Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 336 Pressure Jiangdong

The meeting only lasted more than half an hour, and the two parties said their goodbyes and boarded the boat to return. In front of the boat window, Cao Cao stood with his arms behind his back, staring at the river for a long time without saying a word.

Originally at this meeting, Cao Cao made another effort to persuade Liu Jing to surrender with Wang Juehoulu, but he didn't say anything in the end because he knew Liu Jing's ambition, which was to win the world and govern the country with Confucianism, law and Taoism.

"Confucianism governs the mind, law governs power, and Tao governs the country." Cao Cao repeatedly chewed these three sentences, which made him feel endlessly disappointed. He also has ambitions in his heart, but he is 54 years old this year, and he still has time to realize it. own ambition?

He heaved a long sigh, turned around and asked Cheng Yu, "I saw Liu Jing today, what does Zhong De think of this person?"

"The incisive insights have refreshed my eyes. There are rumors that Liu Jing is not Liu Jingsheng's nephew. I believe it now. How could Liu Jingsheng have such a nephew!"

"What did Gongda see?" Cao Cao's eyes turned to Xun You again.

Xun You also sighed softly, "This man is so talented and powerful, he is quite similar to the Prime Minister, and Yuan Shao is not as good as him! If he doesn't figure it out sooner, he will become a serious problem for the Prime Minister in the future."

Cao Cao nodded, "Gongda's words are deeply in my heart. During this southern expedition, I will definitely get rid of Liu Jing, and I must not let him become a big one."

At this moment, Cheng Yu said: "If the Prime Minister must eliminate Liu Jing, I have a suggestion."

"Please speak, Zhongde!"

"The prime minister can promise Sun Quan that he will not attack Jiangdong within three years and marry him. If Sun Quan agrees, the Sun-Liu alliance will collapse. Without Sun Quan's army, the prime minister's 30 army will attack Jiangxia. There is [-]% certainty .”

'Three years? Cao Cao frowned slightly, marriage is no problem, but three years seems a bit too long.

Cheng Yu smiled slightly, "Prime Minister can use these three years to wipe out Ma Teng, Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang first, and finally turn around and deal with Jiangdong, isn't it just right?"

Cao Cao suddenly came to his senses, and nodded slowly, "As you said, gold and jade!"

. . . . . . .

Just when Cao Cao was about to change Jiangdong's strategy, more than [-] Cao Jun's East Route Army, led by General Man Chong, set off from Hefei, crossed the Yangtze River, and approached the city of Wuhu. waterway traffic.

At this time, nearly half of Jiangdong's troops went to Jiangxia, while most of the rest of the troops were scattered in various counties. The capital city of Soochow had only [-] garrisons.The sudden arrival of Cao Jun plunged the Jiangdong government and the public into panic.

In the Palace of Wu, Sun Quan was pacing back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, feeling extremely worried. It had been three days since the news of Cao Jun’s troops attacking Wuhu came. It brought great pressure to Sun Quan.

In fact, Sun Quan is also very aware of Cao Jun's strategy. This is a blackmail attack, the purpose is to force himself to withdraw from Jingzhou. Sun Quan is not worried about Cao Jun's attack, but the attitude of his officials, especially the civil officials.

They always do everything possible to hinder themselves and Jingzhou's joint resistance against Cao Cao, lest Cao Cao's army will kill Jiangdong, or they are afraid of offending Cao Cao in their bones. This fear makes Sun Quan angry and helpless.

At this time, a soldier reported at the door, "Zhang Changshi is asking to see him outside the palace!"

Zhang Changshi is Zhang Hong. He and Zhang Zhao are called "two Zhangs".

Zhang Hong has a very strategic vision, and his opinions are always to the point. Sun Quan is eager to hear his advice. After a while, Zhang Hong walked in with the guards leading him. Zhang Hong is nearly sixty years old, of medium build and good-looking. It is strange and gives people a sense of self-cultivation.

He behaved calmly and saluted unhurriedly, "See Marquis Wu!"

"Chang Shi came at the right time, please solve your worries and problems." Sun Quan sighed.

Zhang Hong smiled slightly, "I would like to hear about the worries of Marquis Wu!"

"My worry lies in internal disagreements. Although it was calm on the surface some time ago, when there was a slight wind and waves, the civil servants rallied to oppose the alliance with Jingzhou. I know that the root cause is that they are afraid of Cao Cao and do not want to confront Cao Cao. But I Don't know how to deal with this?"

Zhang Hong's heart was like a bright mirror. He knew that the root cause was not from the civil officials, but from Sun Quan himself. It was he who was afraid of Cao Jun, so he hesitated when the civil officials objected slightly.

