Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 136 Seizing Power

Before dawn, there was the sound of groups of soldiers running in Chaisang City. They held torches and knocked on doors from house to house to mobilize the young and strong to participate in the defense of the city.

Various prestigious families, including Chaisang, are also mobilizing people with relevant interests to participate in the defense. This is undoubtedly more useful than the government's persuasion.

Two large flags were erected at the north and south gates of Chaisang, with the word "recruitment" written on them. This is Liu Jing recruiting his private soldiers Qubu with generous treatment, and the money and food needed will all be borne by the Tao family. , the required weapons and armor will be issued by Chaisang Armory.

Chaisang City has already been boiling, and everyone is in a state of uneasiness and turmoil, especially the young and strong men, who either join the civilian husbands to participate in the defense of the city, or sign up to participate in the music department of Mr. Jing. In contrast, Liu Jing gave The treatment is significantly higher than that of civilian husbands, and even more than that of regular soldiers.

For a while, there were long queues at the two recruiting places at the north and south gates, and soon there were more than two thousand people, and Liu Jing only planned to recruit one thousand private soldiers.

For Liu Jing, this was an opportunity. He could take advantage of the Jiangdong army's attack on Chaisang to start developing his own Qubu private soldiers, and at the same time get strong support from the Tao family in terms of money and food.

On the top of the wall, Zhou Ling watched Liu Jing's recruitment of Qubu's private soldiers with complicated eyes, and he also felt that something was wrong. Logically, Liu Jing only came to Chaisang to attend the Tao family's birthday, just a passer-by.

But at this time, he actually started recruiting soldiers in the city, so what should be done with these private soldiers after this battle is over?

Will Liu Jing leave Chaisang?Zhou Ling couldn't help thinking of Huang Zu's worries. At first, he thought Huang Zu's worries were unfounded, but now it seems that Huang Zu's worries are not groundless.

"General, it should be recruited by the army. How did it become Mr. Jing's private recruit?"

A confidant village head worried: "Should we stop his ultra vires behavior?"

Zhou Ling shook his head, "Let's talk about it later!"

He was preoccupied with another important matter.

. . . . . . . . .

The day was getting brighter, and the Jiangdong Army was ready to attack. Although the Jiangdong Army did not carry heavy siege weapons such as ladders, it did not mean that they could not attack the city. The Jiangdong Army spent one night cutting down hundreds of tall trees Strong and straight bamboo, each bamboo wood is six or seven feet long, much higher than the city.

They used the method of tying bamboo rafts to tie more than [-] rafts, and fixed thick logs on the rafts with big iron nails so that their feet could step on and climb, thus forming a simple city climbing. Bamboo ladder.

The sky was bright white, the dawn was bright, and a thin layer of morning mist surrounded the head of Chaisang city. Xu Sheng stood on the bow of the boat, staring at the tall and strong city wall not far away. The opponent used fire attack to attack the water The city gate has become unrealistic.

He decided to attack in two ways, one as the main force, attacking the city directly, and the other as an auxiliary, still attacking the water gate, if the east is not bright and the west is bright, he believes that there must be one side that will work.

"General Xu!"

A sergeant rushed to report, "General Pan is ready to attack the city!"

General Pan is the great general Pan Zhang. He has the same position as Xu Sheng, and he is the official of the other department. But Pan Zhang is from the north, and although Xu Sheng is also from Langya County in the north, his wife Lu is from a famous local family in Wu County. , the local network is stronger than that of Pan Zhang.

Sun Quan finally appointed Xu Sheng as the chief general and Pan Zhang as the assistant general, and ordered them to capture Chaisang.

Xu Sheng nodded slowly, and resolutely ordered: "Pass on my order, beat the drums and gather troops!"

'Boom!Boom!Boom! '

The huge war drums sounded, and three thousand Jiangdong soldiers quickly assembled by the Cao River, with bright armor and spears like a forest. Although the sneak attack failed, it did not affect the morale of the Jiangdong Army. Their morale was still high and murderous.

On the top of the city, five hundred soldiers were holding bows and spears, and they were ready for battle. In addition to the five hundred soldiers, there were more than two thousand civilian men dressed in white to assist the army in defending the city.

