Zhang Xin shook his head, "I am not persuading the general to surrender, but to give the general a word on the order of the governor of Zhao. The governor of Zhao can't bear the people to starve to death, and is willing to send food into the city. If the Han army retreats ten miles, let the Cao army go. Take over Luoyang."

Xu Huang didn't speak for a long time. These two conditions are a bit unbelievable. The second condition is quite reliable, let him evacuate Luoyang, and the Han army will occupy Luoyang, but Xu Huang thinks the first condition is impossible. The Han army must have fraudulent.

Xu Huang pondered for a moment and asked, "Where can the Han army allow us to retreat?"

"General Zhao can only guarantee the safety of Cao's army before crossing the Yellow River. Before crossing the Yellow River, the Han army will not intercept it. But after crossing the Yellow River, the Han army will not make any guarantees. It depends on the general whether he can escape the Han army's interception. commanding ability."

Xu Huang bowed his head in thought and remained silent for a while, then slowly said: "Let me think about it, Zhang Canjun, please don't wait a moment."

Zhang Xin withdrew, Xu Huang immediately asked several generals to be called, and told them Zhao Yun's plan. One general said: "Even if the first plan is true, it cannot be adopted. Once the food enters the city, the soldiers will be killed." If it disintegrates, the city cannot be defended."

Xu Huang nodded, and he thought the same way, "What about the second plan?" Xu Huang asked the crowd again.

General Han Yi said: "General Xu, I feel that the second option may be considered. Doesn't Cao Jun have [-] troops stationed on the north bank of the Yellow River? If the Han army does not attack the north bank, then the [-] troops can just meet us."

"How can you believe the promise of the Han army?" Another general said angrily.

"Zhao Yun is a trustworthy person. Since he promises like this, there will be no fraud!"

"What if the Cao army on the north bank of the Yellow River is gone?"

"It's better than starving to death in Luoyang City!"

Everyone was blushing, Xu Huang couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted angrily, "Shut up, everyone!"

Everyone was quiet, at this time Xu Huang said in a deep voice: "There is no need to fight any more. General Han is right. Instead of starving to death in Luoyang City, it is better to fight once. The Han army is already fighting a heart attack today. We have no time to fight again." Procrastinate, that's the decision, we will evacuate Luoyang tonight, return to Yedu, life and death are up to God!"

. . . . . . . .

The Yellow River was completely frozen in late November, and several consecutive heavy snowfalls covered the thick ice layer with white snow. Standing on the top of the mountain, it looks like a white jade belt spread on the land of the Central Plains.

Although the Yellow River no longer needs a ferry to cross the river after it freezes, the cold air brought by the huge ice layer at the bottom of the river can easily hurt pedestrians on the ice, so even walking across the Yellow River requires heavy protection.

At noon that day, at the Yanjin Ferry in Dongjun County, a Cao army of nearly [-] men was quickly marching on the ice. This army was Xu Huang's army who had withdrawn from Luoyang. , in order to maintain the lives of the residents in the city, but Xu Huang still decided to accept the second plan, abandoning Luoyang and withdrawing to Yedu.

It's not just that Xu Huang can't trust the Han army, and suspects that they will take advantage of the food delivery opportunity to attack Luoyang City. More importantly, Xu Huang knows that Yedu is short of troops, and it is difficult to deal with the siege of hundreds of thousands of Han troops. If his [-] troops Returning to Yedu will undoubtedly strengthen the power of Cao Jun in Yedu.

When Xu Huang withdrew his troops, he made full use of Zhao Yun's promise, instead of crossing the Yellow River in Hanoi County, he traveled hundreds of miles eastward and crossed the Yellow River in Yanjin in Dongjun County, which brought them closer to Yedu and crossed the Yellow River After another two hundred miles, he could reach Yedu. On the other hand, he left all [-] old, weak, sick and wounded soldiers in Luoyang, and he only led [-] elite troops to retreat, which greatly accelerated the marching speed.

When Xu Huang left Luoyang, he sent ten teams of messenger soldiers to Yedu to deliver the letter first, and asked Xiahoudun to send troops south to meet him. In this way, even if he was besieged by the Han army after crossing the river, he could get timely support from the Cao army.

Xu Huang is also a famous general of the Cao army. Before making such a major decision, he had repeatedly considered that it would be better to venture north than to be besieged and perish in the end. Once successful, the strength of Cao army would be greatly enhanced. Replace death with early death, the result is the same thing.

