The Jiangdong Army rested until noon the next day before leaving Pengze Water Village and sailing towards Jiangdong. In the afternoon, Lu Su took two entourages and returned to Chaisang City in a flat boat.

Pengze Water Village is very close to Chaisang City, less than a hundred miles away. At dusk, Lu Su's boat arrived at Chaisang City.

At this time, two days had passed since the end of the war, and the battlefield was basically cleared up, but there were still many soldiers salvaging sunken ships in Cao Hanoi and clearing the river barriers.

Looking from a distance, the city gate has been opened. The peasants hiding in the city are driving ox carts and returning to their homes outside the city. There are also a few businessmen from other places who are explaining something to the soldiers guarding the city gate. .

On the head of the northern city, dozens of craftsmen are rebuilding the tower. The soldiers wiped away the blood on the wall with water. The corpses in the moat have been salvaged and transported to the west of the city by boat to be burned.

At this time, Liu Jing was inspecting the top of the city. The north city tower was burned down in this battle, and more than a hundred craftsmen were repairing the tower.

The war has just ended, and Liu Jing is not in a hurry to annex Jiangxia. On the one hand, it is because the Jiangdong Army has not completely withdrawn from Jiangxia, and on the other hand, the soldiers are tired and need to rest for a few days.

But this can't stop Liu Jing's thoughts, his heart has already flown over the Yangtze River, and he has started to think about his next move. He must seize Jiangxia before Liu Biao.

Once Liu Biao preempted him, he would definitely restrain himself, and Jiang Xia would no longer be his foundation. Liu Jing waited for two years before finally waiting for this moment. He could not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity no matter what.

Just as he was thinking about it, a soldier rushed over, "Sima, that Dudu Lu from last time is here again."

Liu Jing was stunned, and looked towards the direction of Caohe with the curtains on his hands. From a distance, he saw a small boat sailing into Caohe and heading towards the water gate.

Liu Jing knew that Sun Quan had at least five or six thousand Jiangxia soldiers as prisoners of war, and he also had thousands of Jiangdong prisoners of war. In exchange, Lu Su came unexpectedly.

However, it is still necessary to dismount, otherwise Sun Quan will despise him.

Thinking of this, Liu Jing called Liu Hu, told him a few words in a low voice, and then hurried back to the military office.

The Chaisang Army Office and the County Office were together, about a hundred steps away from the Caohe Wharf. Lu Su's boat arrived at the wharf directly, but there were no welcoming officials on the wharf, but a group of soldiers in full armor.

Lu Su felt a little apprehensive, and when he got on the pier, an officer stepped forward and asked, "But the Jiangdong envoy?"

"Of course!"

"My Sima is waiting in the military office, please!"

From the pier, you could see the military office a hundred paces away, but it was not easy to walk there. Two hundred burly and heavily armored soldiers stood with swords in their hands, all of them vicious and murderous.

Lu Su understood that he had to pass through the crowd of soldiers, if he made a detour, it would be a disgrace to Jiangdong.

Lu Su took a deep breath and walked quickly to the military office. He just walked in front of the heavily armored soldiers, "Damn! ’ There was a loud noise, and the three-pointed and two-edged knives were put together at the same time, and two hundred sharp long knives were set up to form a long canopy. The cold light flickered, as long as the hands were a little soft, the long knives were slashed, and Lu Su's head would fall to the ground.

The faces of Lu Su's two attendants were pale with fright, and their legs were trembling. Although Lu Su was also frightened by this murderous aura, he still bit the bullet and walked forward step by step. After a hundred steps, he couldn't help letting out a long breath secretly, only to feel that his legs were weak and his back was soaked.

But his two attendants never dared to go through, and stayed at the other end.

Both sides of the military office were full of soldiers in full armor, all of them holding weapons and looking fiercely. There was a table on the steps, and Liu Jing sat behind the table, staring at Lu Su coldly.

In the open space in front of the steps, there was a large oil pan, and there were piles of firewood under it. The fire was burning, the oil in the oil pan was boiling, and the top of the oil pan was full of green smoke.

Just after walking through the knife array and facing the frying pan again, Lu Su knew that this was Liu Jing trying to give him an insult. He secretly sighed in his heart. In fact, he had a certain amount of psychological preparation. How could he just shake hands and talk happily after the battle? reason.

