deacon Wang hurriedly asked his staff to drive the mule team aside to make way, the cavalry rushed to the front of the mule team, but stopped. The [-]-year-old young general is exactly the joy of the crowd. He was originally on patrol at the border, but he ran into this caravan.

"Where are you caravan and where are you going?"

Deacon Wang hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "We are a caravan from Xiangyang, going to Xuchang to sell goods."

Hearing that he referred to Xu Du as Xu Chang, Le Yi felt a little unhappy, so he deliberately made things difficult, he pointed with a horsewhip, "Open the package, check it!"

Deacon Wang quickly took out a small money pouch from his bosom, about 100 yuan, which was used to bribe the guarding soldiers when he was going to enter the city, and it was about to be used now.

"It's such a small thing to invite the general to drink a glass of water and wine!"

Le Yi couldn't care less about his little money, he raised his horsewhip and knocked out the purse, leaving the copper coins all over the ground, Le Yi sternly shouted: "Open the bag immediately!"

Deacon Wang had no choice but to let the guys open the bags. The burlap bags were full of high-quality silks and satins. Le Yi was a little stunned. He stepped forward to touch the silks and satins gently. He couldn't put it down because of the smooth satin surface. His heart suddenly became greedy, and he turned his head and gave the soldiers a wink. The soldiers immediately understood that the major general had taken a fancy to this batch of silk.

They have long been familiar with blackmailing merchants, and immediately split up to check the goods. The caravan only has a dozen guys, and they don’t care about the head and the tail. At this time, a soldier shouted, "General, there are prohibited weapons here !"

Le Yi's face sank, and he walked over quickly, only to see soldiers dig out more than a dozen military crossbows from a cargo bag, and Deacon Wang followed up, he was also surprised, how could there be military crossbows, he said anxiously: " General, we have no crossbows with us, these crossbows are not ours"

Before he could finish speaking, Le Yi lashed out at the head, "Presumptuous! Could it be that I framed you?"

He waved his hand, "Take them all away!"

The soldiers rushed up like wolves and tigers, carried them away, and Deacon Wang already understood that the other party wanted to swallow the silk. He resisted the burning pain on his face, struggled desperately and shouted, "We are Xiangyang Cai’s caravan, you can’t do this, let us go!”

If it was more than ten years ago, Cai Mao was still the Jingzhou military adviser, and both the Jingzhou army and the Cao army would have given the Cai family some respect. Now that the Cai family has long since fallen, Le Yi didn't care about the Cai family. He grinned, "So it's Cai The detectives sent in, if they dare to resist, they will be cut down immediately."

The men didn't dare to struggle any more, Deacon Wang was desperate. At this moment, his deputy Yang Qing broke free from the soldiers, galloped a few steps, turned over and snatched a horse, and fled after hitting the horse. He is the instructor of the Cai Family Martial Arts Academy. After the martial arts gym was disbanded, he became the caravan's guard. He was very skilled, and escaped when the soldiers were unprepared.

"Someone robbed the horse!" The soldiers all shouted.

Le Yi was furious, and led a dozen cavalrymen to chase after him. He ran for more than ten miles in a short time. The Kun Bridge was in front of him. Seeing that the opponent was about to run to the bridge, Le Yi took off his bow and arrow, took out an arrow, and aimed at Yang. An arrow shot out from Qing's back, the arrow was fast and hard, and hit Yang Qing's right shoulder. Yang Qing shook violently, but did not fall off the horse, and rushed across the Kun Bridge in one breath. Just after passing the wooden bridge, he again Couldn't support it either, and fell to the ground from the horse.

Le Yi was overjoyed, and urged his horse to rush towards the wooden bridge. A dozen people crossed the wooden bridge, only to see that the other party had reluctantly climbed up and was staggering forward, Le Yi shouted, "Flee inside!"

He urged his horse to catch up, and he was about to catch up with Yang Qing. At this moment, a cymbal shot past his head, making a sharp whistling sound, which scared him to rein in his horse, but he saw a car rushing out of the nearby woods. A team of patrolling cavalry of the Han army, about [-] people, raised their crossbows together and pointed at them coldly.

Le Yi saw that the person he was chasing ran away for more than [-] steps, it might be too late to catch up, he dared not chase any more, they had already crossed the line, if they delay any longer, they might have to shoot arrows.

He quickly raised his hand and said to the soldiers of the Han army: "We are catching fugitives!"

The other party ignored him, and the leader of the army said coldly: "Go back!"

Le Yi hated him so much that he had no choice but to turn his horse's head and run across the Kun Bridge, heading towards Kunyang County without looking back.

At this moment, Yang Qing could hardly bear it any longer. He rushed to the scouts of the Han Army and said in a low voice, "I am a family member of General Cai, please report to General Cai."

Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground and passed out.

. . . . . . . . . . .

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