Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 1116 Goodbye Fuhou

At this time, Liu Jing has returned to Chang'an. After winning the Central Plains War, Liu Jing is not in a hurry to continue attacking Cao Wei. The political infighting caused by Cao Wei's disastrous defeat in the Central Plains has intensified. It will lead to internal unity in Cao Wei. On the contrary, if you relax a little, Cao Wei's internal strife will appear swords and blood.

For this reason, Liu Jing ordered Zhao Yun's army to continue to besiege Luoyang, not rushing to break the city, and ordered the Han army to continue to confront Cao's army in Qingzhou.

But Liu Jing was also extremely busy after he returned to Chang'an, with letters that needed his approval, officials who needed his approval to be transferred, local high-ranking officials who needed to be interviewed by him, etc. After he came back, he had almost no time to rest.

However, with the end of the autumn harvest, Liu Jing finally escaped from the busy government affairs. This morning, he came to the Nuanxin Hall of Weiyang Palace to meet the Empress Dowager Fushou. This is the second time he has visited the Empress Dowager Fu after returning to Chang'an .

Soon after Liu Jing returned to Chang'an, he held a grand pilgrimage ceremony in the Qinzheng Hall of Weiyang Palace, and led all the officials to honor Fushou as the Empress Dowager of the Han Dynasty, officially establishing Fushou's political status.

And just a few days ago, Cao Pi also issued a prime minister's proclamation to the world. The state of Wei officially recognized Fushou as the empress dowager of the main palace of the Han Dynasty, and Cao Jie as the empress dowager of the West Palace. Compromise.

Fushou is over forty this year, but she is well maintained. She looks like she is in her early thirties, with a beautiful face, gentle and peaceful. She has lived in Weiyang Palace for several months, but she has the best relationship with Da Qiao. Perhaps It's because of their similar personalities.

But in front of Liu Jing, she seemed a little reserved. Fu Shou knew very well that she was just an important cornerstone for Liu Jing to ascend to the throne of God. Liu Jing didn't really respect her. She wanted to spend the rest of her life peacefully in Weiyang Palace. , she had to cooperate with Liu Jing.

Inside the Qilin side hall, Liu Jing led several ministers together, respectfully kneeling down to pay respects to Fushou, "My minister Liu Jing and all the ministers pay homage to the queen mother, and wish the prefect peace and prosperity!"

Although Fu Shou tried his best to calm down, it was obvious that she was still a little nervous. Fu Shou had already realized that Liu Jing invited her to the Qilin Hall today. Li, all prime ministers, please stand up, please sit down and talk!"

A few eunuchs spread out soft seats for everyone, Liu Jing sat down with Zhong Xiangguo, Liu Jing asked with a smile: "I heard that the queen mother has been unwell for the past two days, is she better now?"

Fu Shou smiled, "Thank you Your Highness for your concern, Aijia's health is much better."

After a pause, Fu Shou took the initiative to ask, "What's the matter, Your Highness?"

Liu Jing and everyone looked at each other, and then said in a gentle tone as much as possible: "The first thing I want to do is to care about the Queen Mother's health, and secondly, I hope that the Queen Mother can issue an edict to the world. , shall be abolished."

Fu Shou nodded silently. She knew that the Han Kingdom had publicly announced that it would not recognize the emperor established by the Cao family, but after all, the legal principles were insufficient, so Liu Jing hoped that she would publicly deny the emperor of Yedu as the empress dowager of the Han Dynasty.

Fu Shou herself did not admit that the son born to Cao Jie was the heir of the Han Emperor, and she was willing to issue such an edict, both public and private, and Fu Hou said without hesitation: "The Ai family can issue an edict."

Liu Jing was overjoyed. Although he could issue the imperial edict directly in the name of the Queen Mother without seeking Fushou's consent, but in doing so, he would be no different from Cao Cao's coercing the emperor to order the princes. He would eventually be criticized by the officials, so Liu Jing Jing is still more cautious, trying to let Fushou express his wishes publicly, so as to keep everyone from talking.

"Thank you Empress Dowager for being reasonable, I will send Empress Dowager back to the palace respectfully without disturbing her rest!"

Fu Shou took a deep look at Liu Jing, got up and left the throne, and accompanied by several maids, he quickly left the Qilin side hall through the side door. Is he a false emperor?"

Liu Jing sneered and said: "Cao Pi promised to abolish the false emperor on the surface, but asked me to give in first. How could it be such a cheap thing? We simply abolished the young false emperor in the name of the queen mother. It is reasonable, reasonable and legal. Cao Pi is just the prime minister. , can he still compete with the empress dowager? When he comes back next time, the conditions will not be so simple."

All Xiangguo nodded in agreement, and everyone left the Qilin Hall. At this moment, Sima Yi took a step slowly and followed Liu Jing, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, will the annihilation of [-] Youzhou troops affect the balance of Yedu? "

Liu Jing smiled and said: "Both of them have concerns, and no one is willing to take action easily. The [-] Youzhou Army was wiped out, which is great news for Cao Pi. He will definitely call Cao Xiu's army back to Yedu at any cost. When the [-] troops return to Yedu, the power of Yedu will be reversed, and Cao Pi will naturally regain the situation, but I believe that Cao Zhi will not sit still, so the struggle in Yedu will become more and more exciting."

"Then who does Your Highness want to win? Cao Pi or Cao Zhi?" Sima Yi asked again with a smile.

Liu Jing shook his head, "It doesn't matter to us, I just hope that they will fight among themselves, weaken their strength as much as possible, and create conditions for us to wipe out Cao Jun's vital forces, just like this Yellow River ambush, if Cao Zhang was not eager to return to Youzhou, we How could there be such a good opportunity?"

