Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 202 The Lady's Route

Liu Biao's birthday was on November [-]th, which was his [-]th birthday the year before last. Because of his wife's miscarriage, he was in a bad mood and canceled the planned birthday celebration.

And last year, because of his health, he did not hold a birthday celebration. He did not hold a birthday celebration for two consecutive years. This year is his 62nd birthday, and it will be Jiangxia's big victory. Jingzhou is full of joy. Liu Biao finally decided to hold a grand birthday celebration.

Not only did they require officials of more than [-] shi from all over Jingzhou to gather in Xiangyang, but they also sent invitations to [-] families in Jingzhou, inviting them to come to Xiangyang to participate in the celebration.

Invitations were sent out in late October. After November, the atmosphere became lively day by day. The two cities of Xiangfan were decorated with lanterns and festoons, clean water was splashed on the streets, everyone put on new clothes, and everyone was beaming.

Teams celebrating birthdays from all over the country also began to arrive in Xiangyang one after another. For a while, the hostels in Fancheng and Xiangyang were full, and the government sorted out more than [-] unoccupied mansions to accommodate officials from all over the country who came to celebrate birthdays.

In the evening, five large ships from Jiangxia slowly arrived at Xiangyang Wharf. This was Liu Jing's ship. Before the big ship docked, the news of Mr. Jing's arrival spread like a gust of wind outside Xiangyang City.

Vendors setting up stalls outside the city, customers in taverns, passing passengers, and even people near the north gate in the city also got the news and rushed to the pier one after another.

In a moment, thousands of people were crowded on the pier, and everyone was full of excitement and anticipation. When Liu Jing's figure appeared on the side of the ship, the crowd on the pier suddenly cheered.

Many people shouted excitedly, "Welcome Mr. Jing back!"

Liu Jing did not expect to encounter this scene in Xiangyang. Looking at the excited and grateful faces, he also felt an indescribable touch in his heart. He raised his hands high and cupped his fists and said, "Thank you for your welcome! Thank you all! !"

Cheers resounded on the pier again. At this time, more and more people gathered, and even many soldiers guarding the city sneaked in. Wangjiang Tavern even took out the gongs and drums used for the celebration, and more than a dozen bartenders beat the gongs and drums , lively and noisy.

On the top of the city, Cai Zhong, who was demoted as a city guard, looked coldly at the bustling scene by the pier. His eyes were full of jealousy. Although he was responsible for the disastrous defeat of the Jingzhou reinforcements in Jiangxia, Liu Biao saw that For Cai Mao's sake, he was spared lightly. He was fined for one year and demoted by two ranks.

Cai Zhong has also become low-key, leaving early and returning late every day, conscientious, but this does not mean that Cai Zhong has repented since then. His inner world will still be revealed at inadvertent moments. For example, now, 6000 people are welcoming Liu on the pier. Jing, this made me very annoyed.

He turned his head and said to his subordinates: "I will investigate carefully, which soldiers ran to the riverside, and each of them will be beaten with a hundred army sticks!"

He snorted heavily, turned and hurried away.

. . . . . . . .

Cai Zhong trotted all the way, just when he ran to the gate of Cai Mansion, he happened to meet Cai Mao's carriage approaching from the opposite side under the guard of dozens of people.

Cai Zhong hurriedly ran forward to stop the carriage, "Brother, I have something to do!"

The car window was opened a crack, Cai Mao asked displeasedly: "Hurry up, what's the matter?"

"Brother, Liu Jing is here."

There was a sudden silence in the carriage, and after a long time, Cai Mao said: "Come to my study to talk!"

Regarding Liu Jing's matter, Cai Mao was more cautious and could not discuss it in the street. When he returned to the study, Cai Zhong also followed.

Cai Mao sat down, glanced at Cai Zhong and asked, "Where is he now?"

"As soon as his boat arrived at the pier, tens of thousands of people went to greet him, which was even more spectacular than when the state shepherd returned from the southern expedition."

Cai Mao snorted coldly, "He is so majestic!"

"Yes! I don't know what Zhou Mu will think when he sees this scene. Do you want to tell Zhou Mu?" Cai Zhong suggested cautiously.

"Of course he will know, don't worry about me."

After a pause, Cai Mao asked again: "How many people did he bring?"

"Five large ships came, and the sides of the ships were full of soldiers. I estimate at least 500 people."

