Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 118 The first arrow test

Although the wine of love is sweet, it is not advisable to be intoxicated in it. Liu Jing urged his horse back to the barracks. Soon, his whole body and mind were devoted to practicing arrows hard.

It has been the fifth day since Huang Zhong taught him the first day, although two hundred arrows a day does not sound like much, but for the soft strings of the big bow of the step bow, two hundred arrows is really nothing.

But this is riding and archery. Every arrow has to be shot while running. Without Takahashi saddle and stirrups, the horse is mainly held by the legs, which requires great crotch strength and extremely high requirements for body balance. It takes a lot of energy to shoot an arrow.

Moreover, the cavalry bow is smaller than the step bow, and its power is great. It needs arm strength to shoot the bow. An ordinary cavalryman shoots ten arrows in a row, and his arms are numb. For a general, shooting twenty arrows in one breath, both arms It is about to lose strength, so at most about fifty to sixty arrows will be shot in an hour, and an average of one arrow will be shot every 2 minutes.

But as his strength and skills continue to increase, the strength of his bow and arrow will increase, and his archery efficiency will also increase. Now he has improved. At the beginning, he could only shoot fifty arrows in an hour, and now he has gradually increased to sixty. , mainly because the horse control skills have been improved.

Usually Liu Jing practices arrows, arranges 150 arrows during the day and [-] arrows at night, mainly because he wants to practice night arrows at the same time, the time is relatively leisurely, but today he went to Longzhong and spent a whole day, so he can only make up for the day at night missing.

He had to shoot [-] arrows a night, and he had to go swimming to practice swords. With such a strong amount of training, Liu Jing sighed. He didn't want to sleep tonight.

Sixty steps away, there is a stick of incense that flickers and dims on the grass man. It takes good eyesight to see it. The moonlight is good today, and the outline of the grass man can be faintly seen. Liu Jing galloped his horse, and he had already controlled After regaining his balance, an arrow was strung, and sixty steps away, he drew the bow like a full moon, and a mace arrow shot straight at the straw man sixty steps away.

It didn't matter whether he hit it or not, Liu Jing pulled out another arrow and wound it to the string, galloped his horse for a few steps, but unexpectedly found that the incense was gone, and the top of the straw man target was completely dark.

He wondered, was the incense blown out by the wind?

He urged the horse to go forward, only to realize that the arrow just now just extinguished the head of the incense stick. Although it was just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, Liu Jing was still overjoyed. It became reality in his hands.


Early the next morning, Liu Hu led Li Jun, the head of the village who had just been transferred from Youjiao, to the door of Liu Jing's room. From afar, he saw Wei Yan standing at the door hesitating, Liu Hu was overjoyed, "Old Wei , when did you come back?"

After the Battle of Xinye, Liu Biao bestowed rewards on meritorious officers and soldiers. Liu Jing specially asked Liu Biao for two small houses, both of which were two acres in size, located in Fancheng. One of them was given to Deng Wu's wife and children, and the other was given to Wei Yan. He specially asked for ten days of leave, and went back to his hometown Yiyang to pick up his mother, wife and daughter.

Wei Yan smiled, "I just came back early this morning, and settled the old mother, wife and daughter, so I came here to sell the vacation."

Seeing that the door was still closed, Liu Hu couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Aren't you up yet?"

Wei Yan shook his head, "I heard that Marquis Jun only went to bed when the sky was about to dawn, and practiced martial arts all night."

Liu Hu stuck out his tongue, annoyed and blamed himself: "Damn it, if only I had the perseverance, I slept like a pig last night."

Wei Yan glanced at Li Jun behind Liu Hu, and asked with a smile, "This is it."

Liu Hu quickly introduced, "This is Li Jincao from the former Tourist Payment Office. He has just been transferred to our place as the head of the village."

Wei Yan also knew that the Youjiao Office was known as the number one job in Jingzhou. This person actually gave up his position as Jincao and came to be the gatekeeper of Fancheng. It was incredible. How much courage was needed.

Wei Yan couldn't help being awed, cupped his hands and said, "Wei Yan admires Li Jincao's courage."

Li Jun smiled wryly, he couldn't help what job he did, so he could only sigh, "You pay office is not a place for people to stay, and two governors have died in a row in the past two months. I still follow Liu Junhou Shuchang, and there is still a future."

Wei Yan nodded, "It seems that Li Jincao is also a sensible person."

At this time, the door opened, Liu Jing looked tired, his eyes were red, and he said hoarsely, "Come in!"

Last night Liu Jing practiced until dawn before he finally completed the task of [-] arrows. His arms were exhausted and he was exhausted. Liu Jing sat down, closed his eyes, and let his thoughts slowly recover. At this time, a The soldier came in with a cup of strong tea.

Liu Jing took a sip of tea, regained consciousness a little, and then smiled and said, "Don't practice arrows during the day, but hug Buddha's feet at night. This method really kills people. Later, the bow can't be pulled anymore."

"There's no need for the Marquis to work so hard!"

Wei Yan said with a smile: "Arrow training is the same as martial arts training. It relies on long-term accumulation. When I was practicing riding and archery, I shot one hundred arrows a day, and two hundred arrows was too much."

Liu Jing couldn't help but said bitterly: "Huang Laoxie doesn't think so. He also hinted to me that at least 250 arrows a day will be needed. If 250 arrows will be more effective, listen, [-] arrows a day, I suspect he is Change the way to kill me."