Holding the knife handle in his hand, Zhou Ling anxiously looked at the Jiangdong Army in the distance. In the twilight, he could already see the situation of the Jiangdong Army clearly, especially seeing dozens of siege ladders, which made him feel even more heavy.

"General, it shouldn't be a big problem."

A village chief comforted Zhou Ling in a low voice, "Young Master Jing still has a thousand recruits, while the other party only has 3000 soldiers. Relying on Jiancheng, they should be able to defeat them."

Zhou Ling looked to the other side of the city wall, there were 500 newly recruited soldiers, led by Liu Jing's subordinate Wang Tai, and Liu Jing led another [-] people to guard the water gate.

Zhou Ling sighed in his heart, and his determination to resist was shaken. If Chaisang City was destroyed, not only his own life, but also his family would be ruined. This time, he only has 500 people, and the possibility of defending Chaisang is too small.

He bowed his head and thought to himself: "It seems that I should write a letter to Jiangdong Army." '

. . . . . . .

Next to the water gate of the Wengcheng, Liu Jing led five hundred recruits to stand guard on both sides of the water gate. They were wearing armor, holding crossbow arrows and spears, and they all focused on the Cao River outside the city.

Among the 300 new recruits, at least [-] were servants of the Tao family. They had all received rigorous training, and all of them were highly skilled in martial arts.

He was already considering whether the three hundred warriors should be returned to the Tao family after the battle was over.

Liu Jing also changed into a suit of armor, holding a blue shadow gun in his hand, a bow and arrow on his back, and staring out of the city with piercing eyes.

According to the division of labor between him and Zhou Ling, half of the 1000 people he recruited were to defend the city, and the other 500 people were responsible for guarding the water gate. No matter what tactic the Jiangdong army used to attack the city, the water gate was the place they must attack.

At this moment, Liu Jing suddenly found Wang Tai coming down the city with a large group of soldiers, and couldn't help but be taken aback, "What's going on!"

"My lord, the county magistrate of Zhou didn't allow us to guard the city and drove us down."

Liu Jing frowned, what does Zhou Ling mean by driving all his people out of the city, what does he want to do?

Liu Jing already clearly felt Zhou Ling's rejection of him, and he didn't give him any chance. It seemed that Zhou Ling had already noticed it, and he had to implement the plan as soon as possible.

He changed his mind, thought of a plan, beckoned to call a confidant, whispered a few words to him, the subordinate understood, and immediately ran away.

Zhou Ling drove all Mrs. Liu Jing's men out of the city, and immediately summoned several trusted generals to discuss.

"I don't want to fight this battle!"

Zhou Ling openly expressed his thoughts to everyone.

Everyone looked at each other, and a general couldn't help but said: "County magistrate, we now have 500 people and thousands of civilian husbands, while the other party only has 3000 people, I think..."

"do not talk!"

Zhou Ling interrupted him coldly, "The 3000 people are just the vanguard. There are tens of thousands of Jiangdong troops on Peng Ze's side, and they will be killed soon. How can I resist then?"

Everyone didn't dare to say anything more. At this time, a soldier rushed over and whispered something in Zhou Ling's ear. Zhou Ling nodded and said to everyone: "Let's do this first! Let's look at the situation again. If it doesn't work, we will surrender. There is no need." He lost his life for others."

The others here refer to Huang Zu, and he no longer wants to work for Huang Zu. . . . . .

Zhou Ling walked down the city quickly with two soldiers, and walked into an alley near the north city gate. There was a person standing at the gate of a small courtyard, and he saluted Zhou Ling: "I have been waiting for Magistrate Zhou for a long time."

Zhou Ling turned his head and told his two subordinates: "Wait here, I will come right away."

Zhou Ling followed the other party into the small courtyard. He always believed that Jiang Dong must have spies hidden in Chaisang, otherwise, how could the other party be so accurate in timing. Only now did he know that Jiang Dong's spies were hidden here.

A young man stood at the entrance of the main hall of the courtyard. He smiled and bowed to Zhou Ling, "Magistrate Zhou is indeed sincere and willing to surrender to our Jiangdong."

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Zhou Ling said coldly: "Who is the leader here, I want to talk to him."

"The leader is waiting in the house, County Magistrate Zhou please!"

