"Forget it, it's a mess!"

Shopkeeper Wang shook his head and smiled wryly: "Liu Jing came this afternoon, and as soon as he got off the boat, Cai Zhong was seriously injured. I saw with my own eyes that both legs were smashed and hung on the city wall. The Cai family went crazy with anger. There was no movement over there."

"Is it that interesting?"

Lu Ji became more interested, and quickly asked, "Why did Liu Jing beat someone, did it happen by accident, or was it planned?"

Shopkeeper Wang hesitated and said: "It seems to be accidental, because Cai Zhong beat up the soldiers who went to meet Liu Jing first, offending Liu Jing, but I feel that the matter is not simple, because Liu Jing used Jiang Xia's defeat as an excuse to punish Cai Zhong, He has won the respect of the entire army, and from this point of view, it feels like he deliberately beat Cai Zhong again."

Lu Ji just asked casually, nodded, took out a letter and handed it to shopkeeper Wang, "This is a letter from Marquis Wu to you, everything that Marquis Wu wants you to do is in the letter, I am just going to Jingzhou as an envoy. I don't ask questions."

Shopkeeper Wang received the letter respectfully, and read it carefully under the lamp. The letter asked them to create public opinion and help Liu Jing to rise to the top. Shopkeeper Wang nodded slowly, and said to himself: "You will never let Marquis Wu down. .”

. . . . . .

Liu Jing also lived in Tao's Commercial Company in Fancheng. Although he had a small house in Fancheng, the soldiers guarding him were determined not to let him live in the small house for safety reasons.

It was already late at night, and most of the soldiers had already fallen asleep. Liu Jing's room was still brightly lit, and there were faint figures shaking on the window screen. Liu Jing didn't rest, and was discussing the next step with Xu Shu.

Fighting Cai Zhong again today was out of plan for Liu Jing, but this incident also has advantages and disadvantages for him. The disadvantages are obvious. Cai Zhong's crimes in the Jiangxia battle cannot be dealt with by Liu Jing. He overstepped the authority of state shepherd, and committed the crime of deceiving Liu Biao.

The benefits are equally obvious. On the one hand, he can win the reputation of the military, the respect of the soldiers, and the morale of the soldiers.

On the other hand, if Liu Jing and the Cai family had an open feud, all Cai Mao's accusations against him would be branded as public revenge, thus losing the impartiality and persuasion. This would not be conducive to Cai Mao's support from other senior officials.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the advantages of hitting Cai Zhong again outweigh the disadvantages. This is also the decision Liu Jing made after a quick judgment. As Liu Jing's mastermind, Xu Shu did not object. Make a big decision that is irreversible.

What if Cai Mao supports Liu Jing in the Jiang Xia matter instead?Of course, the possibility is unlikely, but Liu Jing should at least see the situation clearly before making a decision. His impulsiveness is definitely not the way of a king.

"I just hope that Sima will be more cautious next time and think twice before acting."

Xu Shu implicitly pointed out Liu Jing's mistakes, and Liu Jing knew it well, bowed and said: "Liu Jing will remember Mr.'s criticism, and think twice before doing anything in the future."

Xu Shu felt that he was not being modest and was just dealing with himself, but Xu Shu had no choice but to change the subject, "What happened to Cai Zhong today, the Cai family must have countermeasures, so should our plan also be changed?"

Liu Jing pondered for a moment and said: "I met Zhou Mu today, and I feel that Xiangyang does not have a clear strategy for Jiang Xia's matter. Maybe they don't know how to deal with it. We don't need to change the plan. In the next few days, we must seize the time to win over talents from Jingxiang, and tomorrow morning, I plan to visit Lord Pound at Lumen Academy."

Xu Shu laughed, "Then I'll visit Kong Ming and see how he behaves?"

Liu Jing shook his head, "Jiu Niang is going to see Mrs. Huang tomorrow, and she promised to test Mrs. Huang's thoughts for me. In fact, I don't think Kong Ming will tell the truth, but his wife may reveal some of his thoughts. I suggest Yuan Zhi temporarily Don't worry about Kong Ming."

Xu Shu clapped his palms and laughed, "It turns out that Sima still has this trick. Kong Ming's back door caught fire, and I learned it!"

Xu Shu restrained his laughter and asked again, "Then what shall I do tomorrow?"

Liu Jing stretched his body for a long time, and smiled lazily: "I don't think you have to do anything. As long as you show your face in Longzhong tomorrow, there will be an endless stream of people looking for you."

It was only then that Xu Shu understood what Liu Jing meant, that he wanted to use himself as a bait to catch those northern gentry who were underappreciated.

"Since that's the case, I don't care about Jiangxia Academy."

Liu Jing quickly waved his hand, "Just kidding with you, I still have to trouble you to be responsible for Jiangxia Academy, but tomorrow you will first check the situation in Longzhong Town for me."

Xu Shu nodded silently. At this moment, a soldier outside the door reported: "Speak to Sima, a young officer came outside the door and said that he has an appointment with Sima for a sword fight!"

. . . . . . . . .

Cai Jin inquired for a long time before he finally learned that Liu Jing lived in Tao's firm. At this time, Cai Jin was standing outside the gate of the firm, like a straight tree stump, quietly waiting for Liu Jing to come out.

There was a sound of footsteps inside the gate, and Liu Jing came out under the guard of a dozen soldiers. Compared with two years ago, both of them have changed a lot. Two years ago, both of them were sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys , are now adults.

If Liu Jing's change is mainly in his temperament becoming more stable, then Cai Jin's change lies in his appearance. What Liu Jing saw was an officer with a neatly trimmed beard on his lips and a two-inch beard on his chin. Didn't recognize it.