He sorted out his thoughts and said: "Man Chong is neither a core adviser nor even an important adviser, nor is he a core general such as Cao Ren and Xiahou brothers, nor is he an important general such as Zhang Liao and Yu Jin, he belongs to the second-level general.

It can be seen from Cao Cao's deployment of troops that he appointed Cao Ren as the general of the West Route Army, Zhang Liao as the commander of the Middle Route Army, but let a second-level general be the commander of the East Route Army. It can be regarded as harassment, Wuhou need not take it to heart. "

Sun Quan nodded, "More than 1 people attacked Jiangdong. I also know that Cao Jun is only exerting pressure, but the question is how to deal with internal differences now?"

"Weichen came here for this."

Sun Quan was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Please tell us about the long history!"

"My minister suggested that Marquis Wu should not sit in Dongwu, but go out and lead the army to fight against Cao Jun personally. Cao Jun is not good at sailing, so he will definitely retreat to Hefei. This person is nothing to worry about. Wu Hou can go west to Qichun County to sit in town and supervise Jiangdong. Let the civil servants personally experience the atmosphere of the war, and I believe many people will change their views on Lian Jing against Cao."

Zhang Hong's real purpose was actually to encourage Sun Quan to go to the front line. He believed that that would finally strengthen Sun Quan's determination to resist Cao Cao.

Sun Quan pondered for a long time, Zhang Hong was right, how could he hide in Soochow in such a major battle, Sun Quan finally made up his mind, "Chang Shi is right, I should go to fight in person!"

. . . . . . .

In the afternoon of the same day, Huang Gai, who was stationed in Kuaiji County, rushed to Soochow with [-] troops. Sun Quan then ordered his uncle Sun Jing to guard the city of Soochow. , rushed to Wuhu.

He himself led [-] Jiangdong water troops, divided into [-] warships, and nearly [-] civil and military officials.Starting from Soochow, head towards Wuhu along Lishui.

Three days later, Sun Quan's army arrived in Wuhu. At this time, Han Dang had already led [-] large ships to the Yangtze River outside Wuhu. Cao Jun heard the news and had withdrawn from Wuhu and returned to the north bank of the Yangtze River.

In front of the window, Sun Quan looked at the majestic Yangtze River with his hands behind his back, his heart suddenly brightened, and he couldn't help sighing: "You can only know the heart of a hero when you see the rolling river!"

"In this case, why didn't Marquis Wu move to the south bank of the Yangtze River?" Zhang Hong asked with a smile.

"At the beginning, my elder brother had the idea of ​​building a capital on the south bank, but the Jiangdong army was weak at that time, and it was not appropriate to publicize it. Therefore, it has been more than ten years since the establishment of Soochow in a low-key manner."

Speaking of this, Sun Quan looked at the surging river and said with great emotion: "Frankly speaking, I have always planned to move the capital to the south bank of the Yangtze River. In the past few years, I have gone north to the river bank several times just to find a place to build the capital. Next, I personally prefer Jingkou.”

Zhang Hong was stunned, "It turns out that Marquis Wu ordered people to build the Iron Weng City in Jingkou because..."

Sun Quan smiled triumphantly, "Changshi's guess is right, I plan to move the capital to Jingkou, as long as the war against Cao Cao is won, I will immediately move the capital."

Zhang Hong sighed and said, "Actually, I would like to persuade Marquis Wu to build his capital in Moling, where a tiger is dominating a dragon, and it is more suitable for a capital."

Sun Quan pondered for a while and said: "It is rumored that some alchemists discovered that the dragon energy in the southeast is strong, so they played it to the first emperor. Yingzheng ordered Fangshan to be dug, and the long ridges were cut off to make it into the river, forming the Qinhuai River. Some alchemists once said to me, The dragon vein in Moling has been broken, and the dynasty that established its capital there will not last long."

Zhang Hong said with a smile: "These are just rumors, how can you believe them, I believe that moving the capital to Moling can build the foundation of Soochow for 500 years."

Sun Quan smiled and said: "Move the capital to Jingkou first, and then consider whether to move the capital to Moling later."

Zhang Hong had no choice but to smile wryly, and said no more. At this time, a soldier reported outside the cabin: "Master Wu is asking to see Marquis Wu!"

This was Zhang Zhao's arrival. At this time, Sun Quan's mood was broadened and he had no worries about backing down, so he happily smiled and said, "Please come in!"

