Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 421 Darkness Chen Cang

[In the previous chapters, there were a lot of mistakes, and Lao Gao went to the medical examination the morning before yesterday and delayed the publication of the book. I would like to apologize to everyone. To express my apology, I specially published a chapter of [-] words today. 】——

There is an alley near the Caohe River in the south of Wuchang County, which is called Xunyang Alley. There are five or six families in the alley, most of whom are merchants who rent here. Make this alley very lively.

As night fell, a man who looked like a businessman hurried into the alley on a donkey. He came to the innermost gate, turned over, jumped off the donkey, and patted on the door.

There was a viewing hole on the door, revealing a pale face. He looked at the man who knocked on the door, and immediately opened the door halfway, and hurriedly said, "Come in, the boss is waiting for you!"

The man led the donkey into the gate, threw the reins to the person who opened the door, walked directly to the backyard, came to a house in the backyard, and knocked on the door, "Boss, I have something to report!" [

"Come in!" came an expectant voice from inside the room.

The man entered the room, and the room was brightly lit. A middle-aged man was busy sitting in front of the desk and writing something. He looked back at the messenger and said with a smile: "I must bring important information!"

This small courtyard is Jiangdong's intelligence base in Wuchang. It has been more than ten years. Jingzhou has always been Jiangdong's old enemy. Since the time of Sun Jian, Jiangdong has set up intelligence points in Jingzhou. It is located in Xiangyang, that is, the Wangjiang Tavern outside Xiangyang City, and the other is located in Wuchang County.

The intelligence leader in charge of Jiangxia County is this short, fat, middle-aged man. His name is Jiang Yi. He is from Soochow. He has been in Jiangxia for nearly 20 years under the cover of doing business. It is to inquire about Liu Jing's information.

During this period of time, many things happened in Jingzhou, which made Jiang Yi very busy. He sent all his subordinates to inquire about the news, and when he got the news, he sent it to Jiangdong by pigeon letter.

However, private keeping of pigeons is strictly prohibited in Wuchang County, and their carrier pigeons are kept in Fankou Town, and they go to Fankou to release carrier pigeons every two days.

The man stepped forward to salute Jiang Yi and said, "I just got the news that Pengze Water Village was destroyed by Liu Jing's [-] troops. The warship returned from Pengze today. I heard that Huang Bing was also captured."

This news surprised Jiang Yi. He knew that Jiang Xia's army had dispatched troops to Qichun County this morning, but he didn't know that something serious happened to Peng Ze. He hurriedly asked, "Is the news accurate?"

"It must be accurate. I have seen the captured Jiangdong soldiers disembark, and there are also a large number of Jiangdong warships, all of which have the logo of Pengze Water Village."

Jiang Yi thought for a moment, then immediately took a fine pen and wrote a few more lines under the thin silk gauze, then carefully dried it, rolled it into the letter box, and handed it to the next subordinate: "Go to Fankou immediately to deliver the letter, go now !"

After five days of sailing, the Jiangdong fleet arrived at Wankou. Wankou is where the Wanshui flows into the river, which is today's Anqing. There is a small town east of the Wanshui, which is an important supply place on the Yangtze River. The [-] warships of the brigade were moored in Wankou, and this stop lasted for three days.

Soldiers don't know what happened?Only the core high-level officials knew that Cao Jun had provided Jiangdong Army with [-] barrels of kerosene shipped from Hefei, and the fleet was moored in Wankou to wait for the batch of kerosene.

In addition, Wankou Town is also a transfer station for Jiangdong Army's pigeon letters, and Sun Quan can also get the latest news from Jiangxia here.

It's not far from Wankou to Pengze, and there are still two days' voyage, but in the afternoon, Sun Quan unexpectedly received a pigeon letter from Wuchang intelligence chief Jiang Yi, which reported three major events that happened in Jiangxia.

In the cabin, Sun Quan paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, looking very irritable. There was a broken cup on the ground, and the guards did not dare to clean it up, for fear of offending Sun Quan.

At this moment, Sun Quan yelled angrily again, "Why isn't the military advisor here yet?"

"Already invited!" The two guards said tremblingly.

"Go again!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Zhao's laughter came from the door, "It seems that Marquis Wu is in a bad mood!" [

When Zhang Zhao walked in, Sun Quan finally expected him to come, and he couldn't help but sighed, "Some unpleasant things happened."