When everyone heard Liu Jing calling Huang Zhong Huang Laoxie, they couldn't help laughing.

Liu Jing smiled at Li Jun again: "I have seen the military cao transfer order, and welcome the arrival of Chief Li!"

Li Jun knelt down on one knee, "I am willing to serve the Marquis."

Liu Jing knew that Li Jun was an extremely shrewd and capable person, especially because he had many friends and many ways, and his presence would be of great help to him, which made him feel very relieved, but Liu Jing never dreamed of Li Jun's true identity.


A few days later, according to the agreement ten days ago, Liu Jing came to the Southern Army camp early in the morning, preparing to accept Huang Zhong's first acceptance test.

In the middle of the school grounds stood a grass man and grass horse, wearing an iron helmet, wearing leather armor, and holding a spear in his hand. Out of a white line, Liu Jing must be outside the white line, and hit the 'Cao Jun Cavalry' with an arrow while running at high speed.

Huang Zhong took out an ox horn and blew his head up to the sky. The low sound of the horn resounded through the school field, and he saw a corner of the school field galloping with horses galloping, dust flying, and a cavalry team of 300 men rushed out. Spears, 50 people in a team, run around the 'Cao Jun Cavalry', creating obstacles, Liu Jing must seize the opportunity in the chaotic army, and hit the target with one arrow.

At this time, Huang Zhong shouted again: "Get ready! Finish within thirty drumbeats."

He played the drumstick himself, beat the drum violently, and only heard 'boom!Boom!Boom! 'The war drums sounded loudly, and an arrow must be shot within thirty drums.

There were disturbances from the army, there was a time limit, and he had to hit the target with one blow, which put a lot of pressure on Liu Jing. He took a deep breath, galloped out, controlled the horse with both legs, held the bow with his left hand, and held the bow with his right hand from behind. An arrow was drawn from the back quiver, and the movement was extremely skillful.

From this short run of more than twenty steps, Huang Zhong nodded secretly. Liu Jing's ability to control the horse has improved significantly compared to the last time. In just ten days, this child is worthy of being a martial arts prodigy, which made Huang Zhong feel very relieved.

Five days ago, there was a grand banquet in the Huang Mansion. Liu Jing stole the limelight at the banquet and defeated Huang She. His reputation had spread throughout Jingxiang. Because Huang Zhong was on duty, he did not participate in the family banquet of his clan brothers, but he knew the next day. After reading the details, Huang Zhong was not happy. He only cared about whether Liu Jing completed the task of [-] arrows he assigned on time every day. Obviously, Liu Jing didn't have time to shoot arrows, which made him extremely annoyed.

It wasn't until the day before yesterday that he heard that Liu Jing practiced martial arts all night after he came back, and his anger calmed down. He deliberately increased the difficulty of today's exam, in order to teach this kid a lesson in arrogance.

Huang Zhong beat the drum vigorously, and the sound of the drum was like thunder, "Boom!Boom!Boom! It was already 23 shots, Huang Zhong stared at Liu Jing sharply, and saw that he had no intention of shooting an arrow, and the three hundred cavalry were running so dizzyingly, the field was dusty, and his vision became blurred.

Huang Zhong squinted his eyes and increased his strength, "Boom—boom—boom! 'Already No.20 eight times.

"Boom—" No.20 made nine beeps.

At this moment, Liu Jing suddenly launched, drawing the bow like a moon, and shooting an arrow like a shooting star. A mace arrow pierced through the mist-like dust, passed through the gaps of the running cavalry, and shot directly at the grass cavalry.

"Boom—" No.30 sounded.

Huang Zhong stopped beating the drum, and the cavalry stopped immediately. Hundreds of pairs of eyes turned to look at the grass cavalry, only to see a spike stabbed firmly in the grass cavalry's chest, and there was a sudden sound on the school field. There was a lot of applause, and even Liu Jing felt a little shyly proud.

Huang Zhong stroked his white beard lightly, and smiled slightly, it is not unusual to shoot grass cavalrymen, but Liu Jing was also counting the drumbeats in his heart, this is called making decisions before moving, it is rare, and a child can be taught!

. .

On the school field, Huang Zhong and Liu Jing walked slowly side by side, "What have you gained from practicing arrows in these ten days?" Huang Zhong asked with a slight smile.

Liu Jing pondered for a while and said, "My biggest achievement is not actually being able to hit the target with one arrow, but the ability to control the horse is greatly improved, which is also very beneficial for me to fight immediately."

"You are right. This is why riding and archery is the foundation of a general. This is the reason. Only those with strong riding and archery abilities can control horses to fight."

"How should this junior practice archery next?" Liu Jing asked again.

Huang Zhong smiled, "It's the same as now, two hundred arrows a day, but next time I will shoot arrows seventy steps away."

"Huang Gong, can the next inspection be in a month's time? I'm going to Chai Sang tomorrow to attend the birthday of the old man of the Tao family. The state shepherd has also specially granted a leave of absence. It may take half a month before I can come back."

In fact, Huang Zhong was just worried that Liu Jing would be lazy, but he was very satisfied with today's results, so he was relieved. Liu Jing is a person with self-control, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Huang Zhong stroked his beard and said with a smile: "One month is too long, let's say 20 days! After 20 days of acceptance, if you shoot three arrows at seventy paces, all three arrows must hit the target. Do you understand?"

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