Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 268 The Death of Liu Biao

In another quiet room, Kuai Yue sat cross-legged on the couch, bowed his head and said nothing. Beside him, Cai Mao was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back, looking at Kuai Yue from time to time, and his words were extremely intimidating.

"Yiedu, don't forget the matter of the Huang family. The nearly [-] hectares of Huang's good land in Jiangxia was confiscated by him as an official property, and most of it was turned into military land in the end. It can be seen that he is opposed to the family in his bones, and he has mentioned to the state herdsman more than once. In Jiangxia, he spared no effort to promote self-cultivation, I believe you have seen all this, if he sits in Jingzhou as a herdsman, it will definitely be the end of the Jingzhou family."

"But...the Huang family is really deserted." Kuai Yue said in a low voice.

"Who said no one!"

Cai Mao said angrily, "Huang She is not dead. It's not that Liu Jing didn't know about it, but he didn't hesitate to take over the property and house of Huang's family. Isn't this because he planned it for a long time? Now, you still believe him !"

Perhaps because he felt that his tone was too strong, Cai Mao eased his tone and said: "Yidu, although we had some festivals in the past, after all, Cai Kuai and his family have been friends for decades, and they are both Jingzhou families. It should be said that our interests are the same. Yes, I, Cai Mao, opposed Liu Jing not for myself, but for the benefit of the entire Jingzhou family.

In the future when Cao Jun goes south, in order to stabilize Jingzhou, he will definitely reuse the Jingzhou family. At that time, Jingzhou will be the world of your two families. I promise you once again, if I am Jingzhou shepherd, you will be Jingzhou military adviser. If Cao Gong no longer establishes Jingzhou shepherd , then I am the prefect of Xiangyang, and you are the prefect of Nanjun. I, Cai Mao, swear here that the Cai and Kuai families will prosper together. If you violate this oath, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth! "

Cai Mao's final oath finally moved Kuai Yue, he sighed and said, "You know, I used to have a deep relationship with him, and he regarded me as his uncle, but now he betrayed me, and I feel so sorry!"

Cai Mao felt Kuai Yue's loosening, and was overjoyed, and quickly persuaded him: "I understand that you are a benevolent person, in fact, I also owe a favor, but this time we are not harming him, we just want to maintain the status quo, and he will still be his Jiang Xia Prefect, we do not offend his interests, but Jingzhou Mu must be inherited by Mr. Cong, which is in line with the interests of the Cai and Kuai families."

Kuai Yue finally nodded, "Then what about Liu Biejia?"

"I'll go and persuade him. If he refuses to agree, I'll imprison him temporarily and release him back to Lingling when the deal is done."

"Let me think again!"

The so-called reconsideration actually means agreeing, but in another way, so as not to embarrass himself too much, Cai Mao knew in his heart, he patted Kuai Yue on the shoulder, turned around and left.

Kuai Yue slowly closed his eyes, he suddenly felt that he was the Li Si back then, under the threat of Zhao Gao, he changed the will of the First Emperor, and now he is not the same, "I hope Liu Jing is not Fu Su!" ’ he murmured to himself with a low sigh.

. . . . . .

In another quiet room, Liu Cong seemed to have lost his soul, sitting in a corner with his knees hugged, not a bit of the demeanor of the Jingzhou prince, but like a street gangster after being beaten up.

In front of him, Mrs. Cai was dressed in black, staring at him like a hawk. Recently, Liu Cong has done a lot of things, Mrs. Cai held back and didn't care.

But just now, Liu Cong actually proposed to follow his father's order and push Liu Jing to be the shepherd of Jingzhou, which finally made Madam Cai unbearable.

She took out a letter from her sleeve and slammed it on Liu Cong, "This is a good thing you did!"

Liu Cong slowly picked up the letter, and was stunned for a moment. It was a secret letter he ordered the book boy to send to Liu Bei, telling Liu Bei that his father was dying, but it was intercepted.

Liu Cong has had enough of being a puppet for the past two years. He feels that he is not as good as a dog. A dog can bark twice when it is unhappy, but he is just a puppet. In the end, I didn't even have the qualifications to take a look, so I gave it to Mrs. Cai directly.