"Hmph! He regards himself as Huang Zu."

Cai Mao paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. Although he had repeatedly considered how to deal with Liu Jing, when Liu Jing really came, he suddenly realized that his thoughts were too simple.

At this time, Cai Zhong couldn't help reminding him: "If you have any doubts in your mind, you might as well ask your second uncle."

One sentence makes Cai Mao wake up like a dream, yes!Why don't you ask your second uncle about such an important matter?

However, Cai Mao did not thank Cai Zhong for his reminder. How could he need a reminder from such an idiot as Cai Zhong? Although Zhou Mu forgives you, you must not be complacent, you must be a man with your tail between your legs, and you are not allowed to cause trouble, especially Liu Jing, you must not provoke him, otherwise you will surely die, do you hear me?"

Cai Zhong was so taught that he lowered his head, he was extremely unconvinced, but he didn't dare to talk back to Cai Mao, so he could only hold back his breath and said, "My little brother knows."

Cai Mao gave him a hard look, "Go!"

Cai Zhong retreated slowly, Cai Mao walked a few more steps in the room, contemplated for a moment, then turned around and said: "Prepare the car for me, go back to Caili!"

. . . . . . . . .

The welcome ceremony on the pier lasted for half an hour before the welcoming crowd gradually dispersed.

Watching the crowd gradually disperse, Liu Jing touched his sour face, smiled wryly and shook his head. It is an honor to be admired by all people, but it is also a burden.

At this time, Tao Zhan came out of the cabin and walked slowly to Liu Jing's side. Seeing Liu Jing's head was sweating profusely and his face was bitter, she couldn't help covering her mouth and saying, "Puchi! ' Smile.

"Jing Lang looks like he ran to Xiangyang to hide from debts."

"Am I like?"

Liu Jing touched his face, and couldn't help laughing, "I'm like a debt collector."

Tao Zhan took out a towel, carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead and neck, looked him over again, pursed his lips and smiled and said, "It's not like a debt dodger now, eh! It's much calmer, like a scholar who came to study. "

Speaking of scholars, Tao Zhan remembered something again, and said in a low voice: "I received a letter from Yueying, she repeatedly invited me to stay at her house for a few days when I came to Xiangyang, I want to visit her tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"This is a good thing! I will lead a team of soldiers to escort you there."

"what are you going to do?"

Tao Zhan said puzzledly, "Yueying doesn't want to see you."

"I didn't say I wanted to see her. Can I see her husband?"

Only then did Tao Zhan understand, a cunning flashed in her eyes, and she said with a smile, "Do you want me to help you walk the route of your wife?"

Seeing that she was really smart, Liu Jing guessed his intentions. It's really nice to have such a lady, he scratched his head and smiled, "If you don't mind destroying your friendship with Mrs. Huang, then I will trouble you a little bit."

"Originally! The friendship between Yueying and I is not deep enough. It is difficult to help you with this kind of thing, but since you have spoken up, if you don't help me, and you can't make it up, then fine! I can only help you slowly, Don't expect me to be successful tomorrow, at least it will take a year or two."

Another main purpose of Liu Jing's coming to Xiangyang this time was to attract some talents to Jiangxia, so he brought Xu Shu back to Xiangyang.

In his list, Zhuge Liang is naturally the key figure, but he also knows that it is not easy to persuade Zhuge Liang. Historically, Zhuge Liang observed in Xiangyang for many years before finally deciding to follow Liu Bei. It was not as simple as visiting thatched cottage.

It just so happened that Tao Zhan and Huang Yueying had a good relationship. It might be a shortcut to take the wife's route. Thinking of this, Liu Jing bowed deeply to Tao Zhan and said, "Then thank you lady first!"

"Go! Who is your wife, don't try to take advantage of me."

She refused to admit it, but Tao Zhan felt a burst of sweetness in her heart. She covered her mouth with a shallow smile, and remembered another imminent matter of Liu Jing, hey!This guy has to worry about everything for him.

She smiled and asked: "Let me ask you, have you and the soldiers thought of where to live when you come to Xiangyang this time?"

This is also a big problem for Liu Jing. According to the regulations, troops with more than 20 people are not allowed to enter Xiangyang. He has 500 people, so he must not be able to live in Xiangyang, but can only live in Fancheng.

