Cao Zhang led [-] troops to escape from Cao Jun's camp, and rushed all the way east. Cao Zhang had a gloomy face and said nothing, full of remorse and hatred in his heart. He regretted that he should not have led his army south to Yedu.

If he had [-] elite soldiers at that time, he could go directly to Liaodong, establish a foundation in Liaodong, and even conquer Koryo, and save Cao Wei Sheji overseas by himself, it was his mistake that caused him to choose the wrong direction.

Cao Zhang also hated Xiahou Dun's cruelty and self-willedness very much. Half of Cao Wei Sheji was destroyed by him, including most of his own army.

Now that Yedu has been defeated by the Han army, and the third brother and Baiguan surrendered, he has no way out, so he can only rush to Liaodong, and rebuild the Cao Wei Sheji with the [-] troops in his hand.

Cao Zhang led an army of [-] to march all the way. When it was about to dawn, he led the army for fifty miles. In front of him was a low valley with lush forests on both sides. This was the junction of Changshan County and Julu County. There were no cities around. , across the valley is Julu County.

Only then did Cao Zhang breathe a sigh of relief. At this moment, he looked back and found that the soldiers were all exhausted. The marching team had stretched to five or six miles, so he stopped the horses and ordered: "The front army is suspended!"

The soldiers of the former army also stopped one after another. The line was too long, and he had to wait for the soldiers behind him. It was a long way to Liaodong, so he couldn't go too hastily.

At this moment, there was a loud drum beating in the valleys on both sides, and the shouts of killing shook the sky, and two armies were seen rushing out, one from the left and the other from the right.

The veteran on the right, with white hair and white beard, has a majestic figure and a machete with a golden back in his hand. It is the veteran Huang Zhong, while the general on the left holds a pair of halberds. He is tall and burly, with sharp eyes, but it is Gan Ning.

In order to wipe out the last Cao army without leaving any loopholes, Liu Jing has already laid a net. To the west is the Taihang Mountain, and Cao army has nowhere to go.

Liu Jing personally led the main force to block Cao Jun's road going north, while Zhao Yun and Wenpin's army blocked Cao Jun's south going road.

However, Huang Zhong and Gan Ning led [-] troops to raid from the east, just to block Cao Jun's retreat to the east, but they happened to intercept Cao Zhang's army who was about to flee to Liaodong.

Cao Zhang was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were split, he pulled his horse and fled. Huang Zhong could see clearly, he drew an arrow, drew the bow and put it on, the bow was drawn like a full moon, the string was loosened, and the spike shot out like lightning.

Although they were fifty paces apart, Huang Zhong's superb archery skills made it difficult for Cao Zhang to escape. This arrow hit the back of Cao Zhang's neck, and the tip of the arrow protruded from his throat. Cao Zhang clutched his throat and fell off the horse.

The [-] Han troops came from all directions, cutting off all the retreat routes of the Youzhou army, and killing the Youzhou army, crying for their father and mother, kneeling and surrendering one after another.

At this time, Huang Zhong urged his horse to run to Cao Zhang's side. Seeing that Cao Zhang was not dead, he still breathed a sigh of relief. He drew out a short fine steel spear and stabbed it down fiercely.

Some people can accept surrender, but some people must die in battle. This is the account of Han Wang Liu Jing to the generals of the armies. Huang Zhong has experienced the world for a long time, and he deeply understands the meaning of Han Wang's words

The 40 Cao army has been besieged by nearly [-] Han troops in Gaoyi County for three days. The soldiers are depressed and the morale of the army has collapsed. All the soldiers know that the city of Yedu has been broken, and the soldiers of the Cao army have no desire to fight. They are waiting for the moment when the general orders to surrender. .

At night, the melancholy music of Hu Jia Eighteen Beats came from all around. Voice.

The soldiers fell to their knees with tears streaming down their faces, and even the thousands of tiger and cardinal guard cavalry guarding the gate of the camp were also saddened.

Without the obstruction of the tiger guards, the gate of Cao Jun's camp opened wide. Countless Cao Jun soldiers took off their armor and discarded their weapons.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Xiahoudun was sitting alone at the table drinking. A dozen empty wine jugs had been discarded beside him. Xiahoudun drank one cup after another, and he was [-]% drunk.

At this time, a personal guard rushed to report in a panic: "General, the barracks is out of control, there are too many deserters, it is impossible to stop."

Xiahou Dun acted as if he hadn't heard anything, and was still drinking a glass of wine. At this time, his confidant rushed to Zhao Kai and said loudly: "General, hurry up, we can get out of the encirclement in the midst of surrendering troops."

Xiahou Dun stood up, and slowly said to the soldiers beside him: "You all go get ready! I'll pack up a little bit, and I'll come out."

All the soldiers left their tents to prepare their horses and weapons, but Xiahou Dun took his own sword from the sword stand next to him. He slowly pulled out the sword, the blade gleamed coldly and was extremely sharp.

