At the same moment when Gan Ning attacked Pengze Water Village in Jiangdong, Chaisang's fierce battle had entered its worst moment.

The Jiangdong Army invested more than [-] people, concentrated all forces and all siege methods, and launched a fierce attack on Beicheng at dusk.

The fierce battle between the two sides has been going on for more than an hour. The Jiangdong Army has been repulsed twice, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

On the battlefield, drums sounded like thunder, trumpets whimpered, and the shouts of killing shook the sky. The overwhelming Jiangdong army rushed to the top of the city. Under the northern city, arrows rained like rain, forming a dense arrow net. Completely suppressed the bow and arrow counterattack at the top of the city.

The Jingzhou army could only shoot downwards through the arrow holes on the battlements, but the number of arrow holes was so small that they could not effectively kill the Jiangdong army. Most of the defenders could only hide behind the battlement walls and throw the rolling logs downward from the mouth of the stone.礌石.

But what the Jiangdong soldiers really hurt with their bows and arrows was the civilians behind the manipulators and stone cannons. The dense arrows crossed the city, some of them shot into the city, and the other part shot at the civilians behind the city wall. The casualties were heavy, and one after another lay on the ground, making the trebuchets and stone cannons on the top of the city temporarily unable to exert their power.

The Jiangdong army rushed up like a tide, and a siege ladder was built on the top of the city. Jiangdong soldiers climbed up like a colony of ants, and the defenders began to counterattack. A group of Jiangdong soldiers were smashed to the ground, their bones were broken, and they rolled down the city screaming from the ladder.

More than a dozen defenders supported the ladder with two-foot-long iron forks, "Strength!" With screams, the siege ladder flipped backwards.

Next to it, a general of the Jiangdong army took the lead in killing the top of the city. He stabbed with a spear very ferociously. He stabbed more than a dozen people to death in a row. The defense of the Sang garrison.

Deputy General Wei Yan was in charge of this section of the city wall, but the deputy general had already died in battle, and Wei Yan was leading the soldiers at the other end of hundreds of steps to fight against the besieging enemy, and he did not know the danger here.

Just at this time, Liu Jing led more than a hundred soldiers to patrol here. A village chief found Liu Jing and rushed to shout: "Sima, a Jiangdong army has broken through the defense, please Sima for emergency support."

Liu Jing also saw the crisis, he was shocked, turned around and shouted, "Follow me!"

More than a hundred soldiers followed Liu Jing and rushed to kill. Liu Jing gave a loud shout and stabbed with his long halberd, stabbing several Jiangdong soldiers under the halberd.

The tooth general knew Liu Jing, he was overjoyed, he jumped forward, swung his spear, and stabbed Liu Jing's chest, Liu Jing sneered, opened the spear with the long halberd, dodged sideways, and swung his halberd back at the man The back of the tooth general's head.

This is the gun hammer, one of the thirteen-style Danfeng Chaoyang guns. Liu Jing's mastery is as good as fire, no less than Zhao Yun. I saw a cold light flashed by. The back of the head, half of his head was chopped off more than a foot away, and the body fell to the ground.

The soldiers in Jingzhou cheered like thunder, and their morale was greatly boosted. Liu Jing shouted, "Kill me!"

He took the lead in killing the Jiangdong soldiers, and the soldiers behind him rushed to kill more than a hundred enemy soldiers who rushed to the top of the city. go down town.


On a low hill one mile away from the northern city, Ling Cao, a general of the Jiangdong Army, was gazing intently at the battle on the top of the city. Beside him, his son Ling Tong asked, "What did father find?"

Ling Cao nodded, pointed in the direction of Caohe, and said, "Have you noticed that there are no trebuchets or stone cannons on the city wall near Caohe? I heard from General Lu that the city wall in that area is a little narrower than other places by six feet. It should be this one." The reason is that trebuchets and stone cannons cannot be placed."

"Does father think it is possible to break through from Caohe?"

Ling Cao didn't answer his son's question. He turned around and ran towards the place where Sun Quan was. He was a military marquis and became the youngest general of the Jiangdong Army.

At this time, Sun Quan was standing in the welcoming pavilion next to the pier, watching the siege battle anxiously. Although the Jiangdong army attacked bravely again and again, they were still unable to break through the defense line of Chaisang's defenders, which made Sun Quan very worried. If the casualties were too heavy, Even if he wins Chaisang, it is difficult for him to feel the joy of victory.

Jiangdong's total army strength is not large, and there are only about [-] troops. This time he led an army of [-] to march westward, and he has already used [-]% of his troops. If the losses are too heavy, it will be difficult for him to explain to his subjects when he goes back.

"Wu Hou!"

Ling Cao's tall figure appeared outside the pavilion. He bowed and said, "I have discovered the weakness of Chaisang City's defense. I would like to ask for orders to fight!"

Sun Quan was startled, and immediately went to the pavilion and asked, "Where is the weak point of defense?"

"Reporting to Marquis Wu, the weak point of Chaisang City's defense lies in the water gate. Didn't Marquis Wu notice that there are no trebuchets and stone cannons near the water gate?"

Sun Quan was startled. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Shuicheng. Although he couldn't see anything in the dark, he remembered that no boulder was shot from Shuicheng when he attacked during the day. Why?"

Lu Xun stepped forward and bowed and replied: "Reporting to Marquis Wu, the wall on the water city is slightly narrower than other places, and it is difficult to place trebuchets and stone cannons. General Ling is right. The water gate is indeed the weak point of Chaisang City's defense. I am humble. It is said that when Huang Zu attacked Chaisang, he was also planning to attack Minato, they should know better than anyone else where the weakness of Chaisang City is?"