"It's really you!"

Liu Jing laughed, "Brother Cai, long time no see."

Cai Jin bowed and bowed to Liu Jing, "Liu Sima, we had another sword fight on the first day of October, but the battle was fierce in October, so we didn't have time to worry about it. Now that the fighting has subsided and Liu Sima is in Xiangyang again, I asked Liu Sima, is it possible?" Are you willing to keep the promise?"

Liu Jing chuckled, "Cai Junhou is indeed a believer. Since I have promised, I will not go back on my promise. Except for tomorrow, the place and time are determined by Cai Junhou."

Cai Jin was secretly startled, it was only two months ago that he was promoted to the rank of Marquis, and Liu Jing actually knew about it, could it be that he also has eyes and ears in Xiangyang?

Cai Jin wasn't too surprised, he had already made arrangements, and since Liu Jing agreed, he immediately said: "Then the morning after tomorrow, at Xiangyang South School Field, I hope to compete with Liu Sima on horseback!"

The day after tomorrow, Liu Jing had no arrangements for the time being, so he nodded happily, "Then we'll make a deal!"

Cai made a salute, turned around and left, Liu Jing stopped him, "Marquis Cai, please stay."

"What else is there for Sima Liu?" Cai Jin turned around and asked.

Liu Jing pondered for a moment, stared into Cai Jin's eyes and said, "I hope the contest between us has nothing to do with the family."

Cai Jin nodded, "It has nothing to do with the Cai family!"

He turned around and walked away quickly, gradually disappearing into the night, Liu Jing looked at his back and couldn't help but said to himself: "This man is an apprentice of Wenpin."

. . . . . . . . .

Early the next morning, Liu Jing marched towards Longzhong with more than a hundred soldiers, Xu Shu, and Tao Zhan. Tao Zhan was sitting in a carriage with his maid A-Jiao and Xiao Baozi. Stay for two days and catch up with Mrs. Zhuge Huang Yueying.

It is also a kind of fate, Tao Zhan and Huang Yueying just met by chance at a party, and the two became close friends, and they have been writing letters for more than a year.

Huang Yueying repeatedly invited her to come to Longzhong as a guest, but when Tao Zhan thought of Liu Biao's order, she hated Xiangyang very much in her heart. If it wasn't for Liu Jing's request this time, she would not come to Xiangyang either.

The carriage crossed the Hanshui River from the west wharf of Fancheng, and headed for Longzhong along the mountainous area.

Returning to his old residence, Xu Shu was extremely interested. He rode on a horse and introduced to everyone the scenic spots in Longzhong, such as an ordinary mountain forest, a clear pool of water, and a strange-shaped boulder. The story becomes alive.

Among them, Xiao Baozi was the most fascinated, she interjected to ask from time to time, "Mr. Xu, you said that the pool of tears was melted by the tears of a fairy, is it just a tear?"

Xu Shu chuckled, "I don't know the details, it's probably just a tear!"

"But fairies are also women. When a woman cries, she tears in handfuls. There should be many pools of water nearby!"

Tao Zhan heard her interesting question in the car, and couldn't help laughing: "The fairy moves three thousand miles, and tears should be shed all the way. From now on, isn't it all lakes all the way to the east?"

"So it is like this!" Xiao Baozi whispered, his tone was very serious, as if the tears of a fairy really turned into a lake.

Xu Shu asked again with a smile: "Miss Tao, you are looking for Mrs. Huang today, does she know you are here?"

"You should know that I wrote an express letter before leaving. Yesterday I asked the delivery man, and he said that the letter had been delivered to Zhuge Mansion."

Through the gauze curtain, Tao Zhan couldn't help looking at Liu Jing secretly. She found that Liu Jing was very silent today. Xu Shu told a lot of allusions along the way, including the soldiers. Everyone listened with great interest, but Liu Jing was a little restless, as if I was thinking about something, and I didn't say a word along the way.

Tao Zhan thought to himself, 'What happened to him today? '

Xu Shu noticed that Tao Zhan was silent all of a sudden, and felt a little strange. He glanced at Liu Jing, and immediately understood that Liu Jing hadn't said a word all the way. He hurried forward and slowly approached Liu Jing, "Sima, what happened?" Is something wrong?"

Liu Jing shook his head, "It's nothing serious, it's just that I'm reminiscing about the meeting with my uncle last night, and I always feel a little weird."

"Can Sima tell me?"

"During the sacrifice at the beginning of the year, my uncle was still radiant and full of energy, but when I saw him last night, I found that he suddenly aged ten years. Nearly half of his beard and hair had fallen off, his skin was loose, and his back was a little bent. I felt something was wrong."

"Sima suspects that someone has poisoned you?"

Suspicion flashed in Liu Jing's eyes, "I didn't ask about this, but I still think he was plotted against. I was thinking, if someone really poisoned him, who would it be?"

Xu Shu pondered for a while and said, "If Zhou Mu didn't notice the poison, it could only be the closest person. Maybe someone bribed the maid around him, or someone around him did it."

Liu Jing couldn't think of who poisoned him for a while, but he was very clear about the consequences. Although he also knew that Liu Biao died five years later in history, Liu Jing also knew in his heart that since his arrival, the great ship of history has begun. off course.

He can no longer consider the issue according to the development of history. Liu Biao is likely to die early. Once Liu Biao dies and Cao Cao's army has not gone south, then Jingzhou will fall into great chaos. Who can be the master of Jingzhou?

This will be a huge challenge for Liu Jing, but also an opportunity.

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