Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 250 Sneak attack on Nanyang

Dingying County, Runan County, is a middle county in the north of Runan County. It is only fifty miles away from Yingchuan County. The county seat is built close to Ru River. In the most prosperous period, it had a population of about [-] households and was famous for raising cattle.

However, during the Battle of Runan in the sixth year of Jian'an, Dingying County also suffered heavy losses, and the county's population dropped sharply to less than [-] households.

Six years have passed, and the population of Dingying County has only increased to [-] households. The city is dilapidated and the economy is sluggish. At night, the entire county is lifeless, like a dead city.

About three miles south of Dingying County, on the east bank of Rushui River, there is a grassland covering an area of ​​several thousand mu, distributed on low rolling hills.

This is a natural cattle farm in Dingying County, full of rich pastures. During the day, people in the county will drive their cattle here to graze, and at night, the cattle will drive back to the county.

At dusk that day, more than [-] war horses appeared on the pasture, leisurely nibbling on the fresh and juicy alfalfa and green grass. In a forest to the south of the pasture, more than [-] cavalrymen from Jingzhou were gathering to prepare dinner .

This morning, they encircled and wiped out a remnant of the Yellow Turban Army in Xiaocang Mountain in the south, killed more than a hundred bandits, captured more than two hundred cattle and sheep, and rescued dozens of women who were taken into captivity. The women have been sent home , while cattle and sheep became the best booty for the cavalry.

Although the slaughter of cattle and the farming culture are not in harmony, they didn't care too much during the march, and the cavalry even ate dry food for a few days. Today, they can finally feast on it. A group of dozens of soldiers roasted beef and mutton around the fire, The laughter was loud, and wild laughter continued to come.

A temporary camp tent had been set up beside the woods. Candles were lit inside the tent, and a map of the Central Plains was spread on the small table. Liao Huazheng, the cavalry commander, sat opposite Li Fu, studying the next move.

It has been the seventh day since they dispatched troops, and on the third day they captured Zhi'an County, Runan County, and then went to Yingchuan County, ran around the suburbs of Xudu, and then returned to Runan, where they had already stationed and recuperated for two days.

According to Li Fu's idea, it is best to go to Chenliu or Luoyang. The Cao army there is empty and easy to capture. Once a big city like Chenliu or Luoyang is captured, it will have a huge impact on the situation in the Central Plains. Therefore, in the past two days, Li Fu Fu has been persuading Liao Hua to go north to Chenliu.

But Liao Hua was not interested in Li Fu's suggestion. Before leaving, Liu Jing explained to him very clearly that he just went to the Central Plains to show off his power and not waste his troops.

Although Chenliu and Luoyang were empty, they were big cities in the Central Plains after all, and there must be troops stationed there. Liao Hua didn't want his soldiers to die in vain in this senseless siege.

During the attack on Ancheng County, more than [-] cavalry soldiers were killed, which made Liao Hua very heartbroken. It would not matter if they occupied the city from then on, but after only occupying the city for one day, Liao Hua felt that the death of soldiers was meaningless.

So no matter how Li Fu persuaded, Liao Hua just refused to agree. At this time, a soldier brought in a plate of roasted beef and mutton. Liao Hua smiled and said: "Fill your stomach first, I haven't eaten this delicious barbecue for a long time, Mr. Li Bo ,please!"

Facing the delicious roast beef, Li Fu didn't have any appetite. He was very depressed. He persuaded Liao Hua again and again that the capture of Chenliu or Luoyang would shake the world, and the meaning was of great significance. Even the lurking pro-Yuan forces in Hebei would rise up.

Li Fu cut a small piece of meat with a dagger and chewed it slowly in his mouth. He couldn't help but said to Liao Hua: "General Liao, Chen Liu's garrison will not exceed 2000 at most. We can pretend to be Cao Jun and enter the city. Chen Liu is in the city." In the hinterland of the Central Plains, the defenders never expected that the Jingzhou army would go north, and it would be easy to capture this city, without losing a single soldier."