Sun Quan stared at the water gate for a long time without saying a word, then he suddenly turned back to Ling Cao, "If the defenders float the oil out of the water and set fire to the river, how would you respond?"

"The humble staff will block it with driftwood at the water gate, so that the paraffin oil cannot flow out of the city, and the humble staff will light the fire again, and burn the defenders back!"

Speaking of this, Ling Cao knelt down on one knee and said, "I would like to issue a military order. If I can't take the top of the city, I will bring my head to see you!"

Sun Quan Zhuangzhi immediately agreed, "I will give you three thousand troops and thirty siege ships, and you will be given one hour to break through the enemy's defenses."

Ling Cao said in a deep voice: "Humble position will never let Marquis Wu down!"

. . . . . . .

A quarter of an hour later, Ling Cao led thirty siege ships slowly approaching the water gate. Unlike ordinary warships, the siege ships were wide and straight, very stable in the river, and equipped with various siege equipment, such as stone cannons. , trebuchets, ladders and battering rams, etc., can attack the city from the water.

These are also the trump cards of the Jiangdong army, but they are afraid of the kerosene of the Chaisang defenders, so they dare not go into the battlefield. This time Sun Quan handed them over to Ling Cao.

Ling Cao stood at the bow of the boat with an iron gun in his hand, commanding the troops to attack the water gate from both sides of the Cao River. More than a dozen water ghosts dived from the water to the gate of the water gate, connected five or six pieces of driftwood, and formed a circle on the water surface. A wooden dam was built to prevent the paraffin oil from floating out of the city, and then another wooden dam was placed a hundred steps away to prevent the defenders from throwing kerosene from the top of the city.

The guard on the top of the water gate is Wang Tai, who led [-] soldiers to guard the water gate and the city wall. At this time, he looked solemn, watching the enemy warships slowly approaching the water gate. Wang Tai participated in the battle against the Jiangdong army last year. At that time, he was in charge of guarding the water city gate and had rich experience.

Wang Tai immediately ordered: "Dump the kerosene!"

The power of kerosene was learned by the entire Jingzhou army. Wang Tai knew that kerosene was very effective against warships. The soldiers immediately started pouring hundreds of altars of viscous kerosene into the Cao River and drifted out of the city along the river.

But an accident happened at this time. A Jiangdong soldier ambushing outside the water city suddenly lit a torch, and he jumped into the river and ignited the kerosene that had just overflowed the water gate.

'boom! With a sound, the surface of the water burst into flames, and the flames quickly spread into the city. In a moment, the entire gate of the water city became a sea of ​​flames. The fire continued to burn into the urn city. The oil was too late to move away, and the shore also burned.

"General Wang, the oil is blocked by something, and it can't flow out." A soldier shouted from below the city.

Wang Tai looked at it for a while, and couldn't help cursing, "Damn it!"

He turned around and ordered: "Bring up two hundred altars of fire oil and pour them down from the top of the city!"

. . . . . . . .

Ling Cao on the big ship in the distance stared at the raging fire and sneered, this was as he expected, the Jingzhou army was good at attacking with fire, but he had a countermeasure.

Seeing that the wooden dam successfully blocked the floating paraffin oil, preventing the fire from spreading outward, Ling Cao waved his spear and shouted: "Attack!"

More than [-] large ships have already moored more than a hundred steps away from the Shuicheng Gate, just outside the range of the bow and arrow. With a loud sound, huge boulders flew towards the top of the city, and the overwhelming flying stones whizzed across the night sky.

In the dark night, the defenders had already moved two hundred altars of kerosene to the city, and several defenders were about to dump the kerosene from the top of the city. Unexpectedly, huge boulders flew towards them. The defenders were caught off guard, and many soldiers were caught by the boulders. When it was hit, the bone was broken and the tendon was broken, and the flesh was bloody.

Two hundred kerosene altars were also smashed to pieces, kerosene flowed all over the ground, screams came and went from the top of the city, Wang Tai was so anxious that he shouted: "All lay down!"

The defenders dodged one after another, some lying on the ground, some hiding behind the battlements, but the Jiangdong Army's long-range attack never stopped, huge boulders roared and flew overhead, Chaisang's defenders were firmly suppressed, There is no way to fight back.

'boom! ' With a loud noise, a huge boulder weighing a hundred catties hit a battlement, the battlement shattered, and the stones flew across the sky.

Another boulder roared in, smashing another battlement into three pieces. Several soldiers behind the battlement shouted and fled in all directions.

The Jiangdong Army's offensive on the Caohe River clearly had an advantage. The Chaisang defenders' fire attack failed, and they had no long-range weapons to counter the opponent, so they were in a very passive position.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Ling Cao waved his hand, and a large flat-bottomed boat slowly sailed up and pressed against the gate of the city. A wide ladder was set up on the big boat. Jiangdong Army soldiers quickly climbed up the ladder.

The big boat and the ladder quickly formed a passage to the city, and more than a thousand Jiangdong soldiers on both sides of the Cao River rushed to board the boat.

At this time, the Jiangdong Army's stone cannon attack stopped, and Wang Tai was the first to discover the enemy's ascension to the city. He was shocked and shouted sharply, "The enemy has ascended the city, come and kill me."

He swung his gun and rushed up, the defenders on the top of the city reacted one after another. Dozens of defenders shouted, followed Wang Tai and rushed forward, blocking the gap, and fought fiercely with the Jiangdong soldiers who ascended the city.

Soldiers kept screaming and falling down the city. The two sides fought bloody battles to the death, and neither of them would take a step back.

. . . . . . . .

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