New Year, also known as Danri, is the beginning of a year. According to the regulations, a large-scale court meeting must be held on this day. The emperor goes to court and receives congratulations from hundreds of officials.

Before dawn, hundreds of lanterns were lit around the square in front of the Deyang Hall of Xuchang Palace, illuminating the square like daylight. Chibi War.

Although Cao Cao had issued an order from the prime minister not to allow the government and the public to discuss this battle, in fact, his order could not stop the mouths of the people in the world, especially most of the officials in the court were extremely dissatisfied with Cao Cao's monopoly of power and killing Kong Rong in vain, so Cao Cao said The defeat of Chibi this time became an excuse for the officials to vent their resentment.

In a corner of the square, Taichangqing Yang Biao was talking to Taiwei Fuwan about recent events in a low voice. Yang Biao is also the father of the director Yang Xiu. He is 60 years old this year. He is highly respected in the imperial court. He was imprisoned by Cao Cao a few years ago After he was released from prison, he excused his foot disease and stayed at home behind closed doors. Today, because it was a big court, he also had to go to court to congratulate the emperor.

And Fu Wan is the father of Empress Fu, about 50 years old, the official obeisance to the Taiwei, Su and Yang Biao have a close relationship, the two have not seen each other for several months, when they got together today, the topic of the two naturally talked about the Battle of Chibi.

"Guo Zhang, I watched the sky last night and found that the long-decayed Ziwei Palace actually has the appearance of restoration of light. Could it be a metaphor for Jiang Xia?" Yang Biao said excitedly.

Fu Wan said disapprovingly: "The battle of Chibi is not enough to explain anything, it's just that the northern army doesn't know how to fight in water. Mr. Yang's hopes are too high, and I'm afraid he will be even more disappointed."


Yang Biao shook his head and said: "I heard from Xiu'er that he met Liu Jing several times, saying that this man has a beautiful heart and the ambition to help the world. Even Cao thief praised him as a hero several times, and he is a lifelong enemy. I heard that he sent more than [-] prisoners of war back to their hometowns to reunite with their families, which shows that he has kindness in his heart, and it is my hope for the revival of the Han Dynasty."

"I hope so too, but I hope that he can understand the way of being a minister and don't have any unreasonable thoughts."

Yang Biao knew that Fu Wan had a worry about Liu Jing. The reason was that Liu Jing was a direct descendant of the royal family. This time he defeated Cao Cao and released the prisoners of war to farmers, which aroused praise from the gentry. There were voices among the people who hoped that Liu Jing could revive the Han dynasty. room, but in this way, it will also affect Fu Wan's interests.

Seeing that the prestige of the Son of Heaven was declining day by day, many people were a little desperate for the Han Dynasty, but Liu Jing's strong rise gave these desperate people a glimmer of hope, including Yang Biao, who also ignited the hope of the revival of the Han Dynasty.

Yang Biao could understand Fu Wan's worry about gain and loss, so he stopped mentioning the matter, looked at the sky, and said strangely: "It seems that the time has passed, why is the court still not open?"

Fu Wan sneered, "Who dares to set up a court before Bandit Cao comes!"

At this moment, there was a slight commotion in the distance, and the officials stepped out of the way one after another. They saw hundreds of imperial cavalry guarding a carriage coming slowly. The carriage was tall and gorgeous, pulled by eight white horses. This was Cao Cao. When he arrived, the carriage stopped in front of the officialdom, and two guards stepped forward to open the door and helped Cao Cao down.

After Cao Cao returned to Xudu, he became seriously ill and was unable to fight against the remnants of the Yuan family. He did not recover from his illness until these two days. When Cao Cao got out of the carriage, many ministers came forward to express their condolences. Cao Cao waved his hands and said with a smile: "The time has come It's getting late, let's start!"


