Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 417 Sneak attack on Chaisang

Cheng Pu's fleet did not return to Jiangdong after evacuating Jiangxia, but anchored at Pengze Water Village. Pengze has always been the westernmost naval base of Jiangxia Army. During the battle, Gan Ning led the navy to attack Pengze Water Village successfully, almost burning Pengze Water Village to nothing.

Two years later, Jiangdong rebuilt the Pengze Water Village with more stringent defenses, especially against sneak attacks and other defenses. There will be no more loopholes. At present, the main general of Pengze Water Village is Xu Sheng. Ze Dudu.

Since Cheng Pu had been appointed as the general of the army, he handed over the fleet to Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, and went to Qichun County to prepare to receive the army. This greatly increased the number of warships in Pengze Water Village to five hundred. There are more than ten warships and more than ten thousand sailors.

Early in the morning, Ding Feng rushed to Daying. Although Ding Feng was Cheng Pu's assistant general, because of his young age, his qualifications and official position were inferior to Xu Sheng's. Even with Cheng Pu's support, he could not replace Xu Sheng. As the chief general of Peng Ze, he still stooped to be the deputy general.

However, Xu Sheng treated people generously. For Cheng Pu's sake, Ding Feng was still in charge of Cheng Pu's warships and navy. Ding Feng walked into the big tent, bowed and said: "See Dudu Xu!" [

Xu Sheng was standing in front of the map, thinking silently. When he saw Ding Feng coming in, he smiled and said, "General Ding came just in time. I got an important piece of information. You might as well read it together."

Ding Feng stepped forward quickly, "Hizhi is willing to listen!"

Xu Sheng pointed to Chaisang and said, "A spies got information about Chaisang. Chaisang has recently been carrying out fortification and clearing the fields. No one is allowed to spend the night outside the city. The sub-battalion outside the west city has also been demolished. I found that there is an opportunity here. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he can capture Chaisang in one fell swoop and make the first contribution to Marquis Wu's Western Expedition."

Ding Feng immediately clasped his fists and said: "The governor just gives orders, and the humble official is willing to be the vanguard!"

Xu Sheng also likes Ding Feng. He is low-key, courageous in doing things, and brave in battle. He is a rare warrior. Xu Sheng patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "This battle doesn't need to be fought hard, I will use tricks to win it!"

The intelligence that the Jiangdong army detected was not wrong. Chaisang strengthened his defenses, implemented strong walls and cleared the fields, and no one was allowed to spend the night outside the city.At the same time, the garrison outside the city was withdrawn.

This order was ordered by General Wei Yan of Chaisang. Although it seems cautious, everything cannot be perfect. While the defense has been strengthened, another hidden danger has been planted.

During this period of time, Chai Sang General Wei Yan was in a really bad mood. Although he was promoted to captain after the Chibi War, Wei Yan was not convinced.

He is mainly dissatisfied with Wenpin. Wenpin is just a general of Jingzhou. Although he has profound qualifications, his contribution to Jiang Xia is far inferior to his own.

On the other hand, Wei Yan was appointed as the chief general of Chaisang, which also made him unhappy. Although Chaisang was once the ruling center of the Jiangxia Army, with the transfer of the military and political center, Chaisang has gradually become marginalized over the years. Wei Yan got the exact news that Jingzhou prefecture was going to transfer back to Xiangyang. In this way, he became the chief general of Chai Sang, which was actually a kind of demotion.

Wei Yan's official career was not going well, which made him feel very bad. He drank his worries all day long, ignored military and political affairs, and left them all to the deputy general Wang Jian.

In the evening, Wei Yan was drinking alone in the room, and his mind was in a daze. At this time, a soldier came to report, "To General Wei, **Dong Da led hundreds of people to surrender. General Wang asked for instructions on how to deal with it?"

According to Wei Yan's temper in the past, he would definitely go to question him in detail, but now he has no such intention, waved his hand and said: "Since it is a sincere surrender, according to the rules, select the strong and strong to join the army, and dismiss the old and weak! "

This is also a normal practice. In the past two years, the Jiangxia Army has severely cracked down on water thieves. The water thieves made a living, so they had to surrender to the officers and soldiers. Even the biggest water thief on the Yangtze River, the Heijiao thief, was forced to abandon his lair in Dongting Lake and flee to the east of the river. Today there is a It is not surprising that water thieves come to surrender.

