Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 362 Xingyuan 8 Jun

Cao Pi got the news of Anlu County's defeat at the first time, including Zhao Yan's surrender to Jiang Xia and Sima Yi's capture. The first thing he got the military report was to send troops to surround the homes of Zhao Yan and Sima Yi. Jia Xu taught the lesson last time that Jiang Xiajun is not allowed to transfer the family members of these two families away again.

However, Cao Pi did not dare to deal with them without authorization. He just put them under house arrest and waited for his father to return. When he heard that there was a letter from Sima Yi's family, he immediately took it and read it. The letter was mainly to report his family's safety.

But at the end of the letter, it reads: "Under the care of Uncle Jia, I live well and move freely. Yesterday I visited Jiangxia Academy with Uncle Jia. I deeply felt the prosperity of Confucianism. Kong Beihai used to say that Confucianism is flourishing in Jingzhou. What I see today is true. !'

Cao Pi snorted heavily, "Does he want to reverse the case for Kong Rong?"

Hua Xin was deeply jealous of Sima Yi's talent, so he added fuel and jealousy: "After Kong Rong's death, most of the imperial scholars returned to their hometowns. But he didn't say a word, are you supportive? Dissatisfied? From this letter, we can see the Sima family's attitude."

Cao Pi nodded, "Let's not mention this matter for now. When the father comes back to deal with it, I heard that Sima Yi's wife is going to give birth. Has she given birth?"

"A baby boy has been born, but the mother and baby are both weak. Should she take the baby home for recuperation?"


Cao Pi flatly refused, "It must be closely monitored. She can give whatever she needs, and she is not allowed to go back to the house. We must resolutely prevent Jiang Xia from sending people to rescue them. In addition, Sima Yi's father will also send people to monitor. In short, I don't want the Jia Xu incident to happen again."

"Humble job understands, I must do it!"

Hua Xin wanted to leave, but Cao Pi ordered again: "Reply to Governor Li, you can distribute food to the disaster area, and strictly prohibit the victims from making trouble!"

. . . . . . . .

About sixty miles south of Yedu is Anyang County. From Yedu to Anyang County, this area is also the place where agriculture in Hebei is well developed. There are endless wheat fields everywhere. The wheat has matured and the thick ears of wheat are bent. The wheat stalks, the wind blows the wheat waves up and down, and at a glance, it looks like a golden ocean.

A place with developed agriculture must also be a county with a concentrated population. Between Anyang County and Yedu, there are dotted villages of all sizes. At the junction of the northwest of Anyang County and Yedu, there is a not-so-high mountain called Qishan and Huan River flow through the north of the foothills, surrounded by mountains and rivers, making the scenery in this area particularly beautiful.

At the foot of Beilu Mountain, there is a small village called Qibeili. There are no more than [-] or [-] households who collect herbs and farm for a living. There are more than a dozen strong long-term workers.

Usually, people in the village seldom see the grandparents and grandchildren coming out. Most of the time, they can hear the sound of reading in the high courtyard. However, in the past two days, people have been riding horses. After entering the courtyard, they never came out again. The folk customs in Qibeili are simple and honest, and generally no one would bother with such matters.

At night, a tall and burly man came with two attendants on horseback. They turned over and dismounted at the gate of the mansion. A servant hurried forward with a lantern to hold the horse, "Master Jiang is finally here!"

Under the twilight light, this man was about 40 years old, with a square face, high nose, and deep eyes. He looked like a martial arts practitioner. He nodded and asked, "Is everyone else here?"

"It's all here, just wait for Master Jiang."

The man pushed open the door and walked quickly into the yard, heading towards the backyard.

This mansion is where Yuan Shao's youngest son, Yuan Mai, is hidden. It is also the stronghold of the Xingyuan Society. The so-called Xingyuan Society is a group of old tribes loyal to Yuan Shao.

