Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 326 Anlu Crisis

More than a dozen disciples have already tied armor and shields to the wooden figures. The wooden figures are two hundred steps apart. Twenty wooden figures are lined up in a row, holding swords and shields. The armor is bright, each of them is eight feet tall, and they raise their swords to attack. , made lifelike, looking from a distance, quite a bit mighty momentum.

The other two disciples manipulated the iron ballista skillfully. Thirty jackdaw arrows were aimed at the distance. The bow string was slowly tightened, and they drew out the long bronze stick. Ma Jun looked at Liu Jing for instructions.

Liu Jing nodded. He also looked forward to the power of this iron ballista. From the appearance, it was no less than Zhuge Liang's Liannu. Armor pierces the shield.

Ma Jun was a little nervous, and checked the iron ballista again to make sure it was safe, then ordered in a low voice: "Fire!"

A student hit the knife teeth with a hammer, and there was a muffled 'click'. Thirty iron arrows came out of the forest like a jackdaw, and shot at the wooden man two hundred steps away, only to hear a 'pop!Snapped! With a loud sound, several wooden figures were knocked to the ground by powerful arrows, and their shields were also blown away.

Everyone stepped forward one after another to check the effect of the iron arrow shooting. Everyone was secretly surprised. Although not all wooden figures were shot, eight wooden figures were hit by arrows, their shields were cracked, and their leather armor was pierced. Several arrows shot into the wall behind.

"State Shepherd!"

Gan Ning couldn't bear the excitement in his heart and said: "This is a sharp weapon against Cao Jun's cavalry!"

Liu Jing also nodded, with excitement in his eyes. He imagined that facing the impact of Cao Cao's cavalry, a hundred iron ballistas would be fired at the same time, and three thousand iron arrows would be fired. to hit hard.

He turned around and walked back to the iron ballista to study the giant crossbow carefully. At this time, Ma Jun stepped forward and said slowly: "In the wild...on the battlefield, we can fix the iron ballista...on the bullock cart Put it up, or disassemble it...ship it, temporarily assemble it, in short, there are many ways."

Liu Jing nodded. Seeing a student put iron arrows into an iron pocket one by one, he couldn't help frowning: "Do you have to put arrows like this every time?"

"Yes, it's a nuisance, it's time-consuming, and we're... trying to figure it out."

Liu Jing laughed, "Actually, the solution is very simple. An iron ballista is equipped with dozens of iron pockets, and the iron pockets are filled with arrows. After each shot, the iron pockets are replaced together. It is as long as the replacement is simple."

Ma Jun nodded, "We also... thought of this method, but dozens of iron bags... are very heavy and inconvenient to transport."

"There are too many dozens, then use five rotations, a battle in the field, this kind of iron ballista can fire up to five rounds, in addition, the device must be simple, strong, and easy to operate, so that it can play its role power."

Liu Jing is a person who has experienced war. He is well aware of the weaknesses of these defensive weapons. If you pay too much attention to precision, it will become complicated and easy to damage. During fierce battles, soldiers will not be as careful as testers. Simple structure, strong and durable, that is a qualified weapon.

Ma Jun nodded silently, he understood Liu Jing's meaning, "We will...continue to improve, please come back for inspection in half a month from the state shepherd."

Liu Jing was in a good mood, patted Ma Jun on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The war is coming, we need to develop more practical weapons as soon as possible, not only weapons, but also armor, such as shield improvements, armor improvements, etc. play a role in.”

"Humble job...Understood, I will do my best!"

Liu Jing explained a few more words, then turned around and walked out. At this time, Jia Xu hurried over and whispered something in Liu Jing's ear. Liu Jing was startled, his eyes showed surprise, but he returned to normal immediately. He smiled at everyone as if nothing had happened: "Let's not disturb this place, everyone should go back separately! The military exercise will continue."

Everyone quit the artisan school one after another, got on their horses and ran towards the river, Liu Jing ordered people to keep Gan Ning and Wei Yan behind, and then followed Jia Xu to the military office.

Entering the military office, Liu Jing immediately asked, "Is the news accurate?"

Jia Xu nodded, "The news should be very accurate. Zhang Liao did not go to Nanyang County, but led his army into Runan County. Obviously, Cao Jun is going to attack Anlu County."

Liu Jing walked quickly to the wall and stared at the map on the wall. As early as seven days ago, they received news that Cao Jun would send 30 troops to the south to conquer Jingzhou, of which Zhang Liao led [-] troops to go first.

I thought that Zhang Liao's army would enter Nanyang directly, but I didn't expect that after a few days of rest in Ye County, Zhang Liao's army suddenly turned east and headed towards Runan County at high speed.

Now, about 1 Cao troops have appeared in Anyang County, Runan County, less than ten miles away from the border of Anlu County. The speed of the march is shocking. Cao Cao's strategy is too obvious. If he wants to get through Anlu County, his troops will be on the river. summer.

Anlu County is located to the north of the Yangtze River and the Han River, and is the northern barrier of Jiangxia County. General Wenpin led [-] troops to garrison. What worries Liu Jing now is that if Zhang Liao's [-] troops attack Anlu County with all their strength, Wenpin will be garrisoned. How long can it last?

At this time, Jia Xu stepped forward and said, "Zhou Mu must abandon Anlu County and withdraw Wenpin's army south to Jiangxia."

Liu Jing pondered for a moment and said, "I can now concentrate Xiakou troops to support Anlu County. Before Cao Cao's army arrives, I can take advantage of the time difference to defeat Zhang Liao's army. Do you think it is not feasible?"

