Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 28 The First Arrival in Wuchang

Jiangxia County is an important county in the eastern part of Jingzhou. The Yangtze River meanders through the territory, and the river network is crisscrossed. The water transportation is very convenient. Jiangxia County reaches Changsha County in the south, Anlu County in the north, and Qichun County in the east. It passes through Hanshui River from Xiakou It can directly reach Xiangyang, and its strategic position is extremely important.

Jiangxia County was also the first stop for the Jiangdong Army to attack Jingzhou. Since Sun Jian crossed the river and attacked Liu Biao, the Jingzhou Army and Jiangdong Army launched a series of battles around Jiangxia County. Even Sun Jian was unfortunately killed in Jiangxia County.

Since Sun Ce launched the Jiangxia War in the fourth year of Jian'an, Jiangxia County has entered an eventful autumn.

Zhang Wu and Chen Sun were originally thieves in Jingzhou. The army was defeated by Liu Biao and they surrendered to Liu Biao. people forget.

At this time, Sun Quan in Jiangdong had been on the throne for a year, and he urgently needed to make contributions to establish his prestige, so Sun Quan turned his attention to Jiang Xia, but Sun Quan's position was not very stable, and he was also worried that if Jiang Xia was defeated, his position would be endangered.

At this moment, General Lu Su proposed a plan to stir up civil strife in Jiangxia and wait for the opportunity. Zhang Wu and Chen Sun became the swords in Jiangdong's hands.

Zhang Wu and Chen Sun had already occupied Yangxin County, looted their homes, and gathered more than [-] bandit soldiers. The [-] Jiangdong navy under the leadership of Lu Su stationed troops in Pengze Lake, watching Jiangxia, making the situation in Jiangxia very complicated.

In Wuchang County, this city is the county seat of Jiangxia County, with more than [-] troops stationed here. General Huang Zu was stationed here.

Wuchang County is also the commercial and trade center of Jiangxia County. On the big river, there is an endless stream of merchant ships, loaded with various materials, coming to Wuchang for trade, and it is not affected by the chaos of Zhang Wu and Chen Sun.

Wuchang County is close to the Yangtze River, about one mile away from the river. There is a special Cao River leading from the Yangtze River to the city. Merchant ships loaded with goods sail into the county along the Cao River to conduct commercial transactions in the county.

This morning, three merchant ships with a load of about [-] shi slowly sailed from the Yangtze River to the Caohe River. It can be seen from the waterline of the ships that the merchant ships are also fully loaded with cargo.

Standing on the bow of a boat in the middle was a girl about eleven or twelve years old. Although her figure and appearance were still a little immature, she had already grown into a tall, handsome little beauty.

Her face is plump, her chin is slightly pointed, her skin is white, crystal clear like a transparent jade, her eyebrows are very long and very black, curving thickly into her temples, but the most beautiful thing is her pair of melancholy and charming eyes.

She wears a beautifully woven bamboo hat, a light red cloak on her upper body, a black mink fur jacket inside, a silver and white ribbon around her waist, and a black pleated skirt underneath, revealing a pair of delicate little leather skirts. boots.

This young girl gave people a dazzling beauty, but she wore two three-foot sharp swords on her waist and a bow and arrow on her back, which gave her a murderous look in her beauty, making people afraid to look at her.

But what shows her status is not her clothing, but a triangular black-edged apricot-yellow flag on the bow, with a golden carp embroidered on the flag, which is the logo of Chaisang Dow Company.

Dow is a prominent family in Chaisang. It became rich because of business, helped the poor and the weak, and enjoyed great prestige among the people. Its influence is not only in Chaisang, but the entire Yangtze River. It can be said that Dow’s business is mentioned on the Yangtze River. No one knows, no one knows.

The firm owns more than [-] merchant ships of various kinds, with more than [-] servants, monopolizing the grain and salt trade in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and at the same time getting involved in other businesses. deep relationship.

However, the Tao family does not rely on a certain force. It has always maintained its independence and independence. Coupled with the huge influence of Tao's firm, Tao Sheng became the guest of Sun Quan and Liu Biao at the same time.

To enter the Caohe River, you have to go through customs and interrogation, so the river outside the Caohe River is crowded with thousands of merchant ships, all waiting in line for inspection to enter the city.

The golden carp banner on the bow brought great convenience to the three merchant ships. The ships on both sides gave way one after another, allowing the three merchant ships to pass through the crowded ships without queuing and go directly to Caohe Checkpoint.

The crew members on the merchant ships on both sides talked about the girl at the bow in low voices, "Do you think that is the daughter of the old Tao family?"

"It's very possible. Look at the bamboo hat on her head. Do you see it? It seems to be inlaid with precious stones, shining brightly. She even wears two swords and carries a bow and arrow. This is no ordinary girl!"

The girl was unaware of the discussions around her, she was concentrating on a military fleet approaching on the distant river, the military fleet was huge, there were hundreds of warships in it.

At this time, a middle-aged man about 40 years old came out of the cabin behind her, dressed in a white brocade robe, with a thin face, clear eyes, and three black beards floating on his chest. He looked at the water gate not far away, and immediately He was about to enter the city, so he smiled at the girl, "Aren, we are about to enter the city soon, let's go back to the cabin first!"

The girl nodded, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, she pointed to the military fleet in the distance and asked, "Uncle, what kind of fleet is that?"

Only then did the middle-aged man see the fleet on the river. He stared at it for a while, his face became serious, and he said to himself, "Could it be Huang Zu's navy?"

"No! That must be the reinforcements from Xiangyang."

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy came out from the cabin. He was eight feet tall, with tiger eyes and thick eyebrows.

He looked at the fleet on the river in the distance, and said with a sneer, "One day, I will capture this fleet with my own hands to strengthen my army."

