Of course, the reconciliation plan reached by Liu Jing and Huang Zu cannot be implemented immediately. It will take a month for the families of the captured soldiers to move to Chaisang one after another, and it will be a month before Huang She is finally returned to Huang Zu, but five days later. , More than [-] merchant ships and more than [-] men detained by the Tao family returned to Chaisang.

At the same time, Huang Zu promised that he would not embarrass the Tao family merchant ships in the future, and the Tao family fleet would pass through Jiangxia smoothly as before. This undoubtedly solved the most serious problem of the Tao family and made the Tao family rejoice.

Even when more than [-] cargo ships returned to Chaisang, more than [-] children of the Tao family, led by the patriarch Tao Sheng, went to the riverside to worship the god of the river, welcome the return of the merchant ships, and commemorate Tao with the most pious ceremony. A new beginning.

Of course, Tao Sheng knew better than anyone else that it was not Jiang Shen who should be thanked, but Liu Jing. He not only guaranteed his position as Patriarch, but also helped the Tao family solve the most difficult problems.

After returning from the riverside, Tao Sheng immediately turned to Sima Junya, and he wanted to express the Tao family's gratitude to Liu Jing in person.

A soldier led Tao Sheng into Liu Jing's official room. Liu Jing's official room was a south-facing room, spacious and bright. Although the weather was sultry, the yard was densely forested and the cool breeze was blowing, so he didn't feel too much. Hot, Liu Jing is standing in front of a map of Jiangxia, carefully drawing the scope of Xiazhi County with a pen, it can be seen that he is quite satisfied with this newly acquired land.

Tao Sheng walked into the room quickly, and bowed deeply, "See you, my lord!"

Liu Jing put down his pen and asked with a smile, "Did the Patriarch go to the river to pick up the boat?"

"Received, there is no loss of personnel, goods, or ships. The Tao family is grateful for Mr. Jing's great kindness!"

As he said that, Tao Sheng knelt down and kowtowed three times to Liu Jing. Liu Jing was taken aback. This is his future father-in-law, how could he kowtow to himself? Dali, I have a close relationship with the Tao family, how can I not try my best to help the Tao family."

Tao Sheng was moved in his heart. He remembered what his daughter had said, that Liu Jing was capable and would do his best to help the Tao family. Now it seemed that his knowledge was not as good as that of his daughter, which made Tao Sheng feel ashamed.

It was right for his father to allow himself to fully support Liu Jing. It was Liu Jing who was also dependent on the Tao family for money and food, so he would speak out about his relationship and help the Tao family get out of trouble at a critical time.

Tao Sheng felt both ashamed and emotional, and sighed again: "Our Tao family has unanimously decided to support Mr. Jing with all our strength, even if we spend all our family wealth, we will not hesitate. The money and food of the Tao family are mainly stored in Jiangdong, and the Tao family is in the Yangtze River. There are dozens of warehouses along the coast, and we will gradually transport these materials, money and food back to Chaisang."

Tao Sheng's generosity was not entirely out of gratitude. After dealing with Huang Zu this time, Tao Sheng discovered that Huang Zu was not Liu Jing's opponent, and Liu Jing would sooner or later occupy Jiangxia.

Moreover, his talent is far superior to that of Liu Qi and Liu Cong. If there are changes in Jingzhou in the future, it is very likely that Liu Jing will become the lord of Jingzhou. Of course, this is only a possibility, but with the full support of the Tao family in Qianliang, it may not be impossible. .

For the Tao family, this is a good opportunity to find a backer. The sooner they support, the more profitable the Tao family will be in the future. The Tao family is a businessman, and the most successful businessman, so their vision is naturally extraordinary. The family unanimously decided to The future of the Tao family rests on Liu Jing.

Liu Jing smiled. The Tao family's statement was within his expectation. In fact, even if the Tao family did not express their position, their interests were already tied together.

He asked Tao Sheng to sit down, and said to him sincerely: "I am also very grateful for the support of the Tao family. In the future, I will also build a strong navy to protect the commercial interests of the Tao family, and the Tao family will no longer have to live. In the gap between Jiangdu and Jingzhou."

