At noon, the bell rang rapidly over Jiangling City, and groups of Cao Jun soldiers rushed to the top of the city, and another fleet appeared on the river, this time on a large scale, consisting of hundreds of warships.

Not long after, Cao Ren also received the report and hurried to the top of the city. A soldier had already reported to him: "General, it seems to be a warship from Jiangdong!"

Cao Ren was startled, did the Jiangdong battleship finally arrive?He walked quickly to the battlements and looked into the distance. On the river not far away, a fleet of ships stretching for more than ten miles appeared magnificently in front of him.

The head is a big ship of [-] shi. On the big ship is fluttering a black and red triangular flag, which is the battle flag of the Jiangdong Army. Army uniform.

The fleet stopped slowly on the river. Dozens of forward sentry ships of the Jiangxia Army came from the west and lined up on the river, confronting the Jiangdong ships. [

Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that Jiangdong's fleet is indeed arriving, but it can't hide the doubts in Cao Ren's heart.

If it was really the Jiangdong fleet, how did they pass through Jiangxia? Did Jiangxia's army really allow them to pass through?

At this time, Chen Jiao also rushed to the top of the city. He stared at the river for a moment, frowned and said, "Could it be that Jiang Xia's army wants to fight with Jiangdong's army?"

Cao Ren shook his head, "Chang Shi, I'm a little worried!"

"What is the general worried about?" Chen Jiao asked with a glance at him.

"I'm worried that this is not a warship of the Jiangdong Army, but Jiangxia's army in disguise to cheat me of Jiangling City, because I have a hunch that Liu Jing will not allow the Jiangdong Army's fleet to cross Jiangxia."

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe the Jiangdong army is using an excuse to attack Wuling, and Liu Jing will be very willing to use their hands to destroy Liu Bei."

Cao Ren nodded. He had listened to Cheng Yu's analysis. The final alliance between Liu Jing and Sun Quan was to give up the four Jingnan counties to Jiangdong. If this was the case, it was reasonable for the Jiangdong army to attack Wuling.

"But no matter what, we should still be cautious."

Chen Jiao smiled slightly, "If the Jiangdong Army is really here for Jiangling, I think there must be an envoy from the Jiangdong Army tonight."

. . . . . . .

Sure enough, as Chen Jiao expected, as soon as it was dark, a small boat quietly left the Jiangdong army fleet and approached the north bank. On board was a young officer with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a burly figure, and a rather aristocratic family. demeanor.

As soon as the young general landed, he was immediately surrounded by dozens of soldiers from the Cao army. Dozens of bows and crossbows were aimed at him. A village chief shouted sharply, "Who are you!"

The young general cupped his hands and said, "I am Cheng Yi, General of the Jiangdong Army, under the order of the chief general, to come to see General Cao Ren!"

The head of the village waved his hand, "Take him into the city!"

Soon, the young Jiangdong general Cheng Yi was brought into the city by Cao Jun, and he came to the lobby of the military office. Cao Ren had been waiting here for a long time. , See General Zhennan!"

Cao Ren looked him up and down and asked, "Who are you Cheng Pu?"

"He is the father of the last general."

Cao Ren knew that Cheng Pu had two sons, the eldest son Cheng Zi and the second son Cheng Yi, who turned out to be this person, and he also received an express letter from Cao Cao stating that the imperial court had appointed Cheng Pu as the prefect of Nanjun, so it is possible for Cheng Pu to take over Jiangling. "Sex" is the biggest. [

Cao Ren nodded and asked again: "Who is the general of Jiangdong Army?"

"Reporting to General Zhennan, it is my father!"

Cheng Yi took out a letter and handed it to Cao Ren with both hands, "This is my father's handwritten letter, the general please read it."

Cao Ren took the letter and looked at it, and it was indeed signed by Jiangdong Cheng Demou, but no one had seen Cheng Pu's letter, so there was no way to judge whether it was true or not, Cao Ren handed the letter to Chen Jiao, who read it again, and found that the letter was the same as that of the prime minister. The content of the letter was the same. Cheng Pu was the prefect of Nanjun, and he led the army to accept it.Judging from the letter itself, it cannot be seen that there is any fake, so let’s assume it is true. Chen Jiao smiled and asked: "How did you explain it to Liu? The army actually passed through Jiangxia."

Cheng Yi said unhurriedly: "Last year in Qichun County, Marquis Wu and Liu reached a covenant, the most important of which was that Jiang Xia's army tacitly allowed us to take the four counties in southern Jing. This time we used the excuse of sending troops to attack Wuling, Passed Jiangxia smoothly, and this time in the Battle of Chibi, Liu swallowed the spoils alone, which made Jiangdong generally dissatisfied, and Liu also felt ashamed of Wuhou for this, so Liu gave in on the Jingnan matter."

Cheng Yi's words were reasonable and convincing, Cao Ren and Chen Jiao looked at each other, Cao Ren asked again: "I don't know how many troops your father will bring, how will you take over Jiangling City?"

"We brought an army of 1 people, enough to defend Jiangling. In addition, Zhou Dudu plans to attack Lingling by land first, and then attack Wuling from the north. He will join forces on the south bank of the Yangtze River. Even if Jiangxia's army sends a large army to come, we will not be afraid. As for How to accept Jiangling City, I hope that according to Prime Minister Cao’s promise, your army will withdraw from Jiangling City as soon as possible, and we will naturally accept it.”

Cao Ren pondered for a moment and said, "Of course we will keep our promise. Please tell your father, General Cheng. We will give you a definite answer tomorrow at the latest!"