The other party put on a gesture of invitation, Zhou Ling straightened his waist and put his hands behind his back and walked into the room. As soon as he entered the room, Zhou Ling was stunned for a moment, only to see Liu Jing pointing at him with a military crossbow in his hand, with a half smile in his eyes.

Zhou Ling suddenly understood. He was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to run, but it was too late, and he only heard 'Ka! With a sound, a crossbow arrow shot out like a poisonous snake, hitting Zhou Ling's chest.

Zhou Ling screamed, fell to the ground and died, Liu Jing stepped forward, took out a letter from his arms, opened it, read it again, glanced at Zhou Ling's body, and said with a sneer: "If there is no surrender, Xin, will you end up now?"

. . . . . . . . .

On the top of the city, hundreds of soldiers gathered at one place. Liu Jing held up Zhou Ling's letter and shouted at everyone: "This is the evidence that Zhou Ling has secretly communicated with Jiangdong. This person is trying to sacrifice the city and surrender. Beheaded by me with military law, is there anyone dissatisfied with this treatment?"

The crowd was silent, more than a dozen generals in the front row lowered their heads and did not dare to speak. Liu Jing passed the letter to the generals to read, and everyone began to discuss in a low voice. Someone who could read proved that this was indeed Zhou Ling's personal letter.

Several military officers who participated in the discussion just now knew it well. Although they were a little dissatisfied with Liu Jing's killing of Zhou Ling, the evidence was solid and they had nothing to say.

An old village chief named Sang Ming responded very quickly, and immediately clasped his fists and said, "Zhou Ling colluded with the enemy, and he deserves to die. We are willing to obey the command of Mr. Jing!"

Everyone came to their senses and bowed together to salute, "I would like to obey Mr. Jing's command!"

Hundreds of sergeants knelt down on one knee and shouted loudly: "I am willing to obey the command of Mr. Jing and fight against Jiangdong Army!"

Liu Jing narrowed his eyes and smiled, this was the effect he wanted.

He glanced back at the village head who had taken the lead in allegiance just now, and ordered loudly, "Where is Sang Ming?"

"Humble job!" Sang Ming knelt down on one knee.

"I appoint you as the Marquis of the Left Army, and lead 500 people to defend the eastern section of the city wall!"

"Obey!" Sang Ming was overjoyed. After getting rid of Zhou Ling, he was the first to gain.

Liu Jing said to his confidant Wang Tai: "General Wang can lead another 500 people to defend the western section of the city wall. If the eastern section is in danger, they can provide timely support."

"Follow your orders!"

Replacing Zhou Ling's power, Liu Jing redeployed the city wall and dispersed two thousand civilians.Incorporated into the defense army in the eastern section. At this time, the Jiangdong Army's arrows have been fired, and the war is imminent.

. . . . . . . . . .

"My lord, they are here!" A soldier pointed to Caohe outside the city and shouted in a low voice.

Everyone became tense and stared intently at the Cao River outside the city. Liu Jing also saw that a long black object was slowly floating towards the water gate, like a giant boa constrictor floating on the water.

"This is the battering ram for attacking the water gate!"

An experienced soldier recognized this object and explained to Liu Jing: "It's actually a solid tree trunk with a sharpened front and covered with iron sheets to hit the fence of the water gate. Although it can't break the iron fence, it can It can deform the iron gate and knock out a big hole."

"Where are the Jiangdong soldiers hiding? Under water?" Liu Jing asked again.

"Just hide under the battering ram, and breathe through the reed tube."

Liu Jing also saw that there were more than a dozen thin black pipes on both sides of the long battering ram.

"Listen to my orders, crossbow arrows are ready!"

Three hundred military crossbows were raised at the same time, aiming at the battering ram that was getting closer and closer. Just as the battering ram was about to approach the water gate, Liu Jing gave the order: "Shoot!"

Three hundred arrows shot at the battering ram at the same time, most of them were blocked by the two iron fences, and some of them hit the battering ram, but dozens of arrows still shot into the water.

Blood gushed out of the water, staining the river red, and corpses began to float up.

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering drum sound in the distance, and the drum sound was rapid, and the Jiangdong Army's large-scale siege battle began.

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