Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1095: Bear Hunting Battle

The Han army occupied Hangu Pass, but did not continue to attack Luoyang. Zhao Yun ordered Lieutenant General Wu Yi to lead [-] troops to guard Hangu Pass and Yiyang to prevent Luoyang's Cao army from counterattacking Hongnong County. He led [-] Han troops. Turn around and head south, and kill in the direction of Xuchang.

This is Liu Jing's Central Plains strategy. It is not to attack Luoyang or Xuzhou, but to concentrate the army and take Xuchang. As early as last year in Nanyang's tentative attack, Liu Jing's intentions have been faintly exposed. In an attempt to capture Xuchang.

This is the strategy that Liu Jing formulated two years ago. At that time, the internal power struggle in the Cao army made the Xiahou clan who supported Cao Zhi fail. Xiahou Dun was removed from the post of governor of Yuzhou, and Cao Zhen replaced him in Xuchang. This made Liu Jing Saw an opportunity.

Cao Zhen was far from being able to compare with Xiahou Dun in terms of qualifications, experience, and commanding power. Liu Jing had competed with Cao Zhen in Hefei and knew his ability. If he guarded Xuchang, he would undoubtedly send Xuchang to Han.

In particular, Cao Zhen reused Lequn, a general who was greedy for wealth, and Liu Jing made up his mind to break the game from Xuchang first. However, Xuchang was the southern capital of Cao Wei after all, which was of great significance to Cao Wei. Once the Han army attacked Xuchang, Cao Jun would inevitably come to rescue.

With this in mind, Liu Jing decided to attack two rescue points on the periphery first, one is Xuzhou and the other is Luoyang. Dealing with Xuzhou is relatively simple. The army was able to enter Chengfu County, which was like driving a wedge under Cao Ren's nose, restraining Xuzhou's army and making it impossible for Cao Ren to rescue Xuchang.

Followed by Luoyang, the capture of Hangu Pass poses a threat to the west of Luoyang, restraining Xu Huang from going south to rescue Xuchang, and another important chess piece is the [-] troops of Wu Lan and Leng Bao, who attacked Hanoi County and occupied Mengjin Crossing, responsible for intercepting reinforcements from Ye County going south.

On the surface, the Han army attacked at various points, namely Hedong, Luoyang, Nanyang, and Shouchun, but if you look at the essence through the phenomenon, you will find that the Han army finally pointed at Xuchang.

Of course, Cao Cao also has brilliant figures, such as Cheng Yu, Zhong Yao and others, so Liu Jing must complete the strategic encirclement as quickly as possible, taking advantage of the relatively slow traffic and news, and capture Xuchang in one fell swoop before Cao Cao has time to deploy. ,

Once the peripheral deployment is completed, Xuchang will become a meal for the Han army, and [-] Han troops will hunt Xuchang, the bear of the Central Plains.

The day after Zhao Yun's [-] troops conquered Hangu Pass, they rushed southward. From Luoyang to Xuchang, there were two main routes. It is also the most important official road in the Central Plains.

The other route is the Xiangcheng line, from Yiyang, Xincheng to Liangxian, and finally along the Rushui River to Xiangcheng, then turn north to Xuchang. This route is slightly secondary and belongs to the side road, but Zhao Yun led the Han army It is this Xiangcheng line that is taking.

In the early morning, the sky was not yet bright, and a thick mist like white milk shrouded Rushui and the surrounding mountains. This is a hilly area between Liang County and Xiangcheng. Rushui is like a jade belt in the low mountains. meandering between.

A rush of horseshoes broke the tranquility of the morning, the birds were startled, and more than a hundred Han cavalry appeared on the official road in the distance. The horses galloped on the official road, the horseshoes flew, and the mud splashed. "The soldiers kept urging their horses, and more than a hundred cavalry disappeared into the distance like a gust of wind.

