Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 305 Stopping the West Road

Longzhong is located in the branch of Jingshan Mountain, where the mountains are undulating, there are many hills, and the transportation is inconvenient, but at the same time it is also the only way from Xiangyang to Fangling County. A winding official road passes through many mountains and hills in Longzhong , along the fault valley between the two mountain ranges, leading to Fangling County in the west.

Longzhong is located on this main road of communication, which gives it a prominent strategic position. However, before Cao Jun went south, Longzhong did not have a garrison, but it was a gathering place for the northern gentry.

But at this time, almost all the northern gentry fled to Jiangxia and Nanjun, and Longzhong became very deserted. A month ago, a Cao army of 3000 people was stationed in Longzhong under the leadership of general Zhu Ling, guarding the road to the west. .

Zhu Ling was originally a general under Yuan Shao. He surrendered to Cao Cao when he attacked Tao Qian in Xuzhou.

Cao Jun's camp was stationed in an open space in the west of Longzhong Town, close to the official road leading to Fangling in the west. A few hundred steps to the west is a dense forest, and to the west are two mountains. Like a green robe worn by a mountain, it covers from the mountain to the ground, and the official road passes through the valley between the two mountains.

The military camp covers an area of ​​about [-] mu. Cao Jun demolished a large number of houses in Longzhong Town, and built a large battalion wall with the demolished materials, which are very strong. They also built a sentry tower at each of the four corners of the military camp. The sentries can detect the situation several miles away at any time. .

In the camp, Zhu Ling was listening to the reports from the spies. He had received the news that hundreds of Jiangxia warships had arrived in Xiangyang, which made him very worried, because Longzhong was once the place where Jiangxia's army was stationed.

It was dusk, and Zhu Ling became more and more anxious.He got the latest news that Jiangxia warships had already berthed at Longzhong Wharf, and more than a hundred soldiers stationed on the wharf had fled back. They brought more definite news that a total of nearly a hundred warships were moored near Longzhong Wharf .

It is only twenty miles away from Longzhong Wharf, and Jiang Xia's army will come soon. Just when Zhu Ling was restless in the big tent, a soldier rushed to report, "General Xu Huang is here!"

Zhu Ling was overjoyed, and rushed out of the big tent to greet him, only to see Xu Huang rushing towards the camp with an army of about 2000 people, he quickly went up to salute, "Why is General Xu in such a hurry?"

Xu Huang got off his horse and handed him a command arrow, "At the order of General Cao, I will take over the defense of Longzhong, with General Zhu as his assistant."

Zhu Ling was stunned, Xu Huang is the deputy general, and he is also the deputy general, why did he let himself obey Xu Huang?

But the military order was like a mountain, and he didn't dare to disobey, so he could only ask hesitantly, "What happened?"

"Let's talk in the camp!"

Seeing Xu Huang's serious face, Zhu Ling couldn't help but feel a little worried. He took Xu Huang into the big tent, and before he could ask, Xu Huang sighed and said, "General Cao received a letter from the prime minister and ordered Cao Jun in Xiangyang to evacuate the room immediately. mausoleum."

Zhu Ling was taken aback, "The army is gone, what about Xiangyang?"

"The defense of Xiangyang is handed over to Cai Hao. He leads [-] Jingzhou troops to garrison. If he doesn't want to become Liu Jing's prisoner, he will naturally defend the city desperately."

Zhu Ling was still a little confused, "I don't understand why the Prime Minister gave up Xiangyang?"

"Jiang Xia's army blocked the Han River, cutting off our retreat. Once Jiang Xia's army aggressively attacks Xiangyang, our situation will be in danger."

Zhu Ling was even more confused, "But we have [-] troops in Xiangyang, can't we still defend a single Xiangyang?"

"But the prime minister thinks that Xiangyang City cannot be defended."

Xu Huang sat down tiredly, and he could hardly accept Cao Cao's decision, so he argued with Cao Ren for a long time, hoping that Cao Ren could persuade the prime minister, but Cao Ren insisted on carrying out the prime minister's order, which made him helpless.

Xu Huang is also a veteran. He is nearly forty years old. When he was young, he was just a small official. 15 years ago, he followed Yang Feng to participate in the crusade against Li Cui and Guo Si's rebellion, protected the emperor, made great achievements, and then surrendered After leaving Cao Cao, he has been following him ever since and made numerous military exploits.

Xu Huang has a strong personality and is unwilling to give up Xiangyang, but he is a lieutenant general after all, and he still has to accept the decision of the chief general. However, under his hard work, Cao Ren also made a little concession.

"General Cao and I discussed for a long time, and finally decided to adopt a compromise strategy. We will withdraw our troops to Longzhong first, and use Longzhong to support Xiangyang. If Jiangxia's offensive is unfavorable, then we will attack from Longzhong. If Jiangxia's army is sharp, Xiangyang If it is really difficult to defend, then retreat directly to Fangling."

When Xu Huang said this, he saw that Zhu Ling was absent-minded, as if he didn't listen to his strategy, he felt a little displeased, so he asked, "What is General Zhu thinking?"

Zhu Ling was indeed thinking about an important matter, he walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, suddenly slapped his forehead, and suddenly realized: "I understand!"

"What does General Zhu understand? Let's talk about it." Xu Huang asked puzzled.

"I have already understood Liu Jing's strategic intentions. The Jiangxia navy has already landed in Longzhong. It is obvious that their intention is to attack Longzhong first and cut off our retreat."

Xu Huang was taken aback by the news that Jiang Xia's navy had landed in Longzhong. If so, the problem would be serious. Cao Ren must be sent to reinforce Longzhong immediately. He immediately asked, "Are there pigeons in the barracks?"

