Chen Qun was born in Xuchang, Yingchuan. His grandfather Chen Shi, father Chen Ji, and uncle Chen Chen were all well-known in the world. In Yingchuan County, the Chen family is also one of the local prominent families, as famous as the Xun family.

On New Year's Eve, Chen Qun took his wife and children back to the Chen family in Xuchang to worship their ancestors. The Chen family's ancestral house is located in Chenli, the eastern suburb of Xuchang. There are hundreds of families in this area, most of whom are surnamed Chen, and they are more or less related by blood.

Early in the morning, Chen Qun followed his family, worshiped the ancestors' spiritual tablets in the family temple, and went to the graves of his grandfather and father to offer incense. In the afternoon, his nephew Chen Zuo hurried to the inner hall, found Chen Qun and said, "Uncle, outside The cavalry of the cavalry of the Cao army did not retreat, and they were still watching our mansion from afar."

This was expected by Chen Qun. Cao Pi was extremely suspicious of him. He took his family all the way south, and there were people following and watching from afar. Cao Pi was either trying to catch him, or suspected that he was going to escape.

Of course, the possibility of the latter is relatively small, mainly the former. This time Chen Qun led his family to Xuchang's ancestral house. Cao Zhen was very enthusiastic about him and sent two hundred cavalry to guard them along the way. He and Cao Zhen agreed that he would go to Chen Lizu Behind the house, the two hundred cavalry wanted to withdraw to Xuchang, so they no longer had to follow them, but they refused to withdraw now, which showed that they were protecting themselves in name, but in fact they were monitoring themselves.

Thinking of this, he asked again: "Where are Cao Jun's cavalry now? How many are there?"

"It's just outside the village, there are only two or three people, but the others should be there to meet them at a distance."

Chen Qun pondered for a moment, "I see, thank you, nephew, for your report."

Chen Zuo saluted, turned around and went down, Chen Qun took a sip of hot tea, he was not in a hurry, he was still waiting for his son's news, it was a coincidence, just as he put down his teacup, the sound of Chen Tai's hurried footsteps came from outside.

Chen Qun, who was originally calm, immediately raised his spirits, "Father, the child is back."

"Come in and talk!"

Chen Tai walked in with a gust of cold wind, he knelt down and saluted, "Greetings, Father!"

"Get up and tell me what's going on."

After Chen Tai participated in the family sacrifice in the early morning, he quietly left Chenli, went to Xuchang City to meet with the Han army intelligence point, and then rushed back, bringing news of the Han army.

Chen Tai stood beside his father with his hands down, and said in a low voice: "The Han army is ready to take us south at any time, but they suggest that we should not take the Nanyang line, but go to Runan County and enter Anlu County."


"They said that although the distance from Xuchang to Nanyang is short, Cao's army deployed heavy troops along the way, especially in Kunyang County, where the army gathered and the investigation was very strict. They can easily break through the past, they are sure."

In fact, to Chen Qun, which route to take is not important, the key is to be safe. He pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Didn't Cao Juntan notice you when you went out?"

"The child put on a little make-up and rode past them on horseback, but they didn't respond. It is estimated that they did not recognize the child."

Chen Qun nodded, "If that's the case, the matter will be easy. Go find your mother and two younger sisters, and we must leave immediately!"

. . . . . . .

Half an hour later, more than [-] servants escorted two of Chen Qun's carriages on horseback and left Chenli, heading for Xun's family dozens of miles away. It is customary for a married daughter to return to her natal family after the Danri sacrifice, so it is completely normal for Chen Qun to bring his wife and children to the Xun family.

Cao Jun's soldiers who were watching outside saw Chen Qun's carriage coming out, and the leader of the army rushed up to greet him and asked, "Where is Chen Cheng going?"

Chen Qun snorted coldly from the carriage, and Chen Tai, who was riding beside him, said, "We are going to Xun's house, we don't need your guards, you go back!"

Junhou laughed flatteringly and said: "It is our duty to protect the safety of Cheng, how can we give up halfway, please go on the road, it is absolutely safe."

Chen Tai ignored him and ordered: "Let's go!"

The two carriages drove up the official road and headed west quickly, followed closely by several Cao cavalrymen, and more than [-] cavalrymen of the Cao army who were stationed in the distance also returned to the team one after another, following behind Chen Qun's two carriages.

About half an hour later, an old ox cart slowly drove out of the village. The old cow was skinny, and an old man in ragged clothes was driving the ox cart. There were more than a dozen pumpkins piled up beside the seat. People's ox carts, the ox carts swayed eastward.

Behind a tattered cloth curtain, Chen Qun, who had changed into ordinary clothes, was looking out vigilantly through the curtain, and beside him sat his wife Xun and two daughters.

This was naturally their plan to get rid of their shells. The two carriages before were actually Chen Qun's younger brother Chen Xi and his wife and daughter. Chen Tai followed beside them, and the servants brought by Chen Qun also followed the carriage. Their Cao army had a plan and was led to Xunzhai.

At this time the night had fallen quietly, thick icicles formed in the wilderness, and the wind was so cold that people shivered all over. But compared to the cold night, Xun was more worried about the safety of her son Chen Tai. She whispered: " Husband, nothing will happen to Taier!"

"Do not worry!"

Chen Qun patted his wife's hand lightly, comforted her with a smile and said, "Tai'er has already tried it today. He put on a little makeup and walked past Cao Jun. The other party didn't recognize him. I believe he will be fine." , will join us soon.”