The wharf is very lively, with dozens of jiao boats moored. This kind of jiao boat is four feet long and only one foot wide. It paddles quickly on the river. It is a unique boat in Taiwan, so it is also called a thief boat. .

The water bandit that surrendered was originally a branch of the Black Flood Dragon Bandit. Last year, the Black Dragon Bandit was forced to flee to the east of the Yangtze River and split into five groups. This group was active in Qichun County and Jiujiang County. Dong Da made a living by plundering merchants in the middle of the river.

They originally had 600 people, but recently they were wiped out by the Jiangdong army. Most of them were killed and injured, and their old nest was taken away. There were only about 200 people left.

Dong Da, the leader of the thieves, was only in his twenties. He was very young, but he was strong and majestic. I hope the general will record it!"

Wang Jian saw that the two hundred women were all physically strong, and many of them had fleshy faces. They looked like desperadoes at first glance. He didn't want to accept them, but he had no choice but to wait for news from Wei Yan. , The soldiers rushed to report the letter, and whispered to Wang Jian: "General Wei said that it should be done according to the rules. The strong will stay, and the old and weak will be dismissed!"

Wang Jian had no choice but to say to Dong Da: "Since it is a sincere surrender, I can accept it, but according to the rules of the Jiang Xia Army, new soldiers must first train for half a year before being incorporated into the army. It is already late, and I will send someone tomorrow morning. Send you to Wuchang for training, and you will be incorporated into the army after half a year."

Dong Da clasped his fists and said: "Everything is under the general's arrangement!"

Wang Jian beckoned to a village head and told him, "Put them in the sub-battalion to rest for one night, and let Master Liu compile the roster, and send them away tomorrow morning!"

The head of the village gave a salute and said to Dong Da: "Take your men and follow me!"

Dong Da's eyes showed a hint of imperceptible pride, and he led two hundred of his men and the village chief into the city.

Chaisang has a total of [-] garrisons, and they are currently stationed inside the city. The original west and north barracks outside the city have been withdrawn, so anyone who pretends to be a water thief who comes to surrender will definitely be able to sneak into the city.

Although there are many ways to sneak into the city, such as disguising as a caravan, etc., Chaisang's investigation is very strict. A caravan composed of two hundred strong and strong men is too eye-catching and easily suspected by the defenders, so he surrendered as a policeman , is the most appropriate.

This so-called traitor Dong Da is Ding Feng pretending to be. Xu Sheng has been in Pengze for two years and has already "understood" various rules of Jiang Xia's army. This loophole appeared in the form of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields, and no one was allowed to spend the night outside the city.

Although they will be sent to Wuchang for training, they will not be sent away immediately, and they will have to compile a roster, etc., especially when they come to surrender at dusk, so that they have the opportunity to spend the night in Chaisang City, and the city will be broken tonight.

. . . . . . . . . .

The night was getting dark, and the lights in the military camp in the east of Chaisang City had all been extinguished, and the deputy camp was also quiet, as if they had fallen asleep.

The auxiliary camp is also called the recruit camp, which is mainly used for the training of newly recruited soldiers and militia groups. It is close to the main camp, covering an area of ​​[-] acres, and consists of hundreds of large tents. To the west of the auxiliary camp is the Caohe River. Then you can directly go down the Caohe River and take a boat to Wuchang.

At this time, five [-]-shi cargo ships approached the wharf of the sub-battalion without a sound, and black shadows quickly ran out of the sub-battalion and boarded the cargo ships. Ding Feng entered the cabin and immediately asked: "Where are the weapons?" where?"

The boatman disguised by the Jiangdong Army opened the bilge and took out various weapons such as knives, spears, bows and crossbows, as well as [-] pairs of Jiangxia Army armor. Two hundred of the most elite Jiangdong Army soldiers quickly armed themselves. A circle of white cloth is a sign to distinguish it from Jiang Xia's army.

The cargo ship left the auxiliary battalion and staggered towards the water gate. At this moment, Ding Feng asked again: "What time is it?"

"Reporting to the general, it's only a quarter of an hour before the second watch!"

The cargo ship approached the water gate in a short time, and both sides of the water gate were full of cargo ships, but there were no ships in the urn city. The two iron gates at the front and back of the urn city were tightly closed, and more than [-] guards on duty were patrolling the city head and the urn city. .

