The Jiangxia water army stopped moving forward and quickly formed a geese formation on the river. The so-called geese formation means that the main battleship is in the center, and the auxiliary ships and small boats are on the two wings. This formation is most conducive to encirclement and anti-encirclement, and is often used in water warfare.

The main weapon of water warfare is bow and arrow, and it is also auxiliary means such as stone cannon and fire attack. However, since Jiangxia Army led the use of kerosene, kerosene has become the sharpest weapon of Jiangxia Army, and cupping cans have been launched one after another. Fire oil weapons such as fire bottles, braziers, and rolling fireballs make Jiang Xia's army even more powerful.

However, among Jiangdong Army and Cao Army, kerosene appeared first, but their kerosene was not refined, and it was far less sharp than Jiang Xia's army.

At this time, the sky was gradually getting into the evening, which was not conducive to a battle on the water. The Jingzhou navy also stopped a few miles away, confronting the Jiangxia navy. On the main ship of the Jingzhou navy, Zhang Yun looked at the opposing fleet coldly. With rich experience, seeing that the opponent only has more than [-] warships, he infers that the number of troops is at most [-] to [-], and he has [-] sailors, which has an absolute advantage in numbers.

At this time, Feng Yi, the Sima of the other department, was worried, so he stepped forward to persuade: "Lieutenant, Jiang Xia's army is sharp, and the river is not good for us. I humbly suggest closing the gate of the water village and resisting the war. When Jiang Xia's army runs out of food, they will fight." Naturally retreat."

If Feng Yi persuaded Zhang Yun before sending troops, maybe Zhang Yun would think about it, but now that the army has come out and is retreating, this will have a great impact on morale, how could Zhang Yun obey, he shook his head, "Since the troops have been sent , how can we retreat without a fight?"

"But it's dusk now, which can be used as an excuse to retreat."

Zhang Yun waved his hand and said impatiently: "Don't say any more, what I have decided cannot be opposed!"

Feng Yi had no choice but to retreat. At this time, a soldier shouted: "Lieutenant, the enemy ships have attacked, and there are only three!"

Zhang Yun put his hands on the curtain and looked over, and saw three two-thousand-stone warships sailing out of the Jiangxia warship group, lined up in a line, and slowly heading towards the Jingzhou navy. , It is a small-scale battle between warships.

This kind of situation is often a kind of mutual temptation, which is very common on land battlefields, but it is the same in water. In addition to temptation, it will also appear in some special circumstances. For example, it is almost dusk today, and it is not realistic to conduct large-scale night battles. Fight until dawn, or engage in small-scale battles to boost the morale of your own soldiers.

If one side challenges, the other side can ignore it or not, but this kind of situation is relatively rare, because it is not good for the morale of one's own side to let the other side show off in front of their own formation without fighting. Generally, they will fight.

Zhang Yun immediately said to the lieutenant Chen Shuoling: "General Chen can lead five warships to fight, be careful of fire oil, and be sure to defeat the opponent!"

"Follow the order!"

Chen Shuo got off the big ship and boarded another two-thousand-stone warship in a small boat. He waved the flag, and five of the same two-thousand-stone warship sailed out from the Jingzhou water army to meet the Jiangxia army warship.

Three years ago, when Liu Jing went north to Xiangyang, he used kerosene to severely injure Zhang Yun. That battle left a deep impression on Zhang Yun, and made Zhang Yun realize that kerosene played a pivotal role in water warfare. Perhaps it was because of Jiang Xia's fire oil that Zhang Yun was quiet for three years.

Soon after, he inquired about the origin of the kerosene, and sent someone to buy it. He only bought a very small amount, and the kerosene had been strictly controlled by Jiangxia's army.

But last year, he learned from the local population a way to prevent oil, which is to cover it with sand. After several experiments, he confirmed that this method is valid.

It was the piles of extremely cheap sand on the river beach that built up Zhang Yun's courage to intercept Jiangxia's warships, but he didn't know how long the things made of sand could last?

Zhang Yun stared at the five warships speeding towards Jiang Xia's navy in a formation of geese with two wings, and he was also a little uneasy. After all, after three years of fighting, Jiang Xia would not have sharper weapons.

In fact, this is also the main reason why Zhang Yun decided to fight. He didn't want Jiang Xia to suddenly take out a weapon that he couldn't accept during a large-scale battle, causing him to be completely defeated.

The same is true for Jiang Xia's army. Rather than saying that the small-scale battle is a kind of temptation for Jiang Xia's army, it is better to say that this is an experiment for Jiang Xia's army.

After all, the Jingzhou army is not the Cao army, but a precious resource of Jingzhou. Liu Jing does not want to carry out a large-scale annihilation battle.

The three Jiangxia warships were led by Li Jun, and they were distributed in the shape of 'pin' on the river, quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Li Jun holds a spear weighing thirty catties in his hand. Although his martial arts skills are not very high, he is careful in thinking, impeccable in his work, and has a strong commanding ability. Liu Jing brought him out this time to let him beat Jiang Xia. Army's first water battle.

Li Jun was well aware of the heavy responsibility he shouldered. The first battle could only be won but not defeated. Although the drums on both sides were rumbling, Li Jun was extremely calm in his heart. He sternly shouted at the watchmen: "Call me when you are five hundred paces away!"