Her husband's consolation reassured Xun. At this time, Chen Qun covered his wife and two daughters with the quilt again, and said with a smile, "I guess we have to walk for a while, so let's close our eyes and rest for a while!"

The bullock cart took another slightly flat path, heading southeast of Xuchang City along a forest.

. . . . . . .

In the middle of the night, the ox cart had already left Xuchang City for more than ten miles, got on the official road, and walked two miles. The old coachman turned around and woke Chen Qun up, "Master, we're here!"

Chen Qun hurriedly opened the curtain of the car and looked forward, only to see a few carriages parked at the intersection in front of him under the twilight of the moon. Chen Qun was overjoyed that it was the carriages that the Han army came to meet him.

At this time, a man on horseback rushed over and said with a smile, "Father, mother, why are you here now?"

Chen Qun and his wife were overjoyed, it turned out that their son Chen Tai had already arrived first, Chen Qun hurriedly asked, "How is the situation over there?"

Chen Tai smiled and said: "The Xun family was very cooperative and let our carriage drive into the courtyard directly, so that the cavalry cavalry of the Cao army did not see the third uncle and the others getting out of the carriage. Afterwards, the boy put on makeup, left the village with a few Xun family servants, and then chased after him on horseback. Come on, the baby has been here for almost half an hour, Cao Jun cavalry should still be watching outside Xun's house, some of them are waiting."

Chen Qun chuckled, "That's good, let's go!"

Chen Qun's family only brought a few bags of soft goods. They got into the Han army carriage and disguised themselves as wealthy families. The carriage started, and dozens of elite Han army cavalry guarded the carriage and drove quickly to Runan County in the southeast.

Since the main force of the Han army is mainly concentrated in Shouchun and Nanyang, and there are only [-] troops stationed in Anlu County, it is obvious that the Han army has no intention of sending troops from Anlu County, so there are not many Cao troops in Runan County, only about [-] People, stationed in several important cities, and set up checkpoints on the main official road going south.

However, the Han army had made a careful deployment for Chen Qun's southward trip. Sima Yi had the full power to plan the matter, and Liu Jing also specially ordered that no mistakes should be allowed in this operation. The Han army mobilized nearly a thousand elite soldiers and More than a dozen reception points were set up along the way, and the fifty servants who guarded Chen Qun's family were elites selected from the Eagle Strike Army.

In fact, even if Chen Qun was trapped in the ancestral house and couldn't get out, the Han army had an alternative plan, and would not hesitate to use force to pick Chen Qun out, but Chen Qun had his own cleverness, and he managed to trick Cao Jun's surveillance with a little trick. .

Two days later, when the two hundred cavalrymen of the Cao Army who were monitoring Chen Qun at Xun's house finally realized that something was wrong, Chen Qun's family had already arrived at Wusheng Pass.

The area between Runan County and Anlu County is not a plain, but is blocked by the vast Dabie Mountains, which has become a natural dividing line between the Han and Wei dynasties.

In this mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles, there are three dangerous passes that can be passed through. These are the famous three passes of Yiyang, Wusheng Pass, Li Pass and Ping Jing Pass. Leading out of Anlu County is to enter Runan County through Wusheng Pass and confront Cao Jun at the Huaihe River.

At present, the three passes of Yiyang are controlled by the Han army, each with [-] troops stationed, commanded by the general Huo Jun. When the carriage of Chen Qun’s family slowly stopped in front of Wusheng Pass, Xun Zhi, the censor of the Han Dynasty who had been waiting here, greeted them. come out.

Xun Zhi did not participate in the New Year Dynasty. He also served as the inspector of Yangzhou. This was also the important task entrusted to him by Liu Jing after the end of the Jiangdong Campaign. He inspected the counties on the left side of the river. Urgent order, let him rush to Wusheng Pass to meet Chen Qun.

Xun Zhi is Xun Yu's nephew, a generation younger than Chen Qun, and Chen Qun's wife Xun is his aunt.

Xun Zhi walked quickly to the carriage and saluted, "Nephew Xun Zhi welcomes uncle and aunt!"

Xun Zhi is the most outstanding person among the descendants of the Xun family, and he is very famous in the Xun family. Chen Qun and his wife knew him, and they were overjoyed to see him come to greet him. "Isn't my nephew in Yangzhou? How come he is here? "

Xun Zhi said with a smile: "My nephew is going back to Chang'an to report on his duties. He received an order from His Highness the King of Han to send his nephew to Wushengguan to welcome his uncle and aunt. Therefore, his nephew is actually representing the Han Kingdom to welcome his uncle and aunt and accompany him to Chang'an."

Chen Qun didn't expect Liu Jing to value him so much, and carefully arranged for his trip to the south. He was both happy and moved. He patted Xun Zhi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "My virtuous nephew will accompany us to Chang'an. This New Year's Eve What a reunion."

Xun Zhi saluted with a smile, met his cousin Chen Tai, and said to Chen Qun's family: "Uncle and aunt, please enter the customs!"

Chen Qun walked into the precipitous Wusheng Pass with his wife and children. Until then, the heart that was hanging in his heart finally fell.

The news of the disappearance of Chen Qun's family in Xuchang quickly spread to Yedu, and there was an uproar in the government and the public. Almost everyone guessed that Chen Qun had defected to Han. However, when Chen Qun left, a huge stone fell into the well, which caused strong repercussions in the official circles of Yedu, and made countless people start to think about their own future.

Cao Pi was also extremely furious, but he dared not tell his father about Chen Qun's betrayal, fearing that his father would not be able to bear such a blow any longer. information.

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