After a while, the earth began to vibrate, and the thunder-like sound echoed in the valley, and ripples appeared on the wide Rushui River. Soon, a black cavalry team appeared in the distance, but it was no longer There were more than a hundred people, but thousands, or even tens of thousands of cavalry. Their speed was not fast, they did not gallop, but they were not slow either.

This is the [-] cavalry led by the cavalry general Pang De. Pound did not participate in the battle to attack Hangu Pass, but waited outside the Hangu Pass for the order to go south. His task was to cut off Xiangcheng and Xuchang at the speed of the cavalry. the relationship between.

This is also an extremely important step in the Xuchang chess game. At present, there are [-] troops in Xuchang. Since the Han army in Nanyang has begun to attack Kunyang, the Cao army in Xuchang has also moved south. [-] heavy troops are deployed on the front line between Xiangcheng and Kunyang. However, Xuchang is the rear, with only [-] troops stationed.

After Zhao Yun conquered Hangu Pass, Pang De's [-] cavalry had to move southward in a swift and thunderous manner to cut off the retreat of the Cao army in Xiangcheng and Kunyang, so that the Cao army in Xiangcheng and Kunyang could not return to Xuchang in time. There were only [-] defenders, and Zhao Yun was responsible for breaking Xuchang.

The Cao army in Xiangcheng and Kunyang will be encircled and suppressed by Wenpin's Nanyang army. Pound's cavalry will cooperate with Wenpin to annihilate the Cao army in Xiangcheng. This is a very clever move, and the key is speed. Without realizing the true purpose of the Han army, the Han army had already completed the siege of Xuchang.

Pound was in the middle of the cavalry team. He looked at the sky and saw that it was almost dusk. He ordered: "Order the whole army to speed up and arrive at Xiangcheng before dark!"

The [-] cavalry speeded up their march. At this time, they were less than [-] miles away from Xiangcheng. So far, there has been no trace of Cao Jun patrolling. It can be seen that Cao Jun did not realize that the Han army would suddenly attack from Luoyang.

Xiangcheng County, which is today's Pingdingshan, is located in the southwest of Xuchang, about [-] miles away from Xuchang, and more than [-] miles southward is the most forward defense point of Cao Jun-Kunyang County.

Xiangcheng County is a large county with a wide city, but it is not a strategically important place and has little military significance. Therefore, although the county seat covers a large area, it is not tall and strong. The city is only two feet high, and the city gate is relatively dilapidated up.

However, in the past one or two years, Xiangcheng has become a logistics center for the former enemy's important town, Kunyang County. The county has hoarded 5000 shi of military rations and a large amount of military supplies. There are currently [-] troops stationed in the city, led by a school lieutenant.

At night, Cao Jun soldiers on the city head were patrolling back and forth. Since tens of thousands of Nanyang Han troops had crossed the border and launched an attack on Kunyang County, the war broke out. Cao Jun soldiers in Xiangcheng County were also very nervous, and increased the number of soldiers patrolling at night by one times, from 500 patrols to 1000 patrols.

But no matter how much Cao Jun paid attention to defense, their focus was on Kunyang County in the south. No one expected that the Han army would come from behind.

At the head of the southern city, Han Qing, the captain of the Cao Army, was leaning on the battlements and staring at the south. He was very worried about whether Kunyang County would be able to hold it, and also worried about whether the Cao Army could withstand the Han army's attack this time.

Han Qing can only be regarded as a mid-level officer. With his status, he cannot know that the Han army has launched an attack in Luoyang. His news can only be limited to the front line of Nanyang. He only knows that the Han army sent nearly 5 troops to attack Kunyang. , with great momentum,.

However, what puzzled Han Qing was that since the Nanyang Han army launched an offensive against Kunyang County seven days ago, there seemed to be a bit of thunder and rain. Although the Han army sent [-] troops, they did not try their best to attack Kunyang. Two siege battles were launched, which made Han Qing puzzled. Why didn't the Han army try their best to attack Kunyang, but just stationed troops to build momentum. Could it be that they were waiting for something?

