Just when the sun had set and the night had not yet fallen, several Han army cavalry rushed out of the Han army camp and headed straight for Kunyang City. The cavalry looked around, they certainly didn't come to attack the city, all the defenders could guess that they came to deliver a letter. <>

The four cavalrymen did not come to the same place, but came separately to the four walls of the east, west, north, and south. The cavalry soldiers shouted: "His Royal Highness the letter to General Li Dian, please forward it to General Li Dian!"

After shouting loudly, the cavalry opened their bows and set arrows, and shot a headless arrow on the top of the city. There was a letter on the arrow, and a letter with exactly the same content was shot on each of the four walls. The soldiers had already picked it up and rushed down. to the city.

It was dinner time at this time, and Li Dian was sitting in his camp drinking alcohol. Although alcohol was not allowed during the war, this military regulation did not restrict a general like Li Dian.

Li Dian is really in a bad mood. He has always been Xiahou Dun's general, but he is not considered Xiahou Dun's confidant. Xiahou Dun was suppressed by Cao Pi, Cao Ren gained power, and all Xiahou Dun's confidantes were purged. Cao Zhen used the excuse of losing Yecheng to demote him to be a captain.

Now even though he is used as the guard of Kunyang again, he still doesn't trust him. He sent a confidant as Sima to hold the power. In fact, he only has the right to command the battle, and the rest of the power of the general is in his hands. How happy is this? stand up.

He sighed, and drank the wine in one gulp. At this moment, his confidant Yang Lian hurried into the front of the big tent, and said in a low voice, "General, there is something urgent to report!"

"what's up?"

Yang Lian walked quickly into the tent, took out a letter and handed it to Li Dian, "This is the letter from the Han army shooting to the top of the wall, it seems to be a letter from the king of Han to the general."

Startled, Li Dian quickly put down his earcup and took the letter. Instead of reading the letter first, he asked, "How many people know this letter?"

"A lot of soldiers in the city should have seen it, but the soldiers in Nancheng are all subordinates, the general doesn't have to worry."

Li Dian opened the letter and read it quickly. It turned out to be a handwritten letter written by Han Wang Liu Jing. Xuchang is about to be conquered. I hope he can see the general situation and serve the Han Dynasty. Don't let soldiers die for a meaningless battle. .

After Li Dian read the letter, his heart was in a mess. He didn't know what to do. Liu Jing actually wrote to him personally. Yang Lian next to him asked in a low voice, "General, what did the King of Han say?"

"The king of Han wants me to surrender and stop resisting."

Yang Lian hesitated and said: "General, if the letter is really from the King of Han, I think the general should submit to the Han army. Cao is really heartless and ungrateful. He doesn't trust the general at all. Seeing that Cao Pi is about to rise to power, why does the general still serve Cao Pi?"

"Hey! I know that too, it's just... let me think about it!"

Just as he was talking, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and Li Dian said in his own defense: "Cheng Sima, please stay behind!"

Immediately, Cheng Liang asked sharply: "Where is General Li, let him come to see me!"

Li Dian was secretly startled, Cheng Liang came here by such a coincidence, did he know about the letter sent to him by the King of Han?He walked out of the big tent quickly, only to see Cheng Liang leading a large group of soldiers to block in front of his big tent, Li Diangong cupped his hands and said, "Is Cheng Sima doing anything?"

The Han army sent four letters to the city, but three of them fell into Cheng Liang's hands. He was furious and rushed to Li Dian to question him. Cheng Liang sneered and said, "General Li is really good at pretending to be confused. I don't know why I came here?"

Li Dian shook his head, "I don't know why Cheng Sima came to Xingshi to question him."

Cheng Liang was also worried about Li Dian's resistance, so he immediately ordered: "Tie him up!"

Immediately, several soldiers rushed up and tied Li Dian with ropes. Li Dian struggled and said, "Cheng Liang, what do you want?"

Cheng Liang took a step back, took out the letter from his bosom, and shouted: "You colluded with the Han army and attempted to sacrifice the city to surrender. Even Liu Jing wrote to you, and you pretended not to know?"

Li Dianxin understood immediately. It turned out that the Han army had not only shot a letter, but the letter had no intention of colluding with the Han army. This was clearly Cheng Liang taking the opportunity to frame him and seize military power. Li Dian angrily said: "You are shameless!" The villain, for his own selfishness, disregards the enemy!"

Cheng Liang really had selfish intentions, he wanted to control all the military power in Kunyang, and then he came to negotiate with the Han army to gain his own status, but Liu Jing wrote to Li Dian, which made him extremely jealous, and he waved his arms and shouted : "Arrest him and execute the Fa on the spot!"

When he yelled these words, Yang Lian, the general behind him, immediately annoyed Yang Lian. With a roar, Yang Lian drew his sword and rushed up to hack, knocking down several soldiers one after another, and saved Li Dian. , rushed to Cheng Liang, swung a knife and slashed at him, "Forgive..." Before Cheng Liang finished speaking, the head was chopped off with a knife, and the body fell down. Yang Lian shouted to the surrounding soldiers: " Give me a hand, kill!"

Dozens of soldiers also rushed up to join the battle, and killed all the subordinates brought by Cheng Liang. Li Dian was unable to stop him. He watched Cheng Liang being killed by Yang Lian, and he couldn't help but sigh. It has to be lowered.

