Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 283 The North Strikes Wuhuan

"From Wuzhong County to Liucheng in the northeast, between Yanshan Mountain and the sea, there is a long and narrow Liaoxi passage about hundreds of miles long. The narrowest part is only two or three miles away. There is only one official road to go north, and there is not even a small road."

In the big tent, Tian Chou stood in front of a map and introduced the road to the north to Cao Cao and several advisers. He carefully drew a winding official road with charcoal, and circled a circle in the narrow part. This official road It is the Liaoxi Corridor of later generations, and the narrowest circle is Shanhaiguan.

"This official road has been in disrepair for a long time. In summer and autumn, there is always a lot of water in places, making it difficult for vehicles and horses to pass. However, this time it rains heavily for several days, and the water accumulation will be more serious. It is estimated that the depths can carry boats, and more importantly. The Wuhuan cavalry knew that the prime minister's army was approaching, and they had already placed heavy troops in dangerous places, and I am afraid that the prime minister would not be able to go north if he followed the official path."

After a period of contact, Cao Cao knew that Tian Chou was a very down-to-earth person and seldom exaggerated. Since he said this, it must be serious, which made Cao Cao helpless.

Cheng Yu next to him saw through Tian Chou, and said with a smile, "I feel that Tian Sikong has a plan in mind, so there must be other ways to do it."

Cao Cao cheered up, and complained a little: "Mr. Tian has a good plan, why didn't he say it earlier, and made me worry for a long time."

Tian Chou blushed and apologized quickly. He used charcoal to draw a long black line to the north in Xuwu County, and said to Cao Cao: "The original Youbeiping County was located in Pinggang, and the connection with the Central Plains had to go through Yanshan Mountain. An official road was built in the north of Xuwu County, and the river valley was flooded by the way, but now the river is flooded..."

Even though Cao Cao was calm, he couldn't help but ask, "What if the river valley is flooded?"

"Prime Minister, don't worry. I just went to explore this river valley two days ago. Fortunately, it didn't rain in the north of Yanshan Mountain, but in the south of Yanshan Mountain. Then we can go to Xuwu Mountain from the south and take the hilly mountain road to bypass the swollen river section."

Tian Chou drew another long line with charcoal, and said to everyone: "After walking out of the hills of Xuwu Mountain, you will come to Lulongsai. After crossing the hundred-mile-long Ruhe Valley, you will pass Yanshan Mountain, and then go northeast, passing Pinggang Old County and The total length of this section of the road is about [-] li.

But after Guangwu, this road was abandoned. It has been more than 200 years, but traces of the road can be vaguely discerned. Going out from this road is just behind Liucheng. "

Cao Cao nodded slowly, "If it weren't for Mr. Arita, I would have returned without success in this northern expedition!"

Cheng Yu frowned, and walked eight hundred miles across the mountains, which would take at least half a month. How to deal with the food, he couldn't help reminding Cao Cao, "We don't have much food and grass, even if we kill horses, we can only last for seven or eight years. day."

Tian Chou laughed, "Seven or eight days are enough. After passing Yanshan Mountain, there is a grassland. There are Xianbei people's pastures. There are a lot of sheep, so don't worry about food and grass."

Cao Cao let go of his heart and said decisively: "Let's leave immediately when the rain stops!"

. . . . . . .

That night, the rain began to decrease, and in the morning of the next day, the heavy rain that had rained for nearly ten days actually stopped. Cao Cao was overjoyed, pretended to withdraw his troops, and made a detour to Xu Wushan.

He also ordered Zhang Liao to lead an army of 200 troops as the vanguard. Under the leadership of Tian Chou, he cleared roads all the way across the mountains and built bridges when they encountered water.

Two days later, a group of Wuhuan cavalry scouts arrived at a fast speed. They found the place where Cao's army was stationed. The road is impassable, and we will march again after autumn and winter. ’ It was Cao Cao who signed the title.

The Wuhuan cavalry immediately felt as if they had found a treasure, and pulled out the wooden plaques and went back to report. The Wuhuan people thought that Cao's army had withdrawn, and they all rejoiced, singing and dancing to celebrate, and the defense became relaxed.