"This is God looking after us!"

However, Liu Jing did not agree with Sima Yi's idea of ​​attributing the credit to heaven. He said lightly: "The so-called three feet of ice is not a day's cold. Cao Cao's repeated breach of trust in the issue of establishing an heir and delaying for too long are the root of Wei's internal strife. Back then Cao Cao used The Yuan brothers easily seized Hebei due to internal strife. It is estimated that he would never have imagined that the scene of the Yuan brothers' internal strife fell on him again. Usually, this kind of conflict was covered up by Cao Cao's strength and would not be easily revealed. But as Cao Cao Critical illness, coupled with the disastrous defeat in the Central Plains, all the conflicts will erupt in an unfavorable situation, and the power changes in the past dynasties cannot escape this vicious circle."

"Your Highness can see clearly!"

Zhuge Liang came over with a smile and said, "Can your Highness talk about Bingzhou's strategy?"

Zhuge Liang was in charge of Bingzhou, but because Xia Houdun led [-] Bingzhou Cao troops back to Yedu from Taiyuan, the Han army also stopped military offensives in Bingzhou, waiting for the situation to change. This time Zhuge Liang rushed back to Chang'an to discuss the next step of Bingzhou with Liu Jing Strategy.

"It's not convenient to talk here, Kong Ming might as well follow me to the army room to discuss."

Liu Jing said to Sima Yi again: "Zhong Da also come together!"

The three of them came to the army room, which is where Liu Jing's official office discusses military affairs. There is a huge sand table in the lobby, six feet long and four feet wide. the whole world.

When Liu Jing walked to the sand table in Bingzhou, Zhuge Liang picked up the wooden pole and introduced: "At present, the Han army in Hanoi County has withdrawn to Shangdang County. We have deployed a total of [-] troops in Shangdang County, while Cao Jun originally had [-] troops. After Xia Houyuan took away [-] troops, Cao Jun retreated further and is currently retreating to Taiyuan County. In fact, in the entire Bingzhou, Cao Jun only controls one county in Taiyuan."

Sima Yi said from the side: "This is a wise move by Cao Jun. He clenches his fists and shrinks back, which is conducive to attacking at a critical moment. As long as Cao Jun defeats the Han army in Taiyuan County, they can also regain the entire Bingzhou in one go, so we can't underestimate each other. retreat."

"Although Zhong Da's words are reasonable, Cao's army was forced to retreat instead of taking the initiative to retreat. There is a big difference between them. Now that Cao's army in Bingzhou is weak, if only these [-] troops want to drive the Han army out of Bingzhou, It's not that easy anymore."

Zhuge Liang's tone revealed confidence. This was the first battle he commanded after returning to Han, and he also went all out. Sima Yi's words faintly revealed a distrust of his ability, which made Zhuge Liang feel a little unhappy .

At this moment, Liu Jing, who had been silent all this time, asked, "Who is guarding Jingxing now?"

Liu Jing didn't care much about the gains and losses of Bingzhou. He knew it well. With Zhuge Liang's strategy and Guan Yu's commander, it was only a matter of time before he captured Bingzhou. an obstacle.

Zhuge Liang hurriedly said: "Leping County, including Jingxing Pass, is guarded by Zhang Yun with [-] troops, but we don't have to go to Jingxing, but we can enter Hebei by going to Fukouxing in the south or Puyinxing in the north."

Liu Jing shook his head, "To go to Puyin Xing, Taiyuan City must be destroyed first, and seeing that winter is approaching, the roads will be blocked by heavy snow in the north of Taiyuan, so it is unrealistic to go to Puyin Xing and Feihu Xing, and Fukou Xing is just above the head of Yedu. , Cao Jun has heavy troops in Fukou Guantun, I still hope to capture Jingxing first, at least before the end of the year, we can control this strategic route.”

Liu Jing had already given Zhuge Liang a task and a deadline. Zhuge Liang knew it in his heart, and immediately bowed and said, "I will do my best to capture Jingxing."

Liu Jing smiled and nodded, "I will entrust Zilong to complete the task of attacking Taiyuan. As long as Kong Ming can capture Jingxing and open the strategic road leading to Hebei, I will be credited with Kong Ming's contribution to the merger of the state."

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "Your Highness underestimates us, why don't you give us the mission of Taiyuan, and then lend the heavy armored infantry to Weichen. Before the end of the year, we will take both Jingxing and Taiyuan. Weichen is willing to issue a military order .”

Liu Jing said happily: "There is no need for a military order. I am looking forward to seeing Kong Ming's strategy in Bingzhou."

Zhuge Liang retreated first, and Sima Yi whispered to Liu Jing, "Kong Ming and Guan Yu are both the backbone of the Jiaozhou Clan. It would be unsafe to let them command tens of thousands of elite soldiers. I am always worried that Ma Chao's troubles will reappear. "

Liu Jing smiled slightly, "Don't worry, Zhongda, Liu Bei and his son are in my hands, and their wives, children, and family are in my hands. I forgive them for not being able to make waves. If they are allowed to stand alone and win, Guan Yu will return to his heart." gone."

"Even so, I suggest you be careful."

Liu Jing nodded, "I will arrange for my confidant general to go to Bingzhou to help!"

. . . . . . . . .

That night, Zhuge Liang left Chang'an and rushed to Bingzhou. At the same time, Liu Jing issued an order, ordering general Wang Ping to lead [-] barbarians, and Wu Ban to lead [-] heavy armored infantry to go to Bingzhou with Zhuge Liang to participate in the attack on Bingzhou. battle.

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