Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 245 Allied Forces Against Cao Cao

Under the guidance of a medical craftsman, Liu Jing walked into the room quickly. In the room, Li Jun was lying on the bed with thick gauze wrapped around his neck. His head was fixed and he could not move. His dagger was extremely sharp. , so that he was seriously injured, at least one or two months of recuperation before he could recover.

Liu Jing slowly walked up to Li Jun, staring at him coldly, Li Jun closed his eyes in shame, not daring to look at Liu Jing, Liu Jing immediately glanced at the people in the room, everyone backed away knowingly , only Liu Jing and Li Jun were left in the room.

"Here's a message for you."

Liu Jing's tone was still very flat, as if he was talking about something trivial, "Your mother has been rescued and is now on her way to Jiangxia."

Li Jun was shocked, two teardrops slipped from the corners of his eyes, he couldn't speak, but the tears were enough to show the gratitude in his heart.

"As for your future, you can choose for yourself."

Liu Jing didn't seem to be moved by his tears, and still said coldly: "You have two choices, one is to leave Jiang Xia Army, the world is so big, you can settle anywhere."

Li Jun opened his eyes, and there was a look of extreme pain in his eyes. At this moment, Liu Jing's cold tone finally revealed a trace of gentleness, "The second choice is to accept my punishment and be demoted to the rank of Marquis!"

Li Jun's tears finally flowed out violently. . . . .

"Think about it! Heal your injury and I'll wait for your reply."

Liu Jing took out Li Jun's saber, hung it on the wall, turned and left the ward.

Li Jun looked at the saber on the wall with tears in his eyes. He understood Liu Jing's intentions and still hoped to fight side by side with him. Why didn't he want to?

. . . . . . . .

Fancheng was besieged by Cao Jun's [-] troops and was finally forced to surrender. However, because Cao Jun did not have a ferry across the river, Cao Jun did not continue to expand the results in the next few days, but looked at Xiangyang across the river.

Fancheng was captured by Cao Jun, and the whole Jingzhou was shaken. At the same time, the news of Cao Jun bloodbathed Hekou Town also spread to Xiangyang. The news was like a bolt from the blue.

Xiangyang was in a state of panic. A large number of people fled their homes with their families and fled to Jiangxia and Xiangnan counties. A large number of family members of officials were also mixed in the fleeing team and left Xiangyang city in the chaos.

Not only Xiangyang City, but other counties in Xiangyang County were also driven. Zhonglu, Linju, Yicheng, Suixian and other counties also fled, especially Yicheng County, which almost fled the city.

On the various official roads in Xiangyang County, Jiangxia County, and Nan County, there are people who are fleeing from refugees, helping the old and the young, and there is an endless stream, extending hundreds of miles away.

Jiangxia encountered the largest refugee pressure. The first wave of tens of thousands of refugees flooded into Jingling County, Jiangxia County three days later.

At this time, Jiang Xia was ready to accept. Liu Jing appointed Su Wei, the governor of the county, and Yiji, the chief minister, to take full responsibility for accepting the refugees from Xiangyang, and dispatched more than a hundred civilian officials including Dong Yun, Zhou Buyi, Ma Liang, and Liu Min to assist. Su Fei and others resettled the refugees, and at the same time sent [-] troops to assist, and allocated [-] shi of grain and [-] tents and other materials to Jingling County.

Although the situation in Jingzhou was turbulent and the refugee wave was huge, Liu Jing didn't have time to go to Jingling County to appease the refugees. He had more important military affairs to deal with.

Liu Jing has received the news that Liu Bei's army and Wenpin's army have withdrawn to Anlu County almost at the same time. Wenpin's army is on the opposite bank of Xiakou, while Liu Bei's army is fifty miles to the east.

The situation is a bit delicate. Wenpin has 7000 troops, while Liu Bei has [-]. Although the two armies are on the north bank, their purposes are different.

Wenpin's purpose is very clear, that is, he wants to return to Xiangyang through Daojiang Xia, but Liu Bei's motive is unknown, and no one has been sent to contact him so far. Liu Jing has asked Kuai Liang to visit Liu Bei's camp.

In Xiakou Shuijun's yamen, Liu Jing was discussing countermeasures with several generals and Chief History Xu Shu.