Zhang Zhao glanced at the shards of the water glass on the ground, and thought to himself, "It seems that the matter is more serious!" '

He immediately ordered the guards, "Clean up the debris on the ground."

The two guards quickly picked up the debris and retreated. Sun Quan finally calmed down and waved his hands: "Master, please sit down!"

Zhang Zhao sat down and asked with a smile, "I don't know what unpleasant things happened?"

Sun Quan took out the re-transcribed information and handed it to Zhang Zhao, "Military Master, let's see for yourself!"

Zhang Zhao took the letter and read it again, frowning slightly. The letter mentioned three major events. First, Jiang Xia's army had recovered Xiangyang and drove Cao's army across the Hanshui River. Second, Jiang Xia's army sent tens of thousands of troops to Qichun County. Qichun County has been occupied, and the third major event is that Jiang Xia's army swept up Pengze Water Village, and Huang Bing was unfortunately captured.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhao sighed in his heart. A few days ago when he heard that Xu Sheng had succeeded in attacking Chaisang, he was very worried that Peng Ze's water village would be empty and would be attacked by Jiang Xia's army. But Marquis Wu was ecstatic and praised Xu Sheng for his ability. He didn't dare to mention Peng Ze's matter, so as not to spoil Wu Hou's interest, but now it seems that his worries are not superfluous.

Zhang Zhaoneng understood Wu Hou's bad mood, especially the last two news, which can be said to have dealt a heavy blow to Wu Hou's confidence.

But Zhang Zhao also knew that it is necessary to boost Wu Hou's confidence now, and not let his bad mood affect morale, so Zhang Zhao smiled slightly: "Actually, we didn't have much loss. Peng Ze was wiped out. It was money, food, and materials that were taken away by Jiang Xia's army, but if we defeat Jiang Xia's army and capture Wuchang, the materials hoarded in Wuchang's warehouse will be ten times that of Peng Ze.

Secondly, Qichun is sparsely populated and has little impact on Jiangdong. Although the Jiangxia Army has occupied it, we just need to take it back. It is easy to get the Jiangxia Army, but it is also easy to lose. "

Sun Quan sighed, "But without Qichun County, our naval forces cannot join up with General Cheng's army, and cannot form a superior force."

Zhang Zhao thought for a while and said: "This is also easy. Let's change the plan and build a water village in Chaisang. We will use Chaisang as the main garrison to compete with Jiang Xia's army, and then use ships to bring General Cheng's army to Chaisang. , plus we also have fire oil, our chances of winning are at least [-]%.”

Fortunately, Xu Sheng captured Chaisang, which comforted Sun Quan's depressed mood a little, and he was not going to punish Xu Sheng if his merits and demerits were balanced.

But when it comes to kerosene, Sun Quan thought of Cao Cao's treachery again, and couldn't help saying bitterly: "Cao Jun was clearly driven over the Han River, and he also promised to attack Jiang Xia's army from behind. This is obviously a trap for me. If If you believe his words and count on him to attack Jiang Xia's army from behind, I will definitely die in his hands."

Zhang Zhao knew in his heart that this was Cao Cao's poisonous plan. He hoped that both the Jiangdong Army and Jiang Xia Army would suffer losses. Feng Chengpu was appointed as the prefect of Nanjun, which was Cao Cao's plan to sow dissension, but he could not say such a thing now.

Zhang Zhao said slowly: "This time when Cao Cao defeated Jingzhou, he had deep hatred for Liu in his heart, but he tried to march south again, so he wanted to use our hands to eradicate Liu, although he was using us. , but on the point of eliminating Liu, we have common interests.

This is also the reason why Cao Cao gave us fire oil, and we have no loss. On the contrary, the fire oil provided by Cao Cao is of great help to us, enabling us to compete with Jiang Xia's army on the river, so Marquis Wu doesn't have to care about Cao Cao's attitude. From a pragmatic point of view, cooperation with Cao Cao will do us more good than harm. "

Zhang Zhao's persuasive persuasion made Sun Quan's annoyed mood gradually better again. He forced a smile and said, "Thank you for your enlightenment, I am in a much better mood now."

