Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 180 Zhou Yu's Plan

Suddenly there was loud drumming outside the south gate, and the flames shot up into the sky. An ambush soldier rushed out from outside the south gate. In the hunting fire, the leading general was Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun waved his spear and shouted, "Changshan Zhao Zilong is here, those who surrender will not die!"

The Jiangdong army was in a great chaos. The morale of the army was in turmoil, but now it was even more chaotic. Everyone was scrambling to escape. Lu Meng shouted loudly, "Stop, line up and fight!"

No matter how much he yelled, it still had no effect.

At this time, Zhao Yun pointed his spear, "Kill!"

Thousands of Jingzhou troops were killed and wounded, Jiangdong troops suffered heavy casualties, crying and wailing, and countless surrendered. In the chaos, Lu Xun did not dare to fight.

However, Lu Meng and more than [-] soldiers were surrounded by more than [-] people, and they couldn't break out from the left and right. In addition, Lu Meng was injured in his arm and couldn't fight. General, let's go!"

Lu Meng urged his horse to rush out of the gap. At this moment, Zhao Yun rushed up from behind, but he did not sneak up on Lu Meng from behind. The two horses staggered. Dismounted the horse and shouted: "Tied!"

Several soldiers rushed forward, held Lu Meng down, and tied them up with ropes.

The main general was captured alive. The Jiangdong army was attacked one after another and had no way to escape. They had to surrender on their knees. In this battle, only a few hundred of the [-] Jiangdong soldiers escaped, and more than [-] people were killed or injured. The rest of the soldiers all surrendered. Zhao Yun was captured alive.

. . . . . . .

Overnight, Chaisang City changed hands. Teams of Jingzhou soldiers searched the empty city. At dawn, they found more than [-] Jiangdong soldiers hiding in the houses.

In an empty room, Lu Meng sat on a wooden couch, receiving medical treatment from the military doctor without saying a word, surrounded by more than a dozen soldiers guarding him.

Lu Meng was extremely depressed at this time. Not only was Chaisang City lost, but he was also captured by the enemy for the first time. Even if Marquis Wu rescued him, how could he gain a foothold in Soochow?

The key to Chaisang's capture this time was the cooperation of the Jingzhou army from inside and outside, not from Lu Meng's weak defense, but Lu Meng was always puzzled, how did the Jingzhou army sneak into the city?

Could it be that the Jingzhou army seized the opportunity due to poor patrolling of a certain section of the city wall?But thinking about it, it was impossible. The city wall was more than two feet high, surrounded by a moat, and more than 100 people went to the city. How could it be possible? Lu Meng was puzzled.

At this time footsteps came, Liu Jing and several officers appeared at the door, Liu Jing walked into the room, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "So your Excellency is Wuxia Amon, I have admired you for a long time!"

Lu Meng felt that this person looked familiar, and fixed his eyes on Liu Jing. He suddenly remembered that this person was the young general who stabbed him last night. He sneered, "Who are you?"

"Next is Liu Jing!" Liu Jing responded with a smile.

"So you are..."

'It turns out that he is Liu Jing!He actually sneaked into the city himself. ' Lu Meng thought in his heart, and he couldn't help secretly admiring Liu Jing's courage.

"What do you want to do to me?"

Liu Jing smiled faintly, "Actually, I hope you can surrender to me."

"Hmph!" Lu Meng snorted coldly, and said with a sarcasm on his face, "Do you think I will surrender to you?"

Liu Jing cupped his hands sincerely and said: "Zi Ming is from Runan, not from Wuzhong, and he doesn't have any family members in Wuzhong. This is the first time I have persuaded someone to surrender. I hope Ziming can think carefully about it."

Seeing that Liu Jing's attitude was quite sincere, Lu Meng put away his sarcasm, shook his head and said, "I appreciate Mr. Jing's sincerity, but with all due respect, Mr. Jing is only the lord of a county. Lu Meng's capital is both public and private, and it is impossible for me to give up Marquis Wu and surrender to you."

