Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 324 Additional Conditions

Qichun County is located to the east of Jiangxia County, and the county seat is Qichun County.

Qichun County has been stationed in Jiangdong with heavy troops all the year round, but after the first battle of Chaisang a few years ago, Liu Jing and Sun Quan concluded a settlement agreement, the two sides stopped hostilities, and Qichun County's garrison was reduced to a thousand.

However, as Cao's forces continued to move southward, Sun Quan and Liu Jing signed a joint anti-Cao alliance last year, and Qichun County became the front line of the Jiangdong Army's anti-Cao. With Qichun County as the center, [-] troops and [-] warships The boats were deployed along the Yangtze River.

Qichun County is close to the east bank of the Yangtze River, located in the south of Wuchang County, about a hundred miles away. On the river outside the county seat, there are thousands of Jiangdong warships densely packed, and on the bank, there are military camps that can't be seen at a glance. tens of miles.

Zhou Yu had just finished his winter training at Poyang Lake and led his army to Qichun County. In the Chinese army tent, dozens of large boxes were piled up like a hill, and a dozen officers were busy sorting dozens of documents.

At this time, a soldier rushed to him. He couldn't find the governor Zhou Yu in the tent, so he hurriedly asked, "Where is the governor?"

"The governor went to inspect the barracks, you go to the west to have a look." An official replied.

The soldiers immediately rushed to the west.

Beside a barracks, Zhou Yu and Lu Su were whispering something?Zhou Yu looked a little annoyed, and what Lu Su reported obviously angered him.

"How could he do this!"

Although Zhou Yu lowered his voice, he could still hear the resentment in his tone, "In the face of a great enemy, civil strife is the most taboo. If he doesn't accept me, I can give him the position of governor. Since I am the leader, he will be the deputy." , then he must obey my orders."

The "he" Zhou Yu mentioned was Cheng Pu, the deputy governor. This time, Sun Quan appointed Zhou Yu as the commander of the navy, but due to the pressure from the elder faction, he also appointed Cheng Pu as the deputy governor, but Sun Quan also knew the contradiction between them. Therefore, Zhou Yu was appointed to be in charge of the fifty thousand navy, and Cheng Pu was in charge of the ten thousand army, but Cheng Pu was controlled by Zhou Yu.

Before Zhou Yu's army arrived in Qichun County, Cheng Pu led [-] troops to garrison Qichun County. Zhou Yu had been in Qichun County for two days, but Cheng Pu never came to see him.

Today Lu Su was ordered to discuss with Cheng Pu about repairing the city, but Cheng Pu didn't see Lu Su at all. The army can only retreat to the county temporarily.

Now that the county town is dilapidated and the city walls are unable to withstand the enemy's siege, Zhou Yu thought of rebuilding it, and Cheng Pu's non-cooperation will seriously affect his plan.

Lu Su was also helpless. Seeing Zhou Yu's anger, he had to persuade him: "Captain, this matter can only be reported to Marquis Wu. Even if Cheng Pu can't be removed from his post, he can't be stationed in Qichun County. It's like two tigers fighting each other."

Zhou Yu shook his head and sighed helplessly: "Zijing, things will not go as you think, Marquis Wu will not transfer him away, he must want me and Cheng Demou to resolve the conflict by ourselves, it's difficult!"

At this moment, a soldier rushed over, "Governor!" The soldier shouted from afar, "Jingzhou Liuzhou Mu is here!"

Zhou Yu was surprised that Liu Jing actually came, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Where is Liu Zhoumu now?"

The soldier turned his head and pointed to the river, "It's just above the big river. He sent an envoy to come first."

"Let the messenger come to see me!"

The soldiers rushed away, but Zhou Yu frowned, and asked Lu Su, "Zijing, what do you think Liu Jing came to see me for?"

Lu Su chuckled, "The governor is worrying too much. The governor has just arrived in Qichun. Of course he wants to meet with the governor. This is a normal visit and there should be no intention."


