Outside the south gate of Fancheng, Wenpin, who was also dressed in sackcloth and filial piety, was waiting patiently with a group of personal soldiers. His expression was as serious as ever, but his eyes were red, obviously he had just cried.

Liu Biao's death had dealt a great blow to Wenpin, but at this time, the major crisis in Jingzhou forced him to temporarily put aside his grief and come to find Liu Jing.

Beside him is his lover Cai Jin. Although Wenpin and Cai Mao are incompatible, Wenpin knows that his lover is different from Cai Mao.

"Master, will Mr. Jing go to Xiangyang?" Cai Jin asked in a low voice behind him.

"will not!"

Wen Pin shook his head and said, "I believe that he, like me, will not go to Xiangyang. He would rather pay homage to the state shepherd in Jiangxia."

As soon as the words fell, a group of cavalry rushed out of the city. The leader was Liu Jing. He dismounted from his horse, stepped forward quickly, and shouted sadly: "General Wen, Zhou Mu has passed away. Where should Jingzhou go?"

Wen Pin's eyes turned red, and tears almost came out again, he also got off the horse, holding back the great sadness in his heart, and said in a choked voice: "I came here for this, Mr. Jing, I have important matters to discuss with you. "

Liu Jing nodded, "General Wen, please enter the city!"

Everyone got off their horses and led their horses into Fancheng with Liu Jing. The whole of Fancheng was covered with white flags, all the shops were closed, the passers-by looked sad, the soldiers and civilians were all dressed in linen and mourning, and many people were crying and burning paper money at the door. into great sorrow.

Wen Pin felt even more dejected, and followed Liu Jing into the military office. He ordered Cai Jin to wait outside, and the two of them entered the meeting hall and sat down.

"What happened?" Liu Jing saw that Wenpin seemed to have something important to do.

Wen Pin sighed, "I'm afraid Liu Biejia has been murdered by Cai Mao."

This news really surprised Liu Jing. He still received a fast letter from Liu Xian in the early hours of the morning. How could he be assassinated?

He quickly took out Liu Xian's letter and handed it to Wenpin, "This is the letter I received this morning when I was about to arrive in Xiangyang. Liu Biejia said that the state shepherd might not be able to do it."

Wenpin didn't read the letter, and sighed, "I'm afraid Liu Biejia died on this letter."

"What exactly happened, can General Wen explain it clearly!"

Wen Pin took out a white silk from his bosom, and put it on the table, "This is the cause of Liu Biejia's death, the prefectural decree, and Mr. Jing will succeed Jingzhou as the shepherd."

Liu Jing was stunned, he couldn't believe his ears, and asked again and again, "The state shepherd ordered me to be Jingzhou shepherd?"

Wen Pin nodded, "Liu Biejia ordered someone to give me a blood book, and soon he was killed by Cai Zhong, and some guards saw Cai Zhong commit the crime with his own eyes."

Liu Jing took Bai Ling's blood book and read it silently for a while, as if lost in thought, without saying a word, at this time Wen Pin tentatively asked: "Young Master Jing, I can contact General Wang Wei and some officials loyal to the state pastor, We will ask Xiangyang to faithfully carry out the prefect’s will, and support Mr. Jing to succeed Jingzhou Mu, I wonder if Mr. Jing is willing to shoulder the will of Zhou Mu?”

This incident happened so suddenly that Liu Jing was unprepared for the moment. He pondered for a long time before sighing slightly, "If I announce now that I will succeed Jingzhou Mu, the civil war in Jingzhou will inevitably break out. Perhaps this is what Cao Jun hopes, General Wen, I hope you will not mention this matter for the time being, and fully cooperate with me to defeat Cao Jun, and then we will consider the matter of Zhou Mu's death."

Wen Pin hesitated and said, "I'm afraid that if it takes too long, it will be done."

Wenpin did not say some potential words. Liu Cong has succeeded as Jingzhou Mu with the support of Cai Mao. Although many people do not necessarily support him, they have no choice but to be loyal to Liu Cong.

This is what Wenpin was worried about. If the time dragged on for too long, there would be no chance of bringing down Cai Mao. Seeing that Liu Jing didn't seem to take this matter to heart, he reminded him again: "Young Master Jing, Liu Cong In the morning, I have succeeded Jingzhou Mu, and I have received three reminders from him, and he ordered me to go to Xiangyang to pay my allegiance."