He turned back and ordered: "The catapult is ready!"

The six small catapults on both sides of the main ship began to creak! 'Pull it up, and put a brazier and a fire pot in the throwing pocket. The so-called brazier is a nice name, but in fact it is mixing kerosene and soil into a muddy state to increase the viscosity of the kerosene.

When used, it is placed in a pottery basin, and after being ignited, it can be smashed out with a trebuchet. It can be glued to the sails and walls of the ship. This is a method thought of by an old sailor, and it is very practical.

And the fire pot is a clay pot filled with kerosene, which was thrown by a trebuchet and shattered on the opponent's deck. In recent years, Jiang Xia's army has refined a large amount of kerosene, and their kerosene is no longer as sticky and black as before. It is the light yellow clear kerosene after refining.

At this time, the watchman shouted from the mast: "General Li, the enemy's main ship is five hundred paces away!"

Li Jun shouted again: "Call me two hundred steps away!"

He gave another order, "Crossbowmen ready!"

On the warship, dense sailors appeared on both sides of the ship again, holding military crossbows, watching the approaching big ship.

"General, two hundred paces have arrived!" the lookout shouted from the mast.

Li Jun had already seen clearly that the enemy's main ship appeared on the left, less than [-] paces away, and another warship was about [-] paces away from the right. Obviously, the enemy wanted to pinch him from left to right. where the warship.

Jingzhou's main warship had drifted a hundred paces down the river, and a sergeant shouted, "Sail down!"

The sails fell quickly, this was to prevent the other party from burning the sails with kerosene. The burning of the sails three years ago left them with a deep lesson. When entering a hundred steps, the sails must be furled.

Just then, just hear 'Bang! With a muffled sound, a piece of talc shot out from the Jingzhou warship, drew an arc, fell into the water, and pre-empted the attack. The main ship of the Jingzhou Army launched the attack first, and arrows shot down the wind like raindrops.

On the big river, bows and arrows are the main ones. With a distance of more than a hundred steps, they have officially entered the attack range. Not only are the arrows raining, but the stone cannons installed on the big ship are also firing talc at the same time.

This kind of stone bomb weighs more than ten catties and is polished very smooth. It can be fired more than a hundred steps away and can smash the wall of an enemy ship. However, to be truly destructive, it must be within sixty steps. Ma Shi used this kind of stone cannon to sink five escorting Jiangxia warships.

Li Jun did not order a counterattack. His warship was gradually approaching the enemy ship. The two ships were getting closer and closer, and the distance between them was less than fifty paces.

At this time, 'Boom! With a loud noise, a talc hit the side of the ship, making a gap in the side of the ship, and sawdust splashed everywhere. A soldier behind the side of the ship was unable to dodge, his head was crushed by the talc, and he fell limply to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, there were several crashes, and the slippery rock hit the ship's wall. At this time, there was a scream from the mast, and the watchman hiding above was shot by the arrow, and fell from the three-foot-high mast, his mouth and nose were spitting. Blood, died tragically on the spot.

Jiang Xia's army did not receive the order to attack, and was suppressed by the enemy ship's arrows. Jiang Xia's army was in a state of being passively beaten for a while. , another Jiangxia greeted the enemy ship to the right.

The main ship of the enemy army and the main ship of the Jiang Xia army formed a one-on-one situation. The distance between the two ships was only more than [-] steps. Seeing that the two ships were about to collide, the main battle ship of the Jingzhou army was slightly deflected and wanted to pass by the other side. Li Jun Waiting for this opportunity, he immediately ordered, "Launch the brazier!"

The soldiers used torches to ignite the fire clay in the basin, and three trebuchets were fired at the same time. The three lit braziers swept across the air and shot at the enemy's main ship. The soldiers on the two large ships exclaimed. The soldiers also stopped shooting and looked up at the fireballs flying from the sky.

Deputy Lieutenant Chen Shuo secretly yelled that it was not good, they were afraid of the other side's kerosene attack, and it really came, he shouted anxiously: "Prepare to put out the sand!"

Dozens of soldiers rushed out of the cabin with sand buckets in their arms. At this time, the fire clay pots had already landed on the ground. One fire clay pot shot and fell into the river, while the other two fire clay pots hit the target accurately. The pot fell on the deck, and the oily mud splashed out, causing a big fire on the deck. The soldiers poured sand on the fire one after another, panicked and confused.

And another brazier hit the ship's wall, sticky mud stuck to the ship's wall, the fire burned the ship's wall, thick smoke billowed, and there was a sudden chaos on board, Chen Shuo shouted anxiously: "Take the things on the ship's wall Brush off!"

More than a dozen soldiers extended long poles of cloth to the fire on the ship's wall, trying to brush off the oil sludge on the ship's wall. The enemy ship and more than a dozen soldiers holding long poles were shot by arrows one after another, and fell down the river screaming.

Immediately afterwards, three more fire pots came roaringly, and another place on the wall of the enemy ship caught fire. As one after another fire pots fell on the deck, the clay pots were broken, and the fire oil filled the ship. The ship was already a sea of ​​fire. .

Li Jun smiled coldly, this was just the beginning, he immediately ordered loudly: "Get ready for the racket!"

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