The middle-aged man gave a wry smile helplessly, "The thing I regret the most is bringing you brothers and sisters here, especially you, a stunned young man. If something happens to you, how can I explain to your mother?"

The girl walked back and smiled sweetly: "Uncle, didn't brother promise? As long as Lu Ma is there, he will never cause trouble, fourth brother, right?"

The young man nodded, "I'm just expressing my ambitions, I won't get into trouble, and I won't ruin uncle's affairs."

After a pause, the young man asked worriedly again: "Uncle, the Jingzhou reinforcements have arrived, and they must go to attack Zhang Wu and Chen Sun, and the Luma is in Zhang Wu's hands, why don't we go directly to Yangxin County?"

The middle-aged man shook his head, "With your identities, how can you contact Zhang Wu directly? When we meet Su Gong, he will send someone to ask Zhang Wu for his horse. Don't worry!"

At this time, a steward on the first merchant ship ahead shouted: "It's entering the Cao River!"

The Caohe checkpoint has arrived, and the middle-aged man hastily said to his siblings: "Come into the cabin! Naturally, there will be Tao family stewards negotiating when entering Caohe, so we don't want to attract attention."

The two brothers and sisters nodded, followed the middle-aged man into the cabin, the girl walked behind, she stopped again, and turned her head to take a deep look at the military fleet on the river.

The military fleet passed by their ships. On a large ship, she seemed to see a young general holding a gun, standing on the side of the ship and watching them. . . . . .

The [-] Jingzhou Army led by Liu Bei departed from Xiangyang by boat and sent troops to Wuchang County. They first wanted to protect the safety of Wuchang County, and then entered the inland Yangxin County to eliminate the rebellion of Zhang Wu and Chen Sun.

On the big ship, Liu Jing silently watched the densely packed merchant ships not far away. He had already changed into a suit of armor, wearing an eagle-prismatic helmet and a fish-scale armor. job.

Liu Jing was quite disappointed with this expedition. He originally planned to use this opportunity to learn from Zhao Yun about riding and archery, but he did not expect Liu Bei to decide to take a boat, which made his expectations come to nothing.

Riding and archery is a basic skill for a general, but he has not possessed it. This has always been his biggest concern.

At this time, Zhao Yun walked up to Liu Jing. Knowing Liu Jing's loss, he smiled slightly and said, "There is no secret to practicing riding and archery. The key is to work hard. Practice Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer. I only started practicing at the age of 17." Riding and archery, at the most difficult time, I didn’t get off the horse for a month, which requires years of hard training, not just for a while.”

Liu Jing nodded silently, "I know."

Zhao Yun glanced at him, and said earnestly: "The key is marksmanship. The thirteen-style marksmanship I taught you must be mastered firmly by heart, and then combined at will in actual combat. It depends on talent. The master passed on at least 100 apprentices, but I am the only one who has practiced it, do you understand what I mean?"

Liu Jing understood what he meant. In fact, it was the master who led the door, and the practice depended on the individual. Zhao Yun taught him the marksmanship, but whether he can achieve anything depends on his own understanding.

Liu Jing smiled, "I feel that the marksmanship must be combined with the Luofeng Kungfu that the general taught me first, in order to truly exert its power."

Liu Jing only now knows that Zhao Yun's master is Changshan Jade Master, who became a monk in Luofeng Mountain, Changshan County, and became a Taoist priest. Zhao Yun is very kind to him.

Zhao Yun chuckled, "That's very good, let's continue."

Liu Jing thought for a while, and then continued: "For example, when the general counter-draws Gao Lan, the marksmanship is actually a combination of the carbine and the hammer gun, but the marksmanship alone has no effect. You need to focus on one blow, and then hit it halfway. Adding power and increasing the speed made Yu Jin suffer a lot, I only understand it now, but unfortunately I understand it but I can’t use it, it’s frustrating.”

Zhao Yun secretly praised Liu Jing's cleverness in his heart, he was absolutely right, his comprehension was really extraordinary, he patted Liu Jing on the shoulder and smiled, "The key to learning martial arts is comprehension, since you have comprehended it, the rest is It's time, [-]% of talent plus [-]% of hard training, years of accumulation, can finally become a talent, use time to prove your ability!"

Zhao Yun paused for a moment and continued: "The marksmanship I taught you are just simple moves, just to give you a little understanding first, not all the moves, there are actually hundreds of moves in all the moves, I will teach you slowly in the future."

Liu Jing nodded, "Thank you, brother!"

The two chatted for a few more words, and at this moment, Liu Jing suddenly saw three ships of the Dow Company. He pointed to the flags on the ships and asked curiously: "Brother, have you seen that pennant? Where is the sign?" "

Zhao Yun stared intently for a moment, then shook his head, "I've never seen it before."

At this time, the general Wang Wei walked up slowly and said with a smile: "That is the golden carp flag of Chaisang Tao's business, the largest merchant in the south of the Yangtze River, and the old owner Tao Jun was once named Tinghou by the imperial court. Contributed a lot, even our lord wanted to give the Tao family some face, last year when Sun Quan ascended the throne, he specially invited the current head Tao Sheng to be a guest of honor."

Liu Jing nodded. It seems that Tao Sheng is very smart. He sent money and food to Liu Biao, kept his position in Jingzhou, and then gave benefits to Jiangdong, so he became Sun Quan's guest again. If you have the opportunity, you should visit this person yourself.

His heart suddenly moved, thinking that Tao Yuanming of later generations is from Chaisang, could it be that he is a descendant of this Tao family?

Suddenly there was a loud shout in the distance: "Docked!"

Everyone looked west and saw that the fleet was slowly approaching the pier by the river. After three days of sailing, they finally arrived in Wuchang County.

. . . . . . . . .

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