Zhang Quan's eldest sister married Cao Jun, the son of Cao Cao's younger brother Cao Bin. In fact, Cao Jun was Cao Cao's third son, and his mother was Cao Cao's concubine Zhou Ji.

Because his nephew Cao Anmin died in Wancheng, Cao Bin died early, and the incense in this house was cut off. Cao Cao apologized to his brother, so he adopted Cao Jun to his brother to inherit the incense, and ordered him to marry Zhang Xiu's daughter.

Although it was his father's order to marry his wife, Cao Jun and Zhang's got along well. After six years of marriage, the husband and wife were very loving and gave birth to another son, named Cao Kang.

Cao Jun naturally lived in the inner city, and his house was far smaller than Cao Pi's house, covering an area of ​​only [-] mu. Although he was only Cao Cao's concubine son, because he was now Cao Bin's son, he was also granted the title of Marquis of Ting, and his official worship was Zhonglang. Will, quite a position.

In the middle of the night, Cao Jun and his wife were about to fall asleep, when suddenly Zhang Quan came to report the funeral. Zhang's father, Zhang Xiu, died of a sudden illness.

Just as Cao Jun boarded the carriage and was about to set off, suddenly, in the darkness, a sharp dagger was pressed against his throat, and a man in black said coldly, "Let all your followers go back!"

Zhang was so frightened that she wanted to yell, another man in black punched her unconscious.

When Cao Jun saw his wife being beaten, he said angrily, "Who are you?"

At this time, Zhang Quan boarded the carriage, cupped his hands and said: "Brother-in-law, I'm sorry, these are my father's old subordinates, in order to survive, I have to wrong my brother-in-law first."

Cao Jun was stabbed at the neck by the knife, and he dared not move, so he snorted coldly, "What are you doing, are you kidnapping me?"

Zhang Quan was silent for a while and said: "Father was forced to death by Cao Pi, and Cao Pi wants to kill our whole family and Mr. Jia's family. We must escape from Yecheng tonight. Please help me."

Cao Jun didn't say a word for a while, and finally asked hesitantly, "Is what you said true?"

Zhang Quan burst into tears, "Father was humiliated and committed suicide, can I make it up?"

Cao Jun was silent for a long time, then he nodded, "I can help you out of the city, but you have to keep me and your elder sister safe."

"no problem."

Li Fu next to him retracted the dagger, although he no longer pressed his throat, but held his waist and eyes, Cao Jun knew that he didn't believe him, and hated him secretly, but he had no choice but to order the guards outside: "You guys You don’t have to go, come pick me up the day after tomorrow.”

The guards returned to the mansion one after another, the carriage started, and under the escort of several 'Zhang's family generals', they drove towards the outer city.

Jia's mansion has packed up and prepared two carriages for women, children and children. Jia Ji, Liu Min, and a dozen of his subordinates rode horses and waited at the back door of Zhangxiu's mansion. All of them put on Cao Jun's armor .

The two teams merged together and headed towards the south gate in a mighty manner. Li Fu had already changed horses and pretended to be Cao Jun's bodyguard. It was late at night, and the gates of the city were naturally closed.

The Three Kingdoms era is not a later generation, there is still no nightlife, after nightfall, almost everyone has to go home, especially at nine o'clock in the evening, most people have already blown the lamps to sleep, and fall asleep with the sound of eight hundred twilight drums.

At this time, the second watch had passed, and it was almost the third watch. The city of Ye was pitch black, and there was hardly a single light to be seen. The street was completely empty, and it was extremely quiet. Occasionally, a stray cat’s cry could be heard, and then disappeared into the distance.

Three carriages rattled along, with more than [-] people on horseback guarding the left and right, with Li Fu leading the way.Although his face was as if nothing had happened, the tension in his eyes could be seen.

Although he received an arrow from Cao Pi and Cao Jun voluntarily followed him, which seemed to be a bit reliable, but Li Fu knew in his heart that he was only [-]% sure whether they could leave the city. Entering the city by bribery, if you are not careful, you will fall short.

Getting closer to the city gate, you can already see two torches planted beside the city gate, flickering crimson in the dark night, like the eyes of a night ghost, looking extraordinarily strange on both sides of the bloody mouth of the city gate.