Zhou Yu shook his head, "He came very suddenly, I think he still has some plans."

After a pause, Zhou Yu laughed again: "Perhaps it's not a bad thing to have a conspiracy, anyway, let's meet him first."

. . . . .

Liu Jing did not go ashore to meet with Zhou Yu. When the Jiangdong army stationed [-] troops on the east bank of Jiangxia, if there was no clear security guarantee, meeting on a large ship would undoubtedly reduce the pressure on both sides.

Liu Jing decided to meet Zhou Yu on the spur of the moment. He was going to Xiakou to attend the inauguration ceremony of the two defensive castles, but when he received news that Zhou Yu led an army to Qichun County, he felt that it was necessary to meet each other.

Liu Jing stood on the ship's side with his hands behind his back, watching Zhou Yu's boat slowly approaching. When the two boats crossed, he saw Zhou Yu and Lu Su on the big boat, bowing their hands to him.

Liu Jing returned the salute with a smile. He suddenly had an illusion of history. Standing in his position to salute Zhou Yu at this time, it should be Zhuge Liang who was shaking the feather fan. How did he become himself?

At this moment, the two boats approached and boarded the plank. Zhou Yu and Lu Su walked quickly, surrounded by a dozen personal guards. Zhou Yu smiled and said, "It's very kind to see Zhou Mu here! There is a kind of neighbor The feeling of dropping by."

"Hehe! Gongjin's wonderful words touched my heart."

Liu Jing laughed and stepped forward to hold Zhou Yu's arm. The two looked intimate, talking and laughing, and went to the cabin. After entering the cabin, Liu Jing asked Zhou Yu and Lu Su to sit down, and said with a smile: "I wanted to go to the University. However, I was in a hurry to go to Xiakou to participate in the completion of the defensive castle, so I had to wrong Gongjin brother to come to the boat to meet, Liu Jing was rude."

Zhou Yu smiled, and didn't care about the faux pas. What he cared about was Liu Jing's plan to find him, but it was not easy to ask too many questions. He thought of the dilapidated Qichun County again, and couldn't help sighing: "The state shepherd attaches great importance to it." Defense, building a military fort, this is the blessing of Jiangxia, but it is a pity that Jiangdong does not have such good luck."

"The governor means that Marquis Wu doesn't pay much attention to defense?" Liu Jing asked tentatively.

Zhou Yu shook his head, "It's not Marquis Wu's problem, it's..." He gave a wry smile, and couldn't continue.

Lu Su next to him knew that Liu Jing was an insider, so he said, "I'm not going to hide it from the governor of the state. The key is that Deputy Governor Cheng led an army of [-] troops and was stationed in Qichun County. He didn't obey the orders of the military governor of my family. It's worrying."

It turned out that this was the case. Liu Jing was very aware of the internal conflicts in the Jiangdong Army. He pondered for a while and asked, "Has Gong Jin considered talking to Marquis Wu?"

Zhou Yu sighed, "How can I mention this kind of thing to Marquis Wu? I can only try to avoid conflicts."

"Do you want me to write a letter to Marquis Wu?"

Zhou Yu shook his head, "Thank you Zhou Mu for your kindness, but this is Jiangdong's internal affairs, and it would be better if Zhou Mu didn't get involved."

Although it is an internal matter, if the conflict between Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu erupts sharply, it will be extremely detrimental to Sun Liu's joint resistance against Cao. Liu Jing is even more worried that Sun Quan will transfer Zhou Yu away in order to calm the conflict. This matter involves Jiang Xia's interests, and he cannot ignore it. .

Liu Jing pondered for a while and said, "Perhaps Gong Jin can leave Qichun temporarily and station elsewhere. I think the two sides are stationed together, and conflicts will break out sooner or later. This is not good for the overall situation. If each stationed on one side, then we can live in peace. "

"Zijing also suggested this to me, but he couldn't find a suitable place to garrison for a while."

Liu Jing laughed, "If Gongjin doesn't mind, I can lend Zhukou to the Jiangdong army for a temporary stay."

