Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 340 4 faces embattled


With the sound of clappers, a thousand arrows soared into the sky, roaring and shooting at the oncoming cavalry. Hundreds of vanguard cavalry were less than a hundred steps away from Liu Beijun, and they raised their shields to meet Liu Beijun.

The arrows rushing towards the cavalry like locusts roared and shot into the cavalry group, crackling and hitting the shields and armor. Cavalrymen kept falling off their horses while running, but this did not stop the cavalry from killing them. He entered Liu Bei's army.

They are no longer cavalry, but a group of monsters, killing and devouring everything, killing Liu Bei's soldiers, their limbs are split, and their flesh and blood are flying. The powerful impact killed the Nanjun army, and even cut Nanjun into two.

But more and more cavalry came, and the Nanjun army began to be unable to support it. Liu Bei knew that the army could not withstand the impact of the cavalry, but he did not expect that it would not be able to support it for even a quarter of an hour.

"Catch the big-eared thief and seal ten thousand households as Marquis!"

Xia Houyuan saw Liu Bei from a distance, pointed a big iron gun at him and shouted, his voice was like the howling of wild animals, low and penetrating, Liu Bei was so frightened that he almost fell off his horse.

At this time, Liu Bei saw that his army was about to collapse, so he immediately turned his horse's head and galloped northward. There were only dozens of personal soldiers following him on horseback. They only ran less than [-] steps. Disintegration collapsed.

Thousands of people yelled and ran northward desperately, but they couldn't run away from the iron hooves of the horses. Groups of tiger and leopard cavalry chased them, slashing and stabbing left and right, wanton killings, heads were chopped off, chests were pierced, and blood splattered everywhere , rolling while fleeing, struggling in death, screams, begging, and crying resounded through the wilderness and grass.

Liu Bei's horse was extremely fast. He flogged his horse desperately and ran for more than fifty miles in one breath. Cao's cavalry had long since disappeared, so he slowed down his horse to let the horse, which was about to be exhausted, take a breath.

The war horse was foaming at the mouth, snorting heavily, and walked slowly forward with difficulty. Liu Bei looked back, and saw more than [-] soldiers running from a distance, but his army did not see a single person. It has been through countless times, but the pain of this total annihilation still brings tears to his eyes.

Twenty or so soldiers caught up with the lord and comforted him, "This battle is just a small defeat, so don't be too sad, lord. Now we have to join General Zhang and gather troops from all over the place. We still have a chance."

Liu Bei sighed, he also knew that there was still a chance, but how much time did he have?Liu Bei's heart was in a mess, and he didn't know what to do, but one thing was certain, he had to have an army in his hands to feel safe.

"Let's go!" Liu Bei urged his horse to run northward.

. . . . . . .

At noon the next day, Liu Bei and his party arrived at the south of Maicheng. This area belongs to the remaining range of Jingshan Mountain, with undulating mountains and criss-cross valleys, but the official road was built in an open area.

When he got here, Liu Bei unexpectedly met a group of fleeing people, all of them were panic-stricken, and all their belongings were lost. They ran southward along the official road like frightened birds.

Surprised, Liu Bei hurriedly stepped forward to stop an old man, he cupped his hands and asked, "May I ask what happened, old man, why are you all so panicked?"

The old man didn't know Liu Bei, so he sighed and said, "My merchant, I advise you not to go north, but to turn around quickly! Cao Jun has already been killed, we are running fast, and the people behind are all caught up. , was looted and tortured by Cao Jun!"

Liu Bei seemed to have stepped on the ground, and his heart suddenly fell into the abyss. Cao Jun came to kill him, did he come so soon?His heart was in a mess, and he asked in a panic: "Then what about the Nanjun army? Where are they?"

"Who knows!"

The old man didn't pay attention to Liu Bei anymore. Seeing the crowd walking away, he yelled in a hurry, stumbled and ran southward with the fleeing team, Liu Bei stood by the roadside blankly, the news of Cao Jun's large-scale march south made him despair, as if he had come to the end of the road.

At this time, a soldier came to report after inquiring about the news, "My lord, they said they only saw a few hundred Cao's troops, and they didn't see the army going south."

This news shocked Liu Bei again. He felt that it was impossible. How could the main force of the Cao army come so fast? It should be just a small group of vanguards Cao Cao harassed, and if the third brother was defeated, the soldiers would run faster than anyone else. Now there is no Seeing a soldier means that the army has no problem for the time being.

Liu Bei's heart began to be alive again, and he cheered up again and continued to move north.

The farther you go north, the more refugees there are. They help the old and the young, fleeing south with meager wealth. From time to time, you can see old people dying on the side of the road. The situation is very miserable.

After walking for about thirty miles, the scene that Liu Bei was most unwilling to see finally happened. A group of about a hundred defeated soldiers were trapped among the refugees. Everyone was carrying big bags and small bags. Some soldiers even carried young women on their backs in the chaos.

Liu Bei was furious, and scolded: "How dare you rob the people's property and kidnap the people's daughters!"

His personal soldiers rushed up wielding their leather whips. The deserters were so frightened that they left their belongings and fled with the women. Several deserters were unable to escape and were caught by Liu Bei's personal soldiers.

"Uncle emperor, spare me!" Several deserters knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

"You bastards, ruin my reputation!" Liu Bei pointed at them and cursed.

"We didn't rob people's property, we picked it up among the corpses. Those women were also killed by their family members, and they were willing to go with us, and they didn't force them."