Zhang Zhao chuckled, "That's how it should be. Before the war started, Marquis Wu's confidence was shattered by Liu. This is not acceptable."

Sun Quan nodded, "I understand."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and only the joyful voice of my younger sister Sun Shangxiang came from outside the door, "Brother, there is a ship coming from behind, and the kerosene sent by Cao Jun should have arrived." [

The reason why Sun Shangxiang went out with the army this time was naturally due to Sun Quan's foresight. In fact, he was already thinking about the way out. As the lord of Jiangdong, he couldn't go all the way to the dark. He could demote Zhou Yu and alienate Lu Su. Such a posture, but at the same time he must leave something behind.

After all, Zhou Yu's words are still echoing in Sun Quan's ears. Their strength is already weaker than Jiang Xia's army. After all, they were defeated by Jiang Xia's army seven years ago. The painful experience seems to have happened yesterday. How could he forget it.

Sun Quan glanced at Zhang Zhao quickly, saw a strange "color" flash in his eyes, and explained with a wry smile: "With such a fierce younger sister, no brother can worry about it."

Sun Quan was referring to the affairs of the Gu family in Eastern Wu. Of course Zhang Zhao knew about the Gu family's affairs. Sun Shangxiang rejected the Gu family's marriage with three arrows, which caused a sensation in the city.

Not only that, Sun Shangxiang was wearing armor and holding a weapon every day, demonstrating in front of the Gu family, forcing Gu Yong to publicly announce that the Gu family would not consider marrying Marquis Wu for the time being, and this calmed down the marriage turmoil.

Zhang Zhao also knew that Sun Quan was very annoyed with his younger sister, but if he was afraid that his younger sister would get into trouble again, he would just ground her, why bother to bring him to the expedition together?

Zhang Zhao also chuckled, didn't say anything, and went straight out of the hatch.

Sun Shangxiang was no longer outside the cabin. She walked quickly to the bow and stared at the convoy coming from Hefei from a distance. She was wearing armor with fine scales inlaid with gold, a silk belt around her waist, a silver helmet on her head, and leather boots on her feet. , with the Qingyue sword on her waist, and the carved bow and golden arrows on her back, she is even more slender and heroic, like a thorny rose blooming on the river.

This is her second expedition with the army. When she was very young, her elder brother Sun Ce took her to expedition to Lujiang. That expedition left an unforgettable impression on her.

It is precisely because of this that she worships the powerful elder brother deep in her heart, and it also makes her have extremely strict conditions for her future husband.

She uses her elder brother Sun Ce as the criterion for choosing her son-in-law, and she can't tolerate that her future pillow person will be a weak and weak scholar. She wants to marry a world hero like her elder brother Sun Ce.

Sun Shangxiang's heart was filled with excitement this time, and she could finally conquer the battlefield like a man and fight for the country.

At this time, the fleet coming from a distance stopped slowly, and a patrol ship came to report that it was the fleet carrying [-] barrels of kerosene. The arrival of [-] barrels of kerosene greatly inspired the Jiangdong army , an hour later, the fleet sailed again in the direction of Chaisang

In Chaisang, although the sky has changed overnight, the people of Chaisang did not experience much disturbance, only a little panic among the people.

The key is that Xu Sheng did not order the massacre of the city, nor did he plunder money from house to house, which stabilized the situation in Chaisang.

However, Xu Sheng still ordered martial law in the whole city, and ordinary people were not allowed to go to the streets, but they were allowed to go to the streets for an hour at noon to buy vegetables and rice.

It has been five days since the fall of Chaisang, and Chaisang City has calmed down from the initial panic. At the same time, Jiangxia's army did not make a large-scale counterattack to seize the city. Except for some Jiangxia patrol boats occasionally appearing on the river, Jiangxia's army has never any movement.

This allowed the Jiangdong Army to gradually stabilize and completely control Chaisang City. The martial law began to loosen and the martial law during the day was lifted, but the curfew at night continued. Farmers from outside came to the city to sell rice and vegetables.

In the early morning of this day, hundreds of vegetable sellers were crowded outside Chaisangxi City anxiously waiting to open the city, carrying fish, shrimp and fresh meat, all kinds of vegetables, poultry and eggs. For them, these days is also a rare good business. It has risen by [-]%, and it is extremely popular, and it is always sold out in an hour. Some farmers run two or three times a day and have a good harvest.