Liao Hua shook his head and said with a smile: "Master Bo's thinking is too simple. In Xuchang, we were intercepted by thousands of Cao troops. You forgot, Cao Jun's patrol also admitted that the higher-ups ordered them to guard against Jingzhou cavalry. This must be Cao Cao's order. Xuchang With this order, Chen Liu must have it, and we will even be lured into the city by the enemy and wiped out in Wengcheng, so it will definitely not work to enter the city pretending to be Cao's army."

"Or we can pretend to be merchants and sneak into the city, and cooperate with the cavalry at night..."

Without waiting for Li Fu to continue, Liao Hua waved his hands and said, "I can understand Master Li's feelings, but the prefect has a strict order to ensure the safety of the cavalry, which is Jingzhou's most precious asset, and I don't want to waste it needlessly. "

Li Fu was still talking, when a soldier quickly walked into the tent and handed a piece of information to Liao Hua, "The prefect urgently ordered!"

This order was sent from Xiangyang to Xiakou by pigeon letter, and then to Ancheng County. Let's turn to sneak attack Nanyang!"

Li Fu couldn't say a word for a while, so he could only sigh. After all, Liu Jing didn't really want to sneak attack the Central Plains. After going around like this twice, he still decided to go to Nanyang County.

An hour later, two thousand cavalry left Dingying County under the cover of night, and galloped in the direction of Nanyang County.

. . . . . . . .

It is not far from Dingying County to Nanyang County, the distance is only a hundred miles, and it is about 180 miles to Wancheng, the county government. Enable war horses to travel long distances.

Two thousand cavalry marched overnight and arrived at Ye County in the northeast of Nanyang County at dawn.

Ye County, known as the east gate of Nanyang County, is located at the junction of Yingchuan County and Nanyang County, just between Funiu Mountain and Tongbai Mountain. The terrain is flat, there are many rivers, the land is fertile, and the geographical location is very important. .

Ye County is also the logistics center for Cao Cao's two expeditions to Wancheng. A large number of warehouses were built here to hoard food and supplies. It is still a material transfer station for Cao's army to increase troops to Nanyang.

In the early morning, the Jiangxia cavalry who had been running all night rested in a forest about ten miles away from Ye County. Liao Hua also sent a team of scouts to inquire about information.

The mountain forest is extremely quiet. The sun shines through the leaves into the forest, forming straight beams of light, shining on the soldiers lying on the ground in disorder. A small river runs through the forest, and the same tired horses stand beside the small river. Drinking water, some quietly chewing hay in the bag.

Liao Hua was sitting on a big rock. He was a little anxious. The dry food they carried would be eaten up by noon today. The soldiers were facing the threat of running out of food. He didn't want to attack Ye County, but in order to get food, he had no choice but to attack Ye County. The county warehouse, now he is worried about the defense of Cangcheng and whether there is any food in Cangcheng.

Just as he was meditating, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the woods, and a sentinel shouted: "General Liao, they are back!"

After a while, the scouts led their horses into the woods, and Li Fu was among them, and he followed them to spy on information.

"Have you gained anything?" Liao Hua jumped off the boulder, stepped forward and asked.

Li Fu nodded and smiled: "Although most of the grain and grass have been transported to Wancheng, there are still a lot of grain and grass in the warehouse in Ye County, and there are not many defenders, only a thousand people, but there are earth walls around the warehouse. If the general If you don’t want casualties, you still have to use tricks.”

Liao Hua nodded, then frowned slightly and said, "It's not bad to pretend to be Cao Jun, but unfortunately we don't have Cao Jun's uniform, and we don't have command arrows. I'm afraid this plan won't work."

Li Fu smiled faintly, "There is one thing that can attract all Cao Jun out."

. . . . . . .

At noon, more than a dozen floats drove out of Ye County and headed towards the warehouse. The so-called floats were actually a kind of mobile brothel. The population was frequent in the late Han Dynasty, and brothels were no exception. Brothels and prostitutes would also be in the county towns. Mobility, doing business in places where populations gather.

