Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1072 Revisiting Longzhong

The crisis that happened in Ye County and Kunyang County came like a storm, but finally passed away like a clear wind, but the impact it caused was very far-reaching. To some extent, it opened the prelude to the Han army's war against Cao Wei. This made the already fragile truce between Cao and Han even more weird and unstable.

Liu Jing did not return to Guanzhong from the Nanxiang Pass Road, but went south to Xiangyang. It was already the middle of May, and the weather in late spring was getting warmer. There was already a hint of early summer in the air of Xiangyang City.

But as the saying goes, "the world is full of fragrance in April, and the peach blossoms in mountain temples begin to bloom." Spring in Longzhong seems to have just put on its costumes. You can see patches of pink, plum and white everywhere, golden rapeseed flowers stretch as far as the eye can see, and Longzhong is full of fragrance. .

This morning, a cavalry team of more than a hundred people escorted Han Wang Liu Jing slowly into Longzhong Town. Liu Jing has not been to Longzhong for more than ten years. The buildings in Longzhong Town are almost the same as before, but they look more dilapidated. , There are also a lot fewer people in the town.

The ruin of Longzhong Town was not due to the impact of the war. Before the Chibi War, Longzhong Town was mainly used by Liu Biao to resettle the northern gentry who fled south. A large number of northern gentry gathered in Longzhong Town, which brought prosperity to Longzhong.

When Cao Jun invaded south, a large number of gentry from Longzhong Town fled to Jiangxia, and later followed Liu Jing into Bashu. In the end, most of these gentry settled in Guanzhong, and many of them worked in Han. With the departure of gentry, especially Lumen After the academy moved to Xiangyang City, Longzhong had no new population, and it became dilapidated day by day.

The dilapidated and deserted Longzhong Town made Liu Jing shake his head secretly. Longzhong Town is no longer a place where literati lived in the past, so I don't know how Zhuge Liang will feel when he comes back.

After passing Longzhong Town, walk two miles to the southwest, turn on a winding path, and walk a few hundred steps along a small river. There is a white wall in front of you. There is Zhuge Liang's old house in Longzhong.

This kind of mansion covers an area of ​​about three acres and is surrounded by a white wall, but it is not as dilapidated as Longzhong Town, and it is well maintained. It is exactly the same as the mansion Liu Jing saw back then. The maid has been guarding the house for Zhuge Liang.

Liu Jing ordered the soldiers to wait in the distance, and he walked towards Zhuge's Mansion without any haste, "Who are you looking for?" A crisp voice suddenly came from above his head,

As soon as Liu Jing raised his head, he saw a girl in a green skirt sitting on a pear tree in front of her. She was about fourteen or fifteen years old, with a garland made of snow-white pear flowers on her head. A bit of Zhuge Liang's shadow.

Liu Jing laughed, "You are Guo'er! I am an old friend of your father, come and see him, is he at home?"

Hearing that it was an old friend of his father's who came to visit, Zhuge Guo'er felt a little embarrassed, slipped down from the tree, turned around and ran towards the house, only took a few steps, then stopped and turned around and asked, "What's the name of this uncle? "

Seeing how cute she was, Liu Jing immediately fell in love with this little girl, and said with a smile, "My surname is Liu, and I come from Chang'an."

"Uncle Liu, wait a moment, I will report to my father."

When she ran to the door, her mother, Huang Yueying, came out with a bamboo basket, grabbed her and said with a smile, "Silly girl, what is Jijifengfeng doing?"

"Aniang, there is an uncle looking for Daddy, he said he is an old friend of Daddy."

Zhuge Guoer pointed to the path ahead, Huang Yueying saw a person ahead, she didn't see who it was for a moment, at this moment Liu Jing approached slowly, and said with a smile: "Does sister-in-law still know me?"

Huang Yueying was stunned for a while, and it took a while to realize, she hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "See Your Highness!"

Liu Jing smiled and said: "There is no highness here, I am an old friend of Kong Ming, come and see him, is he at home?"

"In the!"

Huang Yueying hurriedly told her daughter, "Go to the study and tell daddy, just say... the old Liu Zhoumu is here."

Although Zhuge Guo was naughty, she was extremely smart. She had guessed Liu Jing's identity when she heard her mother calling the other party's Highness. She stuck out her tongue and ran into the study.

Looking at her back, Liu Jing smiled and said, "You've grown so big, you must be 14 years old!"

Huang Yueying was a little embarrassed and said: "I will be 14 years old next month, and I am still as naughty as a child. I will not grow up, so I am anxious!"

Liu Jing laughed, "Such children are the only ones I like."

Huang Yueying sighed secretly, and suddenly realized why the King of Han was standing outside talking, she quickly said: "Your Highness, please come in and sit inside."

Liu Jing walked into the courtyard just as Zhuge Liang came out of the house. Although Zhuge Liang refused to surrender to the Han army in Jiaozhou, it did not mean that he would be rude to Liu Jing. After all, Liu Jing was the lord of Han, and Zhuge Liang was a subject of Han.

Zhuge Liang bowed in apology, "Grassmen see His Highness the King of Han!"

"I told my sister-in-law just now that I'm here to visit an old friend. There is no King of Han here, so you don't have to be polite, Brother Kong Ming."