Jia Xu shook his head, "If Zhou Mu sent troops to Anlu County, that would be exactly what Cao Jun wanted. Zhang Liao would not fight Zhou Mu fiercely, but would drag the main force of Jiang Xia's army to Anlu County, so that Cao Jun could take Xiangyang County calmly. , This is actually the strategy of besieging Wei and saving Zhao.

At the beginning, I suggested Prime Minister Cao to send troops to Nanyang to prevent Jiang Xia’s army from taking advantage of Cao’s main force to march north to invade the Central Plains. This time it’s the same. Zhou Mu should not underestimate Cheng Yu’s determination. As long as Jiang Xia’s army goes north, he will immediately lead Cao’s army in Fancheng Cross the river to attack Xiangyang. "

"We can let Cao's army occupy Anlu County and march to Jiangxia, but we can't take Xiangyang into account either."

Jia Xu was silent for a moment and said, "Actually, I have always wanted to tell Zhou Mu that it might not be a wise decision to temporarily abandon Xiangyang."


"Abandoning Xiangyang, Cao's army will definitely attack Jiangling in a big way. If we can use Cao Cao's hand to kill Liu Bei and Zhou Mu, this is not a bad thing!"

Liu Jing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "What if Liu Bei retreats eastward and uses Changsha County?"

"will not!"

Jia Xu smiled with certainty: "If I'm not mistaken, Liu Bei should have been prepared, he will definitely retreat south to Wuling County or Hengyang County, but no matter what, he will definitely not be able to keep Jiangling City.

And if we capture Jiangling from Cao Jun, Liu Bei will have nothing to say whether it is morality or status. If we capture Jiangling, then Xiangyang's southern troubles will be solved. "

Liu Jing pondered for a moment, although Jia Xu's strategy is clever, but he still finds it difficult to accept that he should just give up Xiangyang City.

"If I give up Xiangyang, I am very worried that I will lose the hearts of Jingzhou people. Do you have a solution, sir?"

Jia Xu laughed, "If the state shepherd is worried about losing the trust of the people, even if the people of Xiangyang are moved to Jiangxia, they need to rely on Cao Jun's rumors that Cao Jun will have millions of troops to attack Xiangyang, so the people of Xiangyang will not have any complaints."

Liu Jing nodded silently. Although the solution was good, he still considered it carefully, "It's important, let me think about it again!"

At this moment, a soldier rushed to the door to report: "Report to Zhou Mu, Anlu County for emergency information!"

"Bring it in!"

The messenger soldier walked in, knelt down on one knee, and presented an express letter. Liu Jing took the letter. It was Wenpin's handwritten letter. He opened it and read it quickly. The attack on Anlu County was launched.

He handed the letter to Jia Xu, Jia Xu read it once, and immediately said: "The situation is urgent, Zhou Mu can immediately order Wenpin to withdraw to the south, and not to fight hard with Cao Jun."

Liu Jing immediately wrote an order to hand over his gold medal to the soldiers, and said: "Let General Wen withdraw to the south immediately, and don't want to fight. I have warships by the river to meet him."

The soldiers left in a hurry, and Liu Jing went to the map again, staring at Anlu County. Cao's army was marching rapidly, and he was very worried whether Wenpin would be able to retreat unscathed.

. . . . . . . . .

On the banks of the Weishui River in the north of Anlu County, Wenpin led [-] Jiangxia elites to face the [-] Cong Cao vanguards led by Zang Ba. This is an open land with a radius of more than ten miles. Like thunder.

Under the banner, Wenpin stared at Cao Jun who was two miles away, with a sneer on his face. Although Cao Jun had bright armor and high morale, he was indeed an elite army.

But after a long period of raiding, they were at the end of their physical strength, and their strength was only half of their own. Did they think that they would surrender without a fight like Zhang Yun's army, or be defeated in a single battle?

At this moment, more than a dozen officials came running from behind, the leader was Su Fei, the prefect of Anlu County, and beside him were the soldiers sent by Liu Jing to deliver the letter.

"General Wen!"

Su Fei rode forward and said: "The state shepherd sent an urgent order!"

He handed Liu Jing's gold medal and the warrant to Wenpin. Wenpin took the warrant and looked it over, and said to Su Fei: "Zhou Mu ordered us to abandon Anlu County and withdraw to Jiangxia in the south."

Su Fei already knew Liu Jing's order, he looked at Cao Jun in the distance, and asked again: "Since the state shepherd has an order, will the general still want to fight?"

Wenpin didn't answer directly, he asked the soldiers who delivered the letter: "Where is the state shepherd now?"

"Zhou Mu is in Xiakou. He said that he would send warships to the river to meet the general. He asked the humble officer to tell the general not to love fighting and to retreat immediately!"

"I see!"

Wen Pin nodded, and then said to Su Fei: "Now the arrow is ready, we have to shoot, the opponent is exhausted from the long-distance attack, and the strength is only [-], I can defeat it in one battle, please wait a moment, the prefect, we will retreat after defeating the enemy !"

As soon as Wenpin finished speaking, the sound of the opponent's drum suddenly became more urgent. It was the enemy army that was about to go to battle. Su Fei was also a leader. He knew that if he retreated at this time, he would be chased by Cao's army. With Cao Jun.

A general ran out from Cao's army. He was eight feet tall, with a silver helmet and iron armor, and held a wrought iron gun. ?”

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