Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 152 Dispute in the main hall

After a while, Liu Jing walked into the lobby quickly, and happened to be facing Huang Zu who was sitting in the last row. Today Liu Jing came here specially to meet Liu Biao, and unexpectedly, he happened to meet Huang Zu to report on his work.

The two had already torn their skins apart, at this moment when the enemies met, they were extremely jealous, Huang Zu's pupils shrank, his small eyes narrowed into a line, shining with a menacing fierce light.

But today Huang Zu made up his mind to meet with him in a low-key and humble manner, so even in front of Liu Jing, he would not show his true colors.

Huang Zu stood up, cupped his hands with a smile and said, "I didn't expect to meet Mr. Jing here. I always want to thank Mr. Jing for defeating the Jiangdong army in Chaisang and saving Jiangxia. Please accept my gift, Mr. Jing."

After speaking, Huang Zu bowed deeply to Liu Jing.

Liu Jing smiled slightly, and replied: "Chai Sang's victory was not due to Liu Jing alone, it was the result of the concerted efforts of Chaisang's army and people, and Mr. Huang came to help in time. Today, I, Liu Jing, would rather not have merit, but also protect Mr. Huang. great merit."

Huang Zu chuckled, "Young Master Jing loves dogs, Huang Zu will always remember that in his heart."

In the lobby, everyone was surprised. It was rumored that Liu Jing and Huang Zu were at odds, but today, it seems that the relationship between the two is not bad. They actually give in to each other and show merits to each other. The relationship is very harmonious. It can be seen that the rumors cannot be believed.

Among the officials, only Cai Mao and Kuai Yue sneered.

No one knows the situation in front of them better than them. Jiang Xia is full of murderous intentions, and the war is about to break out. The politeness of the two cannot conceal the crisis in front of them.

But Liu Biao remained expressionless. He was observing Huang Zu from another angle. From Huang Zu's low profile today, especially his condescending attitude towards Liu Jing, Liu Biao understood Huang Zu's intention for this trip to Xiangyang.

Huang Zu wanted to reconcile with himself and keep his Jiangxia position, Liu Biao sneered in his heart, reconciliation is not impossible, the key is what price Huang Zu has to pay.

Thinking of this, Liu Biao has a measure in his heart, and today's job report can just go through the formalities, and there is no need to talk about substantive issues.

Liu Jing walked into the lobby quickly, bowed and said: "The lowly Fancheng Army Marquis Liu Jing will see the state pastor!"

Liu Biao waved his hand, "Marquis Liu Jun, please stand up!"

Seeing his nephew, Liu Biao was really happy in his heart. He repelled the Jiangdong army's attack for himself, and took advantage of the situation to capture Chaisang, changing the situation in Jiangxia. Otherwise, Huang Zu would not come to plead guilty in such a low-key way today, and he wanted to reward him well. Liu Jing.

In fact, Liu Biao had already made up his mind on how to reward Liu Jing. He even considered it before Liu Jing set off for Chaisang, but he never thought that Liu Jing's victory would come so quickly.

Liu Biao glanced at Cai Mao, saw that he was nervous, and then glanced at Huang Zu from a distance, he also seemed restless and restless.

Liu Biao smiled, and said to Cai Mao, "What merit do the military adviser think Liu Jing, the Marquis, can confer?"

Liu Biao's question surprised many people. According to the normal procedure, the meritorious officer should announce Liu Jing's merits in public, and award them according to Liu Biao's pre-planned award. If there is no objection after the third reading, it will be officially passed.

But today, without declaring meritorious deeds or reading rewards, Zhou Mu went directly to ask Cai Mao, which was really puzzling, but soon everyone understood that Liu Jing's battle of Chaisang was related to Huang Zu, and the two showed up at the same time today , extraordinary, I am afraid that Liu Jing's award will not be so simple.

There was silence in the hall, and countless pairs of eyes were watching Cai Mao. Cai Mao didn't expect Liu Biao to throw this problem to himself, but this was also an opportunity Liu Biao gave him.

