Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 281 Veteran Huang Zhong

Since the Battle of Chaisang, Huang Zhong's army has been stationed in Changsha County for the past few years. The days passed by and he is getting old day by day. Although Huang Zhong has always refused to accept his old age, he always said to the soldiers, An old man, with aspirations for thousands of miles.

But he never got the chance to go to the battlefield again. Although he wanted to fight this time in the battle between Fancheng and Cao Jun, he specially wrote to Xiangyang for this reason, but in the end he became a spectator.

Every day besides training the soldiers, he just stood at the top of the city and looked at the sunset in a daze. Even the soldiers guarding the city would silently watch the lonely back of the old general in the evening, with pity in their hearts.

Like other counties and counties in Jingzhou, the death of Liu Biao also had a huge impact on Changsha County. Prefect Zhang Ji and Captain Huang Zhong jointly ordered that the soldiers and civilians of Changsha County mourn the death of Zhou Mu. , Huang Zhong fell down crying twice, looking haggard, and suddenly aged a lot.

At noon that day, Huang Zhong rode to the county government office with a group of personal soldiers. He ordered the soldiers to wait outside while he entered the county government office. Liu Pan, the prefect of the county, was the only one in the yamen, so he ordered people to invite Huang Zhong to discuss important matters.

"Nephew, what can I do for you?" Huang Zhong asked with a loud laugh as he walked into the official room.

Five or six years in Changsha County, Huang Zhong and Liu Pan got along day and night, and gradually developed feelings.

In particular, Liu Pan followed Huang Zhong to practice martial arts. Although he did not develop a strong martial arts like Liu Jing, Liu Pan was no longer the frail scholar he used to be.

Although the two of them are not in a master-student relationship, they also have a mentor-student friendship. Liu Jing also knows these things, so Liu Jing is worried that Liu Pan will use his personal friendship to drag Huang Zhong to Nanjun.

Seeing Huang Zhong enter the room, Liu Pan quickly stood up and saluted, "I have something important to discuss with Uncle Shi, please sit down, Uncle Shi!"

The two sat down, and Liu Pan took out a letter: "This is a handwritten letter from Mr. Qi to Uncle Shi, Uncle Shi should read it first!"

When Liu Pan entered the door, he called Huang Zhong Uncle Shi, and Huang Zhong felt very kind, but when he took out Liu Qi's letter and called Huang Zhong Uncle Shi, the name changed a bit.

Huang Zhong didn't expect that Liu Pan was looking for him for this matter, and he was looking for him when Zhang Ji was away, Huang Zhong felt a little uncomfortable.

But he didn't say anything. He took the letter and read it slowly. The content of the letter naturally hoped that Huang Zhong could move closer to Jiangling. The tone of the letter was very earnest. He hoped that General Huang would respect the etiquette of succession by the eldest son and support him. Liu Qi is the shepherd of Jingzhou.

Huang Zhong suddenly realized that since this letter was addressed to himself, there should be another letter dedicated to Liu Pan, but he didn't know what was said in that letter. Yet?"

Liu Pan nodded slowly, "Young Master Qi has established himself as Jingzhou Shepherd!"

Liu Pan has always been a loyal supporter of Liu Qi. He was able to serve as Chancellor of Changsha County because of Liu Qi's repeated persuasion to Liu Biao. With so much substantive support, he could only find a way to persuade Huang Zhong.

But Liu Pan also knew that Huang Zhong had a clear distinction between public and private, just as he refused to stay in Jiangxia because of Liu Jing back then, he might not be willing to join Jiangling because of his friendship.

But now that Zhou Mu died of illness, Huang Zhong had no one to be loyal to. He had to make a choice, either to be loyal to Xiangyang or to Jiangling. In contrast, Liu Pan believed that Huang Zhong was willing to be loyal to Liu Qi.

Huang Zhong pondered for a while, then sighed and said, "Young Master Qi is indeed the Lord of Benevolence, but there is a rumor in Jingzhou that he is already Liu Bei's puppet. What is the difference between being loyal to him and Liu Bei?"

Liu Pan persuaded again: "Mr. Qi is indeed unable to decide many things now, but it is a bit exaggerated to say that he is a puppet. I think it is mainly due to Mr. Qi's lack of military power. As long as we are willing to be loyal to Mr. Qi, let him With soldiers, the situation will turn around, and I believe that Mr. Qi will break with Liu Bei one day, and at that time, Jingzhou will surely be revived."

Huang Zhong didn't speak for a long time. Although he didn't doubt Liu Pan's desire to revive Jingzhou, he didn't believe in Liu Qi's courage.

"Let me think about this matter again, and I will give my nephew an answer in two days."

Huang Zhong got up to leave, Liu Pan saw that he refused to give a clear answer, so he had no choice but to send him out, and walked to the steps of the government office. Jingzhou revival plan."

"Nephew, don't worry! I will consider it carefully."

As soon as Huang Zhong urged his horse, he ran out of the city under the protection of dozens of personal soldiers. . . . . .

The county seat of Changsha County is called Linxiang County, which is today's Changsha. There are 4000 troops stationed in the barracks outside the city, and there are also [-] troops stationed in Xiajun County near Jiangxia.

The military camp is located about five miles southeast of the county seat. It is an open land covering hundreds of acres. It is built with slab walls. The military camp is also a brick and tile building. It has a very large training ground, but there are few cavalry.