But the original barracks had already had new troops stationed there, and he had just heard that the hostel was tense, let alone 500 people, even 50 people would be difficult to arrange, so should his soldiers live on the ship?

At this time, he saw Tao Zhan's face full of smiles, his heart suddenly moved, and he asked with a smile, "Do you have a solution?"

A mischievous smile appeared on Tao Zhan's pretty face, "What do you think?"

Liu Jing stretched out his index finger and tapped the tip of her nose, and said with a smile, "I know Dow's firm occupies a lot of land, but can it accommodate five hundred soldiers?"

"At most, there were [-] people living there."

Liu Jing immediately let go of his heart, Tao's business is close to the city gate, and if there is something to do, he can rush to the pier quickly.

With a wave of his hand, he called Li Qing, Marquis of the Army, and told him: "The ship berths at Fancheng, and the brothers will temporarily stay at Tao's Commercial Firm. Strictly enforce military discipline, and don't cause trouble."

"Humble and obedient!"

After Liu Jing asked him a few more words, Li Qing left in a hurry.

Liu Jing turned back and smiled at Tao Zhan: "You go to Xiangyang with me now, or..."

"I haven't promised you to live in Tao's House, so you decided on your own, and now you have to decide where I will go? Forget it, I don't want to talk to you."

Tao Zhan rolled his eyes at him, turned around and walked away gracefully, but after walking a few steps, he turned back to look at Liu Jing with a smile, his beautiful eyes were full of autumn waves, indescribably soft and charming.

Liu Jing's heart became hot, he wished he could go back with her now, but he restrained his inner emotions, smiled and waved to her, Tao Zhan then turned and went back to the cabin.

At this time, the crowd on the pier had completely dispersed. Liu Jing watched the five large ships sailing towards the opposite bank. He kept watching the large ships approaching the opposite bank. Then he led twenty soldiers and rode towards Xiangyang City.

. . . . . . .

When passing by the Wengcheng, Liu Jing suddenly heard a burst of miserable screams. He couldn't help but startled, and looked along the sound, only to see more than [-] soldiers were pushed to the ground at the corner of the city wall not far away. He held up the five-color killing stick and beat the soldiers on the ground.

"Sima, you seem to be welcoming our soldiers on the pier!" A follower recognized the twenty or so soldiers who were beaten.

Liu Jing immediately felt uncomfortable. The soldier who welcomed him was actually beaten. Isn't this a shame for Liu Jing?

He urged the horse to run up, "Stop everything!" He yelled sharply.

The executioner stopped his stick, and the head of the prison guard knew Liu Jing, so he quickly stepped forward to salute, "See Liu Sima!"

Liu Jing pointed at the soldiers with a whip, "What crime did they commit, such a heavy responsibility?"

"Report to Sima, they are off duty."

It's hard to say that when you are off duty, you should be beaten with a hundred sticks according to military regulations. Liu Jing couldn't find a reason for a while. At this time, the soldiers who were beaten shouted: "Mr. !"

Liu Jing's face darkened, and he glared at the head of the village, "Since you're not on duty, you can't talk about off duty, so what's the crime?"

The head of the village was embarrassed, and murmured: "Humbleness is only to carry out the order of the military lord, and I don't know the details."

"Who is your Marquis? Let him come to see me." Liu Jing served as the general in Chaisang for more than a year, and commanded tens of thousands of battles, and his words naturally had a kind of majesty.

At this time, a cold voice came from behind him, "I am the Marquis of Beicheng!"

The voice was quite familiar, Liu Jing turned around, and saw Cai Zhongzheng staring at him with eagle eyes, his tone changed from cold to mocking, "Could it be that Liu Sima also wants to train soldiers for me?"

Liu Jing stared at him, his eyes became sharper, he got on his horse, took off his long halberd, and galloped towards Cai Zhong.

There were exclamations all around, and Cai Zhong was also taken aback. He was a little dazed at first, but when he suddenly realized that Liu Jing was approaching fiercely and was about to put him to death, he finally reacted, screamed in shock, turned over and fell to the ground, avoiding Liu Jing. Chest blow.

Unexpectedly, Liu Jing didn't intend to assassinate him, he reined in the reins, the horse's front hooves leaped high, and with a long hiss, it stopped in front of Cai Zhong, Cai Zhong was just about to turn over and roll away when the cold halberd pointed against the back of his neck , made him feel extremely stinging.

"Move and you're dead!"

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