The sound of the wheels of the carriage was heard very far in the silent night, and it had already alarmed the soldiers guarding the city gate. Dozens of soldiers who were sleeping huddled in the corner of the wall stood up one after another, looking suspiciously at the approaching carriage.

"Who is it?"

A village chief rushed forward and shouted loudly: "The city gate is closed, you are not allowed to leave the city at night!"

The leader, Li Fu, urged the horse to go forward, and whipped him head-on, "Open your dog eyes and see!"

The head of the village hid quickly, the whip missed his face, but hit his shoulder hard, the pain penetrated to the bone marrow, but it also took away his arrogance, this is Yedu, there are countless princes and relatives, just in case What a big man, he can't afford to provoke him.

The head of the village quickly nodded and bowed his waist and said: "The villain is just a routine!"

Li Fu took out the command arrow and held it horizontally in his hand, "Under the order of the young master, I will send the seventh son to Xudu urgently, and you will open the city gate as soon as possible!"

The head of the village was a little confused, which seventh son?He stepped forward quickly and looked at the carriage. At this moment, the curtain of the carriage opened, revealing Cao Jun's face. He felt a pain in his waist, so he could only pretend to draw out his voice, and said displeasedly: "It's me! Even I recognize him. Can't you stay?"

The greatest awareness of being a gatekeeper is to know people, especially the powerful, and there must be no omissions. Cao Jun is the son of Cao Cao, and he belongs to the first class of people to remember.

The head of the village immediately recognized it, and hurriedly bowed to salute, "The villain is really blind, so let's open the city gate."

He waved his hand, "Open the city gate!"

The soldiers on the city creaked and opened the inner city gate, and then went to the Wengcheng, and Yecheng was only counted after passing through the outer city gate.

But Li Fu felt something was wrong, because the head of the village was acting unreasonably. Even Cao Jun, he should come to test the arrows. He wouldn't be so frightened by a Cao Jun.

When Li Fu entered the city gate, he took a quick glance, and saw that the head of the village whispered a few words to a soldier, and the soldier rushed away.

Li Fu suddenly understood that these gate guard officers were all cunning and ghostly, on the surface they were respectful and would not offend anyone, but in fact they only opened the inner city gate, and everyone still had to wait in the urn city, the effect was the same.

Sure enough, as he expected, the outer city gate was not opened, and everyone was blocked in the urn city. Li Fu went to find the head of the village, but the man disappeared.

A soldier explained: "The head of the village is looking for the officer in charge of the outer city gate, please wait a moment!"

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance, and a general rushed towards with a group of soldiers, which made Li Fu's heart rise in his throat, and he recognized that the person was Xia Houshang, the general on duty today.

But now they have entered the urn city, that is to say, they have entered the urn. Either they will be arrested if they fail, or they will get out of the city successfully. There is no third choice. At this time, it has already accounted for eight points, but after all, there are still two points of luck.

Li Fu bit the bullet and went forward.

Xia Houshang successfully captured five Liaodong spies, and they were just sent to the inner city barracks to be imprisoned. He wanted to rest for a while, but he heard the news that something happened to Zhang Xiu.

He didn't know what happened to Zhang Xiu, so he rushed to check it out. Before he arrived at Zhang Xiu's mansion, he received a report from a soldier that Cao Jun was going out of the city, and he seemed to be bringing his family with him.

Xia Houshang was surprised, he didn't have time to think about what Cao Jun was going out of the city so late, he turned around and ran towards the south city, just in time to stop Cao Jun and his party.

Li Fu stepped forward and bowed on his horse, "I would like to report to General Xiahou that the seventh son has urgent matters to rush to Xuchang overnight, and he has already obtained the consent of the young master. This is the young master's order to dispatch troops."

Xia Houshang took the command arrow and looked at it. It was not a forgery, it was indeed Cao Pi's golden feather command arrow, but Cao Pi's gold medal was required to open the city gate at night. Don't they know?Or did Cao Pi forget?

It is absolutely impossible to forget, Xia Houshang thought about it for a while, he probably understood, probably Cao Pi didn't want to make an exception, but because of his face, he had no choice but to agree, so he just gave him a Jinling arrow and let himself figure it out.

