Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 310 The Change of Xiangcheng

The arrow battle in Longzhong was still going on fiercely. Arrows from both sides rained like rain, as if intertwined into a cloud of arrows in the air, shooting at each other overwhelmingly.

It was almost noon, but Jiang Xia's army had never launched a real attack. The Qiandao shield army also stood quietly behind, without a single attack.

As time passed, Jiang Xiajun's intentions were gradually revealed. Zhu Ling trotted all the way to Xu Huang, and said nervously, "Has General Xu seen Jiang Xiajun's intentions?"

Xu Huang has already seen it, and he nodded, "Their intentions are obvious, they don't really want to conquer the barracks, they're just bluffing, if I'm not wrong, Liu Jing's purpose is to lure the main force of Xiangyang out of the city. "

"General Xu means that Liu Jing doesn't want us to have a decisive battle, but just wants to capture Xiangyang City?"

"This should be!"

Xu Huang sighed, "If you kill three thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred. What's more, his military strength is not superior. He doesn't want to pay a heavy price, but wants to take Xiangyang City at the lowest cost. If I'm not wrong , This is Liu Jing's attempt."

"Then... shall we tell General Cao?"

Xu Huang looked up to the east, and after a while, he smiled wryly, "It's too late."

Zhu Ling looked back eagerly, and saw dust flying in the east, flags flying, and a mighty army coming towards this side, the distance was less than three li, it should be the army from Xiangyang arrived.

Liu Jing stood on a flat-roofed house three hundred steps away, watching the bow and arrow battle between the two sides from a distance. He never ordered a large-scale attack on Cao Cao's barracks.

The purpose of his westward march this time is to build momentum and inspire the determination of the army and people in Jingzhou to resist Cao Jun. The best way is to use the absolute advantage of the Jiangxia navy to force Cao Jun to withdraw and recapture Xiangyang City.

"Zhou Mu, the main force of Cao's army has been killed!" A soldier shouted behind him.

Liu Jing looked back, he was standing on a high place, and he could see very clearly, only to see an army in the distance rushing towards this side, and it was clearly visible on the battle flag, it was Cao Jun who he had been waiting for for a long time. .

Liu Jing immediately ordered: "The whole army retreats!"

Under the cover of a strong rain of arrows, Jiang Xia's army quickly retreated. Ten thousand Jiang Xia's troops quickly withdrew from Longzhong Town, crossed Longbei Yuan, and withdrew to Longzhong North Wharf.

Just as the army passed through Longbeiyuan, a group of cavalry scouts rushed over and found Liu Jing, "Report to Zhou Mu, I have something important to report!"

"What's the matter?" Liu Jing reined in his horse and asked.

"A Nanjun army appeared at the Tanxi Bridge. The leading general was Guan Yu. General Su Zhi was defeated and forced to withdraw. The Nanjun army was heading towards the west gate of Xiangyang City."

This news surprised Liu Jing. How could the army of Nanjun appear before Liu Bei returned?Could it be. . . .Zhuge Liang wants to fish in troubled waters?

Before Liu Jing could think about it, the scouts reported again: "Another person came from Xiangyang City and said that he had something important to see the state shepherd, so we brought him here."

I saw a person behind the scout get off his horse, stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "Xiang Lang in Xiayi City, contact Zhou Mu on behalf of General Huo Jun, and would like to dedicate Xiangyang City."

Liu Jing was overjoyed, it turned out that he was Xiang Lang. Two months ago, he sent someone to Linju County to look for him, only to learn that he had resigned from office, which made Liu Jing quite regretful. He did not expect him to appear in front of him suddenly.

Liu Jing got off his horse and said to his soldiers, "Go and invite Mr. Jia!"

The soldiers rushed away, and he pointed to the grass beside the road and said, "Let's sit down and talk."

Several personal soldiers had already laid out the mats, and the two sat down. Xiang Lang briefly described Huo Jun's decision to be loyal to Xinzhou Mu to Liu Jing, and finally sighed: "The situation in the city is not good now, Cai Zhonghe Zhang Qu is going to bargain with Nanjun to sell Xiangyang, General Huo can only pretend to agree with them, the situation is very urgent, Wangzhou Mu immediately sent troops to respond."

Liu Jing was furious in his heart, as expected, as expected by Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang led the army to take advantage of the fire to loot, how could he let him succeed!

At this time, Jia Xu also came on horseback and rested behind him. When the soldiers said that Zhou Mu invited him to discuss the military situation, Jia Xu rushed over.

Xiang Lang was a county magistrate in Xinye more than ten years ago, and he often went to Nanyang, so he knew Jia Xu. He didn't know that Jia Xu had surrendered to Liu Jing, so he was shocked and got up quickly to salute, "Why is Mr. Jia here?"

Jia Xu smiled, bowed her hands and bowed back, "I haven't seen you in more than ten years, but Juda still has the same demeanor, don't you come here all right?"

Liu Jing also smiled and said, "Since you two are acquaintances, I don't need to introduce you anymore. Please sit down!"

The three sat down again, and Liu Jing recounted what Xiang Lang said to Jia Xu, and finally said bitterly: "Guan Yu is just a general, and Liu Bei has not returned yet, so Zhuge Liang can only lead the army in person. Fishing in troubled waters, I don't know how to deal with this person?"

Jia Xu stroked his beard and smiled, "Isn't there a solution for the Xiangshijun here?"

Liu Jing also laughed, Cai Zhong and Zhang Qu are nothing to worry about, the key is to plan beautifully, he thinks for a while, and he has a countermeasure, he has to deal with Cao Jun in Longzhong, and he has no time to separate himself, now Wei Yan should lead the army to catch up Now that we have arrived in Xiangyang, let him handle the matter.