Xu Shu smiled slightly and said, "If my guess is correct, Liu Bei's army should be waiting for Nanjun's reinforcements. The Nanjun army will definitely come by water and bring hundreds of warships so that Liu Bei's army can evacuate by water."

Wei Yan next to him asked: "Yuanzhi means that Liu Bei's army will withdraw to Nanjun?"

Xu Shu nodded, "It should be withdrawn to Nanjun, and then from Nanjun to go north to fight against Cao."

At this time, Gan Ning asked again in puzzlement: "Then why didn't Liu Bei directly form a coalition army with Jiangxia's army, and go north from Jiangxia to fight against Cao?"

Xu Shu smiled slightly, "This means that the strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snake. If we go out from Jiangxia, it will be us as the main force against Cao, and Liu Bei's army can only be an assistant. The main credit for defeating Cao's army in the end is also ours, and our reputation is also obtained by the prefect. Liu Bei He won nothing, so how could he be willing, he would rather withdraw to Nanjun, he can seize the opportunity to seize the military power of Nanjun, and also become an independent main force against Cao, killing two birds with one stone, why not Liu Bei?"

Everyone nodded silently. Xu Shu did see clearly. Liu Bei's current attitude should be waiting for reinforcements from Nanjun. Xu Shu glanced at Liu Jing again. Seeing that he was still in deep thought, he asked with a smile, "What does the prefect think?"

Liu Jing smiled and said: "My thoughts are similar to yours. It is impossible for Liu Bei to be our allied army. If he performs well in this battle and is recognized by the Jingzhou people, maybe he also has the hope of succeeding Jingzhou Mu, just like he did back then. The same as taking over Xuzhou.

However, the state herd is still around, and it is probably unrealistic for him to want to be the leader of the anti-cao. Even if the state herd has this idea, the Cai family will not agree. This time the anti-cao will still be dominated by Xiangyang. "

"I'd rather not go under the command of Cai Maogui's grandson in Xiangyang!" Liu Hu said with anger on his face.

Liu Jing glanced at him and shook his head, "Not only if you don't go, but no one will do it. How to resist Cao is Jiang Xia's business. We don't need to listen to Xiangyang's command."

At this moment, a soldier rushed to the lobby and reported: "Gong Kuai is back, and it seems that Uncle Liu Huang has come with him."

Liu Jing was a little puzzled, why did Liu Bei come?But he immediately ordered: "Go to the pier to meet him!"

. . . . . . .

On the Xiakou Wharf, a large ship was slowly docking. Kuai Liang took Liu Bei off the board quickly, and behind them was Liu Bei's new aide, Pang Tong.

When Fancheng was captured, Xinye was isolated, and the situation was precarious. Liu Bei was forced to abandon Xinye, and led [-] troops and tens of thousands of Xinye people to retreat eastward to Anlu County.

According to Liu Bei's idea, he simply used an excuse to resist Cao and stationed troops in Anlu County, which became his pocket, but Pang Tong urged him to go to Nanjun.

On the one hand, it is to seize the opportunity to seize the military power of Nanjun. On the other hand, the garrison in Anlu County has virtually become Liu Jing's northern barrier, which will attract Cao Jun's key attack.

Liu Bei thought so, so he gave up the idea of ​​stationing troops in Anlu County, but it was a big problem to transport tens of thousands of people to Nanjun, which was difficult to solve by himself, and he had to get Liu Jing's assistance.

At this moment, Kuai Liang was ordered by Liu Jing to come to greet the news, and Liu Bei took this opportunity to come to Xiakou together.

After Liu Bei got off the big boat, Liu Jing, who was already waiting on the shore, immediately came up to greet him, and bowed to salute, "My nephew is very pleased that Uncle Shi is safe and sound!"

"Thank you, nephew, for your concern. This time is also luck. Cao Jun didn't attack Xinye, and I escaped unharmed."

"Then what are your uncle's plans for the future?"

Liu Jing's question made it difficult for Liu Bei to answer. Liu Bei pondered for a while and said, "Maybe there are some things that need the help of my nephew, so I specially crossed the river to negotiate."

"In this case, Uncle Shi, please follow me into the city to discuss in detail."