He glanced at Li Fu again, in the dim light of the fire, he felt that this person seemed familiar, where did he see him?Xia Houshang had indeed met Li Fu, but it was a few years ago, and he had long since forgotten it. He thought Li Fu was Cao Jun's chief guard, and he must have seen him in Cao Jun's mansion.

Xia Houshang didn't take Li Fu to heart, he got off his horse, walked forward quickly, and smiled at Cao Jun, "How can the seventh son go out at night, the road is not safe!"

He looked at the carriage behind again, and added with a smile: "I still have my family."

Cao Jun never dreamed that Jia Xu's old mother, wife and children were sitting in the two carriages behind. He thought they were Zhang Xiu's wife and daughter, but Jia Ji put on makeup and mixed with the guards. He couldn't recognize him in the dark. .

He just felt sorry for his elder brother who forced Zhang Xiu to death, and wanted to help Zhang Quan and send Zhang Xiu's family to take refuge, so as not to be framed by his elder brother and imprisoned.

Cao Jun knew his elder brother very well, since Zhang Xiu was forced to death, he would definitely find a way to charge Zhang Xiuluo with a crime to explain to his father, so planning to rebel is the best reason.

More importantly, he is Cao Pi's younger brother. How can he face his wife and the Zhang family and not let himself be involved? Then do everything possible to help the Zhang family, which is what he can do. In fact, he doesn't need a dagger to pierce his waist. He will do his best too.

Cao Jun said coldly: "I have an urgent matter that my father told me. I must go to Xuchang immediately. You can't afford to delay it until tomorrow."

Naturally, Xia Houshang would not be fooled by such words of using the prime minister to suppress people, but when he saw Zhang Quan at a glance, he changed his mind and suddenly understood, could it be because of Zhang Xiu's matter?

He had heard just now that something happened to Zhang Xiu. The accident was just an implicit statement. To put it bluntly, Zhang Xiu died. He didn't know why Zhang Xiu died, but Cao Jun was Zhang Xiu's son-in-law. But know.

So Cao Jun's leaving the city at this time must be related to Zhang Xiu, and he couldn't help looking at the two carriages behind. Although he didn't dare to search, he was sure that Zhang Xiu's wife, daughter and grandson must be in the carriage.

Do you want to report this matter to the young master?Xia Houshang hesitated a little, it was already late at night, and it was inconvenient to disturb the young master's rest.

Li Fu saw through Xia Houshang's hesitation, and he stepped forward to salute again: "Didn't you just give the command arrow to General Xiahou? Is there a problem?"

One sentence reminded Xia Houshang that with the command arrow, he has naturally communicated with Cao Pi. Since Cao Pi has given them the command arrow, it is a kind of acquiescence. in spite of.

After figuring this out, Xia Houshang began to think about it. Anyway, Cao Jun is the son of the lord, so he had to give him this face.

Xia Houshang immediately cupped his hands to Cao Jun and said with a smile: "Since the young master is in a hurry to leave the city and has an arrow, how can I not let him go? He pretended not to see Zhang Quan, turned around and ordered: "Open the city gate! "

The outer city gate finally opened slowly, and the suspension bridge creaked down. Liu Min disguised himself as a guard, and his heart was extremely nervous. It was the most critical moment, and he was afraid of another accident. At this moment, he took a peek at Li Fu, But I saw him chatting and laughing with General Cao Jun, as if he was discussing Cao Cao's battle against Wuhuan.

This made him break into a cold sweat, and at the same time, he secretly admired Li Fu's courage and meticulousness. In this situation tonight, except for Li Fu, no one can take Jia Xu's family out of the city.

When Li Fu brought Zhang Quan with him, he actually gave Cao Jun the illusion that the carriage behind was Zhang Xiu's wife and daughter, and that they were meeting at the back door of Zhang Xiu's mansion. He was overwhelmed with admiration.

In the last step, there was no accident at last. The cavalry guards escorted the three carriages and drove out of Yecheng. Xia Houshang watched the carriages go far away, and still felt a little uneasy in his heart. He decided to report the matter to Cao Pi immediately after dawn.

. . . . . . . .

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