But who will do the internal response?Liu Jing raised his head and glanced at Jia Xu. Jia Xu stroked his beard and smiled without saying a word. Their eyes met and their hearts were connected. Who else could be more suitable than Jia Xu?

Liu Jing immediately wrote a letter to Huo Jun, handed it to Xiang Lang, and then wrote another warrant. He waved Li Qing up, handed him the warrant and his own gold medal, and told him: "You Take more than a dozen brothers to escort Mr. Jia and Mr. Xiang to Xiangyang City, and then you go to find General Wei, he has arrived, give him my warrant and gold medal."

"I obey!" Li Qing took the warrant and the gold medal, and turned to lead the horse.

Liu Jing bowed to Jia Xu again, "I'll leave everything to you sir, and I hope you will be very careful and don't take any risks."

Jia Xu smiled, "I don't know how to do risky things. Since I do it, I have to be sure."

"Take care sir!"

At this time, Xiang Lang also bowed his hands to say goodbye, Liu Jing remembered something again, and asked him with a smile: "I don't know where my nephew Xiang Chong is?"

Xiang Chong is also a general with both civil and military skills, but he can stand alone. Liu Jing has been thinking about him for a long time, but he doesn't know where he is.

Xiang Lang smiled, "He has always been on the go, traveling around to study, and he should be in the north now, but don't worry, the state shepherd, the Xiang family has moved to Xiakou, his parents are both in Xiakou, I believe he will go back."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiang, I hope the two gentlemen have a safe journey!"

Jia Xu and Xiang Lang bowed their hands in return, they got on their horses, followed Li Qing and a dozen of his own soldiers and galloped eastward, returning to Xiangyang City by another path, Liu Jing watched them go away, and he felt a little worried, With the addition of the Nanjun army, especially Zhuge Liang's entry, the situation has become a bit confusing.

. . . . . . . .

In Ping'an Town, Zhuge Liang and the envoys sent by Cai Zhong reached an agreement. Zhuge Liang promised to protect the lives and properties of Cai Zhong, Zhang Qu, and Huo Jun. keep his subordinates.

These are Cai Zhong's bottom line requirements. If Cai Zhong can accept, then Xiangyang City will be handed over to the Nanjun Army at the fourth watch.

Seeing Cai Zhong's envoy leave Ping'an Town on horseback, General Wang Wei asked a little puzzled: "Why can't we hand over the city to us earlier when it's so late at the fourth watch?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and sighed helplessly, "Obviously, he wants to loot the money of Xiangyang City. We have no choice but to stop him, but I hope he will show mercy and don't leave us a mess."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang looked at the sky, it was already dusk, and it was about to get dark, so he immediately ordered to his opponent: "Quickly go and notify General Guan, and prepare to enter the city on the fourth watch!"

Zhuge Liang made a series of deployments, and then led the army to Xiangyang City.

. . . . . . . .

As soon as it was dark, an old man with the appearance of a housekeeper found Huo Jun anxiously. This old man was the old housekeeper of the Lu family in the south of Xiangyang City.

The old housekeeper knelt down as soon as he entered the tent, and cried loudly: "General, can you save the Lu family? The Lu family is about to be wiped out."

Huo Jun was taken aback, and quickly asked, "What happened?"

"General, just now, an army of a hundred men rushed into Lu's house, killing anyone they saw. Dalang and Erlang were killed, and the old master was captured by them, forcing him to hand over all his money. Several young grandmas and Lu The third girl was also... spoiled by them."

Huo Jun only felt head 'hum! ' With a sound, blood rushed to his forehead, and his eyes exploded with anger. Lu Sanniang was his brother's unmarried fiancee, and he was going crazy because he was ruined.

He pulled out his knife and strode out of the tent, just as he was outside the tent, he saw Xiang Lang and an old man walking towards him, Huo Jun suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly went up to him and said, "When did Brother Juda come back? "

Xiang Lang smiled and said, "I just entered the city! Thanks to your gold medal, otherwise I wouldn't be able to enter the city."

Huo Jun wanted to ask about Liu Jing, but his eyes fell on the old man, "This is..."

Xiang Lang whispered to Huo Jun, "He is Jia Xu, and now he is Mr. Jing's counselor."

Surprised in Huo Jun's heart, he hurriedly saluted, "I have heard of Mr. Jiu's name, and this junior admires him very much!"

Jia Xu also cupped his hands and said with a smile: "General Huo, you don't have to be polite, but this is not a place to talk, let's talk about it after we earn money!"

Huo Jun suddenly remembered the matter of Lu's family, his face showed embarrassment, and Xiang Lang was taken aback, "What's the matter, brother?"

Although Huo Jun was anxious, Jia Xu's arrival brought him a glimmer of hope, maybe he could give him advice.

"Let's talk about it later!"

The three entered and sat down, and Huo Jun told the story of General Lu's looting. Before he could finish speaking, a soldier came to report in a panic, "General Qi, Cai Zhong and Zhang Qu's army started to attack." Looting the richest people in the city!"

Huo Jun forced himself to calm down and asked, "Is it a large-scale looting?"

The soldier shook his head, "It seems that there are only [-] or [-] big families, and the people who start off are all their subordinates."

Huo Jun understood that this should be the first wave of looting, targeting the [-] wealthy families in Xiangyang City. After the first wave was over, they would plunder Xiangyang. The situation was extremely urgent. He looked at Jia Xu for help. .

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