Cai Mao pondered for a while and said: "The evaluation of military merit needs a process, such as how many enemies have been killed, and the size of the war. Only in this way can we get an accurate evaluation basis, and the merits judged can be convincing, so that the rewards can also correspond to the merits... "

Just as Cai Hao said this, Wen Pin, who was sitting opposite him, was dissatisfied: "At the beginning of the Battle of Xinye, the military adviser also said these words, but as a result, Mr. Jing's achievements were wiped out. Could it be that this time the military adviser also plans to Will Mr. Jing's record be wiped out?"

Cai Hao's face suddenly sank, and he said coldly: "I'm just talking about the facts, and I don't mean to obliterate Mr. Jing's achievements. Why does General Wen think so?"

Wen Pin ignored him, got up and bowed to Liu Biao, and said loudly: "My lord, I am a general in the army. The key is to clearly distinguish rewards and punishments, and timely rewards and punishments. Only in this way can we mobilize morale and inspire the army. He has made great achievements, but he has not recorded an inch of them. Even though Young Master Jing is the nephew of the lord, he still feels inappropriate for his humble position and refuses to accept it.

But this time in the battle of Chaisang, there were only [-] defenders in the city, and Mr. Jing stepped forward to recruit civilians, boost morale, and defeated [-] Jiangdong army with [-] weak soldiers, keeping the Jiangxia gate. With a big reward?Sincere words from a humble position, please think twice, my lord! "

The atmosphere in the lobby was a bit awkward. Liu Biao just wanted to know the extent of Huang Zu's concessions, and then considered how to reward Liu Jing. Cai Mao's delaying technique was just what he wanted, but Wen Pin was aggressive, and he must be rewarded on the spot. Liu Biao is a bit difficult to deal with.

At this time, Liu Jing bowed and said: "I would like to inform the state shepherd and military adviser that the lowly positions are not fighting for rewards, but for the people of Chaisang. In the battle of Chaisang, tens of thousands of people have money to contribute, and they are able to contribute. Even the newly recruited peasants risked their lives to resist the Jiangdong Army, which moved me deeply, I don’t want rewards, I just want to follow the public opinion, stay in Chaisang, I would like to be the Marquis of Chaisang, I implore the state pastor for permission!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Jing took out a thick booklet from his bosom, and presented it with both hands, "Report to Zhou Mu, this is public opinion!"

A guard handed the booklet to Liu Biao. Liu Biao took it, but suddenly it fell loose, and the booklet was dragged to the ground. It turned out that the booklet was folded. Full of fingerprints.

"Reporting to the state pastor, there are a total of 660 fingerprints, which occupy more than [-]% of the people in Chaisang. Everyone hopes that low-ranking officials will stay in Chaisang. They don't want rewards for humble posts. They only beg to follow the public opinion and stay in Chaisang."

Liu Jing discussed with Kuai Yue last night that Huang Zu's visit to Xiangyang must be to make concessions and reconciliation. With Liu Biao's character of more than strategy but not enough courage, it is very likely that he will accept Huang Zu's concession.

If Huang Zu's concessions are large enough, Liu Biao may maintain Jiangxia's status quo and give up his plan to install Liu Jing in Jiangxia. This makes both Liu Jing and Kuai Yue very worried.

So Liu Jing took this opportunity today to make it clear that he wanted to stay in Chaisang. This was his request. No matter how Liu Biao compromised with Huang Zu, his interests should not be violated.

Whispering in the lobby, Liu Jing did not expect Liu Jing to play the game of public opinion. Liu Biao felt a little embarrassed. He originally planned to put Liu Jing in Chaisang.

However, Huang Zu's voluntary concession made Liu Biao's heart a little shaken. If Huang Zu was willing to return the control of Jiangxia's army to himself, then there would be no need to fight for Chaisang, and the status quo could be maintained.

Now Liu Jing refuses to give up on Chaisang, which makes Liu Biao feel a little embarrassed.

At this moment, Huang Zu, who was sitting at the bottom, finally couldn't help but sneered and said, "Young Master Jing is doing a good job! Forty thousand Chaisang people, there are thirty-eight thousand supporting Young Master Jing, let me, the old Jiang Xia I am simply in admiration."