Lu Su stepped forward, bowed and saluted, "Jiangdong envoy Lu Su will meet Liu Sima!"

Liu Jing said coldly: "Since you are Jiangdong's envoy, why can't you salute?"

Lu Su took out a gold medal, held it up in his hand, and said loudly: "This is the gold medal of Marquis Wu. Seeing a gold medal in Jiangdong is like seeing Marquis Wu. Since I am an envoy of Marquis Wu, I should perform the ceremony of Marquis Wu. Does Liu Sima think I should bow down?"

"shut up!"

Liu Jing slapped the table and shouted sharply: "When the two armies are fighting, you or I will die. Even if Sun Quan comes personally, he will be killed together. Come!"

Several big men with forks stepped forward to stand by, and Xu Shu hurriedly begged next to him, "Sima, the two countries are fighting each other, if you don't kill the envoy, I hope Sima's men will show mercy."

Liu Jing snorted coldly, "Behead the envoy to demonstrate, cook him for me!"

"Liu Jing, don't go too far!" Lu Su angrily reprimanded.

Several big men ignored Lu Su's struggle, pressed him down, raised his fork and forcibly set him up, high above the oil pan, filled with green smoke, suffocating heat waves, watching the boiling boiling water below him Oil, Lu Su was almost in despair. Could it be that Lu Su was really going to be boiled to death?

Liu Jing looked at Lu Su with despair, and he could not help showing a smug smile, but the smile flashed away, and he was still full of anger.

At this moment, Xu Shu fell to his knees and begged bitterly, "Sima, although Jiangdong is an enemy for the time being, he should have a long-term vision. If Cao Cao attacks, who will join forces with Sima to fight against Cao? Sima, please spare the life of Dudu Lu!" .”

Xu Shu's words immediately reminded Lu Su, and Lu Su also shouted loudly: "Wu Hou feels the general's filial piety, and can't bear to kill them all. If he had directly wiped out Xiazhi and Yangxin counties, why would he be today? Liu Sima cooked me, but The road to reconciliation between the Sun and Liu families has been cut off, if we knew this earlier, why did we release Lu Meng in the first place?"

Liu Jing slowly stepped forward with his hands behind his back, looked at Lu Su and asked, "Is Governor Lu afraid of death?"

"Don't be afraid!"

"If you are not afraid of death, why do you want to beg for mercy?"

"Su's death is not a pity, but he can't fulfill Wuhou's mission. Su is guilty of Jiangdong. If Su dies, the Sun and Liu families will no longer have a way to reconcile. Su's death will not rest in peace. Therefore, Su is not afraid of death, but he also does not want to die!"

Liu Jing stared at him for a while, then waved, "Put him down!"

Several sergeants carried Lu Su back to the ground. Lu Su felt his legs go weak and he was almost unable to stand. The lingering fear in his heart still persisted. Liu Jing said coldly: "I wanted to kill you to appease the soldiers, but in Xu County For the sake of pleading for you, I will spare your life this time, and you go back and tell Sun Quan to prepare him well. In the spring of next year, I, General Liu Jing, will lead an army to march eastward and wipe out Yuzhang and Qichun counties!"

Lu Su sighed, "I will tell Marquis Wu, but whether Lu Su can be allowed to complete this mission will benefit both parties."

Liu Jing snorted, turned around and walked towards the military yamen, and when he was almost at the door, he ordered the left and right, "Bring him to the official room to see me!"

. . . . . . .

Not long after, a soldier brought Lu Su into the official office, and came to Liu Jing's official room, and reported: "Sima, the Jiangdong envoy is here!"

Liu Jing nodded, "Let him in! Go and invite County Captain Xu."

Lu Su walked into the room, and the soldiers rushed to inform Xu Shu. Liu Jing stared at Lu Su for a while, and then said calmly, "Captain Lu, please sit down!"

Lu Su had gradually calmed down at this time, but Liu Jing's thoughts were really elusive in his heart. Could it be that Liu Jing's intention to show Lu Meng no longer existed?Does Liu Jing really want to conquer Yuzhang and Qichun?Could it be that Liu Jing is really so short-sighted, being dazzled by a big victory?

Lu Su's mind was full of thoughts. Originally, he thought he knew Liu Jing very well, but now he couldn't see it through.

The two sat down as guests and hosts. Lu Su took out a letter and presented it to Liu Jing with both hands, "This is a letter written by Marquis Wu to Sima. Please Sima read it."