. . . . . . . . .

Wuhuan is an ancient nomadic people on the grassland. It was originally a branch of the Donghu people. The Donghu people were defeated when they competed with the Xiongnu for the Mobei grassland.

After hundreds of years of development, Wuhuan has laid a foundation in the Liaodong area, at the end of Han Dynasty.Under the leadership of the Great Shan Yu Tadun, Wuhuan gradually became stronger.

At this time, there was great chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, the warlords separated each other, and the Central Plains was in chaos. Wuhuan cavalry took the opportunity to invade the Central Plains and plundered property and people wantonly.

Even if Yuan Shao occupied Hebei and had hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command, he would not dare to turn against Wuhuan, so he could only win over the various tribes of Wuhuan by means of marriage.

After the Battle of Guandu, the Yuan family gradually perished. In the tenth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao defeated the remnants of the Yuan family. Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi led thousands of remnants to flee to Liaodong and join the Wuhuan people.

As if Wuhuan Shanyu had found a treasure, he prepared to invade Hebei on a large scale under the pretext of restoring the rule of Hebei for the Yuan family.

Liucheng, here is the seat of Wuhuan Da Shanyu Yazhang. Like other nomadic peoples, Wuhuan is also composed of dozens of tribes, large and small, known as [-] armored cavalry.

In the vicinity of Liucheng, there lived the three largest tribes in Wuhuan, with a population of 30, of which there were [-] Han slaves. They centered on Da Shanyu, and their tents spread out in all directions, with a radius of hundreds of miles. Tens of thousands of tents.

At this time, a banquet was being held in the banquet tent, with the sound of drums and music, a group of Wuhuan girls in gorgeous silk robes danced lightly, and dozens of Wuhuan generals with blushing faces were eating meat and drinking, laughing wildly, and screaming harshly. Laughter echoed in the banquet tent, almost overwhelming the sound of drums.

On the other side of the banquet tent, brothers Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang were frowning. Originally, the Wuhuan people vowed to help them take back Hebei and boasted how powerful the Wuhuan cavalry was. But when they heard that Cao Cao led the army to march north, they immediately became nervous. extremely.

Now that Cao Cao withdrew his troops back to the Central Plains, they were happy again, drinking and celebrating every day. They had been celebrating for almost half a month, which showed that they were afraid of Cao Cao at their core. Now it's just talking fiercely.

What makes the two brothers even more depressed is that two years have passed, and the Wuhuan people have remained silent. Could it be that they just made an empty promise to them?

"Second brother!"

Yuan Shang whispered to Yuan Xi: "I think the Wuhuan people are unreliable. They only want to rob women and property, and they have no sincerity to restore the country for us. Instead of sitting here and waiting for the country, it is better to look for opportunities to vote for Gongsun Kang in Xiangping."

Yuan Xi took a sip from the big bowl full of kumiss, thought for a moment and said, "Do you know what I have in mind? I want to use five thousand Wuhuan cavalry to attack Goguryeo, destroy Goguryeo and Silla, and we will have foundation."

"Ketun willing to borrow troops?"

"Give him benefits, give him half of Goguryeo's population and treasury property, and he will agree. This person only recognizes benefits, but it is actually easy to handle."

At this time, there was a piercing laughter from the side, "What are you two brothers discussing quietly? Tell me and listen."

The person who spoke was Da Shanyu Tadun. He was about forty years old, tall and strong, with a big beard, small eyes, and a cunning light. No matter in season, he always wore a hat on his head Black bear fur hat.

When Ta Dun was young, he was known as the number one warrior in Wuhuan. He was able to fight tigers and bears. Years left.

He led the Wuhuan people to continuously plunder the Han people, and with the transfer of population and wealth, the Wuhuan people gradually became stronger.

He had been paying attention to the Yuan brothers, and when he saw the two of them whispering, with serious faces on their faces, he felt a little displeased, "Speak out, let me listen too."

Yuan Xi got up and bowed with a smile, "We are analyzing Cao Cao's plan. This man has deep plans. He said that retreating may be a way to slow down the troops. He confuses us. Maybe he has used troops secretly."