Including Yuan Shao's personal soldiers and former generals, there are nearly 2000 people in total, distributed all over Hebei, eight of them were elected as leaders, called Xingyuan Bajun, and they took Yuan Mai as their future lord, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback.

Guo Song was also one of the Eight Talents. He was in charge of inquiring about news in Yedu and raising funds for the uprising.

This tall and tall Lord Jiang is named Jiang Qi, and his name is Yiqu. He is Yuan Shao's confidant and favorite general, and his commanding ability is extremely strong. Yuan Shao can entrust someone with the head.

Before Yuan Shao died, he entrusted his youngest son to Jiang Qi. Jiang Qi did not participate in the power struggle between Yuan Shao's nephew, but took Yuan Mai and his mother into hiding. He entrusted Yuan Mai to Yuan Shao's counselor Xun Chen, and himself Then he secretly trained warriors in Qinghe County.

Jiang Qi walked quickly to the backyard, met Guo Song head-on, and asked, "What happened?"

Guo Song whispered a few words in his ear, Jiang Qi's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Guo Song nodded, "He has already arrived, let's listen to his explanation later!"

The two walked into a closed room without windows. The room was already full of people. In the open space in the middle was a pile of gold ingots. There were 50 taels of gold ingots, a total of a hundred ingots, shining golden under the light. , Dazzling, the 5000 taels of gold was brought by Li Fu from Jiangxia to support Yuan's revival.

In the north of the room sits the owner of this house, Xun Chen, who is over fifty years old. Xun Chen is the brother of Xun Yu and the mastermind of Yuan Shao. Before Yuan Shao died, he was also one of the orphans. Six or seven years have passed since I lived here in seclusion and taught him to read and write.

Xun Chen is tall, dressed in simple civilian clothes, with a confident and calm smile on his face, and wise eyes. He is the elder in this room and the leader of everyone.

Li Fu was sitting next to him, he was very familiar with everyone, they reunited after a long absence, and everyone chatted happily, at this time he was whispering to Xun Chen, asking about Yuan Mai's situation.

Sitting around are the other five of the eight handsome men, Qianzhao, Wangmen, Han Meng, Xia Zhao, and Deng Sheng.

Han Meng is the nephew of Han Qiong, one of Yuan Shao's five court pillars. He is highly skilled in martial arts, but also reckless and ignorant. His face is rough, like an unfinished granite statue, full of strength and wildness, but his heart is extremely loyal. Willing to give everything, even life, for Yuan's revival.

Qianzhao and Wangmen are like two bards in the wilderness. They sit in a corner far away, as if what will happen in the room has nothing to do with them, but the expectation and enthusiasm in their eyes reveal that they are equally fiery heart.

At this time, Guo Song took Jiang Qi into the room quickly, and said with a smile: "Everyone is here, much faster than I imagined."

Jiang Qi is undoubtedly an important figure among the eight. He is majestic, solemn, and meticulous. Sitting down with a tall figure, his shadow covers Xia Zhao and Deng Sheng behind him.

Xia Zhao and Deng Sheng were originally the subordinates of Gao Gan. After the defeat of Gao Gan, they fled to Hebei with the remnants of their troops. They were recruited by Jiang Qi, and they also hid in Qinghe County to participate in military training and became Jiang Qi's right-hand men.

Xun Chen took Guo Song's words, stroked his long beard gently, and said with a conclusive smile: "The main reason is that everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time. When Lao Guo makes an order, everyone can't wait to grow wings and fly."

There was a burst of laughter in the room. There were two leaders among the eight handsome men, Xun Chen for Wen and Jiang Qi for Wu, but Xun Chen had the highest status and resourcefulness, and everyone voluntarily obeyed his command.

Xun Chen waved his hand, and the room immediately fell silent. Xun Chen pointed to the gold ingots in the middle of the room and said, "Everyone knows a thing or two about the situation. These golds are Jiangxia Liu Jingzhou's support for our military. For many years, I have been looking forward to the revival of the Yuan family and to comfort the spirit of the lord, I can tell everyone that this day is coming!"