Liu Jing took the letter and read it carefully. There was no mention of the Jiangxia battle in the letter, let alone the Chaisang war that ended just the day before yesterday. He just thanked Liu Jing for his mourning for his mother's death, and also appreciated Liu Jing's proposal. Sun Liu's proposal of reconciliation and joint resistance against Cao.

Seeing this, Liu Jing couldn't help but look at the date below, the letter was signed yesterday.

But Liu Jing felt that this should be a reply to the letter he wrote last year. Of course, he also understood that Sun Quan did not mention the war in the letter. Since he wanted to talk about reconciliation, he avoided unpleasant things as much as possible.

He continued to read, and there was not much content behind, but the last sentence was Jiang Dong's full support for him as the Lord of Jingzhou.

Liu Jing frowned, this sentence is ambiguous, do you support him to replace Liu Biao, or support him to inherit Liu Biao?

But no matter which one it was, Liu Jing felt that it was inappropriate. As a person of Sun Quan's status, such words should not be left in writing.

He was puzzled in his heart, and Lu Su seemed to know Liu Jing's confusion, and quickly explained: "Wu Hou hopes that Sima can become the heir of Jingzhou, so that Jingzhou and Soochow will have a chance to unite in the future to fight against Cao's army. Liu Cong will make people despair, these are the original words of Marquis Wu."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Shu's voice came from behind him, "The war has just ended, and the soldiers' bones are still cold, and the governor of Lu is talking about reconciliation and alliance. This is a bit chilling for the soldiers in Jiangdong!"

Xu Shu walked in slowly, bowed to Liu Jing, then nodded to Lu Su with a smile and said, "Shu is a straightforward person, and speaks frankly, please don't blame Lu Su."

Lu Su hurriedly stood up and saluted, "Don't dare! What Mr. Xu said made Lu Su feel ashamed. It is indeed not appropriate to talk about alliances today, only about the exchange of prisoners of war."

Liu Jing waved his hand, "Yuan Zhi, please sit down, and Governor Lu, please sit down too!"

Lu Su bowed gratefully to Xu Shu again, and then sat down. Several soldiers served them tea, and Liu Jing picked up the tea and gave Xu Shu a wink.

Xu Shu understood, so he smiled and said to Lu Su: "Speaking of prisoners of war, how many Jiangxia soldiers are in the Jiangdong Army's hands? Where are they now?"

Lu Su already understood the division of labor between Liu Jing and Xu Shu. The specific negotiations were made by Xu Shu, and Liu Jing only made decisions later.

He took out seven thick volumes from the bag he was carrying, put them on the table, and pushed them to Xu Shu, "This is the list of prisoners of war, a total of 450 people, most of whom were in the battles between Xiakou and Wuchang." Captured, what Marquis Wu means, no matter how many prisoners of war we have in the hands of your army, we will release them all, and they are all in Pengze at present."

Liu Jing and Xu Shu glanced at each other quickly, both of them secretly surprised, there are so many prisoners of war, 9000 people, how could it be?You must know that Huang Zu's total force was only 5000.

Xu Shu looked through several rosters carefully, and handed one of the rosters to Liu Jing. Liu Jing took it and flipped through it. It was full of names and hometowns. At this time, he unexpectedly discovered that there were many Xiangyang people in it. registered soldiers.

He was stunned, and after careful thought, he suddenly realized that these soldiers must be the reinforcements brought by Cai Mao, who were captured after being defeated by the Jiangdong Army.

Liu Jing frowned, and asked Lu Su, "I wonder how many prisoners were there in the battle against Cai Mao?"

Lu Su thought for a while, "About four thousand people."

It actually accounted for nearly half, Liu Jing nodded, and continued to look through the roster. At this time, Xu Shu smiled again: "There are about five thousand Jiangdong Army prisoners in our hands. Isn't Jiangdong a bit disadvantaged by this exchange?"

Lu Su shook his head and said solemnly: "Marquis Wu said that the exchange of prisoners of war is not about the number of people, but about sincerity. As long as both parties are sincere, it doesn't matter if there are more people or fewer people."

Xu Shu chuckled, "Since Marquis Wu is sincere, we can take advantage of it."

Lu Su smiled apologetically and said, "This is indeed Marquis Wu's mind. I hope wars will be wars, and reconciliations will be reconciliations. If there is nothing wrong with Soochow, Marquis Wu is very willing to have an interview with Liu Sima."

