Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 198 Whistleblowing

Zhang Shuo once served in the army in Xiangyang, and he was an official to the military marquis. Cai Mao also knew him and knew that he was the head of Jiangxia's eighteen generals.

In the room, Cai Hao quietly listened to Zhang Shuo's narration, his face remained calm, but he was quickly calculating in his heart that everything Zhang Shuo said was very useful, making him understand how Liu Jing seized power in Jiangxia .

When Zhang Shuo finished speaking, Cai Hao immediately stood up, "I can make the decision for you, now you go with me to a place."

"I don't know where the military division will take Humble?" Zhang Shuo asked timidly.

Cai Mao laughed, "Naturally I will take you to see Zhou Mu."

. . . . . . . .

It was not too late at night, and Liu Biao was not asleep. He was sitting in the study reviewing some articles written by his son Liu Cong. Irritated, become sedate and polite.

He also made great progress in dealing with people, and what made Liu Biao even more gratified was that the second son no longer hung out with those dandies, nor went to the bars of restaurants, and spent most of his time at home studying furiously. From these few articles he wrote It can be seen that the words are meaningful and insightful.

Liu Biao lightly stroked his long beard, and read his son's article aloud. He had to admit that he liked his second son more and more. Although his injury was still being recuperated, it did not hinder Liu Biao's love for his second son. On the contrary, It also made Liu Biao feel sorry for his son even more.

But Liu Biao didn't like the eldest son Liu Qi very much. The key is that the eldest son was greedy for wine, lustful, and dissolute, but he refused to change after repeated admonitions, which made Liu Biao deeply hate him.

The spies he sent discovered more than once that brothel prostitutes were secretly haunting Liu Qi's mansion in Jiangling. Although Liu Qi was very careful, good at covering up, and arranged very confidentially, he was still discovered by the spies.

This made Liu Biao start to doubt whether Liu Qi's performance in Xiangyang in the past was a trick on the outside and a trick on the back, and deliberately deceived himself. Otherwise, why did he show his true colors when he went to Nanjun?

On the one hand, he loved it, but on the other hand he hated it. Liu Biao gradually came up with the idea of ​​making Liu Cong his heir, but it was customary for the eldest son to be his heir. It will cause civil strife in Jingzhou.

So Liu Biao suppressed this idea, hid it in his heart, and stopped mentioning the matter of establishing a son. However, in the past few days, Liu Biao heard another voice calling for his nephew Liu Jing to be the heir of Jingzhou, and the voice was not yet heard. Small.

This made Liu Biao feel a little annoyed. He had told his wife that he might make Liu Jing his heir, but that was just an angry word to his wife. How could he give his nephew what should belong to his son.

However, Liu Biao also had to admit that Liu Jing's talents far surpassed those of his two sons. In this Chai Sang battle, he defeated the main force of the Jiangdong Army several times larger than himself, which is really impressive.

But this does not mean that he will appreciate his talent and hand over Jingzhou to him from now on. On the contrary, Liu Biao has a kind of vigilance in his heart, will Liu Jing take away his son's inheritance one day?

Very likely, because after a year of observation, Liu Biao was finally able to ascertain that Liu Jing was also an ambitious person.

Just as Liu Biao was thinking about Liu Jing, a guard reported at the door, "Mr. Cai needs to see something urgent!"

Liu Biao was startled, why did Cai Mao come here, but he didn't think much, and immediately ordered: "Please come in."

Not long after, the guards led Cai Mao into Liu Biao's study. Cai Mao knelt down and saluted respectfully, "Cai Mao, my minister, sees the state shepherd."

"There is no need to be polite, military commander, please sit down!"

Liu Biao asked Cai Mao to sit down, and said with a smile, "Junshi Cai hasn't come out at night for a long time!"

Cai Hao didn't dare to look at Liu Biao, lowered his head and said, "It's so late, I didn't want to disturb the state shepherd's rest, but Jiang Xia came to bring some insider information, I think it's very important, I can't hide the state shepherd, so I put him Brought it."


Liu Biao asked in surprise, "Who is this person?"

"This person is the head of Huang Zu's Eighteen Generals, Zhang Shuo, does Zhou Mu still remember this person?"

Liu Biao nodded, he still had some impression, "Where is this person now?"

"Just wait outside the mansion. If Zhou Mu wanted to see him, I immediately brought him in."

"Okay! You can bring him in to see me quickly."

Cai Mao went out and brought Zhang Shuo into Liu Biao's study not long after. Cai Mao had repeatedly told him in advance not to say that Liu Jing sent someone to cut off his wrist, lest Liu Biao suspect that he was framing Liu Jing for personal revenge.

Zhang Shuo knelt down and kowtowed, "Humble Zhang Shuo pays homage to Zhou Mu!"

Seeing that his left hand was gone, Liu Biao couldn't help but startled, "General Zhang, why are you disabled?"

"This is humbleness who was injured by an unknown person on the way to Xiangyang. I don't know who was harmed by humbleness."

Liu Biao stared at him for a while, then said calmly, "Tell me exactly what happened in Jiang Xia, and don't hide anything."

Liu Biao received an official report from Liu Jing yesterday, about the details of the Battle of Chaisang, but the report was rather vague about the situation in Jiangxia after the Jiangdong Army withdrew, and only said that Su Fei's army was out of control. Dangerous, Su Fei specially wrote to ask him to maintain order.

Although the words were rather vague, Liu Biao still understood the meaning hidden between the lines. Liu Jing had already occupied Jiangxia County, which made Liu Biao feel both lost and annoyed at being deceived. He didn't find out about his nephew. ambition.

But Liu Biao really wanted to know what happened to Jiang Xia?How did Liu Jing annex Jiangxia?Zhang Shuo's informant today undoubtedly revealed the truth about Jiang Xia to Liu Biao.