Of course Liu Jing knew that Lu Meng would not surrender him, but he wanted to test Lu Meng's intentions, and said with a smile: "If I, Liu Jing, also become a vassal, can Zi Ming consider it?"

Lu Meng pondered for a while and said: "If I, Lu Meng, are captured by Young Master Jing three times and treated with kindness and justice, I will surrender to you."

Liu Jing laughed loudly, and said to the left and right: "Give him back the horse and let him go."

Behind him, Wang Tai was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Sima, leave him here to negotiate with Sun Quan, don't be fooled by his cunning talk."

Liu Jing shook his head, "I know, let him go!"

Lu Meng was greatly astonished, "Master Jing really wants to let me go?"

Liu Jing looked into his eyes, and said slowly: "I respect you as a man who promises a thousand gold, and I, Liu Jing, will not use you as a bargaining condition. You can go!"

Lu Meng was moved in his heart, and gave a deep salute, "My son's kindness, I will repay you later, Lu Meng bids farewell!"

A few soldiers sent Lu Meng away, Liu Jing watched Lu Meng go away with his hands behind his back, the corners of his mouth curved, smiled calmly, and said to himself in a low voice: "Sun Quan, I hope you can accept my favor."

. . . . . . . . .

In Xiakou, the confrontation between the Jiangdong Army and the Jingzhou Army has entered the seventh day. Cai Mao led an army of 5000 and more than [-] warships set up a water village beside the mouth of the Han River, while Huang Zu's [-] men, nearly [-] However, a large and small warship was west of Xiakou, and the two armies were separated by thirty miles.

And right in the middle of the two armies was the main force of the Jiangdong Army's [-] navy and more than [-] warships. Neither side dared to act rashly.

In the early morning of this day, fog shrouded the river, and a small boat approached Sun Quan's three-thousand-stone building boat. A ladder was thrown from the big boat. Zhou Yu and several followers climbed the ladder and boarded the big boat. Fifteen thousand troops and three hundred warships monitored Cai Mao's army, while Sun Quan was in charge of dealing with Huang Zu.

Zhou Yu got on the big boat and walked quickly to the middle cabin. Just now Sun Quan sent someone to look for him, and he was quite anxious. Zhou Yu didn't know what happened and rushed over.

In the cabin, Sun Quan stood in front of the small window with his hands behind his back, gazing at the misty river surface. Some mist drifted in from the room, making the walls of the ship covered with dew, making it somewhat damp. Sun Quan was in a heavy mood. He had just received the news , Liu Jing succeeded in attacking Chaisang at night and reoccupied Chaisang.

This news was a heavy blow to Sun Quan, and he realized that he had made a mistake. He should concentrate his forces to destroy Liu Jing first, and then deal with Huang Zu. Anyway, Huang Zu would not rescue Liu Jing, so he could deal with it calmly. He valued Huang Zu and despised Liu Jing, which led to the fire in the backyard, which made him regret it too late.

At this time, Zhou Yu's voice came from outside the cabin, "Marquis Wu, can I enter the cabin?"

"Come in!"

Zhou Yu walked quickly into the boathouse, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Marquis Wu!"

After a long while, Sun Quan sighed, "Gong Jin, I regret that I did not listen to your advice and let Liu Jing go. Now that Chaisang has been recaptured by Liu Jing and Lu Meng has been captured, it's too late for regret!"

Zhou Yu was taken aback, and asked after a long time: "When did this happen?"

"Just three days ago, there was a fire in my backyard, what should I do?" Sun Quan couldn't help sighing again, he was truly regretful.

At first, Zhou Yu advised him to attack Xiazhi County and Yangxin County to completely relieve his worries before going north, but Sun Quan insisted on destroying Huang Zu first before the reinforcements from Xiangyang arrived, and then turned to deal with Liu Jing. He refused to listen to Zhou Yu and Lu Meng's advice. .