Ta Dun laughed loudly, "Why did he secretly use troops? After several days of heavy rain, the roads were rotten, and the puddles became seas. It took a lot of effort for my cavalry to pass through the puddles. Hundreds of thousands of them How will the army go, what will happen to the supplies and supplies? Mr. Xi, you are too worried."

"What if he came from another way?" Yuan Shang couldn't help but ask.

"Did he fly over with wings?"

Ta Dun said a joke, and the big tent burst into laughter.

At this moment, a soldier rushed in and reported: "Qi Shanyu, Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of troops were found a hundred miles to the west, and they are coming to us in mighty force!"

The big tent was stunned for a moment. Cao Jun really flew over with his wings. Suddenly, Tadun slammed the wine bowl and shouted sharply: "Let our army kill them! Give me an order, and all the men put on armor and mount their horses." , Prepare to face Cao Jun!"

After nearly half a month of hard marching, one hundred thousand Cao troops finally arrived hundreds of miles away from Shanyu Yazhang. They had been encountering small tribes of Wuhuan people, killing and plundering them, and taking their sheep as rations.

Cao Jun set off from Wuzhong County with an army of 20. He encountered three heavy rains along the way. He was hungry and cold. The sick and weak army stayed to rest, and he personally led [-] elite soldiers to continue the eastward march.

This afternoon, Cao Cao had already seen the White Wolf Mountain from a distance. It was a small mountain range stretching for more than a hundred miles. The hills are hundreds of feet high and the slope is gentle. Cavalry can directly charge to the top of the hill on horseback.

At this time, a scout rushed towards Cao Cao and reported in a loud voice: "I want to report to the prime minister, the scouts ahead have found the main force of Wuhuan, about [-] people, all cavalry, coming here, far away from us. About thirty miles."

The general Xu Huang next to him was a little surprised and said, "Isn't Wuhuan known as one hundred thousand armored cavalry? How come there are only more than fifty thousand?"

Cao Cao sneered, "The tribes of Wuhuan are scattered all over the place, and most of them are hundreds of people apart. It will take at least ten days and a half months to gather troops. How can it be too late? This should be the tribal cavalry of their teeth. Among them, pass on my order, the army speeds up and marches to seize the White Wolf Mountain."

The [-] Cao army was very close to Bailang Mountain. After a while, Cao Jun occupied Bailang Mountain. The [-] troops densely covered the mountain. At this time, they had already seen the cavalrymen coming from a distance, and the yellow dust covered the sky and the sun. The sound of horseshoes rumbled across the sky like thunder, and the earth shook, as if even the mountains were shaken.

Cao Jun was astonished by this kind of momentum, and many people showed fear in their eyes. Most of them were infantry, and there were only [-] cavalry. How could they fight against [-] cavalry? Even many generals began to feel uneasy.

Cao Cao stared indifferently at the cavalry who had already arrived at the foot of the mountain. He had experienced many battles and was extremely experienced. He couldn't help but sneered and asked Zhang Liao beside him, "Has Wen Yuan discovered Hu Qi's weakness?"

Zhang Liao nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Their team is messy and has no rules at all. It's like a mob just put together. It's just because of the large number of people that it looks huge. This kind of army can't bear to fight for a long time. It's a little shaken. will be defeated."

"You're right. They're just a mob. They were herdsmen in the morning. Now they're forming an army temporarily. There's nothing to fear!"

Cao Cao turned around and shouted, "Where are Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Xu Chu, Zhang Ying, and Xiahou Dun?"

The five generals stepped forward to give the order. Cao Cao took off his golden armor and said to the generals: "You can lead [-] troops each to go down the mountain, and be the first to kill the one who destroys the land. Give him this armor, and then send an order to the three armies, Whoever kills one enemy will be rewarded ten acres of land, five thousand dollars, and family members will be exempted from tax for one year, regardless of the upper limit."

"Follow the order!"

Everyone gave orders loudly, gearing up, and went to lead the army. Half an hour later, Cao Cao divided his troops into five groups and killed Bailang Mountain. One hundred thousand soldiers of Cao's army fought bravely to be the first, and slashed at Wuhuan like five sharp swords. cavalry group.

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