Song Fu's eyes suddenly widened, and he shouted out, "Cao Jun!"

The boat boss immediately covered his mouth, "Hush your voice, those guys cannibalize people without spitting out their bones, are you going to kill me?"

Song Fu wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said with lingering fear: "Boss Qin, you are so bold that you dare to transport Cao Jun. If Jiang Xia Jun finds out, your life will be lost."

"I don't want to either! But there's nothing I can do if I'm found."

The boss of the ship did not tell the truth, the guest gave him 20 taels of gold, and he had already thrown away all the risks. At this time, the waiter stepped forward and reported: "Master Fu, everything has been carried on board."

Song Fu nodded, sighed and said, "Boss Qin, I'll pretend I don't know anything, take care of yourself!"

The boss of the boat was in a hurry to leave, so he paid the money and left in a hurry. Looking at his back disappearing in the dark, Song Fu showed a sneer on his fat face, "Qin, have you forgotten who I am? ?”

He immediately called two men up and told them in a low voice: "Keep an eye on this ship. There is Cao Jun on board. I will report to Wuchang."

The two men nodded, turned around and ran towards the pier, where there was a small sloop carrying urgent cargo, which was fast enough to follow.

Song Fu wrote a note, walked quickly to the backyard, took out a pigeon from the pigeon cage in the backyard, carefully stuffed the note into the small tube on its leg, and threw the pigeon into the sky. Spread your wings and fly to the east.

. . . . . . .

Liu Jing's boat, escorted by ten warships, set off from Xiakou and headed southward to Wuchang County. In fact, he went to Qichun County to meet with Sun Quan.

At noon, the fleet slowly docked at the wharf of Wuchang County. They only stopped at the wharf temporarily, and then continued southward to Qichun County.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Liu Jing looked at Wuchang County several miles away. He really wanted to go back to his home and take a look at his newborn son, but he had to deal with the Jiangdong Army's alliance crisis as soon as possible, so he didn't have time yet. Take care of your own family.

Liu Jing was also very annoyed at Sun Quan's treachery. If there was no threat of Cao Jun's southern pressure, he simply wanted to throw off his arms and fight Jiangdong's army.

It's just that he has to endure some things. Politics is an art of compromise. If he doesn't learn to compromise, he will achieve nothing.

If he stood on Jiangdong's standpoint, Sun Quan's behavior is actually understandable. If it were Liu Jing, he might change his position. If one day, Cao Jun attacked Jiangdong from Hefei, would he save Jiangdong?

In the end, it is still a word, today he begs Sun Quan, one day Sun Quan will come to him Liu Jing, no one in this world will always be a grandson.

"Zhou Mu, Xu Changshi and the others are here!"

Only a dozen men on horseback came rushing from the direction of Wuchang City. The leader was Xu Shu, the chief historian, followed by a group of civil servants, including Jiang Wan, Dong Yun, Zhou Buyi, Ma Liang and other young high-ranking officials. Liu Jing was surprised. I saw Tao Zheng. Tao Zheng is also Tao Zhan's brother. He has now abandoned business and entered politics and has become a county captain in Wuchang.

After a while, Xu Shu led the crowd onto the boat, bowed and saluted, "See Zhou Mu!"

Liu Jing smiled and waved his hands: "Everyone has worked hard, everyone, please enter the cabin and sit down!"

He ordered his soldiers to invite everyone into the cabin and sit down. At this moment, Xu Shu pulled Liu Jing aside and said in a low voice, "We found the trace of Cao Cao's envoy."

Liu Jing was taken aback, "What is Cao Cao's envoy, is it the envoy to Qichun County?"


Xu Shu called Tao Zheng forward and told him, "You tell Zhou Mu yourself!"

Although Tao Zheng is Liu Jing's eldest brother-in-law, he is Liu Jing's subordinate at this time and cannot talk about personal affairs. He saluted and said: "Early this morning, my father received a fast letter from Feige from the supply store in Chibi Town, saying that he found The passenger ship carrying Cao's army, about a dozen people, is going to Qichun County, and the leader is a scribe."

Liu Jing was surprised and delighted when Cao Cao's envoy was discovered. He immediately asked, "Where is this passenger ship now?"

"They refused to stop at Xiakou. According to the normal speed, they should have already passed Xiakou by now and are heading towards Wuchang County."

This news made Liu Jing feel extremely grateful, it was like a great gift from heaven, he immediately turned around and said: "Let Shen Mi come to see me!"

After a while, the general Shen Mi stepped forward, bowed and saluted, "Please order from the state pastor!"

Shen Mi is Gan Ning's general. He was originally the number one water master among the Jinfan bandits on the Yangtze River. He is also the number one water master in the Jiangxia Army. Follow Liu Jing to Qichun County.

Liu Jing turned around and asked Tao Zheng, "Can the Tao family help?"

Tao Zheng nodded, "The Tao family has sent someone to wait on the pier, and is willing to assist the army in arresting him."

Liu Jing then ordered Shen Mi: "You can take five hundred brothers to follow the Tao family to arrest Cao Jun's envoy, don't hurt anyone, and must be captured alive to see me."

"Follow your orders!"

Shen Mi saluted and followed Tao Zheng off the boat.

Only then did Liu Jing enter the cabin, and seeing everyone whispering and discussing something, he asked with a smile, "What are you looking forward to?"

Almost everyone said in unison: "Prisoner of war!"

There was a sudden burst of laughter in the cabin. The more than [-] prisoners of war captured before and after the Battle of Anlu were definitely an extremely valuable asset to Jiang Xia.