That night, Li Dian launched a mutiny, beheaded four of Cheng Liang's confidant generals, and took control of all military power. He immediately ordered Kaesong to surrender to the Han army. Liu Jing personally accepted the surrender, and 500 Cao soldiers formally surrendered to the Han army. Liu Jing then granted Li Dian the title of Marquis of Kunyang Ting, partial general, promoted Yajiang Yang Lian to the rank of captain, and rewarded him with [-] taels of gold.

The Cao army in Kunyang surrendered to the Han army, and cleared the last obstacle for the Han army to capture Xuchang. Liu Jing immediately ordered that Zhao Yun and the two armies be merged. Xuchang city.

. . . . . . . . .

The city of Xuchang has long been in chaos, but this kind of chaos is not superficial chaos, but the confusion of people's hearts. After the Han Dynasty's economic bottom-up, Xuchang's business is dilapidated and withered. Food is the same as Yedu, and a rationing system has also been implemented. The streets and alleys have long been deserted, and those who have a little extra money have left Xuchang, but only the impoverished families who have nowhere to go stay in Xuchang, waiting for the government's food ration relief.

It is this kind of food rationing system. After Cao Jun forcibly captured [-] civilian husbands, the people of Xuchang could only swallow their anger and dare not make public disturbances.

Jia Kui walked slowly on the street with several entourages on horseback. Jia Kui served as the prefect of Yingchuan. For several months, Jia Kui was busy almost every day until late at night.

Jia Kui didn't care about the military. It wasn't until the day before yesterday that Cao Zhen captured the strong men in the city on a large scale. Jia Kui didn't know the news that the Han army in Luoyang had captured Xiangcheng. Moreover, there are only 1 troops in Xuchang City. How can we defend this magnificent city with a circumference of more than [-] miles?

Jia Kui experienced the fall of Wancheng, how familiar the scene of Xuchang is to him, and the situation of Wancheng fall happened in Xuchang exactly, so will Cao Zhen follow Cao Hong's old path again?He really doesn't know.

But after reading it, Jia Kui knew very well that no matter what, he wanted to persuade Cao Zhen again. If Cao Zhen refused to listen, then Jia Kui would be benevolent.

When Jia Kui entered the barracks, the barracks was also busy and chaotic. All kinds of weapons and items were piled up everywhere, which seemed disorganized. Groups of soldiers rushed out of the camp holding torches. Jia Kui shook his head, and he came directly to Cao Zhen. In front of the big tent, he said to the guard: "Please report to General Cao for me. I have something to discuss with him."

The guard turned around and entered the big tent, and came out after a while and said, "Prefect Jia, please come in!"

Jia Kui walked quickly into the big tent, where Cao Zhen discussed military affairs with several staff members, and when he saw Jia Kui coming in, he said to everyone: "Just follow the plan discussed just now, everyone go back and rest first! Call everyone again if there is something to do.”

Everyone got up, greeted Jia Kui, and then retreated. Only Cao Zhen and Jia Kui were left in the big tent. Cao Zhen said with a smile, "I wanted to invite you to discuss military affairs. I'm afraid you are busy, so Don't bother Mr.

Jia Kui knew that what he said was insincere. If he really listened to his own suggestions, he would never dismiss him after taking office, let alone conceal the news that the Han army had arrived in Xiangcheng. It was Xiahou Dun's military division who engaged in it.

Jia Kui smiled and replied, "Thank you, General Cao, for your attention, but I am only in charge of government affairs, and military affairs are not my responsibility. I am here today to discuss with the general the affairs of the people of Xuchang."

Of course, Cao Zhen was just talking. He has his own staff and does not want Jia Kui to participate in military affairs. A large part of his power will be divided, which Cao Zhen will never tolerate.

It is also like this that Cao Zhen recommended Jia Kui as Xu Changcheng. On the surface, Cao Zhen hoped to reuse Jia Kui, but in fact he wanted to tie him to government affairs and had no time to take care of the military.

Cao Zhen picked up his teacup and took a sip slowly, then said casually, "I don't know what Jia Taishou wants to talk to me about. Now that the military affairs are busy and the Han army is gradually approaching, I'm afraid I don't have much energy."

"I understand that General Cao has a heavy burden on his shoulders. Let me make a long story short. At the beginning, General Zilian encountered a similar situation in Wancheng. The Han army suppressed the city with only [-] troops. The city was not defended, and..."

Cao Zhen's face became more and more gloomy, and finally he couldn't help but said: "Does the prefect Jia mean that I will be killed by the rioters like General Zilian?"

Jia Kui hurriedly said: "I don't mean that, I mean, the forced recruitment of civilian husbands will seriously damage Wei Gong's reputation in Xuchang. Back then, Wancheng originally supported Cao's army, but in the end it turned into beating gongs and drums to welcome the Han army into the city. I'm worried. ..."


Cao Zhen hurriedly stood up, threw Cao Pi's order in front of Jia Kui's eyes, "This is the order of the prince, you can see for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left angrily, walked to the door of the tent and told his soldiers, "Please Taishou Jia, go back to the county office, this is not the place for him to stay."

Cao Zhen got on his horse and urged the horse to gallop away. Several soldiers stood behind Jia Kui and said, "Prefect Jia, please!"

Jia Kui looked at Cao Pi's order, and saw that it said, keep Xudu at all costs...

He couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and left feeling disappointed.

. . . . . . . . . . ..

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