The bell of the opening of the dynasty rang melodiously, and thousands of officials lined up in front of the main hall. The ranks of the public, the ministers, the generals, the officials, and the envoys were clearly defined.According to the etiquette system, more than [-] officials with more than [-] shi will enter the main hall to have an audience with the court, while the rest of the officials will stay on the steps to have an audience. At this time, the guards shouted, "The emperor has already sat down, and all the officials are called to have an audience!"

The officials lined up in two rows, and Cao Cao was the leader. He straightened his clothes and led the officials to the hall.

On the high jade steps in the main hall, Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty sat alone on the dragon couch, wearing a golden crown on his head, twelve white beads hanging down, and wearing black clothes with twelve embroidered objects such as the sun, the moon, stars and dragons. Zhang, standing behind him were eight court ladies, holding long fans, Luo Gai and other things, and another confidant eunuch Mu Shun stood aside, receiving and delivering the presents for the emperor.

Liu Xie is nearly thirty years old, with medium clothes, fair skin, and looks a little weak. It has been 20 years since he ascended the throne in the sixth year of Zhongping. In the past 20 years, he has been controlled by Dong Zhuo, Li Cui, Cao Cao and others. Able to be independent, he has been a puppet emperor for 20 years, his edges and corners have long been smoothed, and he is also well versed in the way of self-protection. After the change of clothes and belts, Liu Xie showed weakness for a few years, and everything was done according to Cao Cao's wishes.

But he also understands that although Cao Cao has no intention of usurping, there is no guarantee that Cao Cao's son will not. It is said that how to die well is the most important thing.

Liu Xie also heard about the Battle of Chibi, and the person who defeated Cao Cao was also the clan, Liu Biao's nephew, that is, the direct line of the royal family. This gave Liu Xie a glimmer of hope in his already desperate heart, that he could defeat Cao Cao by more than [-] people Dajun, then can he sweep the Central Plains, kill the national thieves, and restore the Han Dynasty?

In the past few days, Liu Xie couldn't sleep well at night, and couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, but at this moment, the hope and excitement in his heart were hidden under his long-numbed face.

All the officials walked into the hall quickly, lined up in nine rows on the hall, and bowed together to salute, "Your Majesty will see you, and I wish you long live and long live!"

Liu Xie waved his hands and said, "Everyone, dear ones, are free from courtesy!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Hundreds of ministers walked to both sides and stood in their positions. The daily court meeting mainly consisted of four items: congratulations, presents, entertainment, and banquets. After the music and banquet, only court congratulations and gifts are left.

Liu Xie said slowly again: "Last year, the drought in Xuzhou, the locust plague in Jizhou, and the floods in the four counties of Yuzhou made people's lives difficult. On this new year's day, do you have any good suggestions to take care of the common people in the world?"

"The minister has something to say!"

Cao Cao came out, leaned slightly with his hand on the hilt of his sword, and said, "Your Majesty, natural disasters are not as good as man-made disasters. The people's hardships are mostly due to the rampant rebellion in various places. I have sent troops to fight everywhere. It will be over soon. Your Majesty, don't worry. This New Year's Eve , I present a pair of white jade unicorns to His Majesty to celebrate the new year."

Liu Xie couldn't help but secretly annoyed, the day's court was one of the rare opportunities for him to make public appearances every year, and he always hoped to use these opportunities to express something, but Cao Cao didn't give him any chance to talk about state affairs. With a forced smile, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your gift!"

At this time, Honglu Qing Han Song came out and said, "Your Majesty, envoys from more than [-] countries, including Xiongnu, Wuhuan, Xianbei, Xiliang, Linyi, and Goguryeo, also have congratulatory gifts. Are they allowed to go to the palace?"

"Announce the envoys of various countries to the palace!"

This is also one of the annual procedures. After offering the gift, shout long live three times, and the court will end, and the next appearance will be the summer solstice in a few months.

After a while, more than [-] envoys went to the pilgrimage one after another, offering precious things such as horses, white foxes, beautiful jade, ginseng, etc. Liu Xie ordered people to reward wine and food, and the hall fell silent again. Is there a gift? If there is no gift, the officials will send His Majesty back to the palace!"

