Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 414 Decisiveness and Ambiguity

Zhang Hong walked quickly through a long corridor and came to Sun Quan's study. A guard hurriedly went in to report, and came out after a while: "Marquis Wu, invite Chang Shi to come in!"

Zhang Hong walked into the study room. The light in the study room was dim. Sun Quan stood in front of the wall with his hands behind his back, staring at a huge map on the wall. It was the whole map of the south drawn by Sun Ce when he was alive. Then marched to the north, and finally aspired to the top of the world.

Zhang Hong secretly sighed in his heart, he knew that Marquis Wu had made up his mind not to let him fight this battle, I am afraid he would never turn back.

Sun Quan seemed to know about Zhang Hong's arrival, and he said in a low voice, "Taking Jingzhou, destroying Liu Bei, and Ding Bashu, to achieve immortal achievements, Chang Shi thinks I can do it?"

He turned around slowly and stared at Zhang Hong, "I want to hear Chang Shi's heartfelt words." [

Zhang Hong smiled wryly and said, "If it's a hard fight, we have a four-point chance of winning, but if the strategy is right, we will have a five-point chance of winning. It depends on the performance of both sides before the battle."

Sun Quan returned to his seat and sat down. He asked Zhang Hong to sit down, and looked at Zhang Hong calmly, "Chang Shi, please continue, I'm all ears!"

Zhang Hong smiled slightly, "I am neither Gongjin's Nanhe faction nor the military division's Nantong faction. I am a pragmatic faction without prejudice. I analyze the facts, and then Marquis Wu decides whether to fight or make peace."

Sun Quan nodded, "Although Chang Shi can speak freely, I just want to hear words without prejudice."

"I thought that the reason why Zhou Dudu and Zhang Junshi disagreed was actually because of their judgment on Cao Cao's strength. Zhou Dudu believed that Cao Cao was powerful and Jiangdong's family was not strong enough to resist, so he had to join forces with Liu Jing. Resisting Cao Cao is not a problem in the overall situation, and it is also a wise move in the long run, but in this way, as Liu Jing becomes stronger and stronger, it may be difficult for Marquis Wu's dream of unifying the south to come true."

Sun Quan didn't speak, and listened quietly to Zhang Hong's analysis. He was very calm at the moment, and Sun Quan hoped to make a decision based on a rational analysis.

Zhang Hong turned the topic to Zhang Zhao again, "The military division's point of view is the opposite of Zhou Dudu's. He believes that Cao Cao is weak, and his internal forces will go south in five to ten years. This is our chance to unify the south. I know that the military division has been working hard. The unification of the south, Bofu used the unification of the south to impress him. It should be said that the military division's views are in line with Jiangdong's national policy, and it is also the only way for Wuhou's emperor's dream. However, the military division has always despised Jiang Xia's army, and his plan is somewhat bookish. "

Sun Quan nodded, "Then Chang Shi thinks, can we fight this battle?"

"Whether I can fight is not up to me, nor is it up to Gong Jin, nor is it up to the military adviser. The key is Wu Hou's determination. If Wu Hou is determined and can bear the end of failure, then it's okay to fight. If you want to unify the south and are unwilling to face failure, then I advise Marquis Wu not to fight and maintain the status quo."

Sun Quan stood up and paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. Finally, he stood in front of the map and stared at the whole south for a long time. At this time, Sun Quan was so eager to realize his father and brother's grand plans and great achievements. Eyes are a little wet.

"Chang Shi, I decided to fight, and I will never regret it!" Sun Quan turned and stared at Zhang Hong, at this moment he finally made up his mind.

Zhang Hong nodded slowly, this was within his expectation, how could Sun Wentai's son be a person in a corner.

"If the Marquis of Wu decides to fight, he must pay attention to strategy. He can't fight hard. He can unite with Liu Bei and secretly communicate with Cao Cao, so that Liu Bei can contain Liu Jing from the south, Cao Jun can then contain from the north, and our main force will attack Jiangxia. , so there is at least a [-]% chance of winning."

Sun Quan thought for a moment, and then said: "But Liu Jing and I signed the covenant. Now that the Chibi War has just ended, I will abandon the covenant. Will this make the world laugh at me?"

This was the only thing Sun Quan was worried about. He was worried about losing his reputation, but Zhang Hong smiled and said, "Actually, Jiang Xia's army destroyed the ship in Qichun and gave Marquis Wu an excuse. Marquis Wu can do both. Jing handed over the murderer who destroyed the ship, and on the other hand asked Liu Jing to carry out the court's will and give up Jiangling. If Liu Jing refuses, then Marquis Wu can justifiably no longer abide by the covenant."

Sun Quan's eyes flashed brightly, and Zhang Hong's plan finally touched his heart.

. . . . . . . . . .

Three days later, Jiangdong mobilized an army of [-] troops and marched westward in two groups. Cheng Pu was appointed as the chief general and Xu Sheng as the deputy general. Han Dang, as the deputy general, led an army of [-] to Pengze in [-] warships.

At the same time, Sun Quan ordered Bu Zhi and Zhang Wen to be envoys to Jingnan and Xuchang respectively to seek the support of Liu Bei and Cao Cao. Yield Jiangling according to the court's will. [

The situation in Jingzhou rises suddenly, and the cloud of war once again hangs over Jiangxia

Most of Jingnan’s Public Security New City has been built, and Zhuge Liang personally presided over the construction. The county seat is very thoughtful, making full use of the natural defenses of the Youjiang River and the Yangtze River, forming a trend that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The circumference of the county seat is nearly [-] miles, and the city wall is three feet high. It is built with square bluestones, which is strong and tall. Zhuge Liang also designed the heavy stone platform by himself. The stones on the platform and heavy trebuchets can even be driven directly into the river.