Liu Jing shook his head, and said slowly: "I can understand General Wen's worries, but please understand one thing, General Wen, my enemy is Cao Cao, not Cai Hao, and he is not worthy of being my enemy. If Wen Pin wants to do something If something big happens, then don’t worry about what happened in Xiangyang, and fully cooperate with me to defeat Cao Ren’s army, then rectify the army and horses, and prepare to face the coming army of Cao Cao.”

Wenpin was moved by Liu Jing's words, and he suddenly understood why Zhou Mu finally decided to let Liu Jing succeed Jingzhou Mu when he was dying, because only Liu Jing could see farther in the chaos and see the real world situation .

This is what a real Jingzhou shepherd should do. At this moment Wenpin knew his choice, he made up his mind, stood up and knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said: "Wenpin is willing to be driven by the young master, to advance and retreat together with the young master." !"

. . . . . . . . .

At the same moment when Wenpin decided to be loyal to Liu Jing, the news of Liu Biao's death also spread to Liu Bei's army. Guan Yu received Liu Bei's urgent order and led his army to evacuate Deng County, and the army began to board the ship at the pier.

Guan Yu stood on a mound, watching the teams of soldiers boarding the warship with complicated eyes. In fact, he understood his brother's intention. Liu Biao's death meant that Jingzhou was divided. Liu Qi.

But what about Cao Jun?This battle is not over yet, so hastily withdrawing troops and throwing Cao's army to Jiang Xia's army, isn't that a little bit. . . . .

Guan Yu couldn't help sighing, although he didn't want to withdraw the army, he had to obey the strict order of his elder brother. He wanted to send someone to Fancheng to inform Jiang Xia's army, but he didn't know what to say, so he had to let go of this idea.

At this time, Zhou Cang, the general beside him, shouted: "General, the lord is here!"

As soon as Guan Yu turned his head, he saw Liu Bei stepping down from a boat. He was overjoyed and hurried his horse to meet him.

Like the people of Jingzhou, Liu Bei also wore hemp and filial piety for Liu Biao, and held a mourning stick in his hand, as if he had aged ten years. Logically, Liu Biao regarded him as his younger brother. Now that Liu Biao passed away, he should go to Xiangyang to pay homage to him to show his brotherhood.

But Liu Bei knew very well in his heart that Liu Biao's death meant that the former secret war would be completely cleared up. If he went to Xiangyang now, he would definitely not be able to get out.

On the contrary, at this time, he must return to Xiangyang immediately. If he does not recognize Liu Cong as the Jingzhou shepherd, he should support Liu Qi as the Jingzhou shepherd first, only in this way, he will not be subject to Xiangyang in name.

At the same time, officials who are loyal to Liu Qi can also be recruited to come to Nanjun to meet the alliance, such as Xiangyang County Prime Minister Wang Ke, Hu Cao joined the army Chen Zhen, Lingling Prefect Liu Du, Changsha County Prime Minister Liu Pan and so on.

So Liu Bei was anxious to rush back to Nanjun, but what Liu Bei really wanted to win over were two people, one was Wenpin and the other was Wang Wei. These two men each controlled 1 elite soldiers in Jingzhou and were the mainstay of Jingzhou.

Among them, Liu Bei, Wang Wei's [-] troops, is not worried. Wang Wei has always been a staunch supporter of Liu Qi, and he has a good relationship with Liu Bei. Wang Can is loyal to Nanjun, and Wang Wei is no exception.

The key is Wenpin. Wenpin's [-] troops are the strongest in the Jingzhou Army, regardless of their equipment and combat effectiveness. The reason why Cai Mao tolerated Wenpin repeatedly is because he took a fancy to this army, and he, Liu Bei, also took a fancy to this army. an army.

And Wenpin is a strict and upright person, always upright. When Qi Cong was fighting for the heir apparent, he had stated more than once that he disapproved of abolishing the elders and establishing the younger ones. This showed that he supported Liu Qi, which made Liu Bei have great hopes for him. For this reason, Liu Bei has sent Sun Qian to persuade Wenpin to go south.