Liu Jing turned around abruptly, staring at Huang Zu, "Is Governor Huang accusing me of lying?"

"Of course I dare not say that Mr. Jing is a fake, but I have been an official in Jiangxia for at least ten years. The Huang family is also a prominent family in Jiangxia. With my qualifications, I only have [-]% of the reputation in Chaisang. I don't know how much Mr. Jing is. How did you become famous?"

Huang Zu squinted at him, with a mocking and disdainful look on his face. At the end, he deliberately raised his voice and glanced at everyone, trying to gain the understanding of the officials in the lobby.

"Of course it can be done!"

Liu Jing also raised his voice, and said coldly: "If the prefect Huang didn't have a nephew who bullies men and women, and didn't have a cruel and murderous second son, and didn't have repeated battles and repeated defeats, the five thousand troops would be defeated The eldest son who was destroyed, if Huang Taishou can stick to Chaisang instead of running to Xiakou, I think Huang Taishou's reputation in Chaisang will not be only [-]%, at least [-]% to [-]%!"

Liu Jing's sarcasm made Huang Zu's face swell into a pig's liver, his eyes finally showed anger, and he shouted sharply: "Liu Jing, how dare you humiliate me like this!"

Liu Jing said indifferently: "I'm just explaining the reason why Huang Taishou's reputation is not improving. How can we talk about humiliation? Why should Huang Taishou be angry?"

Huang Zu glared, and was about to reprimand again, when Cai Mao couldn't help reminding him: "Prefect Huang, the prestige of Mr. Jing will be considered by the Lord, you should be ready to dismiss!"

Cai Hao's words reminded Huang Zu that a little intolerance would lead to chaos and big plans. He held his breath in his heart and sat down slowly.

The hall became quiet again, Liu Jing turned around and bowed to Liu Biao, and continued: "I don't ask for a reward for a humble job, I just want to be transferred to Chaisang, and I ask the state shepherd to help me."

At this time, Wenpin also bowed and said: "My lord, I suggest that Liu Jing be appointed as the Sima of another department to guard Chaisang, and it is most suitable for Mr. Jing to guard Chaisang!"

Kuai Yue also stood up and laughed, "Chai Sang is sandwiched between Jiangdong and Jingzhou. It has changed hands several times in the past few decades. According to my subordinates, no official has gained such a high popularity in decades. Supporting Young Master Jing is extremely beneficial for us to control Chaisang for a long time, my lord, this opportunity must not be missed, we should let Young Master Jing guard Chaisang."

Wang Wei also stood up and said, "My lord, I agree with Kuai Gong and General Wen's suggestion. Chai Sang is an important place, and Mr. Fei Jing can't defend it. As long as he is there, the Jiangdong Army will definitely be afraid."

As soon as Wang Wei finished speaking, Deng Yi in Zhizhong also said loudly: "Mr. Jing's guarding Chai Sang is what everyone expects, and my subordinates also agree with it very much. I implore my lord for permission!"

At this time, Liu Xian, Pang Ji and others expressed their support, and the situation in the lobby was overwhelming. Even Cai Mao was forced to remain silent, not daring to contend with the crowd.

Although Liu Biao still hesitated in his heart, he couldn't hinder the unanimous support of everyone, so he could only smile at Liu Jing: "It seems that if you are not banned today, everyone will not let me go, no matter! Public anger is hard to break, Liu Jing listens to the ban !"

Liu Jing was overjoyed, stepped forward to salute and said: "The humble job is here!"

Liu Biao said slowly: "Marquis Liu Jing led [-] underdogs to defeat the Jiangdong Army, raised our prestige in Jingzhou, protected our important town of Chaisang, made great contributions to Jingzhou, and rewarded him with a thousand taels of gold. Sang, concurrently serving as the county magistrate of Chaisang!"

Liu Jing clasped his fists in salute, "Thank you for the state pastor's award, I will remember my humble position in my heart!"

On the side, Huang Zu's face turned pale. He tried his best, but Chaisang still couldn't get it back.

. . . . . . . . . . .

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