Zhu Ling shook his head, "Not yet!"

Xu Huang immediately called a soldier and told him a few words, the soldier immediately ran out of the camp and rode towards Xiangyang.

When the soldiers were gone, Xu Huang stood up and said to Zhu Ling, "Let's hurry up and deploy to face Jiang Xia's army."

. . . . . . .

Beginning in the evening, Jiang Xia's army landed in Longzhong one after another, with [-] troops landing one after another, led by Liu Jing himself.

As night fell, Liu Jing immediately stood on a small hill, looking at Longzhong shrouded in the night, but his thoughts flew to Xiangyang. There is no doubt that the purpose of attacking Longzhong was to close the way for Cao Jun to escape westward and drive the entire army away. Thousands of Cao troops and [-] surrendered Jingzhou troops were wiped out under the city of Xiangyang.

This was actually a strategic mistake made by Cao Cao. He led [-] troops southward, probably just to inspect the battle situation and appease the Nanyang army.

But Cao's army was not ready for war, the army was not well-adjusted, the warships were not built, the food was not shipped enough, and the people's hearts were not won. It can be said that they rushed to the battle.

And his own navy can divide Fancheng and Xiangyang with the smallest force, making it impossible for Cao Jun to support Xiangyang, and Xiangyang is in isolation. If Liu Jing doesn't seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he will regret it.

"State Shepherd!"

Someone called him from behind, interrupting Liu Jing's thoughts, Liu Jing turned around, and saw Li Jun galloping towards Li Jun, the lieutenant general, "What's the matter?" Liu Jing asked.

Li Jun, the deputy general, stepped forward and bowed to salute, "Report to Zhou Mu that the army has been reorganized and can set off."

"Wait a little longer!" Liu Jing stared at the dark night in the south.

"State herdsmen, soldiers are precious and fast, so you can attack Cao's army when they are unprepared."

But Liu Jing shook his head, "Our military ship docked, and the Cao army guarding the pier retreated. How could Zhu Ling not know, we need to be more careful."

As soon as the words fell, a scout cavalry came rushing from the south. Liu Jing was waiting for his news. He immediately urged his horse to meet him. , about 2000 people."

Liu Jing frowned, who could this be?Could it be that Cao Ren has seen through his strategy and wants to withdraw his troops to Fangling?

Sima Zhou, who accompanied the army beside him, smiled and said: "If Cao Ren retreats westward, there will definitely not be only 2000 people. This should be to strengthen the defense force of Longzhong Town. I personally deduce that it may be Lieutenant General Xu Huang."

Liu Jing nodded. What Zhou Buji said made sense. There were 2000 Cao troops in Xiangyang City, of which Zhu Ling led [-] troops to guard Longzhong, and there were [-] Cao troops in Xiangyang City.

He asked the scout again: "Did the 2000 people continue westward after they arrived in Longzhong?"

"Reporting to Zhou Mu, he didn't go west, and went directly to the barracks."

Liu Jing pondered for a moment, then turned to Li Jun and said, "If you send more scouts along the way to explore the road, the army can go south and keep marching at a medium speed."

"As ordered!"

Li Jun turned his horse's head and ran towards the army. In the dark night, groups of soldiers set off. The [-] troops marched toward Longzhong twenty miles away along the valley in the north of Longzhong...

Longzhong Town is located in a long and narrow basin, surrounded by mountains, with complex terrain. In the north of the basin, there is a rare open area, covering an area of ​​thousands of acres, called Longbeiyuan, where the grain fields in Longzhong are concentrated.

Due to the impact of the war, more than half of the rice fields were deserted. After the summer harvest, no more wheat was planted. Only a few hundred acres of rice fields in the northwest corner were full of rice. After more than ten days, they can be harvested maturely.

But at this moment, the field was full of murderous spirit. Xu Huang led [-] troops to temporarily station in the south of Longbeiyuan, next to a small river with a width of Zhang Xu. Xu Huang originally planned to ambush Jiang Xia's army, but was discovered by enemy scouts. , He was forced to change his strategy, wait for the arrival of Jiang Xia's army.

Xu Huang was sitting on a big rock, chewing a grass root, next to him was his great ax weighing about eighty catties, and his BMW 'Taxue Wuhen', a white war horse, This was one of Yuan Shao's five horses, and Cao Cao awarded it to Xu Huang as a reward for military merit.

Xu Huang has experienced hundreds of battles and has rich combat experience. He knows that night battles are beneficial to those with fewer soldiers. Although the opponent has ten thousand troops, which is three times his own, but at night, as long as he makes full use of the army's morale, morale, terrain and other factors, it is not yet clear who will win the battle. Knowable.

But Xu Huang also knew that he was taking a risk, because he didn't know Jiang Xiajun, he didn't know who the general of Jiang Xiajun was?Is the army's combat effectiveness strong, and has it experienced night combat training?He knew nothing about it.

So Xu Huang felt very tangled in his heart, did he really want to take this risk?However, Xu Huang also hoped that there would be no night battle, so as to buy time for Cao Ren's army to arrive.

"General Xu!"

A spy rushed over, Xu Huang stood up and asked nervously, "What's the matter!"

"General Qi reported that Jiang Xia's army was discovered seven or eight miles away. There were about 1 people. They did not continue to go south, but rested on the spot."

Xu Huang frowned, it seemed that the enemy army was also very cautious and refused to fight at night lightly, this was beyond his expectation, he asked again: "Who is the enemy general?"

The spy hesitated and said, "It seems to be Liu Jing."


Xu Huang exclaimed in a low voice, and he was stunned.

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