But these dozen or so floats belonged to three brothels in Ye County. Normally, they would not leave the city, let alone leave the city at the same time.

At this time, they were all heading for the same destination. The floats were full of young prostitutes, and they were very lively. The places they passed, they were all fragrant, causing passers-by to stop and watch, and many people watched eagerly. These dozen or so floats go out of town.

Cangcheng is located in the north of the county, about two miles apart. It is a huge building complex covering an area of ​​[-] mu, surrounded by earth walls, two feet high, solid and thick. Ordnance, drum flag tents, and various military supplies are piled up in the warehouse.

Since the Nanyang Cao army sent troops to Jingzhou, a large amount of materials in the warehouses in Ye County have been transported to Wancheng, but there are still more than a dozen warehouses in Cangcheng full of grain and grass, and there are currently [-] defenders guarding Cangcheng.

Just after lunch, it was the rest time for the soldiers. Suddenly, more than a dozen floats appeared in the open space outside the gate of Cangcheng. Some attendants set up tents in the open space, ready to open for business.

More than 100 beautifully dressed prostitutes got out of the ox carts and horse carts one after another, looked around, and kept laughing. More than a dozen bold young prostitutes stepped forward and waved and smiled at the soldiers guarding the gate. Several coquettish women pulled up their skirts, revealing a stretch of white thighs.

The news quickly spread throughout Cangcheng, and more than a thousand soldiers of Cao Jun flocked to the gate, everyone's eyes were full of eagerness, and some people continued to laugh and curse loudly and speak obscene words.

At this time, Ya Jiang who guarded Cangcheng also came after hearing the news, and the soldiers immediately surrounded him and booed, asking to go out of the city to enjoy.

A dozen large tents have been set up outside the gate, and more than a hundred prostitutes lined up in a long row, and together they showed their heads to more than a thousand soldiers inside the gate, luring them out to do business, which aroused the primitive desire of the soldiers even more. There was a clatter of beating and shouting.

Yajiang was helplessly entangled by the soldiers, so he had to order: "Go in batches, 300 people at a time, don't mess around!"

The gate opened slowly, and the first batch of more than [-] soldiers swarmed out, and quickly formed a long line in front of more than a dozen large tents, shouting and cursing in front of the gate, forming a mess.

But no one could have imagined that in a forest several hundred steps away, two thousand Jingzhou cavalry had quietly appeared, and they were patiently waiting for an opportunity.

Soon, Cao Jun's soldiers were all burned out by the gunfire, and no longer cared about the orders of Ya Jiang. Groups of soldiers continued to rush out of the city, and more and more soldiers of Cao Jun lined up outside the city. There were more than [-] soldiers. The gate of Cangcheng is wide open, allowing free entry and exit.

Seeing the opportunity came, Liao Hua waved his saber and shouted sharply, "Get out!"

Two thousand cavalry rushed out of the woods, like a flood bursting an embankment, their hooves sounded like thunder, and their shouts of killing shook the sky. They swept towards the gate of Cangcheng with unstoppable force.

The soldiers of Cao Jun at the gate were in chaos. They stumbled into the city and fled desperately. Hundreds of people blocked the gate, making it impossible to close the gate.

The Jiangxia cavalry arrived in an instant. The horses charged, the spears stabbed, and the swords slashed.

Cao Junya shouted anxiously: "Close the city gate! Close the gate!"

More than a dozen soldiers pushed the door desperately, but the outside was crowded with Cao Jun soldiers crying and screaming. At this moment, the city gate was smashed open. Liao Hua took the lead and led more than a thousand cavalry into Cangcheng.


Liao Hua roared, swung his spear, and knocked Cao Junya to the ground with a head-on shot. He turned around and shouted: "Take the food and grass, and set fire to the city!"

An hour later, the fire in Cangcheng, Yexian County soared into the sky, burning the city, and the thick smoke rolled up tens of feet, which could be clearly seen hundreds of miles away.

The news that Cangcheng in Ye County was attacked and burned quickly spread to the south as if it had grown wings.

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