Tao Sheng sighed, "The Tao family has been looking forward to this day for a long time."

If we talk about Tao Sheng's attitude towards Liu Jing, because of his daughter Tao Zhan, he felt somewhat resentful before, but at this moment, even the slightest estrangement in his heart has disappeared.

The smiles and words of the two became more frank, Liu Jing pondered for a moment and said: "I don't know how long Huang Zu's oath can last, we still have to be careful."

"That's nothing to worry about."

Tao Sheng smiled, "Although Huang Zu's character is despicable to the outside world, he has one advantage, that is, in Jiangxia County, he usually keeps his promises, which is why he is very particular about his reputation in Jiangxia County. Since he If you promise not to intercept the Tao family's ships, then generally he will not break his promise."

"That would be the best."

At this time, Liu Jing thought of another thing, and asked, "Is there any way for the Tao family to get high-quality fine steel? It's as iron as Fang Tian's painted halberd."

Tao Sheng frowned slightly and said: "If it is ordinary iron, the Tao family can easily get it. To tell you the truth, the Tao family also has two iron mines in Danyang County. They recruited thousands of workers to open mines and smelt iron. It is only necessary to smelt iron." Selling it to the Jiangdong government is not allowed to ship it out, of course, the Tao family has a way to ship it out, the key is that you want high-quality stainless steel, you can get it in small quantities, but it is a bit difficult to get it in large quantities..."

As soon as he said this, Tao Sheng suddenly remembered something, and asked quickly: "I wonder if you are in a hurry?"

Liu Jing thought for a while and said, "There is no rush, it can be done within a year."

"Then there's no problem."

Tao Sheng explained excitedly: "The key to refining refined steel is not technology, but the use of high-quality carbon and carbon powder. Carbon powder is easy to get, but there are not many carbon powders in Jiangnan and Jingzhou, but Bashu has them. You can buy a large amount of carbon from Bashu, and then transport refined steel ore from Danyang, and then burn some carbon powder, and we will start refining in Chaisang, and you can have as much as you want."

Stone carbon is coal. Coal has a high calorific value and can produce high-quality steel. Liu Jing also became a little excited. He walked quickly to a large map by the wall and quickly found Danyang County. It suddenly dawned on me that Danyang County is Ma'anshan for later generations.

"This matter should be implemented sooner rather than later."

"Don't worry, my lord. The day after tomorrow, the fleet will be sent to Bashu, and tens of thousands of catties of carbon can be transported back in one trip."

"There are also craftsmen who make iron!"

Liu Jing reminded him again: "Although the person who made Fang Tian's painted halberd has passed away, I don't know if his descendants have received the true biography. If they can be found..."

"It doesn't have to be!"

Tao Sheng smiled and waved his hands, "Cao Cao recruited all the better ironsmiths in the Central Plains to Xuchang, but since ancient times, military craftsmen came out of Yue, and I can find the best blacksmiths in Wu Jun and Kuaiji counties. It's no less than the old craftsman who made Fang Tian's painted halberd."

. . . . . . . .

Tao Sheng said goodbye and left. Liu Jing walked slowly in the room with his hands behind his back. He had seen with his own eyes the ferocious cavalry of Cao Jun, and the soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River were far from being able to match them. This is not a long-term solution. The key is to have your own superior military.

Like the tiger and leopard cavalry, the first ascended dead soldiers, and the white horse justice, these armies have their own advantages, and they can outnumber ten on the battlefield. Liu Jing also needs such a special army to become his ace army, which can compete with Cao Jun in the future.

Although this is only a preliminary idea, Liu Jing's heart is already very hot, and he will immediately put it into practice. Although it will take several years to hone and integrate, he must take the first critical step, and God He also has a special favor for him. Giving him a big business like the Tao family has added a powerful boost to the success of his dream. In this way, how can he not do his best.

At this moment, Zhu Xun appeared at the door and said respectfully, "Sima, are you looking for me?"

Liu Jing turned around and said with a smile, "Yes! Please come in and sit down."

