Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 350 Capture Sima

When the general army camps, few people will use river water to protect the camp. On the one hand, the camps are mainly located in high places, which are condescending and easy to defend. Secondly, the engineering volume of digging river channels is relatively large, which is not necessary for temporary camps.

And Zhao Yan has been stationed in the camp for a long time and built a solid board wall, so in order to resemble a city, he specially led the moat of Anlu County around the camp to form a moat with a width of more than ten feet. With the strong and tall board walls, the camp is easy to defend and difficult to attack, just like a city.

If kerosene did not appear, such a garrison would indeed be very distinctive, but after Jiang Xia's army took the lead in using kerosene, such a moat would actually bury a great hidden danger.

At the same time when Jiang Xiajun's heavy trebuchets shot huge fireballs into Cao Jun's camp, Jiang Xiajun poured thousands of barrels of kerosene into the water channel outside the guard camp, and the kerosene spread rapidly in the camp , In just half an hour, the guard camp Hanoi outside the camp was gradually covered with a layer of pungent kerosene.

At this moment, a huge fireball hit the slab wall and was bounced back into the river. Half of the fireball was still burning in the water, and instantly ignited the kerosene in the connected waterway, and a fire ignited rapidly on the water surface.

The fire spread rapidly, and burned from the waterway into the camp guard channel, just like dominoes being pushed down, and like two fire dragons swimming in the water, they finally converged in the northwest of the camp, forming a spectacular ring of fire that wiped out the entire camp. The battalion was surrounded.

The fire was raging on the water, and thick smoke was billowing. The soldiers of Cao Jun in the camp began to panic. It was the first time for many soldiers to see the surface of the water burning.

Soon, the burning of the surface of the water began to bring about a series of serious consequences. First, the plank wall on the east side was set ablaze. The battalion wall built with mud caused a raging fire on a slab wall several miles long in the east.

Secondly, the camp was filled with thick smoke, and the choking smoke made it difficult for people to breathe. At this time, the soldiers could no longer care about the fireballs and oil drums roaring from the top of the city. A group of soldiers knocked over, the oil barrel shattered, and the fire oil flowed all over the ground, and was immediately ignited by sparks, forming a sea of ​​flames.

The fire began to spread rapidly in the barracks. Soldiers cried, cursed, and shouted in despair. More than 5000 Cao soldiers fled desperately in the barracks, instinctively looking for a safe place.

At this moment, the war drums outside the camp began to rumble, and the Five Thousand Jiangxia Army began to attack Cao Jun's camp. Internal and external troubles, morale collapsed, and Cao Jun fell into despair.

Zhao Yan was sweating profusely. The grim situation had already made his head burnt out. He had never experienced a war of fire and oil. Fire could actually burn in water, which had surpassed his common sense.

"Don't panic, gather and prepare to break through!"

He shouted at the top of his lungs, but there was chaos around him, and no one listened to his orders except hundreds of soldiers. The gates of the camp have been opened, and Generals Yu Jin and Zang Ba have led their troops to break through."

Zhao Yan was taken aback, and couldn't help yelling: "These two bastards dare to escape without authorization, I must behead them!"

Even though he yelled at him like this, he himself felt that he had no confidence, so he sighed, and Zhao Yan asked again: "How many soldiers have escaped?"

"More than half of it!"

The personal guard Hou said anxiously: "Jiang Xia's army has broken down the southern camp wall, and if we don't leave, it will be too late."

In desperation, Zhao Yan had no choice but to say bitterly: "Order all the soldiers to break through!"

He got on his horse and ran west, but just a few steps away, he reined in and asked, "Has anyone seen Sima Yi?"

"He has been with General Yu Jin all night, and I don't know if he has escaped." A soldier replied in the dark.

"Sure enough, he's behind the back!"

Zhao Yan cursed, and urged his horse to run towards the west camp. All the soldiers followed him, and his figure was quickly covered by thick smoke.

In the big camp, the Cao army had completely collapsed, and they each searched for their own way to escape. As Yu Jin and Zang Ba led the soldiers from the headquarters to escape from the west camp, the entire Cao army seemed to have found an escape exit, and tens of thousands of people rushed towards the west camp gate.

In fact, Zhao Yan's worry was not unreasonable. The tens of thousands of Jiangxia troops could not allow Cao Jun to escape. They had already set up a net outside the barracks, waiting to arrest Cao Jun who had fled.

Just two miles outside the West Camp, Liu Jing personally led [-] Jiangxia troops to form a Yanyue formation, waiting for Cao Jun to throw himself into the net. The camp was burned outside.

His original purpose of this battle was to defeat Cao Jun, recapture Anlu County, strengthen Sun Quan's message of defeating Cao Jun, and also make Sun Quan realize that it would be a foolish decision to betray the alliance with himself.

But at this time, he had a new idea, and Liu Jing immediately said to the left and right: "Pass on my order, and the reward for capturing Sima Yi is 5000 taels!"

. . . . . . . .

Sima Yi realized that the situation was over when the fireball just appeared, and he immediately fled the camp, but Li Yan had issued a death order and no one was allowed to leave the camp without permission.

