Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 297 From Jingzhou

The sound of the drums became more and more urgent. Sun Shangxiang and Liu Jing were about twenty steps apart. They danced swords facing each other, seemingly unrelated to each other.

And Liu Jing was drunk, and danced a set of Overlord Sword, which is said to have been created by Xiang Yu. His movements were calm and vigorous, with a heroic momentum, wide opening and closing, quite a heroic air, completely opposite to Sun Shangxiang's lightness.

In the lobby, the guests continued to applaud, the applause was like thunder, and even Liu Bei couldn't help cheering loudly, "What a heroine in the middle school, Bei has never seen it in his life!"

He picked up the wine glass, and said to himself with squinted eyes and a smile: "When you marry a wife, you should be such a woman!"

The voice of this sentence was not high, Zhang Zhao, who was a little far away from him, didn't hear it, but Sun Quan's wife Xie Shi, who was on the other side, heard it, and she frowned slightly, this was not what an elder should say.

Mrs. Xie tugged at her husband's sleeve and whispered something to him. Sun Quan was taken aback and couldn't help but turned to look at Liu Bei. Seeing that Liu Bei was drinking so much that his hands were shaking so much that almost half of the wine was spilled on his clothes, But without realizing it, this is the state of drunkenness.

Sun Quan quickly waved his hand and ordered someone to find Zhuge Jin. Soon, Zhuge Jin stepped forward, and Sun Quan pointed to Liu Bei, and said in a low voice, "He is drunk, quickly find the guards to help him down."

At this time, Liu Bei was in high spirits, applauding and laughing loudly, "Good! You are as graceful as a frightened bird, and graceful as a dragon."

Zhuge Jin stepped forward to support him and said with a smile, "Uncle Huang, do you want to change clothes? I will help Uncle Huang go."

Liu Bei's consciousness was already in a semi-fuzzy state. Zhuge Jin helped him up involuntarily. He staggered and almost fell. Helped out.

The sound of the drums in the hall became more and more urgent, Sun Shangxiang picked Liu Jing slightly with her almond eyes, her sword light was like a group of shadows, and she gradually approached Liu Jing, and suddenly she scolded, the sword in her hand split into more than a dozen lights and shadows, and stabbed at Liu Jing .

Her Qingfeng sword is just a ceremonial sword, without a sharp edge, so it can't hurt people, but stabbing Liu Jing with more than a dozen swords will make people a little embarrassing. This is also Sun Shangxiang's purpose. Of course she dare not really hurt Liu Jing , but if she can stab him a dozen times and embarrass him, she can also breathe a sigh of relief.

Liu Jing was drunk, dancing a set of Overlord Sword to the fullest, when he suddenly saw Sun Shangxiang stabbing him with random swords, he laughed and raised his long sword, "Damn! ' With a sound, it hit the opponent's sword precisely, Sun Shangxiang felt his arm numb, and the sword in his hand almost flew out.

At this moment, Liu Jing appeared sideways behind her, put the sword in his hand on the ground, and smiled slightly at her: "The beautiful day is beautiful, why don't you abandon the sword, princess, and let's dance together?"

"You let me chop a sword, and I will give up the sword and dance with you!"

The two figures intertwined and exchanged positions. Sun Shangxiang slashed two swords again and again, and asked in a low voice, "Are you agreeing?"

"Hehe! I can't afford to lose this face."

"Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Sun Shangxiang took a deep breath, yelled, stabbed Liu Jing with the sword in his hand like a storm, even Sun Quan was surprised, his face was full of anger, how could his sister be so ignorant and so rude to the distinguished guest.

The guests on both sides quieted down, and no one cheered anymore. At this time, everyone could see that Princess Sun was not showing love to Liu Jing, but venting her anger with a sword dance. The sword in her hand slashed at Liu Jing like a storm. I don't know how much hatred I have.

Liu Jing dodged her sword moves calmly. Although Sun Shangxiang's swordsmanship seemed dazzling, in Liu Jing's eyes, her swordsmanship was mostly flashy, without strength or speed change, just complicated moves.

Liu Jing dodged her dozens of swords in a row, and had already retreated in front of the huge column. There was no way to retreat. Sun Shangxiang was upset. Seeing that Liu Jing always dodged calmly at the last moment, she felt very anxious and shouted coquettishly again With a sound, the sword slashed head-on.

She used [-]% of her strength in this sword. Even if it was Yijian, if it hit her forehead, something would happen. There was an exclamation in the hall, and Sun Quan was so angry that he slapped the table, but at this moment, an accident happened.

Liu Jing dodged the fierce sword, Sun Shangxiang didn't slash through the air, but slashed heavily on the wooden pillar, and the huge rebound force returned, and Sun Shangxiang could no longer hold the sword firmly. 'Clang! 'With a harsh sound, the long sword fell to the ground.

There was no sound in the lobby, and countless pairs of eyes were watching them. Liu Jing picked up the sword and handed it back with a smile, "Does Miss Sun want to dance the sword again?"

Sun Shangxiang's face turned white and red, she was defeated by Liu Jing's empty hand, the huge sense of shame made her feel ashamed, she stomped her feet, turned around and ran out of the hall.

The lobby became lively again, Zhou Yu said with a smile, "Mr. Jing's strategy makes Zhou Yu admire you very much!"

"Gongjin won the prize!"

Liu Jing smiled slightly, turned around and gave a salute to Sun Quan, "Liu Jing mishandled it, it's rude, please don't take offense, Marquis Wu."

Sun Quan sighed, "I should apologize to the young master. I spoiled her too much, and she was so ignorant that she was rude to the distinguished guests. Please forgive me, young master Jing."

Liu Jing smiled, "Of course I won't take such a small matter to heart."