Liu Bei was taken aback, how could this happen, and he looked at the young women again. The women were panicked and stood there in a daze. Liu Bei became nervous, and quickly asked the soldiers, "How many Cao troops are there?"

"Reporting to Uncle Emperor, there are many Cao troops, and there are many armies. Each army has tens of thousands of people. We are members of the three generals, and the army has been dispersed."

Liu Bei felt his eyes darken, almost fell off the horse, his body swayed, the guards beside him hurriedly supported him, after a long while, he regained his composure, and sighed, "God will kill me, Liu Bei too! "

At this moment, someone suddenly pointed to the north and shouted: "Look, uncle emperor, the three generals are here!"

Liu Bei also saw that an army of more than a thousand men was heading south from the north. The leader of the general held eight snake spears and a horse with a black mane on his crotch. It was Zhang Yide, the third brother. Liu Bei was overjoyed and urged his horse to meet him. "Third brother!" he shouted loudly.

Zhang Fei was covered in blood. He also saw Liu Bei, got off his horse, knelt on the ground and said, "My brother failed my brother's entrustment, and was finally defeated by Cao Jun. Please punish me!"

Liu Bei quickly helped Zhang Fei up, "It's God's will, it has nothing to do with the third brother, don't blame yourself."

He looked at the army led by Zhang Fei again, there were more than a thousand people, which made him feel at ease. At this moment, he suddenly saw Guan Ping, and couldn't help being taken aback. Guan Ping and his father Guan Yu should be in Zhijiang. Why is he here?

"Nephew, what happened?"

Guan Ping quickly stepped forward to salute and said: "Father heard that the cavalry of Cao Jun attacked Jiangling, and he has already led the army. I came here to report to my uncle and third uncle. I heard from my third uncle that my uncle has gone south."

Zhang Fei next to him was also surprised and asked: "Brother, why do you only have a dozen personal soldiers, what about the rest?"

Liu Bei briefly described his encounter with Xiahouyuan's cavalry, and finally sighed: "Now I don't know if Jiangling is still in our hands? I want to retreat to Jiangling, but there are cavalry behind me, and there is no way to retreat. !"

As soon as Liu Bei finished speaking, he heard the chaos in the north, and the refugees fled in all directions. A Cao army with tens of thousands of people came to kill him. The leading general was Xiahou Dun. A few hundred steps away, Xiahou Dun saw Liu Bei with one eye and shouted with great joy: " The Big Ear Thief is here!"

Zhang Fei was furious, got on his horse, and turned to Liu Bei with the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, saying, "Brother, go first, I'll deal with this thief!"

Zhang Fei swung his spear to kill Xiahou Dun. Liu Bei originally wanted to flee westward to Jianping County, but two armies appeared to the west, each with tens of thousands of people, blocking the way to the west. An army actually has the flag of Cao Junshuai, which shows that Cao Cao is in the army.

Liu Bei was frightened, turned his horse's head and fled eastward, Guan Ping led more than a hundred people to follow him closely.

At this time, Cao Jun's [-] troops had come from all directions, and groups of refugees were desperate and kowtowed and begged for mercy. Dozens of [-]-year-olds came to Cao Cao's war horse and knelt down and begged for mercy.

Cao Cao said coldly: "You are not staying at home to spend the rest of your life, but you have to run out to seek your own death. The army is chaotic and melee. I can't control your life and death!"

Dozens of old people begged for mercy, and one of the oldest old people said: "We believed the rumors, and now we know we were wrong. I beg the Prime Minister to give us a chance and let us return home."

Cao Cao snorted, "Let me just wait for a while, if I dare to rebel against the imperial court, all the families will be killed!"

Dozens of elderly people kowtowed to thank them. Cao Cao ordered the refugees to be collected and sent to Dangyang County for temporary resettlement. He also ordered: "Looting and adultery are not allowed, and those who violate the order will be beheaded!"

All the generals bowed to receive the order. At this time, a messenger rushed to report, "Liu Bei was found a few miles to the east, and he was fleeing eastward. There were less than a hundred people in his entourage."

Cao Cao was overjoyed, and immediately ordered: "Whoever captures Liu Bei alive will be rewarded with a reward of ten thousand taels, and he will be promoted to three ranks!"

When the military order was passed down, the [-] troops immediately boiled over and rushed eastward to pursue them first. At this time, Zhang Fei was outnumbered, so he also led his troops to retreat eastward. In the vast wilderness, the [-] troops intercepted and chased Liu Bei from all directions.

At this moment, an army of more than [-] people came from the slanting stabbing. The leader was a general with a red horse and a silver spear.

Zhao Yun was assisting Liu Feng in Jianping County. Not long ago, Zhuge Liang inspected Jianping County and wanted to transfer Zhao Yun back, so he arranged for Zhao Yun to return to Jiangling to report on his work.

Zhao Yun returned to Jiangling with only a few entourages. He heard that Cao Jun had killed him in Moyang County, so he led five hundred Moyang defenders to help the battle. Immediately anxious.

Zhao Yun saw that Cao Cao was so powerful and his army was so small that it was useless at all. When he was hesitating, he suddenly saw Cao Jun's commander-in-chief flag, and thought to himself, "Cao's thief must be under the commander-in-chief's flag. If you kill Cao's thief, it is better than There are thousands of horses and thousands of troops! '

He shouted, "Boys, come with me to get the head of Cao Bandit Xiangshang!"

With a wave of his spear, he galloped his horse like flying, and charged towards Cao Cao's army.

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