"Even so, hospitality is essential. Please come in, Your Highness!"

Zhuge Liang invited Liu Jing into the study, and the two parties sat down according to the guests. Liu Jing looked at the study and saw that the study was very elegantly furnished. The wooden boards are very warm and comfortable.

At this time, Huang Yueying came in with two cups of tea, she offered tea to Liu Jing and said with a smile, "How is sister Tao now?"

One sentence reminded Liu Jing, he quickly took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Huang Yueying, "This is the letter my wife asked me to bring to my sister-in-law, I almost forgot."

Zhuge Liang sat aside and smiled lightly, with a faint gleam in his eyes, Huang Yueying quickly took the letter and said with a smile: "You guys talk, I won't bother you."

She retreated, leaving only Liu Jing and Zhuge Liang in the room.

Zhuge Liang took a sip of tea and asked calmly, "How is Uncle Huang doing now?"

"He has arrived in Chang'an and served as the Taiwei of the Han Dynasty, but he is not in good health in Jiaozhou. Now the mansion is slowly taking care of him. When his health improves, I plan to let the emperor's uncle take charge of the ancestral temple sacrifices. The two generals Guan and Zhang went to Qinghai and Hebei respectively. Hexi, they are very interested there."

"It's time for Uncle Huang to take good care of his body. He really doesn't adapt to the climate of Jiaozhou."

Zhuge Liang sighed softly, changed the subject, and asked with a smile: "I received a letter from my father-in-law two days ago, saying that there was a conflict between Nanyang and Cao Jun. I wonder what the situation is now?"

Liu Jing heard Zhuge Liang's implication. He didn't care about world affairs in Nanyang, but he was still very concerned about the world situation, which showed that he was not cold-hearted about his official career and was still waiting for the opportunity to come back.

In fact, Liu Jing also knew in his heart that Zhuge Liang refused to surrender in Jiaozhou because the arrogance in his heart made him unable to let go of this face. He rejected him back then, but was forced to surrender himself in the end. It is difficult for anyone to accept this. result.

That's why Zhuge Liang returned to Longzhong. Under such circumstances, he needed to respect the virtuous corporal himself, put down his dignity and invite him out of the mountain, which was also to give Zhuge Liang enough face. Liu Jing has long been familiar with this kind of sophistication.

Liu Jing took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "The crisis in Nanyang is over. Cao Cao and I have reached two consensuses. One is that Cao Cao severely punished the murderers who kidnapped the merchants and expressed his apology. The other is that both sides promise to expand trade between the two countries and allow Free trade, no artificial barriers must be set up, it can only be said that in this crisis, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages!"

"Oh! Where is Cao Caoli?" Zhuge Liang asked with a smile.

"At least he knows the weakness and insufficiency of his defense. When he comes down, he will definitely strengthen his defense and make up for his weaknesses. This is of course good for him."

"Then where is His Highness Li?"

"My advantage! At least let me see that Cao Jun is strong on the outside, but empty inside, and it also allows me to grasp the strategic initiative. I think this is the biggest gain."

Zhuge Liangliang nodded, "I see!"

Liu Jing asked him tentatively again, "Brother Kong Ming, what do you think is my advantage?"

"Actually, I think His Highness's advantage lies in the second of the two conditions. Your Highness has spent so much effort, isn't it just to reach the second condition with Cao Cao?"

Zhuge Liang and Liu Jing looked at each other and laughed together.

At this time, Huang Yueying came in with a teapot and added hot water to the tea bowls of the two of them. Huang Yueying smiled at her husband again: "Sister Tao invited us to Chang'an as guests in the letter. This is the third time. I always feel a little kind. It's difficult, what does your husband mean?"

Huang Yueying is also an extremely intelligent woman, she knows why Liu Jing came here, Liu Jing, as a majestic King of Han, actually went to Longzhong to respectfully invite her husband to come out of the mountain, regardless of past suspicions, this kind of sincerity, this kind of heart, made their husband and wife so happy Glory, this is what a wise gentleman did, Huang Yueying didn't want her husband to reject Liu Jing's sincerity again for the sake of saving face.

More importantly, her husband is less than forty years old, so he ended up in failure. She knows that this is not her husband's pursuit, nor is it the life she wants. She hopes that her husband can seize this time and be able to display his talents Opportunity, don't make the same mistakes again and again.

Zhuge Liang understood his wife's hint, smiled and said, "Let's find a suitable time!"

Huang Yueying understood that her husband had given in, she was secretly happy, she bowed to Liu Jing, and retreated slowly.

The time was ripe, so Liu Jing turned the topic to the business of this trip. He pondered for a moment and said: "After I conquered Jiangdong last year, I specially expanded the five phases of Han to seven phases, and Zhang Zhao was appointed as one phase. It’s still Liuxiang, and there is another one I plan to leave to Jiaozhou or Zhong Yao. I want to use Zhong Yao to win over Cao Wei’s gentry, but Zhong Yao was retained by Cao Cao. If you don’t think Han is weak or Liu Jing is stupid, Sir, please accept the Seventh Prime Minister of Han."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jing put a photo seal on the table and looked at Zhuge Liang expectantly.

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