Behind the crowd followed more than a dozen bullock carts, which were also loaded with various agricultural products. A pennant was "inserted" on the shed of the leading bullock cart, with the word "Zhu" written on it. This is the Zhu family, the largest household in Chaisang. The manor is going into town to deliver.

The first prominent family in Chaisang was originally the Tao family, but as the Tao family business gradually moved to Wuchang, less than [-]% of the clan members remained in the Tao family in Chaisang, which was presided over by Tao Qun. Nian also gradually moved to Jiangdong, and only the Zhu family remained in Chaisang.

At this time, the gate of the city finally opened slowly, and the farmers waiting anxiously outside swarmed in. The soldiers guarding the city hurriedly stopped them, "Don't panic, come one by one, and you can only enter the city after checking the cards!"

Although Xu Sheng canceled the martial law during the day and opened the city gates, the defenses are quite strict. Generally, they are only allowed to enter and not to exit. Even farmers who enter the city to sell vegetables have to verify the temporary badges. Only the vegetable sellers outside the city and The delivery of goods from the farms of rich families can only enter and exit the city gate.

However, those who come from other places to study and visit relatives, pawns and merchants are not allowed to enter the city, and merchant ships are not allowed to dock. For the Jiangdong Army, it is now a time of war, and they must follow the rules during the war.

In fact, any rules must be enforced by people, and there will be loopholes if the enforcement is not strict. For example, some farmers do not need to go to the city, but they can apply for a waist card and sell it to foreigners who are eager to go to the city. , is an income.

There are also loopholes in the delivery men of the farm. They can collect money to bring people from other places into the city because they have a large number of entourages. It is impossible to question them one by one.

Therefore, if a densely populated city like Chaisang wants to maintain stability, it cannot be suppressed too strictly. It is inevitable that there will be loopholes. .

The farmers who sell vegetables all have badges. After searching and verifying them one by one, they carried their burdens into the city. At this time, more than [-] ox carts were approaching the gate of the city, and they were immediately stopped by soldiers. The head steward quickly took out a badge and said : "We are Magistrate Zhu's farm outside the city, and we are here to deliver goods to the master's mansion!"

The county magistrate Zhu is also Zhu, who was appointed by Liu. However, because the Zhu family is the largest family in Chaisang, Xu Sheng still ordered Zhu to continue as the county magistrate in order to control Chaisang and stabilize the situation in Chaisang.

Hearing that they were delivering goods to the county magistrate's mansion, the soldiers guarding the city rushed to report to the officer on duty. After a while, a military marquis quickly walked out of the city. The other party had a badge of permission to enter the city. It was not a big problem, but it seemed that there were too many people. up.

Marquis Jun looked at the ox carts, and saw that there were 30 drivers in every ox cart. He frowned and said, "General Xu has ordered that no more than ten people go into the city together at one time. Your number is too large. too much."

The steward hurriedly and quietly handed an ingot of five taels of gold to the Marquis, bowed and said, "We have 25 ox carts, and at least 25 people are required to drive them. Can the general be more accommodating?"

Junhou squeezed the gold, it was quite solid, he saw the gold, he didn't want to embarrass them too much, so he ordered his subordinates, "Give them two more waist cards!"

He said to the manager with a straight face: "There is a strict order from above, I can't violate it, only ten people can enter at a time, you can figure it out yourself!"

This is called policy at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. Xu Sheng is not allowed to enter the city with ten people at a time.

The steward knew it well, and immediately divided the ox carts into three teams. Everyone went into the city separately, each holding a waist card. The soldiers searched for problems and put them into the county.

Three teams of ox carts entered the city and headed south of the city. They passed the Tao Mansion, and saw soldiers guarding the gate of the Tao Mansion. The guards were tight and no one was allowed to enter. The Tao family was obviously the first to suffer.

Not long after, the ox cart came to the gate of Zhu's Mansion. The Zhu Mansion had long since had a housekeeper and his servants waiting at the door. Seeing that the delivery ox cart had finally arrived, everyone was overjoyed and hurriedly led the ox cart into the mansion. , the steward of the ox cart whispered to the butler: "I have something very important to see the master, please inform me!"

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