Since there was no horse or animal power, Cao's troops traveled lightly. Each of them carried only one bucket of rice when they set off, and they got a little supplement on the way, so that each person had three buckets of rice, and there were hundreds of donkeys and mules as animal power. food.

Xu Huang also rode on a temporary war horse. Although this war horse was relatively strong and could bear his heavy body and big axe, compared with his previous war horse, this war horse was still far behind and could only barely support him. Riding, Xu Huang could only bury his sadness in his heart.

"Speed ​​up! The river is too cold, run and march!"

Xu Huang shouted loudly that the soldiers did not have thick winter clothes to resist the cold, and the ice surface of more than ten miles could easily frostbite them. Twenty thousand soldiers of Cao Jun ran fast, and in less than half an hour, they gradually reached the north bank of the Yellow River.

What Xu Huang was most worried about happened as he expected. At this time, some soldiers who had fled ahead came back, many of them still wounded by arrows. They stumbled and shouted: "General, there are tens of thousands of Han troops on the north bank, brother!" They suffered heavy casualties, and we couldn't get ashore!"

Xu Huang's heart seemed to sink to the bottom of the icy river. He knew that Zhao Yun had not broken his promise. They were indeed not intercepted before crossing the Yellow River. The Han army did not intercept them in the Yellow River, but intercepted them on the north bank, preventing them from going ashore .

At this time, the [-] Cao soldiers stopped, and [-] eyes looked at the general Xu Huang, and Xu Huang looked back to the south bank. He vaguely saw the overwhelming banners on the south bank. Come, cut off their retreat.

They were actually trapped on the ice of the Yellow River. Xu Huang looked at the soldiers shivering from the cold. Cao Jun's soldiers generally had thin clothes. If they didn't rush ashore, they wouldn't last an hour. Xu Huang decided to fight with his back. He gritted his teeth and ordered: "Come on!" Go to the north bank to break through!"

Cao Jun's war drums beat, and the [-] Cao Jun uttered a cry, rushing towards the north bank two miles away like a tide.

Yanjindu is located in the southern part of the Taihang Mountains. Both sides of the Yellow River are steep mountains stretching for hundreds of miles. Yanjindu is actually a valley between the two mountains, forming a gentle river bank about ten miles wide, making it a After crossing the famous ferry, crossing the Yellow River, and walking through the valley for dozens of miles, we entered the vast Henan Plain.

At this time, Wenpin led [-] Han troops to wait on the north bank of the Yellow River. Among them, [-] soldiers with crossbows and crossbows blocked the bank of the Yellow River. With hot water, the cold weather turned the earthen wall into an ice wall overnight. From a distance, the ice wall looks like a bright white ice line in the sun.

Twenty thousand crossbowmen of the Han Army stood on a high platform, condescendingly looking down at the ice surface of the Yellow River in the distance. At this moment, soldiers of Cao Army appeared black and dense on the ice surface of the Yellow River, rushing towards the north bank. Wenpin raised his sword and shouted loudly. : "The trebuchets and crossbowmen are ready!"

Twenty thousand crossbowmen were lined up in three rows, and they raised their crossbows. The cold arrows were aimed at the soldiers of Cao army rushing forward. Behind the crossbowmen, thirty heavy trebuchets also creaked. Opened, they were waiting for the first round of assault by Cao Jun soldiers.

Cao Jun's soldiers were getting closer and closer, and they rushed within three hundred steps. Xu Huang shouted, "The trebuchet is launched!"

Thirty trebuchets were launched suddenly, and the 30-yuan boulder flew into the air, drawing an arc in the air, and threw it at the rushing soldiers of Cao Jun. The tumbling on the ice caused a large number of Cao Jun soldiers to be knocked over, their bones broken and their tendons broken, and they wailed everywhere.

"dash forward!"

Xu Huang was also anxious, brandishing a sword and yelling loudly. The 30-yuan boulder only killed or injured hundreds of people, but it still did not pose a threat to the more than [-] Cao soldiers. The soldiers knew that if they couldn't make it to the north bank, they would freeze to death on the ice of the Yellow River.

At this time, the crossbow arrows of the Han army were fired, and the first round of [-] arrows soared into the sky, quickly forming a cloud of arrows, and rushed towards the soldiers of the Cao army in a dense manner. The dense arrows rushed like a storm, and it caused The lethality of the attack was far higher than the impact of the boulder. Although the soldiers of the Cao army raised their shields to cover them, it was still of no avail. Pieces of soldiers of the Cao army were shot down, and the sound of crying and wailing resounded through the ice field.