He could no longer bear this kind of puppet life, he wanted to fight back, he wanted to use Liu Bei to get himself out of the control of the Cai family, but he didn't expect his last chance to be snuffed out by Mrs Cai, and he sent out more than a dozen letters , without any news, he thought Liu Bei was thinking, and now he understands that those letters were not sent at all.

A surge of hot blood suddenly rushed to the top of his head, Liu Cong's eyes were red, he jumped up and pointed at Mrs. Cai's nose and shouted: "Bitch! You actually intercepted my letter."

Mrs. Cai's eyes were as cold as iron, and she raised her hand to slap Liu Cong's face heavily. A snake-like voice sounded in Liu Cong's ear, "Do you think I don't know what you did to your father? ?”

A slap in the face had little effect on Liu Cong, but Mrs. Cai's words sounded like a thunder in Liu Cong's ears. He was stunned and stared blankly at Mrs. Cai with trembling lips. He stammered, "I don't understand...what do you mean?"

"Hmph! Don't you know what it means when you ask the book boy to buy medicine from the witch doctor?"

Liu Cong's eyes suddenly turned dizzy, no wonder she couldn't deliver a single letter, no wonder she knew about buying medicine, it turned out that the book boy had betrayed him.

Liu Cong was like a deflated plastic man, slowly deflated, his legs softened, and he sat down on the corner of the wall again. After a while, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Are you going to kill me?"

Mrs. Cai turned from a fierce hawk into a gentle hen. She squatted in front of Liu Cong and smiled softly: "Cong'er, I have always regarded you as my own. As long as you are obedient, it will be the same as before. Then I'll pretend I don't know anything, don't you like drinking? I'll let people buy you all kinds of fine wines in the world, and let you enjoy the riches and honors in the world. The premise is that you are obedient, if you make trouble again..."

Mrs. Cai's face turned cold, and she said coldly: "I will make public the evidence of your patricide, you can think about it yourself!"

Liu Cong gritted his teeth suddenly, and said viciously, "Let Cai Shaoyu go! Don't allow her to appear in front of me again."

Mrs. Cai nodded, "Yes, I will let her move back to her mother's house tomorrow."

She was full of contempt for Liu Cong. With such a little ability, that woman came to vent her anger. No wonder his father refused to pass on the throne to him in the end.

Mrs. Cai suddenly remembered that her husband was about to die, and an uncontrollable sadness surged in her heart.

. . . . . . .

Cai Mao hurriedly walked towards the gate, just when he reached the gate of a courtyard, he met Mrs. Cai head-on.

Although Mrs. Cai's eyes were swollen from crying, there was still a kind of anxiety that couldn't be concealed in her grief. When she saw Cai Mao, she asked, "How, can it be changed?"

The change she mentioned was naturally referring to Liu Biao's will, which asked Liu Jing to succeed him, how could she agree.

Cai Mao nodded, "It's not a big problem, we can deal with it."

After a pause, Cai Mao frowned, and asked again: "How is Liu Cong? He seems to be a little bit out of sorts recently."

"It's nothing, he has a little temper, don't worry, brother! From today on, he will be obedient and obedient, but Kuai Yue and Liu Xian, you have to find a way to keep their mouths shut."

"I know this!"

Cai Mao was concerned about the deployment of troops, so he had no intention of talking with Mrs. Cai in detail, and after explaining a few words, he hurried to the gate.

As soon as he walked outside the gate, he saw a group of soldiers rushing to surround the state pastoral mansion. The leader was Cai Zhong. Cai He was released shortly after being captured, and now he is resting at home. Cai Zhong took over.

Since Cai Zhong's leg was broken by Liu Jing three years ago, he has been treated for two years. Although he has basically recovered, he became lame and got a nickname, "The Lame General". Cai Mao also hated him for being reckless and stupid. Ken used him again, but this time he was temporarily used because Cai He was captured.

Although he was lame, he could barely hide it while riding on a horse. Cai Zhong seldom got off his horse, but when he saw Cai Hao, he had to turn over and dismount, and went forward with a limp to report, "Brother, I sent three thousand troops to surround him. After entering the State Shepherd's Mansion, the birds would never even think about escaping."

Cai Mao nodded. Actually, he didn't want to conceal the news of Liu Biao's imminent death. The key was to conceal Liu Biao's last will. Kuaiyue's side had already settled it, and Liu Xian was left.

"You lead the army to surround the mansion, and no one is allowed to enter or leave, no matter who it is, not even Madam!"