Zhukou is located about forty miles east of Xiakou and belongs to Jiangxia County. There is a long sandy island in the Yangtze River in Zhukou. The island is four miles long and divides the Yangtze River into two. The water surface is wide in the north and narrow in the south. Once a city was built at Zhukou to defend the east of the river, and now there is a military city with a circumference of ten miles on the shore, which is very suitable for the navy to station.

Of course Zhou Yu knew about Zhukou. Together with Sanjiangkou in the west, it was called the left and right fortresses of Xiakou. It had always been a strategic point of Jiangxia. Liu Jing actually let him be stationed. Zhou Yu and Lu Su looked at each other. Lu Su's expression was also a bit astonished, and he didn't expect Liu Jing to give up Zhukou to the Jiangdong army, which shows that Liu Jing is sincere!

Zhou Yu pondered for a moment and said: "Thank you Zhou Mu for your kindness, but I have to ask Marquis Wu for instructions on this matter, and I will get a reply within half a month at the latest. If Marquis Wu agrees, I am looking forward to stationing side by side with the Jiang Xia navy."

"There is one more thing, I also want to ask Gong Jin to tell Marquis Wu."

"State pastor, please tell me!"

"That's right. Due to this war preparation, Jiangxia has spent a lot of money and food, and the military expenditure is insufficient. I want to borrow a sum of military expenses from Jiangdong. I hope Gongjin will tell Wuhou for me."

This is the real purpose of Liu Jing looking for Zhou Yu. Since the two sides form an alliance, it is logical to borrow money from Jiangdong, and then return it to Jiangdong after mining and making money.

'Sure enough, I came here with a purpose! '

Zhou Yu thought to himself, "I guessed it right, and it was actually for borrowing money." '

At this moment, Zhou Yu suddenly remembered something that Marquis Wu told him, so Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Actually, there is no need to borrow money. Marquis Wu has always wanted to buy kerosene from Jingzhou. If Zhou Mu is willing to sell it, we are willing to pay a high price to buy it. In this way Wouldn't it also solve Jiang Xia's military expenditure problem?"

In the past few years, the Jiangdong Army has sent dozens of oil exploration teams to all parts of Jiangdong to look for fire oil, but they have found nothing. Later, I heard that Cao Cao found fire oil in Puyang, which made Sun Quan even more anxious. He could only buy it from Jingzhou, so he handed over the task to Zhou Yu, hoping that he could persuade Liu Jing.

Liu Jing was silent. Jingling County produced a lot of kerosene, and there was plenty of kerosene. The key was that kerosene was an important strategic material, and generally it would never be sold to the enemy.

But Liu Jing also knows that Cao Cao already has kerosene, and Sun Quan will get it sooner or later. It is better to sell it to Jiangdong at a high price now, and he can also put forward additional conditions. As long as the purification technology is not given to Jiangdong, it is also kerosene, and the combat effect is also different. far.

At this time, Lu Su also persuaded: "Both sides are allies. Jiangdong is willing to do his best to help Jiangxia. I only hope that Jiangxia can also help Jiangdong. We mainly use it to resist Cao's army going south from Yangzhou."

Liu Jing finally nodded, "I can sell the fire oil to Jiangdong, but I have an additional condition. If Jiangdong agrees, the transaction can begin immediately."

Zhou Yu cheered up, and hurriedly said, "Please tell me, state pastor!"

"My additional conditions are very simple. I hope Jiangdong can help Jiangxia with 20 shi of grain at the same time. This has nothing to do with the fire oil transaction, but just Jiangdong's assistance to us."

The conditions themselves are not too harsh, and Jiangdong should help Jiangxia appropriately, but the amount of 20 shi of grain is too large, Zhou Yu dared not agree, so he had to smile wryly: "I will immediately report to Marquis Wu with a pigeon letter, half a month later I should There is a reply, please wait patiently, Zhou Mu."

Liu Jing laughed meaningfully, "Let's look forward to it together!"

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