Ding Feng silently counted the time, they made an appointment at the third watch, everyone hid in the five cargo ships, Ding Feng looked through the gap between the two iron gates sharply through the curtain of the ship, and he could see As for the situation in the distance outside the city, it was pitch black outside the city at this time, without any abnormality or movement.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

There was a knocking sound from a distance, and it was already the third watch. Ding Feng's eyes widened and he stared at the outside of the city. At this moment, a light suddenly appeared in the distance. This was the signal Xu Sheng gave them.

Ding Feng waved his hand, "Attack!"

Two hundred Jiangdong army elites went ashore quickly, and marched to the top of the city. As soon as they entered the corridor, they were spotted by the soldiers guarding the city and shouted: "Password!"

Ding Feng didn't say a word, and suddenly speeded up, like a cheetah pounced forward, with a flick of the spear, a shot pierced the defender's chest, he retracted the gun, and stabbed another defender to death with a backhand shot, the defender Before he died, he let out a long scream, and several defenders on the other side heard it, and immediately shouted, "There is a situation!"

Ding Feng yelled sharply: "Go up and open the water gate!"

Two hundred elite Jiangdong soldiers were selected from more than 1 people. They were all brave and good at fighting. They cooperated tacitly and divided into two groups.

At this time, the alarm bells on the top of the city, 'Dang!when!when! ' Echoed over Chaisang.

But after all, it was the middle of the night, and there were only a few hundred guards on duty on the top of the city. Even if they were all killed, they were no match for the two hundred elite Jiangdong troops. The only hope was the arrival of reinforcements from the barracks.

But it takes at least one cup of tea time for the reinforcements to arrive. What Ding Feng wants to fight for is this time for a cup of tea. He led 100 people and killed dozens of Jiangxia soldiers guarding the front gate of Wengcheng. It began to creak and open, and a Jiangdong soldier raised a torch to give the signal.

At this time, Xu Sheng, who was ambushing outside the city, saw the flames. He was overjoyed and shouted, "Boys, go into the city!"

Eight thousand Jiangdong soldiers screamed and killed, and they drove hundreds of small boats scrambling towards the city. Xu Sheng took the lead in rushing into the Wengcheng. rushed into the city.

It happened that hundreds of Jiangxia soldiers who came from the barracks rushed in line. They found the Jiangdong soldiers who had entered from the water gate, and they raised their bows and shot arrows. All of a sudden, Jiangdong soldiers fell into the water with their arrows. Xu Sheng held a shield and a spear in his hand. Seeing that the situation was critical, he yelled, jumped ashore to kill Jiangxia soldiers, and charged into the enemy group like a tiger.

. . . . . . . . . .

At this time, Wei Yan was already drunk and was in a deep sleep. A soldier rushed over and shouted: "Wake up General Wei, the Jiangdong army has entered the city!"

The soldiers hurriedly woke Wei Yan up and reported in a hurry: "General, the Jiangdong army has entered the city!"

Wei Yan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and suddenly sobered up, he ran out from the bed with a knife, and shouted: "Follow me to kill the enemy!"

He led hundreds of soldiers to kill towards the north gate. At this moment, a military marquis ran over with arrow wounds and reported in tears: "The Jiangdong army has already entered the city, and there are about 1 people. , Brothers can't stand it anymore, they are retreating towards the west gate, General Wang asked General Wei to quickly retreat from the west gate!"

Wei Yan was dumbfounded, he couldn't figure out why he lost his defense, but he understood one thing, he had caused a catastrophe by throwing away Chaisang in a muddle, and he felt regretful in his heart. He turned his horse's head and fled towards Simon.

Just at this time, a tooth general also retreated more than a thousand times, he said anxiously: "General, General Wang was defeated and captured alive by Xu Sheng, Chaisang can't hold it anymore, let's go!"

Wei Yan's heart was in a mess, Wang Jian was actually captured, but there was still a ray of clarity in his heart, that is, Xiazhi County must be kept, if Xiazhi County was lost, the consequences would be even more serious.

If the Jiangdong Army reoccupied the fire oil production area, he would have no choice but to die. Wei Yan bit his lip, whipped his horse and rushed out of the city.

In the darkness, the Jiangxia soldiers who had withdrawn from the northern city followed him and fled from the west gate. The shouts of killing in the city were loud, and as eight thousand soldiers from the Jiangdong Army entered the city from the north gate, Chaisang City fell.

On the south city, the three-pillar beacon fire blazed in the night sky, and the flames soared into the sky, which was particularly dazzling, sending the news of Chaisang's attack far away.

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