After a pause, Lu Su asked again: "Aside from exchanging prisoners, does Liu Sima have anything else to say?"

Liu Jing said indifferently: "I can feel Wu Hou's five-point sincerity. If the two families stop fighting and make a good deal, I think Wu Hou must show at least eight-point sincerity."

Lu Su understood that Liu Jing had other conditions, so he tentatively asked, "I wonder what Sima thinks is the other three points of sincerity?"

Liu Jing laughed, "It's actually simple. I hope Marquis Wu will not embarrass the Tao family and maintain the status quo of the Tao family. I hope the Tao family can become a bridge of communication between us."

. . . . . . . .

Lu Su left and went back to Peng Ze. Xu Shu sent Lu Su back. Seeing Liu Jing still looking through the list of prisoners, he sat down and said with a smile, "Sima Ke thought of Sun Quan's real intention?"

Liu Jing folded the booklet together and said with a smile, "Tell me, what is his intention?"

Xu Shu sneered and said, "If I'm not wrong, Sun Quan was worried that Sima would take the opportunity to expand eastward. That's why he was so generous. 9000 people were exchanged for 5000 people, and the son was a favor."

Liu Jing thought for a while, then smiled slightly and said, "I think there must be something wrong with Jiangdong, and he rushed back in such a hurry. Perhaps, as you said, Sun Quan was worried about my eastward expansion, but I don't have Dongdong for the time being." For the idea of ​​expansion, first hold Jiangxia County in your hands and then talk about it."

Xu Shu laughed, "But what Sima said just now is so convincing that Lu Su believed it to be true. It is estimated that Sun Quan will not be able to sleep again when he reports back."

"It's good to let him worry, lest he think that Jiang Xia is a vegetable garden, come and go whenever he wants, and teach him a lesson."

At this time, Xu Shu felt a little worried, and said to Liu Jing, "I'm afraid there will be troubles in Xiangyang when Sima occupies Jiangxia County."

Liu Jing knew that he was referring to Liu Biao. Although Liu Biao first sent him to Jiangxia County to let him deal with Huang Zu, it didn't mean that after killing Huang Zu, Jiang Xia would be given to him.

At first Liu Jing thought that Liu Biao would appoint him as the prefect of Jiangxia, but after a year, he gradually understood Liu Biao's true intention, Liu Pan is a mirror.

In Changsha County, Liu Pan served as the magistrate, the prefect was Zhang Ji, but the army was commanded by Huang Zhong. The military and political power was not in Liu Pan's hands, and Liu Pan actually played a monitoring role.

Then Jiangxia County must be the same. In Liu Biao's design, Liu Jing could not be in command of the army, nor could he be the prefect.

His troubles don't stop there, they are also related to the Tao family. The Tao family was originally an important provider of money and food in Jingzhou, but now they have turned to support Liu Jing. How can Liu Biao not be annoyed? From the arrival of Yiji this time, it can be seen Liu Biao's plan for himself.

Thinking of this, Liu Jing smiled disdainfully: "We don't need to put Xiangyang in our eyes, but we can't be careless. Lu Su also said that Cheng Pu has withdrawn his troops from Wuchang. As long as the Jiangdong army withdraws from Jiangxia, we will immediately annex Jiangxia."

Liu Jing thought about the prisoners of war in Xiangyang again, and was about to discuss with Xu Shu, when suddenly a soldier reported outside the door: "A letter to Sima, General Su Fei from Fankou."

Liu Jing and Xu Shu were startled at the same time, Su Fei delivered the letter, this news was really surprising, Liu Jing quickly ordered: "Please come in the messenger!"

Liu Jing knew that Su Fei had collected five thousand Jiangxia troops and gathered them in Fankou, who was the key figure in his annexation of Jiangxia.Now that Su Fei actually took the initiative to send a letter, how could he not fill his heart with anticipation.

After a while, the soldier led a messenger in. The messenger bowed and presented a letter to Liu Jing, "This is a letter from General Su to Young Master Jing."

Liu Jing took the letter and ordered the envoys to take them down to rest. He opened the letter and read it, couldn't help laughing, and said to Xu Shu: "It seems that the sky is on our side, and there is nothing to do with Xiangyang."

. . . . . . . . . . .

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