Immediately afterwards, the second round of arrows and the third round of arrows roared again. The Han army's three-stage shooting always kept the arrows continuous, firing round after round. Cao Jun suffered heavy casualties, blood stained the ice field red, and even Xu Huang's The war horse was also shot by two arrows, and Xu Huang fell to the ice field.

Xu Huang saw that the originally dense Cao army soldiers became sparse, and the ice field was full of soldiers who were killed by arrows. At least 5000 soldiers had been lost. He had no choice but to order: "Retreat immediately!"

'when!when!when! When the bell for retreat sounded, the soldiers of Cao Jun were relieved, and retreated to the Yellow River ice sheet like an ebb tide. The first breakout ended in failure.

The ice field was full of exhausted soldiers of Cao Jun. They huddled together, warmed each other with their bodies, and struggled against the harsh cold from the bottom of the river. Xu Huang and several generals gathered together to discuss the way out, but the map The signs chilled them all. They could continue eastward or westward, but no matter whether they were eastward or westward, the next landing point would be fifty miles away from them, and they couldn't reach the landing point at all.

Even Xu Huang's eyes showed a trace of despair. They fell into the trap of the Han army, and they had no other way out except to walk out of the Yellow River in Yanjin.

The few generals all looked at Xu Huang. The first time they broke through, they killed and injured more than [-] people, and their morale suffered a heavy blow. Even if they rushed to the shore with all their might, they still had no way out when faced with the encirclement of tens of thousands of Han soldiers. , In fact, several partial generals understood that they had no other way to survive except surrender.

Xu Huang also understood in his heart, but he couldn't make up his mind to betray Cao Wei and surrender. At this moment, a soldier came to report, "General, the Han army who joined the army last time is here again."

Xu Huang looked at several generals, and all the generals nodded, unanimously agreeing with the Han army persuading surrender, Xu Huang secretly sighed, "Bring him here!"

After a while, Zhang Xin, who joined the army, was brought up. He bowed and saluted, "See General Xu!"

Xu Huang said indifferently: "Did Zhang Canjun come to persuade me to surrender?"

Zhang Xin took out a thick stack of letters from his pocket and handed it to Xu Huang, "Return this to the general first."

Xu Huang was stunned when he received the letter. These were all his appealing letters to Yedu. There were ten letters in total, and one was quite a few. It turned out that all the ten messengers he sent were captured by the Han army. His last hope was also shattered, he sighed a long time, "Unexpectedly, I, Xu Huang, will have a dead end!"

Zhang Xin smiled slightly and said: "Captain Zhao gave the general two ways, I wonder if the general is willing to listen?"

Before Xu Huang could make a statement, several generals beside him said in unison: "Sir, please tell me!"

Xu Huang had no choice but to nod his head, expressing his willingness to listen. Zhang Xin said calmly, "One way is to surrender. The general will lead Cao's army to surrender. The Han army will recruit Cao's soldiers. Those who don't want to join the army can be released and go home as peasants." , the other is to be captured, that is to say, Cao Jun’s soldiers are all prisoners of war, and they may go to mines or military camps for three years before they are released, and the general can choose between two routes.”

Xu Huang looked back at the soldiers. The Cao Jun soldiers all looked panic-stricken and their eyes were full of pity. He couldn't bear it, so he said in a deep voice: "All my soldiers choose to surrender, but I, Xu Huang, choose to be captured. I would rather Even if you die in battle or become a prisoner of war, you will never surrender to the Han army."

Zhang Xin nodded, "Just follow the general's words!"

Holding a big ax in his hand, Xu Huang turned around and strode towards the south bank. The soldiers got up one after another and wanted to follow him, but Xu Huang yelled sharply: "Everyone is not allowed to move, this is my military order!"

The soldiers stared blankly at Xu Huang's figure going away, and many soldiers knelt down and burst into tears.

Zhao Yun watched Xu Huang striding forward alone on the south bank, he immediately understood, and couldn't help sighing slightly: "The real name is also general!"

Zhao Yun turned to Pang Deling and said, "Don't hurt him, he should be captured alive!"

Pang De gave an order, and led a thousand cavalry to rush towards Xu Huang.

. . . . . . . .

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