Sima Yi knew that leaving the camp would definitely be an excuse for Li Yan to criticize him in front of Cao Cao. For this reason, he disguised himself as a soldier of the Cao army, dressed in ordinary armor, and hid near the Peking camp with a dozen of his followers. .

Sima Yi was very aware of the situation in front of him. There must be Jiang Xia's heavy troops ambushing outside the West Camp. Only by fleeing from the north to Runan can he escape the predicament.

The raging fire in the camp guard river filled the camp with thick smoke, and the roaring fireballs and kerosene barrels caused chaos in Cao Jun's camp. The panic spread rapidly, and the fighting spirit had completely collapsed. Everyone was looking for a chance to escape. .

Thousands of soldiers have gathered in front of the gate of the northern camp, shouting loudly to open the gate, and three hundred Cao Jun soldiers guarding the northern gate, holding swords in their hands, lined up in three rows, staring at the large group of soldiers trying to storm the gate with murderous intent .

A burly general at the head brandished a long knife and shouted loudly: "The commander has an order to go out of the camp gate without permission and kill anyone who dares to attack the camp gate, I will be the first to kill him!"

Although thousands of soldiers were enthusiastic, none of them dared to lead the charge. At this time, Sima Yi, who was hiding in the crowd, pointed to the leader Yajiang, and whispered to a follower: "Shoot him with a crossbow arrow!"

His entourage immediately raised their crossbows and aimed at the leading officer, only to hear 'Ka! There was a soft sound of the crossbow trigger, and a crossbow arrow shot out of the string, and shot at the leader Yajiang like lightning. Yajiang was yelling loudly. He never dreamed that someone would sneak attack. In the blink of an eye, the arrow shot in front of Yajiang. He dodged Not enough time, the front door was shot by an arrow, and he fell to the ground with a scream.

The defenders were in chaos, and Sima Yi took the opportunity to shout, "If you don't go out, you will be burned to death, get out!"

The crowd was so passionate that the scene suddenly got out of control. Thousands of soldiers rushed towards the gate of the camp. A few soldiers who tried to stop were cut to pieces. Fleeing to the lifeless in the black.

General Gan Ning, the general of the Jiangxia Army who besieged Beiyingmen, led [-] soldiers and planted a sack two miles away from Beiyingmen. Out!"

Under the half-bright and half-dark moonlight, I saw densely packed soldiers of Cao Jun running for their lives in the wilderness. Many of them screamed and fell heavily to the ground. The bamboo stick pierced the sole of the foot.

At this time, many soldiers of the Cao army realized that there were enemy troops surrounding them, and shouted in fright. Gan Ning waved his short halberd and ordered: "Those who surrender will not die, and those who dare to resist will be killed!"

Five thousand Jiangxia soldiers pulled out a three-mile-long fan-shaped net, and surrounded the Cao soldiers who were running out, "Surrender will not die!"

"Drop your weapon and kneel down!"

In the blackness, Jiang Xia soldiers kept shouting and screaming, and the screams of the killed soldiers came. Countless soldiers of Cao Jun knelt down and surrendered one after another. , he has separated from his entourage.

At this time, he heard many Jiangxia soldiers shouting and asking the descendants: "Is Sima Yi here?"

"Stop!" A soldier from Jiangxia found him, and several arrows roared at him and shot over his head. Suddenly, more than [-] soldiers from Jiangxia appeared in front of him, pointing their spears at him. His steed will be pierced with spears.

Sima Yi hurriedly turned his horse's head, trying to escape from the east. Unexpectedly, his horse neighed and fell heavily forward. It stepped on a horse pit, and the bamboo stick pierced the horse's hoof. He was also thrown to the ground, with one leg firmly held down by the horse. He cursed in a low voice and struggled to get up, but several sharp spear points pierced his chest and throat with the sound of wind.

Sima shouted in shock, "I am Sima Yi!"

The spear point stopped in front of his chest and throat, and a senior official asked in a trembling voice, "Are you really Sima Yi?"

Sima Yi let out a long sigh, threw away his helmet, and said to several Jiang Xia soldiers: "What's so fake about this, I'm the chief secretary, Sima Yi!"

Several Jiangxia soldiers cheered and rushed forward at the same time, pinning him to the ground and shouting anxiously: "I caught him!"

"Nonsense, obviously I held him down first."

At this time, Shi Chang rushed forward, grabbed several soldiers, gave each of them a hard punch, and cursed: "Grandma, what's the point of arguing, everyone has a share in the bounty, let me ask first." !"

Shichang put on a smile again, helped Sima Yi to laugh and said, "These are rough people, and I am shocked, as long as you don't mess around, I will treat you kindly?"

Sima Yi had probably heard some clues, and asked, "How much is the bounty for catching me?"

A soldier blurted out, "5000 taels of gold!"

Shi Chang turned around and knocked him down with a slap, and cursed viciously: "If you talk nonsense again, I will beat you to death!"

He patted the dust off Sima Yi's body again, and said with a smile on his face, "Actually, it's just a small reward!"

Sima Yi already understood, and was also surprised that he was worth 5000 taels of gold. . . . .

He straightened his clothes and hat, pointed to the bundle on the horse, and said to Shi Changling: "Take the bag for me, I will go with you to see Liuzhou Mu!"

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