Cheng Yi left, Cao Ren pondered for a moment, then asked Chen Jiao, "Does Chang Shi really think we should give up Jiangling City?"

Chen Jiao smiled slightly, "The general thinks why the prime minister wants to give up Jiangling to Jiangdong?"

"Of course I understand this. If you stir up internal strife in the south and let Jiangxia's army and Jiangdong's army fight each other, both sides will suffer in the end. I heard that there are also anti-Jiangxia forces in Jiangdong. If Jiangling is used as a bait, Jiangdong will definitely take the bait, and Jiangxia will never tolerate it. In this way, the conflict between the two will intensify, and this is actually a battle between them for unequal distribution of spoils."

Chen Jiao nodded, "The general is right, but this is only one of the reasons. The more important reason is that the prime minister knows that we cannot defend Jiangling."

"Wait!" Cao Ren interrupted Chen Jiao, "I don't quite agree with this point. If the prime minister thinks we can't defend Jiangling, why does he want me to destroy Liu Bei?"

Chen Jiao couldn't help but smiled wryly. Cao Ren had a good view of the big picture, had a strong commanding ability, and was able to lead troops to fight, but he still lacked in tactics, especially in some subtle details, which he still couldn't understand.

The prime minister asked him to exterminate Liu Bei. This was just a morale booster. In fact, the [-] troops in Jiangling had to guard the city and defend the Jiangxia army, and they had to cross the river to attack Liu Bei's nearly [-] troops. How could it be possible? Come on, wouldn't the prime minister not know?

However, Cao Ren didn't react, so Chen Jiao could only explain: "At the beginning, the Prime Minister meant to give up Jiangling to Liu Bei. Do you remember, General?"

Cao Ren nodded, "I remember!"

"It was because the prime minister knew that we would not be able to defend Jiangling, so he planned to give up. However, using Liu Bei to suppress Jiang Xia's army was not the best choice. Therefore, the prime minister finally decided to support Jiang Dong to deal with Jiang Xia and give Jiang Ling to Jiang Dong. It is suspected that it has violated Liu's vital interests, and unless the Jiangdong Army honestly surrenders Jiangling, a war will inevitably break out between them."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of worry in Chen Jiao's eyes, and he continued: "Actually, what I am most worried about is Xiangyang. If General Xu Huang can't defend Xiangyang and is occupied by Jiangxia's army, then we have no way out, even Jiangxia The navy blocked the Hanshui River, and we can only retreat to Shangyong in the end, general, a lesson from the past!"

Chen Jiao's words "a lesson learned from the past" hit Cao Ren's heart hard. It was his most embarrassing retreat. , Even retreating to Shangyong after a losing streak is an extravagant hope.

Cao Ren was finally persuaded, "Since it is the prime minister's arrangement, I will naturally obey the order and give Jiangling City to Jiangdong."

. . . . . . . . . [

That night, [-] Cao troops withdrew from Jiangling City and went north to Xiangyang. At the same time that Cao troops withdrew their troops, a small boat carrying an envoy of Cao Ren sailed to the main ship of the Jiangdong Army moored in the center of the river. The boat intercepted, and the messenger hurriedly said: "I am ordered by General Cao, and I am here to see Cheng Gong!"

The patrol brought the envoy onto the big boat and walked into a cabin. The cabin was brightly lit. Cheng Yi, who had just returned from Jiangling City an hour ago, was sitting behind a small table. tell me!"

The envoy hurriedly cupped his hands, "Report to General Cheng, General Cao has withdrawn his troops, and now the city is empty, Jiangdong Army can enter the city at any time."

At this time, there was a burst of hearty laughter from the inner cabin, "Is Cao Cao so willing to give Jiangling to Jiangdong?"

I saw a tall and burly person coming out of the inner cabin, wearing a gold helmet, an iron armor, and a green sword on his waist. This person is none other than Mu Liu of Jingzhou.

The envoy knew Liu, and was taken aback immediately, and fell down on the deck, while the young general 'Cheng Yi' also got up and saluted: "See Zhou Mu!"

This young general is certainly not Cheng Yi, and Deng Ai is only 16 years old this year. Deng Ai is still studying in Jiangxia Academy, but Liu hopes that he can be a general with both civil and military skills, so he was taken away from the academy at the end of last year. Come out, hone with yourself for a year, and serve as the head of the village.

Deng Ai was young and old, quick-witted and capable. He pretended to be Cheng Yi to go to Jiangling and successfully deceived Cao Ren. This made Liu very satisfied. He patted Deng Ai on the shoulder and praised: "Good job!"

Deng Ai cupped his fists and saluted, and slowly backed away. Liu then said to the trembling emissary, "Don't worry, I won't kill you. Please pass a message to Cao Ren for me. If he knows his mind, leave Xiangyang immediately." Otherwise, his [-] troops will become Jingzhou's slaves!"

. . . . . . . . .

In the night, the gates of Jiangling city were opened wide, and teams of Jiangxia troops entered Jiangling city. Liu Qi entered the city slowly on his horses, but looked up at the second largest city in Jingzhou. This was his first time. Come to Gangneung City.It's a pity that although the city is large, most of the population followed Liu Bei across the south of the Yangtze River.

Liu secretly thought that he had to find a way to bring back the population of Jiangling. At this moment, a soldier rushed to report: "I told the state shepherd that there is a person who wants to see him. He said that the state shepherd would be very willing to see him." .”

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