"Does he dare to kill Jiang Zhi in public in the big tent of the Chinese army?" Liu Biao asked angrily after walking a few steps with his hands behind his back.


Zhang Shuo said with tears: "Humble and Jiang Zhi wanted to join the state herd, but they didn't want to work for Mr. Jing. When the military power was handed over, Jiang Zhi publicly opposed it, saying that there was no state animal husbandry talisman authorization, how could he hand over military power at will? This sentence offended After killing Young Master Jing, he beheaded Jiang Zhi in public on the grounds of disobedience to the military order."

Liu Biao's face was livid with anger, he clenched his fists, and stood in front of the window without saying a word, while Cai Mao gave Zhang Shuo a wink and signaled him to continue talking.

Zhang Shuo went on to say: "Young Master Jing wants to kill Humble again, thanks to the intercession between Juncheng Su and General Huang, Young Master Jing let Humble off and drove him out of the barracks."

Liu Biao was still silent. To Cai Mao's surprise, Zhang Shuo's last words were intended to attract Su Fei and Huang Zhong, but Liu Biao didn't react abnormally, which surprised Cai Mao.

These days Cai Mao kept a low profile and didn't hear anything out of the window. He didn't know that Liu Jing had written an official report, which also mentioned that Su Fei was appointed as the governor of the county and Yi Ji was the long history, so as to stabilize the political situation in Jiangxia.

So Zhang Shuo mentioned Su Juncheng, Liu Biao is not surprised, the reason is this.

At this time, Liu Biao finally said, "I know about this, General Zhang, let's go down first! Take good care of your health, as for the duties, we will arrange them later."

Although Liu Biao's tone was very calm, Cai Mao could tell that Liu Biao was suppressing his anger, but he didn't want to lose his composure in front of Zhang Shuo. He was secretly happy, and quickly ordered someone to take Zhang Shuo down.

At this moment, there were only Liu Biao and Cai Mao left in the room. Cai Mao didn't dare to speak, and lowered his head without saying a word. After a long time, Liu Biao glanced at him and asked calmly, "What does De Gui think about this?"

Cai Mao's heart trembled, Liu Biao called him Biao, not a military adviser, which meant that Liu Biao was talking to him in a private capacity, and did not represent official opinions.

Although Liu Biao asked him in a private capacity, Cai Mao still said cautiously: "I have a quarrel with Mr. Jing, everyone in Jingzhou knows, I think I should avoid this matter."

This is of course a way of playing hard to get. If he really avoided it, why did he bring Zhang Shuo here again? Liu Biao knew it well, and sneered secretly in his heart, but he said with a smile on his face: "De Gui judges the public according to the public, why not say it, but say No problem!"

Cai Mao could hear a hint of urgency in Liu Biao's words. Although Liu Biao also wanted to hide it, Cai Mao had followed Liu Biao for more than ten years and knew him very well.

Liu Biao seldom met unfamiliar people in the study room, but this time he not only met Zhang Shuo in the study room, but also asked his own opinion, without any delay in time, which never happened before.

This shows Liu Biao's eagerness for this matter, and Cai Mao suddenly realized that Liu Biao probably hoped that he could help him in this matter.

It's no wonder that the Jingzhou officials now highly respect Liu Jing, but he is the only one who opposes Liu Jing, so Liu Biao will ask for his opinion.

What does this mean? This means that Liu Biao is not willing to hand over Jiang Xia to Liu Jing. After thinking about this, Cai Mao became excited. As long as Liu Biao supports him, then this game of chess will be easy.

"Reporting to Zhou Mu, it's not that I disapprove of Mr. Jing being the prefect of Jiangxia, but I feel that Mr. Jing's method is inappropriate. He shouldn't bypass the state shepherd and occupy Jiangxia without authorization. This is one of them, and Jiangxia County is extraordinary. , is one of the three counties in Jingzhou, and must be under the strict control of Xiangyang. In the past, Huang Zu was strong in Jiangxia. Now that Huang Zu has been eliminated, it is a good time for Xiangyang to take back Jiangxia. Got a foothold."

After all, Cai Mao was a military adviser in Jingzhou, and he hated the situation in Jingzhou thoroughly, as did Liu Biao. His two proposals were firmly in Liu Biao's mind.

Liu Jing annexed Jiangxia without authorization and bypassed Liu Biao. This is the most taboo in the officialdom, and the most taboo for those in high positions. Second, Jiangxia County is unusual. It not only has a large population, but also has an extremely important strategic position. It is one of the three counties in Jingzhou.

In the past, it was forcibly occupied by Huang Zu, forming a de facto semi-separatist regime. Liu Biao sent Liu Jing to Chaisang in order to use him to defeat Huang Zu and regain control of Jiangxia.

Now that Huang Zu is gone, it is a good time to take back control of Jiangxia. How could Liu Biao allow a second Huang Zu to appear, even his nephew.

In fact, this is the root of the contradiction between Liu Biao and Liu Jing.

Liu Biao walked a few steps with his hands behind his back. After all, he is a state shepherd with a high position and authority. He has experienced countless ups and downs for decades. He will not make a major decision just because of Zhang Shuo's one whistleblower. He needs to weigh his interests. Liu Jing is his nephew, what can't be compromised between uncle and nephew?

Liu Biao looked up at the roof, and said slowly for a while, "Today is October 62, and I will be [-] years old in a month. I want to have a big birthday this year. I want officials from all over the world to gather in Xiangyang. !"

When mentioning the age of 62, Cai Hao couldn't help but glanced at Liu Biao again, and couldn't help but sigh secretly. It's only been a year, and it has become like this.

. . . . . . . . . .

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