Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 384 The Real Rival

In the past few days, Cao Cao was quite irritable due to the epidemic. The epidemic in the Chibi camp had just been brought under control, and Cao Ren's urgent report came from Jiangling. The epidemic also broke out in Cao's army in Jiangling.

The reason should be that the soldiers transporting food and grass brought the disease from Chibi to Jiangling. Coincidentally, Xun You, who was guarding Xiangyang and Fancheng, also sent letters, and soldiers in the Fancheng barracks also fell ill. Go to Jiangling and Fancheng to prevent the epidemic.

At night, Cao Cao was sitting in the big tent and carefully reading the letter written by Xun You. In the letter, Xun You reminded Cao Cao that the split between Jiangdong Army and Jiangxia Army was most likely Liu Jing's plan.

Xun You's reason is very simple. Since Liu Jing wanted to do everything possible to keep Sun Quan before, and did not hesitate to take the risk of attacking Anlu County, why would he ruin the hard-won alliance now because of Ma Yan, who just surrendered?

And with Liu Jing's character, would he really appoint a traitor who killed the general to avenge his personal revenge to guard the important town of Changsha?

The so-called bystander is clear, Xun You's analysis hit the nail on the head, Cao Cao finally came to his senses, Liu Jing asked Ma Yan to guard Changsha just to create a chance for Zhou Yu to kill and sell Zhou Yu a favor, then Liu Jing and Zhou Yu must have reached an agreement Some kind of tacit understanding.

Only then did Cao Cao slowly realize that Liu Jing used Zhang Ji to send information to him, the purpose of which was to use his own hands to clean up Zhou Yu, and he proposed Huang Gai for Ma Yan. He originally wanted to drive a wedge between Jiang Xia and Jiang Dong. But it gave Liu Jing a chance to blackmail Zhou Yu.

The strategies in this are intertwined, bold, vicious, and far-sighted, and they actually play with themselves and the Jiangdong Army in the palm of their hands.

Cao Cao paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. He was wondering what Liu Jing's purpose was for such a plan?Although it is true that Liu Jing gained benefits from Zhou Yu, what loss did he have?

Of course, it is very likely that during the battle of the Yangtze River, the Jiangdong Army will suddenly attack and kill himself by surprise, but what else?Cao Cao couldn't figure out what loss he had.

He also knew very well in his heart that if the Jiangdong Army wanted to sneak attack him, there was absolutely no need to use countermeasures, they could go directly to Xiakou and station there, Liu Jing didn't need to make things so complicated.

At this time, Cao Cao suddenly thought of another point. He deliberately delayed for nearly a month in order to wait for the infighting between Jiangdong Army and Jiangxia Army.

Could it be that Liu Jing was deliberately delaying his time?What's the point of him doing this?What loss do you have to yourself?

Cao Cao was puzzled. His army had enough food and grass, and the disease was under control. Even if he persisted until next spring, he would not have any worries. On the contrary, there was a rift between Jiangxia Army and Jiangdong Army, which will change over time.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from outside the tent, followed by Cheng Yu's voice, "I have something urgent to see the Prime Minister!"

Cao Cao was startled, walked to the tent door and asked, "Zhongde, what's the matter?"

Cheng Yu stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Prime Minister, please take a step to speak."

Cao Cao nodded, walked into the big tent, sat down and asked, "Say it? What's the matter?"

"Prime Minister, when I inspected the camp, I heard a rumor."

"What rumors?" Cao Cao had a bad feeling in his heart. Rumors in the army are often a harbinger of wavering morale.

"It is rumored that Yuan Shao's old army has re-emerged in Hebei, and the momentum is very turbulent, sweeping many counties in Hebei."


Cao Cao said decisively: "Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang are dead, even if Yuan Shao's old army is in trouble, who can they be loyal to?"

Cheng Yu hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Actually, the Prime Minister slipped through the net."

Cao Cao frowned, and said for a while, "You mean Yuan Shao's youngest son, Yuan Mai? He should be young now!"

"Prime Minister, eight years have passed since the Battle of Guandu. Yuan Mai was four years old at the time, and he should be 12 now. If someone makes him the leader, he can definitely start a rebellion."

After a pause, Cheng Yu said again: "Moreover, there are rumors in the army that the old Yuan family raised troops in Yi County, supported Yuan Mai as the new leader, and was planned by Xun Chen, Jiang Qi and others. These details have come out. Understand?"

Cao Cao's back broke out in a cold sweat. The more detailed the details, the more convincing he was. Liu Jing ordered someone to spread the word, and it was most likely Zhang Ji. He left camp for Jiangling at noon. Before Zhang Ji had The privilege of entering and exiting the various camps made it very convenient to spread these rumors.