. . . . . . . .

After the banquet was over, Liu Jing returned to the Tao Mansion under the strict protection of the guards. At this time, he was seven points drunk and his feet were a little unsteady. As soon as he entered the gate, the housekeeper came forward and reported: "Young Master, Jiang Xia Someone is here, there is important news to send!"

Liu Jing was still conscious, and asked with a smile, "Where is the man? Let him come to see me."

The soldiers made way for a passage, and an officer stepped forward quickly. It was Li Qing, Liu Jing's bodyguard chief. .”

Liu Jing received the letter, but was not in a hurry to read it, and asked him again: "How is the matter in Wuling County?"

"Report to son, it has been done."

Li Qing took out another letter, "This is a personal letter from General Zhao to your son."

Liu Jing was anxious to read Zhao Yun's letter, so he hurried back to his yard. Just as he entered the gate, a maid ran up to support him and asked worriedly, "Master, are you drunk?"

Liu Jing suddenly felt that something was wrong. Although there were three maids in his room, they were all extremely timid and dared not talk to him, let alone take the initiative to help him, and this voice. . . .So familiar.

Liu Jing glanced at her, but saw a white bun face, a pair of big eyes flickering, "Little Baozi!" Liu Jing froze for a moment, the maid who helped him turned out to be his personal maid, Xiao Baozi , why is she here?

"How did you come?"

Little Baozi blushed, and avoided his eyes with a guilty conscience, "Let's go back to the room first and then talk about it!"

Little Baozi wrapped his arms around his shoulders and supported him to walk into the house. The two guards stopped following and retreated.

After leaving the study, Xiao Baozi helped Liu Jing to sit down and brought him another cup of freshly brewed tea. Liu Jing looked around and found that the three maids were gone.

"I let them go."

The little bun said angrily: "Everyone is clumsy, can't do anything, and doesn't understand your habits, so it's superfluous to stay."


Liu Jing had no impression of the three maids, and it didn't matter if they left. He drank a few sips of hot tea, sobered up a little bit, and asked with a smile, "You haven't answered me yet! Why are you here?"

"I...let me make some more tea!"

Xiao Baozi picked up the cup and went out in a panic. Liu Jing looked at her back and couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Baozi has been with him for five years, and she is 16 years old this year. Apart from growing taller and plump, her appearance has hardly changed from before. Of course, Liu Jing can't remember what she looked like before.

Xiao Baozi has always been his personal maid, and she knows his habits like the back of his hand. With her around, daily life is indeed much more comfortable.

Not long after, Xiao Baozi returned to the room with a cup of tea. She had already thought of her excuses. She put the tea on the table, and took two soft mattresses for Liu Jing to lean against the wall. She pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Madam is worried The young master was not taken care of all the way, and those soldiers were careless, which made her worry. It happened that Chu Changshi asked Li Qingtou to deliver the letter, and the lady asked me to follow. To be honest, I don’t want to see your face, if you don’t I'll come, I'll leave tomorrow."

Liu Jing stretched out her hand and pinched her face, and said with a smile, "You weird elf, I don't know what you're thinking? I'm glad you came, and I won't be angry."

Xiao Baozi's face was already used to being pinched by Liu Jing, and she usually didn't care, but now she blushed, turned around shyly, and took out a letter.

"This is a letter from my wife to you."

Speaking of letters, Liu Jing suddenly remembered that there were letters from Xu Shu and Zhao Yun, and he took out two letters from his pocket. Xu Shu's letter said that not long after he left, the emperor sent an envoy back to Jiangxia with Liu Min, formally He was canonized as Jingzhou Mu and Fanxianghou.

This Liu Jing had already heard from Lu Su, so he was not surprised, but Liu Min mentioned that if he was willing to surrender to Cao Cao, Cao Cao would make him the king of Xiangyang, and his descendants would be the shepherd of Jingzhou forever.

Although the conditions were very attractive, Liu Jing just smiled and didn't think about it for the time being. He took out Zhao Yun's letter, which was actually filled with two sheets of paper, and squinted his eyes to read it slowly under the lamp.

In his letter to Zhao Yun, he only talked about some doubts and homely matters during martial arts training, and he also told him the secret that Liu Biao asked him to succeed Liu Jing as Jingzhou Mu before his death.

And Zhao Yun's reply letter didn't mention his own situation in Wuling County at all, but filled with his martial arts experience, mainly his understanding of Danfeng Chaoyang Spear and Luofeng Kung Fu.

For ordinary martial arts practitioners, they can't see Zhao Yun's experience in martial arts, but for Liu Jing, it is no small matter. Zhao Yun explained in detail some problems he encountered in martial arts training, which made him feel a sense of enlightenment.

Most of his drunkenness suddenly woke up, and he sat up straight and read one by one, and he was so intoxicated that he forgot everything around him.

He is almost self-taught, although he relied on his own understanding and unremitting efforts to acquire a strong martial arts, but after all, he is self-taught, there are still some puzzles and hidden problems.

When encountering enemies with weaker martial arts, it may not have any effect, but when encountering strong opponents, many problems will be exposed. Of course, with his identity, he does not need to take action in many cases, but his love for martial arts makes him He was eager to solve these problems, and now, Zhao Yun told him all the answers.

He stood up suddenly, picked up the halberd from the corner of the room and walked out quickly. The little bun saw that the young master was going to practice martial arts, so he hurried to the kitchen. She knew the young master's habit, he had to eat after the martial arts training.

In the yard, he thrust out a halberd in the air, with a swift and powerful momentum. He swung the halberd, and a blue shadow flashed across the yard. Many difficult points that were usually incomprehensible suddenly became clear at this moment.

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