This is still Yuan Shao's sword. 20 years ago, Wei Gong personally gave this sword to himself. He once raised the sword and swore that the sword is with Cao Jun!

"It's God's will!"

Xiahoudun suddenly smiled miserably, and wiped the horizontal sword towards his neck, a splash of blood spurted out, Xiahoudun committed suicide

The main general Xiahou Dun committed suicide, the Cao army was over, Zhang Liao, Guo Huai and Xu Chu raised their troops to surrender to the Han army, and the last 40 Cao army died in the siege of [-] Han troops

Three days later, under the guard of [-] cavalry, Liu Jing slowly entered the last capital of the old Han Dynasty from the north of Yedu. On both sides of the street, every household put up incense tables and knelt down to welcome His Highness the King of Han into the city.

At this moment, Liu Jing's heart was full of ups and downs. He raised troops from Chaisang and fought for nearly 18 years. He finally broke through the last obstacle and unified the world.

Scenes of war slowly passed before his eyes again, everything seemed to have happened yesterday, but how many years have passed.

Before Liu Jing arrived at the Ye Palace, the Ye Palace had been sealed off by the Han army, the Empress Dowager Cao Jie was under house arrest, and the child emperor was also invited to step down from the throne of emperor. The front of the Ye Palace was full of Han army guards.

At this time, Liu Hu came forward and reported: "His Royal Highness, Yedu closed the warehouse and closed the palace, and there was no chaos."

Liu Jing nodded, "Thank you!"

He got off his horse and walked quickly to Ye Palace. Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang followed behind him and walked in front of the main hall. Liu Jing looked up at the majestic main hall.

He turned his head to Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi and said with a smile: "More than one person persuaded me to burn down the Tongque Palace and Ye Palace after the invasion of Yedu, and completely cut off the royal spirit of Cao Wei and the old Han Dynasty. What do you two think?"

Sima Yi smiled slightly and said: "After Cao Cao captured Xiangyang, some people advised him to burn down Liu Biao's state pastoral mansion, but Cao Cao said that the king's spirit is in the hearts of the people, unless you kill the people of the world, otherwise the king's spirit will come from anywhere , I will forward this sentence to Your Highness!"

Liu Jing laughed loudly, "Well said! Wang Qi is free from the hearts of the people."

He strode up the Dragon's Tail Steps with a dozen guards following him, but was stopped by Liu Jing with a wave of his hand and told the guards to wait outside, he walked into the Xuanzheng Hall alone.

The hall was wide and empty. At this time, Liu Jing's eyes fell on the tall ivory dragon couch. In Chang'an, there was also such an ivory dragon couch inlaid with gold rims. It was a symbol of supremacy, but he had never sat on it. Pass.

But today, at this moment, Liu Jing slowly walked up the jade steps, turned around and sat down on the dragon couch. He looked up at the empty hall, imagining that both sides were full of civil and military officials.

He suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness, but this feeling of loneliness was only fleeting, and then a kind of ambition to look down on the world emerged in his chest.

Liu Jing stood up smugly, it's time, Rui Zhao should appear.

(End of the book)


As usual, Lao Gao wants to say a few words to finish this speech

There are 1 Three Kingdoms for 1 Chinese.

Lao Gao is no exception.

I have loved "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" since I was a child

I don't know how many times I watched it.

I also have my own Three Kingdoms in my heart.

Write down your own Three Kingdoms,

It has also become Lao Gao's long-cherished wish.

but. . . .

Just like liking a dish doesn’t mean you can cook it,

Lao Gao really couldn't write the feeling he longed for.

So many things happened this year,

More or less affected the writing of this book.

But this is not the main reason.

The main reason is that Lao Gao is really unfamiliar with this period of history.

I also bought a lot of history books on this subject.

But still can't escape the shackles of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms",

Of course, it was written for it.

Some people say that novels are not history books,

Don't follow history too much.

It's not that simple.

It's like learning abacus,

First of all, you must memorize the abacus formula,

Then forget the abacus formula.

The same goes for writing historical fiction.

First of all, to understand the history,

Then forget about history,

Only then can a good book be written by hand.

To give readers a bucket of water,

First of all, you need a well yourself.

I have a deeper understanding of the history of the Sui and Tang Dynasties,

But his understanding of the Three Kingdoms is the same as that of most Chinese.

It's just a Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Naturally, the feeling of history cannot be written.

it's finally over,

Good or bad, good or bad, good or bad.

None of this matters.

What matters is that it's over.

Then I can rewrite the Tang Dynasty,

Write about this dynasty that haunts my dreams and is deeply attached to me.

Sometimes I even suspect that I have traveled from Datang.

Let us dream back to Datang.

The new book has been uploaded on Genesis.

Title of the book "The Mad Men of the Tang Dynasty"


A man with lofty aspirations and courage to forge ahead.

A book of positive energy,

Children can also watch it.

You have been following Lao Gao for more than a year.

Why don't you take a few more steps,

How about taking a look at Lao Gao's new book?

Lao Gao has been preparing for a year!

Definitely worth watching.

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