Soon, Zhang Zhao came in. On the matter of resisting Cao, Zhang Zhao was a representative of the peace-seeking faction. He always believed that Cao's army was attacking Jingzhou, not Jiangdong. In the war, if Cao Cao is angered, Jiangdong will suffer a catastrophe.

So he has always opposed the alliance between Sun Quan and Liu Jing, but in the end Sun Quan did not accept his objection and formed an alliance with Jingzhou. At the same time, he sent troops to Jiangxia to fight against Cao Jun, which made Zhang Zhao helpless.

However, it was only then that Cao's army attacked Wuhu, which caused great panic among the officials in Jiangdong. Zhang Zhao took advantage of the panic among the officials and once again asked Sun Quan to abolish the alliance with Jingzhou, which was unanimously supported by the officials.

When Sun Quan saw Zhang Zhao coming in, he laughed and said, "The military adviser was worried that Cao's army would be like a tiger and wolf, devouring Soochow. But when our army arrived, Cao's army fled north immediately. It can be seen that Cao's bluff is trying to disrupt Jiangdong's strategy. Now it is nothing to worry about!"

Sun Quan cut straight to the point and blocked Zhang Zhao's words. Zhang Zhao could only smile wryly and said, "This minister is not looking for Marquis Wu for this matter, but to report something important to Marquis Wu."

"Hehe! Please sit down and talk, Chang Shi please sit down too!"

The three of them sat down, and Zhang Zhao took out a tube of pigeon letters, "This is an urgent message sent by Governor Zhou from Qichun County, and I have two things to report to Marquis Wu. The initial quotation for oil to Jiangdong is [-] yuan per barrel."

Sun Quan was overjoyed. He had been looking for kerosene in the territory, but he had found nothing for more than three years. Hearing that Cao Jun had kerosene, Sun Quan was a little flustered. He hoped that Jiangxia could sell kerosene to Jiangdong. He didn't hold much Hope, unexpectedly Liu Jing agreed.

Sun Quan was overjoyed and said, "It must be implemented immediately!"

But Zhang Zhao hesitated and said, "My lord, this price is too expensive. This kind of costless goods costs thousands of dollars per barrel. Ten thousand barrels are worth 1000 million dollars. We only have 3000 million dollars left in the official treasury. Do you want to bargain with Jiang Xia again?"

Sun Quan shook his head, "There is no need to bargain, just buy [-] barrels, which is half of the support for Jiang Xia. I think Liu Jing should understand in his heart, order Lu Su to sign the contract immediately!"

Zhang Zhao had no choice but to agree. At this time, he said the second thing, "Dudu Zhou has one more thing to report to Marquis Wu, that is, Liu Jing invited the Jiangdong navy to station at Zhukou, which is east of Xiakou. Marquis Wu asks for instructions."

This is not as exciting as buying kerosene. Sun Quan would agree without hesitation. After all, Zhukou is already in the Jiangxia area of ​​Jingzhou. Sun Quan took out a map and unfolded it on the table. When he found Zhukou, he looked carefully for a while. Then he asked Zhang Hong, "What did Chang Shi think Liu Jing meant by this move?"

Seeing that Sun Quan was fine, Zhang Zhao's expression changed slightly, he was a little embarrassed, of course he knew that Marquis Wu was afraid that he would object, but he really wanted to object because he understood Liu Jing's intentions.

Zhang Hong thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid this is Liu Jing's way of getting closer between the two armies."

"Zigang is right. This is Liu Jing's desire to completely pull the Jiangdong Army into the water and bind the Jiangdong Army to his profit warship. I believe that the Jiangdong Army should still be independent and take the initiative in the war. Once it moves to Zhu If we don’t speak out, we will be passive, and we will inevitably become servants of Jiang Xia’s army and lose our autonomy.”

Zhang Zhao's thinking is very clear. Once the Jiangdong Army goes to Zhukou, the command power will be controlled by Liu Jing, and the Jiangdong Army will become a vassal of Jiangxia Army. Once the Cao Army is really defeated, the world's fame will be completely attributed to Liu Jing. The Jiangdong Army has instead become a foil, which must not be allowed.

Zhang Zhao stood up and bowed. Even if Sun Quan agreed, he would firmly oppose, "If the lord must form an alliance with Jingzhou, the humble minister can only obey the lord, but it is related to the status of Jiangdong, and the lord cannot agree to move to Zhukou.

Sun Quan pondered for a long time and said: "This matter is very important, we'd better go to Qichun County to have a look."

Sun Quan immediately ordered Han Dang to lead [-] warships to block the Yangtze River, and Cao Jun was not allowed to cross the river again. He personally led [-] warships and sailed towards Jiangxia in a mighty manner.

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