But Liu Bei was extremely anxious at this time, Liu Cong had already succeeded to the throne, logically Liu Qi should also succeed to the throne at the same time, but now he is still in Jiangbei, if he doesn't go back, he will miss the opportunity.

"Long Yun!"

When Liu Bei saw Guan Yu coming on horseback, he also rode up to meet him, "You and Shi Yuan will immediately lead the army back to Nanjun by water, without delay, the troops will set off as soon as they board the boat."

"What about big brother?" Guan Yu also wanted to ask about this matter.

"Yide and I led [-] troops back by land. The situation is urgent. I must return to Jiangling immediately."

Speaking of this, Liu Bei glanced in the direction of Fancheng from a distance, and asked again: "Did Liu Jing come to see you?"

Guan Yu shook his head, "I heard that he has returned today, but he didn't go to Xiangyang, let's have a funeral in Fancheng!"

Liu Bei sneered, "It seems that he is not stupid."

"Brother, if we leave without saying goodbye, I'm afraid it's not good for the battle situation. Do you want to tell him and let him understand our difficulties."

Liu Bei shook his head, "There's no need to say too much, he actually knows what's going on in his heart, but out of politeness, we really should tell him."

Liu Bei took out a letter and handed it to Guan Yu, "This is my handwritten letter, second brother send someone to send it to Liu Jing!"

Seeing that his elder brother had considered everything carefully, Guan Yu felt at ease. He thought about it, and beckoned Guan Ping to come over, and handed him the letter, "Go to Fancheng and present this letter to Young Master Jing, and return quickly!"

"My child obeys the order!"

Guan Ping saluted Liu Bei and Guan Yu, took the letter and got on his horse and left.

Guan Yu watched his son go away, and asked Liu Bei, "Didn't my brother want to invite Mr. Zhuge? If he leaves like this, will he be left out in the cold?"

Liu Bei smiled, "Naturally, I know that. I traveled overland largely to invite him."

. . . . . . . .

Liu Jing sent Wenpin away, which really made him happy. Although Wenpin didn't say anything like "willing to do the work of a dog and a horse", he meant that he was willing to serve him loyally.

Wenpin has always been one of the famous generals in Jingzhou. He is also known as the Two Tigers of Jingzhou together with Huang Zhong. I am alone in Anlu County.

Now that Wenpin has surrendered, the next target should be Huang Zhong. Liu Biao's death means that the split has officially begun. In fact, the split has already happened. Liu Qi was entrusted to Nanjun, and Liu Jing controlled Jiangxia. It is not a kind of split.

Now that Liu Biao is dead, the last bit of property in Jingzhou will be divided up. In Liu Jing's eyes, the army and generals are the most precious wealth. Now there are four armies in Jingzhou, the army of Wenpin, the army of Wang Wei, the army of Zhang Yun and the army of Zhang Yun. Huang Zhong's army.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Yun's army belonged to Cai Mao, and Wen Pin had already pledged his allegiance to him, leaving Wang Wei's army and Huang Zhong's army.

I am afraid that these two armies will be the focus of contention. Liu Jing lacks confidence in Wang Wei. After all, he does not have a deep relationship with Wang Wei. Since the Wang family has always supported Liu Qi, the eldest son, it is estimated that Wang Wei is more likely to favor Nanjun. .

And Huang Zhong and Liu Jing have great confidence. After all, he is his master, and during the Battle of Chaisang, Huang Zhong fought side by side with him. As long as there is a letter from Wenpin, Huang Zhong will be loyal to himself. It is [-]%.

Even so, Liu Jing still didn't dare to be careless. After all, Liu Pan has always been partial to Liu Qi and Liu Bei. If he persuaded Huang Zhong to Nanjun, it would be a big deal. Huang Zhong is very affectionate, so he naturally has affection for himself. But it may not be ruthless with Liu Pan.

Moreover, in history, Huang Zhong was loyal to Liu Bei in the end. Although Jingzhou's history has greatly changed its trajectory, Huang Zhong's personal trajectory may not necessarily change.

After pondering for a long time, Liu Jing wrote a letter to Huang Zhong. While recalling the past in the letter, he also hoped that he could help him.

. . . . . . . . . .

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