At this time, Liu Jing bowed his hands to Pang Tong again and said with a smile, "Congratulations, sir, for meeting the Ming Lord!"

According to Pang Tong's original character, he would have responded indifferently, but now that he is Liu Bei's chief aide, he needs to consider his lord's face, so he forced a smile back, "Thank you, Prefect Liu!"

A group of people entered the city and came to the military office, and everyone took their seats in the middle hall.

Liu Beixian sighed and said, "I didn't expect more than [-] soldiers and civilians from Xinye to follow me to retreat this time. Although they didn't want to be Cao's thieves, it is indeed a big problem for tens of thousands of people to follow. First of all, there is a serious shortage of food. To tell you the truth, my nephew, the food I carry with me can only support everyone for two days, and I will run out of food the day after tomorrow, so I came across the river to have the audacity to borrow food from my nephew."

Liu Jing waved his hands and smiled, "Uncle Shi is serious. The people of Xinye are also the people of Jingzhou. As a member of Jingzhou, I have a duty to help the people."

Speaking of this, Liu Jing turned around and told Chen Shuo, "Go and make arrangements. First send [-] shi of grain from the Xiakou Grain Depot to send across the river, and send it immediately to solve the urgent need of the emperor."

"Follow the order!"

Chen Shuo saluted and hurried down. Liu Bei was overjoyed. He didn't expect Liu Jing to be so forthright. He stood up and saluted, "I'll first thank my nephew on behalf of the people of Xinye!"

Liu Jing laughed quickly and said, "Uncle Shi, please sit down, this is what my nephew should do."

When Liu Bei sat down, Liu Jing smiled again and said, "However, [-] people followed the emperor to Nanjun, not to mention the toss and turns on the road, can Nanjun afford the monthly food burden in the future?"

Liu Bei couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Nephew is right, I walked eastward from Xinye for more than a hundred miles, and I walked with tens of thousands of people for three days. The young and strong men are better, and the old and weak women and children are even worse." It is extremely difficult, dozens of people have already died of illness and exhaustion on the road, and I am a little scared to take so many people to Nanjun, not to mention the food burden in Nanjun."

Liu Jing was taken aback, "Uncle Shi means that they are not by the river?"

Liu Bei nodded, "It's more than four hundred miles from Xinye to here, how could it take three days to reach the riverside, they are in Pinglin County, and Mi Fang led five hundred troops to take care of them."

Liu Jing immediately understood Liu Bei's intentions. He was no longer able to take care of the tens of thousands of people. He wanted to give up but was afraid of ruining his reputation, so he came to him for help.

Liu Jing thought for a while and said, "If it's in Pinglin County, it's more convenient for the supply ships to go to Weishui, but they can only take three hundred stone tugboats, and the ships can only go to Sui County, and they still need to go south for a few days. Ten miles to Sui County to receive relief."

"There is no problem with this. My nephew can send the relief food to Sui County. I will immediately order Mi Fang to transfer the refugees to Sui County."

Although Liu Bei didn't say it clearly, the meaning was already clear. He couldn't take the tens of thousands of Xinye people to Nanjun, and he planned to entrust them to Liu Jing. This was also the main purpose of Liu Bei's trip.

Of course, Liu Jing can ignore it. After all, these are the people of Xinye and Liu Bei's favor, so Liu Jing must have certain conditions to take over these people.

Liu Jing pondered for a while, then said: "In order to take care of these people, I suggest that Jiang Xia's army should take over, what does Uncle Shi think?"

Liu Bei smiled wryly in his heart. In this way, Liu Jing had an excuse to garrison Anlu County, and in fact he gave Anlu County to Liu Jing.

But he was helpless, if Liu Jing let go, the tens of thousands of people in Xinye would live and die, which would seriously damage Liu Bei's reputation, and he couldn't afford such a consequence.

Fortunately, Anlu County has no strategic significance for him, and it can be regarded as a favor, so Liu Bei nodded, "As long as Jiang Xia's army passes by, I will immediately order Mi Fang to lead the army to retreat."

During the conversation between the two, they formally finalized the plan to hand over the refugees in Xinye.

Liu Bei finally let go of his heart, and he changed the topic to more important matters, "The second thing I came here this time is to discuss with my nephew the matter of uniting against Cao Cao."

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