There was a low exclamation in the room, and there was an uncontrollable excitement in everyone's eyes. They had been patient and waiting for many years, and what they were waiting for was this moment.

Xun Chen smiled at the crowd again: "Let Master Li tell you about the situation in Jingzhou first, and then we will judge the situation together."

Li Fu cupped his hands to everyone and said, "The Jingzhou War is imminent. In fact, there have been a series of wars, including the two battles of Fancheng, the battle of Nanjun and the battle of Anlu County. I can tell you that the Jiangxia army's successive battles and victories are the key. It is the water army that has the absolute advantage. Although Cao’s army has 30 troops, they are not familiar with water warfare, even riding a boat is unbearable. How can such an army conquer the equally powerful southern army?"

Li Fu glanced at the crowd. He saw that everyone was listening very attentively, as if they were also members of the Jiang Xia Army. At this moment, Jiang Qi asked, "How many troops are there in the Southern Army?"

Li Fu smiled slightly, "The army in the south includes three branches, one is the Jiangxia Army with a total strength of 12 troops, the second is the Jiangdong Army with a total strength of 23 troops, and Uncle Liu's army has about [-] troops, with a total strength of [-]. There are as many as ten thousand, which is not much worse than Cao's army, and there are thousands of warships, occupying the right time, location, and harmony of people, the result of this battle can be imagined."

The room was quiet, and everyone was thinking about their own thoughts. At this time, Xun Chen said slowly: "Everyone has already understood the situation. The main force of Cao's army is in the south, followed by [-] troops in Central Plains, [-] in Guanzhong, and [-] troops in Hebei Province. Also thirty thousand.

It can be said that this is the moment when Cao Cao's forces are the least since the Battle of Guandu. This is the opportunity we have been looking forward to for a long time. How about it?Are you willing to use the opportunity of Cao Cao's troops to go south to start an incident? "

Xun Chen's heart is like a bright mirror. Jingzhou Mu Liujing's purpose of supporting them is very simple, which is to make Cao Cao's rear unstable, shake Cao Cao's army's morale, and force Cao's army to retreat northward.

If they want to get Liu Jing's continuous support, they have to cooperate with Jiang Xia's army to raise troops. It can be said that this is the condition.

"Willing to raise troops!" Han Meng shouted in a low voice: "We have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

"Support!" Wangmen also whispered.

"You can consider raising troops!" Qianzhao expressed his attitude.

At this time, Jiang Qi said: "Everyone, let's raise your hands. If you agree to raise troops, please raise your hands!"

Everyone raised their hands one by one, and finally Guo Song hesitated for a moment, and he also raised his hands, and all eight people raised their hands in agreement, which means it was passed unanimously.

Guo Song couldn't help but said: "There is no problem in raising troops. Where do we start from? We only have 2000 troops in total. It is difficult to resist Cao Jun's suppression at all."

Jiang Qi interjected: "Not long ago, the Liyang boatmen's uprising broke out. Although it was suppressed, the anger has not subsided. As long as we raise our arms, there will be at least 4000 people. As for weapons, we have 5000 taels of gold, which can be purchased from the people. Guo, there is no problem!"

Guo Song chuckled, "5000 taels of gold is enough to equip [-] troops. Weapons and armor are very cheap on the black market. You can leave this matter to me."

At this time, Xun Chen said with a smile: "In fact, there is still a chance to recruit a large number of soldiers."

Everyone looked at him, and Xun Chen said calmly, "I know that a plague of locusts broke out in the northern part of Hejian County, and the disaster is very serious, but the prefect Li Ji still refuses to release food, which has caused civil disturbances, and I know Even if the food is released, a group of officials will be fattened, which will only lead to greater riots.

More importantly, there is an armament warehouse in Yi County, which was left by Cao Cao's conquest of Wuhuan last year. We can take advantage of this opportunity to raise troops from Hejian County! "

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