Cai Zhong quickly clasped his fists and saluted, "Follow the order!"

At this moment, Zhang Jin, the doctor, hurried out of the mansion. His face was extremely tense, and he ran to Cai Mao, and said in a trembling voice: "Military division, state shepherd...has already gone!"

Cai Hao's face changed drastically, and he immediately asked, "Does the others know?"

Zhang Jin shook her head, "I don't know yet!"

Cai Hao lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then immediately said to Zhang Jin: "Secret the news first, and don't tell anyone, including your subordinates, whoever dares to leak the news will be executed immediately!"

"Yes! Humble understands."

Zhang Jin ran back in panic, Cai Mao was in a mess, Liu Biao was dead, and he had no time. At this time, Cai Mao suddenly made up his mind. determined.

Cai Mao patted Cai Zhong on the shoulder, "Come here, I have something to tell you!"

Cai Zhong was overwhelmed by the flattery, bent down and followed Cai Mao aside, Cai Mao whispered a few words to him, Cai Zhong nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, big brother, it's absolutely safe."

Cai Zhong turned his head and waved, hundreds of soldiers followed him into the gate silently, Cai Mao watched the soldiers rush into the mansion, and said coldly: "Liu Xian, you asked for this!"

Liu Xian was still resting in the quiet room, his mind was at peace, and he was waiting for the last news from Liu Biao. At this moment, the door opened suddenly, and a dozen soldiers rushed in.

Liu Xian was taken aback, he recognized that the leader was Cai Zhong, and suddenly felt bad, "General Cai, what's the matter with you?" Liu Xian shouted sharply.

"Liu Biejia, please come with us! Please don't make us difficult."

"Yes, of course!"

Liu Xian pretended to agree, walked slowly to the door, and suddenly rushed out. Unexpectedly, there were soldiers blocking the door, and he could not rush out. Cai Zhong was furious, and stabbed with his backhand. , Liu Xian let out a scream and fell to the ground with blood gushing from his back.

A soldier quickly touched his breath and said nervously, "General, he's dead!"

Cai Zhong was also taken aback. Cai Mao assigned him the task of arresting Liu Xian and imprisoning him, but he accidentally killed him.

After all, Liu Xian was the third powerful official in Jingzhou, with great influence. Now that he died, Cai Zhong was secretly afraid. He still pretended to be nonchalant and said: "If he dies, he will die. Take his body away!"

Several soldiers shook open a sack, put Liu Xian's body in it, and then put it into a box, as if moving a box, slowly moved the box away from the side door, and the rest of them wiped the blood on the ground and left quickly. Quiet room.

On the other side of the courtyard, a dozen guards who came after hearing the news watched Cai Zhong commit the murder, but they didn't dare to step forward to stop him, and dared to be angry but dared not speak out.

. . . . . . . .

An hour later, the news of Liu Biao's death spread throughout Xiangyang City. The people wept bitterly, and the whole army mourned.

Cai Mao immediately ordered that mourning be worn all over the city, and mourning halls be built for two months. At the same time, Liu Biao's suicide note was officially promulgated, and his second son Liu Cong was appointed as the shepherd of Jingzhou, taking over Liu Biao's post.

At noon, the warships from Jiangxia moored quietly at Xiangyang Wharf. White banners were hung above the city of Xiangyang. The news of Liu Biao’s death had spread to the wharf. He kowtowed three times in the direction of the city.

Although he is not Liu Biao's real nephew, he has been called Liu Biao's uncle for six years after all. Liu Biao also gave him a chance to make it to where he is today. He cannot forget this kindness.

"Prefect, are we going to go to the city to mourn?" Dong Yun asked in a low voice behind him.

Liu Jing shook his head, "The filial piety is indispensable, but it doesn't have to be in Xiangyang City."

He turned back to Dong Yunling and said, "Immediately send my order to Jiangxia, ordering Su Juncheng to build a coffin shed in Wuchang for Jiangxia's soldiers and civilians to pay tribute to, and then order Jiangxia's entire county to mourn and express condolences to the state shepherd."

Dong Yun agreed, and turned around to enter the warehouse to write an order. Liu Jing suddenly remembered something, and added to Dong Yun: "There is also Jiangdong, send someone to report the funeral!"

. . . . . . .

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