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance, and a group of patrolling cavalry cavalry rushed to the city and shouted, "Is General Han here?"

"I'm here, what happened?" Han Qing asked loudly.

"General Qi, we found a cavalry scout of the Han army, about a hundred of them, outside our northern city."

Han Qing was taken aback, why did the Han army scout cavalry go outside Beicheng? Could it be that the Han army was going to attack Xiangcheng by surprise?Han Qing suddenly became nervous. Xiangcheng had hoarded a large amount of food and military supplies. Once the Han army really attacked Xiangyang, the consequences would be unimaginable. He had to find out the true intention of the Han army.

He asked loudly again: "Where is this Han army cavalry scout now?"

"Reporting to the general, I am still observing the terrain outside the northern city."

Han Qing was a little uneasy. The food transport team from Xuchang was on the way to Xiangcheng. Don't expect any accidents on the way. He immediately turned around and told a general: "You can lead a thousand brothers to meet the food team. Just be careful!"

"Follow the order!"

Yajiang quickly stepped down the city, and after a while, the north gate opened, and a Cao army of more than a thousand people rushed out, rushing north along the official road

At the same time when Han Qing sent his men to arrest the scouts of the Han army, a grain transporting Cao army team was coming towards Xiangcheng on the official road ten miles away. This grain transporting team consisted of two thousand wooden oxen and carried ten thousand stone grain.

The wooden oxen of the Ming Dynasty of the Han Dynasty have already spread all over the world, and Cao Jun also manufactured tens of thousands of them, which were specially used to transport military grain. From Xuchang to Xiangcheng, the plains are mainly used, which is very suitable for transporting grain with wooden oxen.

As the Han army aggressively attacked Kunyang County, the situation on the front line of Kunyang suddenly became tense. Cao Zhen urgently ordered another [-] shi of grain to be transported to Xiangcheng, so that Xiangyang's grain stockpile reached [-] shi, so as to ensure the grain supply of the main Cao army.

And this Cao Jun grain transportation team that drove overnight was one of the two grain transportation teams that Cao Zhen sent to Xiangcheng. The grain guards on both sides set off at noon yesterday and were about to arrive in Xiangcheng. Although it was very late at night, the grain transport team did not rest. They were going to go to Xiangcheng in one breath and then take a good rest.

Two thousand vehicles lined up in four teams and marched mightily on the wide and flat wide road. The moonlight was clear and filled the land with silver light, making the road extraordinarily clear. On both sides of the road were large tracts of farmland and woods. It is a low hill.

Cao Jun, who transported food, walked quickly and silently, but he was not nervous. This is the rear, and there will be no enemy troops. But when they passed a forest, there was a sudden sound of clappers in the forest, followed by random arrows. , Dense arrows shot at the grain team marching on the official road.

Cao Jun's grain team was caught off guard, and the soldiers guarding the grain team fell down one after another, screaming, and the grain trucks on the official road suddenly became a mess, shouting desperately for General Cao Jun: "Don't panic, line up to defend!"

At this moment, a large group of cavalry rushed out from the woods. They had already put away their bows and arrows, brandished their spears and charged at Cao Jun's grain team on the official road, while a Han cavalry came from the other side. There was no organized defensive line of Cao's army.

It turned out to be cavalry. Cao Jun's soldiers were so frightened that they turned around and fled. However, the Han cavalry came from all directions, so Cao Jun's soldiers had nowhere to escape, so they had to kneel down and surrender.

There was almost no suspense for the Han army to take down this grain transport team. It took only a quarter of an hour, almost all of the [-] Cao troops surrendered to the Han army, and the grain became the supply of the Han army cavalry.

At this moment, a scout cavalry galloped over and reported to Pound immediately, "General Qi, there is a Cao army in the south, about a thousand people, and it seems to be here to support the food team."

Pang De sneered, and ordered: "Fight head-on, surround and annihilate them all!"

. . . . . . . . .

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