But this is not the point, the point is that Liu Jing spread the news, did he send someone to Hebei?Cao Cao remembered that Liu Jing was deliberately delaying his attack time, which was clearly waiting for something to happen in Hebei.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao immediately became anxious, and hurriedly asked Xu Chu, "Can you send me news from Hebei?"

"Report to the prime minister for the time being."

Although there was no news, Cao Cao's worries did not let go. If Liu Jing sent people to Hebei to provoke Yuan's old troops to rebel, Liu Jing would definitely get the news before him, and it would be within a day or two.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help shouting anxiously: "Send someone to the Xin Tower to wait immediately, and report immediately if there is any news."

Cheng Yu felt that Cao Cao was losing his composure, and quickly persuaded him, "Prime Minister, calm down first, it's just a rumor, maybe nothing happened."

Cao Cao tried to calm himself down, he sighed and said, "Zhongde, do you really think nothing will happen?"

Cheng Yu was speechless. In fact, when he came to Cao Cao to report the situation, he had already realized the seriousness of this matter, and it was very likely to be true.

Cheng Yu was silent for a moment and said, "Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, we should refute the rumors immediately. We must know that half of the soldiers in the army are from Hebei, which will cause the army's morale to be unstable."

"you are right!"

Cao Cao immediately said to Xu Chuling: "Pass down the order, and the battalion leaders will immediately come to the Chinese army's tent to discuss the military situation."

. . . . . . . . .

"There is a news spreading in the military camp. Everyone must have heard it. I want to tell you that there is no such thing! This is Liu Jing's trick to confuse us. He uses false news to shake our army's morale, so I must deal with this matter with an iron fist. thing!"

Cao Cao's attitude was very tough, and his stern words echoed in the big tent. In the big tent of the Chinese army, there were nearly a hundred generals and counselors standing. Everyone was silently listening to the prime minister's reprimand. Many people had heard of Yuan's The rumors revived in Hebei, but the fact that it aroused such great anger from the prime minister was beyond everyone's expectation.

"I'm going to put my ugly words in front of me now. I will send my guards to hold my gold medals and go to the camps to make unannounced visits. If anyone who talks about it is found to be executed, the general will be demoted to one level. For battalions with more than ten people who have been beheaded, the general will be dismissed from office and seized the title. Soldiers who have been beheaded by more than a hundred people will be guilty of the same crime as the general!"

. . . . . . . . .

After the lecture was over, all the generals ran to their camp in a panic. Everyone could see that the prime minister was really angry. They all knew that the soldiers were talking about it now. If they didn't strictly stop it, their lives might be in danger.

Counselors and civil servants have no pressure, as long as they keep their mouths shut, nothing will happen. Yang Xiu and Liu Ye walked slowly to their tents. Is it true or not?"


Liu Ye hurriedly hissed, looked around, and said in a low voice, "It's not good to talk about it."

"It's okay, just the two of us, we don't need to mention the name, what do you think of Brother Ziyang?"

Liu Ye shook his head, "It's hard to say, it is indeed possible that Liu Jing is shaking our army's morale."

Liu Ye glanced at Yang Xiu again, "Do you think it's true?"

"You can tell by the prime minister's attitude. The more he tries to deny something, the more likely it is true. Didn't you realize that the prime minister is already in a hurry?"

Liu Ye sighed, "If he had listened to Changwen earlier, why would he be so passive today?"

Yang Xiu smiled. Chen Qun just raised a correct opinion at an inappropriate time. After changing the subject, Yang Xiu said again: "I found that Liu Jing is indeed very powerful. During the Battle of Chibi, his thinking It’s actually in the world, what a big deal!”

"Yes! He is the prime minister's true rival."

. . . . . . . . .

At four o'clock, Cao Cao had just fallen asleep when he was woken up by Xu Chu's low voice, "Prime Minister, there is something important!"

Cao Cao woke up and immediately asked, "What's the matter?"

"Yedu urgently reported, three urgent pigeon letters came in a row."

Cao Cao sat up abruptly, and said in a trembling voice, "Hurry up...give it to me!"

Several guards lit the candles in the dormitory, and the dormitory was brightly lit. Xu Chu quickly walked into the dormitory, knelt down on one knee, and presented three red pigeon letters. Red represents urgency.

Cao Cao's heart was already in his throat. He hurriedly opened three letters, which were written by his eldest son Cao Pi. Hebei is in a hurry! '

Cao Cao suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

. . . . . . . . .

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