Zhu Xun walked into the room, bowed, and then sat down. Liu Jing asked with a smile, "How much did you get from the Zhou family's land and money this time?"

After the war, the Zhou family was the first to be investigated, but for the sake of the Zhou family's willingness to assist Jiang Xia's army, Liu Jing spared the Zhou family's death penalty, expelled their family from Chaisang, and confiscated their real estate and land. Xun took out an inventory book and handed it to Liu Jing, "The Zhou family is very cunning, they transferred the money and property to Wuchang in advance, so they didn't gain much in terms of property. More than 1 stones of grain were found in their manor. The biggest gain."

"What about the land?" Liu Jing asked quietly, this was what he was most concerned about.

"Shangtian has 63 hectares, [-] mu, mainly concentrated on both sides of the Xunyang River south of Chaisang."

It's only [-] mu, which is too little, Liu Jing pondered for a while, and asked again: "How much is the official land?"

"Reporting to Sima, the official land is about [-] mu."

There is only [-] mu of land in total, which is still not enough to resettle. The reason why Liu Jing urgently needs fertile land is because about [-] households will move from Wuchang and Xiakou. These are the family members of prisoners of war, and the prisoners of war will naturally become Liu Jing's Soldiers, their families also need to be resettled.

According to the minimum standard of [-] mu per household, at least [-] mu of land is needed, and there is still a gap of [-] mu. Liu Jing couldn't help but glance at Zhu Xun. The Zhu family is the largest landlord in Chaisang, with hundreds of hectares of farmland. There are countless cattle. Can they take out part of the land?

Zhu Xun smiled awkwardly. He understood the meaning in Liu Jing's eyes. In fact, the Zhu family also fully supported Liu Jing. In the last battle against Jiangdong, the Zhou family was able to mobilize a large number of civilians.

The Zhu family can provide food and people, but it is a bit difficult to ask the Zhu family to provide land. The land is the foundation of the Zhu family. Without the land foundation, the Zhu family will decline.

But Zhu Xun also knew that if the Zhou family didn't get rid of anything, Liu Jing would probably be sad too. He thought for a while and said, "Sima, I'll go back and discuss it with my father! Let's see if the Zhu family can do something."

Liu Jing's eyes narrowed with a smile, what he wanted was Zhu Xun's words.

"I will not treat the Zhu family badly either. I can give you a promise. I will give the Zhu family twice as much land compensation in Xiazhi County as the Zhu family contributes. The Zhu family can choose the plains and mountains."

Zhu Xun got up and saluted, "Sima, please rest assured, I will give you an answer tomorrow morning."

. . . . . . .

Zhu Xun's father was named Zhu Liang, who was the head of the Zhu family. That night, Zhu Xun discussed with his father the land purchase plan proposed by Liu Jing.

Zhu Liangnian is about 50 years old. He is short and fat, with a fat head and big ears. He has a kind smile on his face, but he is an extremely cunning and shrewd person. The number doubled.

Zhu Liang walked slowly with his hands behind his back, and said to himself: "Exchanging chai mulberry for pheasants, and exchanging cultivated land for raw land, even if the compensation is doubled, it is still a disadvantage in terms of land price. One mu of chai mulberry You can buy three acres of pheasants to go to the field, but it is not a disadvantage to get Liu Jing's favor, but there is one thing that Liu Jing must know, our Zhu family has suffered a great loss."

Seeing that his father was extremely shrewd, Zhu Xun couldn't help but secretly sighed, "Father, as long as we support him with all our strength, he will definitely not treat the Zhu family badly in the future, so don't be so fussy."

"Well then! How many fields does he need?"

"At least one hundred hectares."

The fat on Zhu Liang's face trembled violently. This is [-]% of their Zhu family's fertile land!Years of painstaking efforts have been wasted, but Zhu Liang is also a man of vision, since the Tao family is willing to spend money on Liu Jing, why can't the Zhu family.

He pondered for a long time, and said: "You can answer Liu Jing, this hundred hectares of fertile land is the Zhu family's full support for him, and there is no need to replace it with land in Xiazhi County."

. . . . . . . . .

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