In fact, Zhou Yu knew in his heart that the reason Wu Hou didn't attack Liu Jing in time was because Wu Hou had a good impression of Liu Jing in his heart, and he didn't want to kill Liu Jing. This was the real reason. Although he knew it in his heart, Zhou Yu couldn't say come out.

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Yu said, "Actually, Marquis Wu doesn't have to worry too much. Although Liu Jing occupied Chaisang, he would definitely be eager to move back Chaisang's soldiers and people, as well as money and food, and he has no time to take care of Wuchang for the time being. Moreover, his troops and warships are limited, so he can't afford to worry about it." We can't conquer Wuchang, so we don't need to deal with Liu Jing in a hurry, we should concentrate our forces to defeat the enemy, as long as Huang Zu is completely wiped out and Cai Mao is defeated, then we can go back and deal with Liu Jing calmly, Wu Hou, I think it's too late."

Sun Quan frowned, "We have confronted the enemy for seven days, does Gongjin have a plan to defeat the enemy?"

Zhou Yu smiled slightly and said, "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle. I have known Cai Mao's army like the palm of my hand these days, and I will defeat the enemy tonight!"

Sun Quan was overjoyed, "After defeating Cai Mao, Huang Zu will be defeated. I have ordered Huang Gai to lead an army of [-] troops to the west to cut off Huang Zu's escape route. I hope to hear good news tonight!"

. . . . . . . . .

At night, just after the hour of Hai, the Jingzhou reinforcements’ water village was replaced by Cai Zhong, a younger brother of the Cai Mao clan. Tonight, although Cai Zhong did not make any achievements in the Battle of Xinye, he was still rewarded with the crowd and has now been promoted. Sima for another department.

But Cai Zhong himself was not satisfied. His goal was the Beishui Army Colonel. After Zhang Yun was demoted, the position of Beishui Army Captain has been vacant, which made many people jealous.

Back then, Cai Zhong was also a deputy lieutenant of the navy. If he hadn't been defeated by Gan Ning, he should have taken over the position of captain of the navy as a matter of course. take away.

But even though he thought this way, if he had no achievements, Liu Biao would not be promoted to his position, so this time to support Jiang Xia, Cai Zhong held back his energy, and he vowed to make great contributions and be directly promoted to captain.

Cai Zhong was sitting in the water village, sipping boring tea. Although he really wanted to drink a few glasses of wine, Cai Mao's army was very strict, drinking alcohol was strictly prohibited during wartime, and Cai Zhong did not dare to violate the prohibition.

At this time, a soldier rushed over and reported in a hurry: "General Qi, the patrol found Sun Quan's boat. Taking advantage of the cover of the fog, he came to spy on our army's water village!"

Cai Zhongteng stood up and asked anxiously, "Maybe it's Sun Quan's boat?"

"It must be! There is also the Marquis Wu flag on board, and there are only three or four warships guarding it."

Cai Zhongzhong became excited. If Sun Quan could be captured, it would be a great achievement. It would be no problem for him to be promoted to captain. Cai Zhong immediately ordered his left and right: "Don't tell the military adviser about this!"

He was eager to make meritorious deeds, fearing that Cai Mao would hinder his achievements, he led more than [-] large ships on duty at night, with a total of more than [-] people, sailed out of the water village, and surrounded Sun Quan's ship.

At this time, Sun Quan's boat seemed to have noticed the threat, and turned around and fled south. Cai Zhong laughed grimly, and shouted: "Don't let the big boat go, give me chase!"

Just as Cai Zhong's fleet left the water village, in the thick fog, hundreds of Jiangdong small boats loaded with firewood quietly sailed towards the Jingzhou army water village. At this time, Cai Zhong led the army to attack, and there was no general in the village on duty. The defense was empty, and suddenly hundreds of small boats burst into flames, and the fire took advantage of the wind to rush directly into the Jingzhou Army Water Village.

. . . . . . . . . . .

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