Zhuge Liang was very satisfied with the city he presided over to build, and he devoted a lot of effort. Although he also wanted to seek Bashu wholeheartedly, he had to leave a way out. If Bashu failed, at least their foundation was still there.

This morning, Zhuge Liang was inspecting the newly built city as usual. At this time, a cavalry rushed to the city and shouted: "Is the military division here?"

Zhuge Liang leaned over the wall and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Uncle Huang said that there is an emergency, please go to the camp to discuss with the military division."

Zhuge Liangliang nodded, "Please tell Uncle Huang, I'll come right away!"

Liu Bei's camp is located about five miles east of Xincheng, covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand acres. It is composed of hundreds of large tents and stationed [-] troops. Not long ago, Liu returned Liu Bei's wife and children and moved to Liu Bei weighed a big stone in his heart.

However, Liu immediately sent a navy to destroy the nearly [-] ships that Liu Bei had exhausted his efforts to collect, which made Liu Bei extremely annoyed. After the Jiangxia army occupied Jiangling, Liu Bei knew that he had no hope of returning to Jiangling. It's disappointment, he's been in a bad mood these days.

At this moment in the big tent, apart from Liu Bei, there was another person, Bu Zhi, the envoy from Jiangdong. This was the third time Bu Zhi went to Jingnan as an envoy, and he was already very familiar with Liu Bei.

Bu Zhi brought Sun Quan's personal letter, proposing that the two armies jointly attack Jiangxia. As compensation, Sun Quan proposed to transfer Nanjun and Changsha counties to Liu Bei. The conditions were so generous that Liu Bei couldn't help but be moved.

However, Liu Bei also knew that attacking Liu would be morally unjustifiable to him. After all, Liu had just exchanged his wife and children. If he turned around and attacked Jingzhou, it would not only damage his reputation, but also chill the hearts of the soldiers.

But Liu Bei did not refuse Bu Zhi. He needed to discuss with Zhuge Liang before making a decision. Bu Zhi went to the other tent to rest, while Liu Bei paced around the room with his hands behind his back, waiting patiently for Zhuge Liang's arrival.

Not long after, Zhuge Liang walked over quickly, and said with a smile, "But is there an east wind coming?"

Liu Bei hurried forward and said, "Bu Zhi is here, bringing Sun Quan's personal letter."

He handed Sun Quan's letter to Zhuge Liang, and looked at Zhuge Liang expectantly. Zhuge Liang read the letter calmly, and said with a smile, "No wonder Sun Quan was annoyed. It turns out that the imperial court appointed Cheng Pu as the prefect of Nanjun. The plan is very clever! It ignited Sun Quan's ambition."

Liu Bei cared about his own interests. He asked: "Sun Quan promised in the letter that as long as I am willing to assist him, once Jiangxia is conquered, he will give me the Nanjun and Changsha counties. Does the military think it is credible?"

Zhuge Liang sneered slightly, "I believe he will assign Nanjun and Changsha counties to the Lord, but he didn't say how long it will be. Giving the Lord 50 years is a promise, but giving the Lord only three days is also keeping the promise. This is a key issue. He Why don't you say it?"

"The military division means that he has no sincerity at all?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head, "Let's not mention Liu's return to the young master, but only Sun Quan. Now there are Nantong faction and Nanhe faction in Jiangdong. As the name suggests, it means the unification of the south and the peace of the south. As far as Zhou Yu is concerned, it means that the Nantong faction has the upper hand. What is called Nantong means the unification of the south, including Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Jiaozhou and Yizhou.

If Nanjun is handed over to us according to Sun Quan's promise, how can the Jiangdong Army attack Yizhou?It's clear that Nanjun can't give it to us, but he promised, which only shows that his promise is not sincere. [

In addition, I heard that when Liu and Sun Quan formed an alliance and negotiated, the ownership of the four counties in Jingnan was involved. Sun Quan clearly asked the four counties in Jingnan to belong to Jiangdong. The plan of alienation has disturbed the mind. Once he really wiped out Liu, his next step must be to deal with us, and it will be Yizhou's turn in the end. "

Zhuge Liang's words hit Liu Bei's heart, and he suddenly realized that he was confused by Sun Quan's milk soup. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said: "If there is no reminder from the military advisor, I will definitely agree to Sun Quan. The conditions, the military adviser means to persuade me not to agree, right!"

Zhuge Liang laughed, "My lord, it's okay to agree to him, but it's just for show, such as starting shipbuilding. As for whether to fight or not, it's up to us to decide. If Liu really fails, we can take advantage of the situation to seize Jiangling. Once Sun Quan fails , we will consolidate the four counties in southern Jing."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang reminded Liu Bei again: "In addition, I also want to remind my lord that our goal is Bashu. The dispute between Jiangdong and Jiangxia is actually related to us. We must seize the time to seek Yizhou. Since Liu Zhang intends to invite us to help defend Badong County, we must seize this opportunity to enter Yizhou, occupy Badong and Bajun first, and use this as the foundation to advance to Chengdu. Once Chengdu is occupied, Yizhou will be determined."

Liu Bei nodded, "If that's the case, we will concentrate our forces to capture Badong, but we can also send a secret message to Liu to let him know about it."

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while, and said happily: "I agree to give Liu the news, and even show Sun Quan's letter to Liu, and it will be regarded as repaying the young master's favor."

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