At this moment, the attendant Xun Yue came forward and reported: "Jingzhou Mu Liu Jing sent an envoy to present a gift to the emperor!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the hall, and then there was a loud whisper, Cao Cao's face turned pale. He didn't expect Liu Jing to send someone to present a gift. This was undoubtedly to clarify his rebellious identity. Cao Cao was annoyed that he didn't tell him about this in advance. Extremely, he gave Xun Yue a vicious look.

Liu Xie is well versed in the way of self-protection. He knows that there are certain boundaries that he cannot cross.

Cao Cao glanced at the officials in the palace. If he was not allowed to see him at this time, it would appear that he was narrow-minded, and he knew that he could not stop some things, not to mention that Xia Houyuan was still in Liu Jing's hands, and Cao Cao still wanted Liu Jing.

"Your Majesty, since the envoy from Jingzhou has offered a gift, you might as well order him to have an audience."

Liu Xie nodded, and immediately ordered: "The envoy of Xuanjingzhou will meet you!"

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce that Jingzhou envoys will meet you!"

Amid the shouts of the guards, Su Fei, the envoy of Jingzhou, walked into the hall, followed by an eunuch, holding a sandalwood box inlaid with gold, which was Liu Jing's gift.

The hall came down immediately, countless pairs of eyes stared at Su Fei, Su Fei knelt down, kowtowed heavily and said: "The minister of Jingzhou joins the army, Su Fei kowtows to His Majesty the Emperor, and wishes His Majesty the Emperor long live long live!"

"Su Aiqing is free!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Su Fei got up and said again: "The minister entrusted Liuzhou Mu of Jingzhou with the order to present a gift to His Majesty on the first day of the new year, in order to fulfill the righteousness of a minister."

The eunuch stepped forward and presented the sandalwood box inlaid with gold. Hundreds of eyes were fixed on the box. What kind of congratulatory gift did Liu Jing offer?Cao Cao looked back at the guard, who nodded, saying that he had checked and found nothing suspicious.

Cao Cao put his heart down, even he was a little curious at this moment, what will Liu Jing give?

Liu Xie opened the box and took out a string of dazzling bracelets. Under the light, the nine diamonds shone with dazzling splendor. There was a low exclamation in the hall, and Su Fei reported, "Your Majesty, this is Emperor Guangwu's beloved object was originally hidden in the imperial palace, but it was lost to Jingzhou during the Dong Zhuo Rebellion, was found by Liu Zhoumu, and is dedicated to His Majesty!"

Liu Xie smiled slightly, "I saw this thing when I was a child, it was called the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle, and later when I moved the capital, I didn't know where it was. It turned out that it was in Jingzhou. Liu Jingzhou's heart, I accept it."

Cao Cao suddenly understood what Liu Jing meant. Liu Jing dedicated the things of Emperor Guangwu to the emperor, which showed that he had no intention of overbearing. After all, he defeated the imperial army and must have an explanation.

From a small detail, Cao Cao felt that Liu Jing was getting stronger and stronger. Not only did he win military, but he also made a brilliant move in politics.

However, since Liu Jing is willing to submit to the court, it is also convenient for him to control him. If there is gain, there will be loss, and Liu Jing cannot have both.

Of course Cao Cao wished to announce that Liu Jing was a traitor to the country and ordered the world to punish him, but he also knew in his heart that he had to face the reality, admit failure, be pragmatic and not be emotional, and not be influenced by emotions.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, since Liu Zhoumu is willing to be loyal to the imperial court, I suggest that he be named Marquis of Chu, as a ruler and minister!"

Liu Xie nodded, and said happily: "The prime minister is right, and I passed on my will to ennoble Liu Jing, the shepherd of Jingzhou, as Marquis of Chu, and give him a pair of white jade."

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