Because of war preparations, more than [-]% of the young and strong labor force were organized into militia reserve service, drilled day and night, and a large number of boatmen were recruited, which made Jiangxia's young and strong labor force extremely short. Seeing the summer harvest season, there was no one to harvest the large wheat fields, so they could only mobilize Women and the elderly participate in field work.

Liu Jing was very aware of the labor shortage in his heart. He could understand the local government's desire for labor. Liu Jing waved his hand, and the cabin immediately fell silent. Then he asked Xu Shu, "How much has the oil deal with Jiangdong been going on?"

Xu Shu leaned forward and replied, "Two thousand barrels of kerosene have been shipped out, and three thousand barrels are still being loaded onto the ship, which have not yet been shipped out."

Liu Jing pondered for a while and said: "Now our relationship with Jiangdong is slightly discordant, the fire oil transaction will stop immediately, and it will resume after my notice."

Xu Shu also knew the current situation, he nodded silently, "This subordinate understands!"

At this time, Jiang Wan suggested: "I would like to report to Zhou Mu that if the fire oil trade is resumed, I suggest to exchange it with grain. After all, we also have copper mines, which can be used to make money. In comparison, grain is more precious."

Liu Bei understood what he meant, so he smiled at everyone: "This time I also want to tell you about the problem of labor. Cao Cao is training the navy in Jiangling, and it is impossible to go east within two months, so the training of the militia reserve army is not so good. When it is urgent, they will concentrate on harvesting wheat and participate in transplanting rice seedlings, and with the assistance of women and the elderly, the labor on the farmland can be solved.”

Xu Shu understood what Liu Jing meant, and said with a smile: "What Zhou Mu means is that the more than 2 prisoners of Cao's army are not going to be given to us?"

"Look, everyone!"

Liu Jing pointed to Xu Shu and smiled at everyone: "Look at your shopkeeper Xu, he has become so shrewd. Before I finished speaking, he blocked my way out."

Everyone also laughed, and Xu Shu said a little embarrassedly: "I'm just joking, I know Zhou Mu wants them to mine."

"That's right. I really plan to use the [-] prisoners of Cao's army to open mines and make money. The prisoners have already been escorted to the Green Copper Mountain. General Xing Daorong will lead an army of [-] to guard them. As for the civil servants, Li Zhengfang will be the envoy of mining and metallurgy. As for the food for the prisoners of war..."

Speaking of this, Liu Jing glanced at Xu Shu, who was slightly worried, and smiled: "Xu Changshi doesn't have to worry about the food problem for the prisoners of war. In this battle of Anlu County, we captured nearly 20 shi of military food, and all of them will be used for the prisoners of war. I wish to establish a rule that prisoners of war shall be freed after three years of hard labor."

Xu Shu nodded, "Zhou Mu has kindness in his heart, which is the blessing of all people in the world!"

. . . . . . .

Shen Mi led ten sentinel boats and three thousand-stone warships to cast a net on the river to search for passing ships. The news they got was a five-hundred-stone three-masted passenger ship, which was followed by Tao's boat. The outbreak has not yet officially erupted, and Jiangxia has not yet issued an order to ban the river, so there are quite a lot of passenger ships and merchant ships on the river.

The five-hundred-stone three-masted passenger ship is the most common type of long-distance passenger ship, and it can be seen everywhere on the river. In order to prevent slipping through the net, all five-hundred-stone passenger ships sailing south were intercepted, and Jiangxia soldiers boarded the boat one by one to check.

The steward of the Tao family who accompanied Shen Mi to search the passenger ship was surnamed Wang. He was very experienced and knew the boss of the passenger ship transporting Cao Jun's envoys. With him, the possibility of the target slipping through the net was very small.

At this time, three [-]-stone passenger boats came continuously on the river, and Guanshi Wang suddenly pointed to a single-masted boat behind the passenger boat and said, "That is the boat of our firm, that is the boat!"

Shen Mi's gaze immediately fixed on the three passenger ships, and their target should be one of them, at this moment, the second passenger ship suddenly turned around, trying to sail to the opposite bank, Shen Mi immediately shouted loudly: "Stop that ship! "

In fact, without his order, the Jiangxia navy had already started to move. Seven or eight sentry ships attacked from the north and the south.

This ship was a replenishment ship in Chibi. The boss of the ship was trembling with fright and hid on the side of the ship with his head in his arms. He knew that he was in great trouble.

Seven or eight sentinel ships quickly approached the passenger ship, and Jiangxia soldiers climbed onto the ship's side one after another. At this moment, two men with crossbow arrows rushed out of the cabin and aimed arrows at the Jiangxia soldiers who climbed onto the boat. One Jiangxia soldier dodged Too late, he was shot by an arrow and fell into the river with a scream.

Several soldiers jumped into the river to rescue them, and dozens of other soldiers shot arrows like a rainstorm, shooting the two men to death. At this time, more than [-] soldiers rushed into the cabin and escorted several young men from the cabin Strong man.

The last person who came out was a scribe about 30 years old, with a medium to short build and a thin appearance. He was so frightened that his face was pale at this time. He saw several Jiangxia soldiers rushing towards him with knives, and he was startled and shouted loudly: "I am the envoy of Prime Minister Cao, please don't hurt me!"

The soldiers pressed him to the deck, and he found a jade letter box from him, which was Cao Cao's second letter to Sun Quan. Shen Mi stepped forward and grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him to stand up , stared at him and asked: "Who are you? Why is Jiang Xia's accent?"

Shen Mi is eight feet tall, with big arms and a round waist. His face is full of flesh and scars, and his appearance is very fierce. The scholar was grabbed by his collar and stammered in fright: "I... Chaisang Jiang Gan!"

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