Huang Zhong left the city, ran all the way, and returned to the barracks not long after. As soon as he arrived at the barracks, a soldier ran up and whispered to Huang Zhong in his ear. Huang Zhong was startled, got off his horse quickly, and walked quickly to his official room go.

He pushed the door open and entered the room, only to see a person standing by the wall with his hands behind his back, staring at the map on the wall, Huang Zhong couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, and said with a smile, "When did you come?"

When the man turned around, it was Liu Jing. Although Jia Xu suggested that Zhou Buyi or Liu Min come to see Huang Zhong, Liu Jing finally decided to persuade Huang Zhong himself. Only by coming in person can he show his sincerity.

Liu Jing stepped forward and bowed deeply, "See the old general!"

Huang Zhong hastily replied, "Don't dare, Huang Hansheng has met Mr. Jing."

Even though Huang Zhong was the teacher who taught Liu Jing archery, Huang Zhong didn't want Liu Jing to regard him as a teacher. It was because Liu Jing's status was not suitable for respecting him as a teacher. In that case, it would be difficult for them to get along.

Huang Zhong complained a little: "Why didn't you say something before you came, so that I can send troops to meet them, otherwise I will be in danger on the way, and I can't bear the responsibility."

Liu Jing understood Huang Zhong's worry, and said with a chuckle, "I have five hundred soldiers guarding me, but the soldiers are stationed twenty miles away. Please don't worry, old general, I won't be careless."

"That's good, I'm relieved."

Huang Zhong asked Liu Jing to sit down, and ordered the soldiers to serve tea. Of course, Huang Zhong knew why Liu Jing came, but he could not express his opinion on some matters before they were clarified. Did you hang your filial piety?"

Liu Jing nodded, "I have sent someone to Jiangdong to report the funeral, Jiangdong should come to Jiangxia to mourn."

"Why don't you go to Xiangyang?"

Liu Jing shook his head, "Xiangyang will not allow Jiangdong envoys to enter the city, besides, Jingzhou's state capital will be in Wuchang, so there is no point in going to Xiangyang."

"Jingzhou's prefecture will be in Wuchang", this sentence made Huang Zhong's mind thump.

After a moment of silence, Huang Zhong finally couldn't help asking: "Could it be that the young master also wants to compete with the two elder brothers for the position of state shepherd?"

Liu Jing smiled faintly, "It's not that I want to compete for the position of state shepherd, but that the emperor wants to make me Jingzhou shepherd. Besides, this is my uncle's last words before he died, so I can be regarded as fulfilling a wish for my uncle!"

Huang Zhong knew that Liu Jing had a large number of Cao Jun prisoners of war in his hands, and it was easy to gain the support of the court and the emperor, but it was Liu Biao's last words to let Liu Jing succeed him, which really surprised Huang Zhong.

"Young master, what do you mean by this? Zhou Mu's last words are for the young master to succeed you?"

Liu Jing nodded, "Before my uncle died, there were five people in the room. Except Mrs. Zhou Mu and Mr. Cong, the other three were Cai Mao, Kuai Yue and Liu Xian. At that time, the five people could hear clearly. Uncle changed his mind. Only by letting my nephew Liu Jing inherit Jingzhou Mu, Jingzhou can be kept. I heard what Mr. Cong himself said when I worshiped the spirit of my uncle, and General Wenpin was also present."

Huang Zhong's heart was in turmoil. It turned out that Zhou Mu wanted Liu Jing to succeed Jingzhou Mu. It was illegal for the two Liu brothers to succeed to the throne. Of course he believed Liu Jing's words. As Liu Jing's identity, he would not make up such absurd words. to lie to him.

At this time, Liu Jing took out Liu Xian's blood book and handed it to Huang Zhong, "This is the blood book written by Liu Biejia before he was murdered by Cai Mao. Let the old general have a look!"

Huang Zhong took the blood book, read it silently, and couldn't help but heaved a long sigh, what should be said, Liu Jing said, what should be done, Liu Jing also did, the following is Huang Zhong's own choice.

Liu Jing stood up, took out a letter and put it on the table, "This is a letter from General Wenpin to the old general, please read it! I will wait for the old general's decision at the temporary station."

. . . . . . . . .

Liu Jing left, only Huang Zhong was left in the room. He put down Wenpin's letter and walked slowly to the window. Looking at the bloody sun, he couldn't calm down for a long time. Wenpin's words seemed to echo in his ears. "Wen Zhongye is a minister, he should preserve his foundation, be loyal to his will, and die. Han Sheng is a veteran of Jingzhou. How to make a choice is the focus of all eyes. May Han Sheng not make it difficult for the former master to rest in peace. . . . . '

Huang Zhong heaved a long sigh, Wen Pin was willing to be a loyal minister, how could he, Huang Zhong, betray the former lord and do unrighteous things.

Thinking of this, Huang Zhong immediately ordered: "Prepare the horse immediately!"

Huang Zhong arrived at Liu Jing's temporary residence under the escort of more than a dozen personal soldiers. Liu Jing had received the news and went out of the camp to greet him in person.

Huang Zhong dismounted from his horse, stepped forward quickly, took off his armor, and kneeled in front of Liu Jing with his left arm bare, bowed respectfully, "I will remember the last words of the former master, and I would like to serve you as the master and as your son." Go through fire and water, and die!"

Liu Jing quickly helped him up, and couldn't help crying with joy, "When I was in Wuchang, my greatest wish was to hope that the old general would stay and help me. I didn't expect that I finally waited for this day. The martyr is old and full of ambition. I will definitely watch it." At the moment when the old general became famous in China."

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