The team moved away one after another. Zhang Hong saw Liu Jing galloping towards this side under the guard of hundreds of cavalry. He and Lu Su hurriedly got off the carriage. After a while, Liu Jing's war horse galloped towards him. Stepping forward, he smiled and said, "I'm in Fancheng, I'm late, and I've neglected two distinguished guests."

Zhang Hong and Lu Su hurried forward to salute, "See Liu Zhoumu!"

Liu Jing nodded to Jia Xu and Xu Shu, and gave Xu Shu a wink, Xu Shu understood, and went back to prepare the negotiation materials and the negotiation location.

Liu Jing exchanged pleasantries with Zhang Hong, and then he personally led Zhang Hong to walk to the main hall, while Jia Xu accompanied Lu Su at the back. When they reached the steps, Liu Jing pointed to the magnificent hall and said, "This is the main hall built by my uncle." , Frankly speaking, I think it is very inappropriate and I am going to demolish it, but when I think that Cao Cao is also building Tongque Terrace, I am a little hesitant, I wonder if Zhang Changshi has any suggestions?"

Zhang Hong smiled slightly, "You can judge freely. The people of the world naturally know how well Prime Minister Cao repaired the Tongque Terrace. In the past, because of his arrogance, Jing Sheng was found by the court as an excuse to go south. As a minister, how can he be honored by peerless people because of Cao Cao’s repair of the Tongque Terrace? I think it will be more admirable if Dezhou Mu corrects the inappropriate things of Jingsheng in the past."

Zhang Hong said it very implicitly, but the meaning is very clear. Liu Biao made a foul. It is wise for you to correct it. Liu Jing nodded. Zhang Hong's persuasion from the perspective of an outsider has a different meaning.

Thinking of this, Liu Jing turned back to Dong Yun and said, "Make arrangements to start dismantling the main hall from tomorrow!"

"Your subordinates obey!" Dong Yun immediately wrote down the matter.

At this time, Zhang Hong smiled again: "Since it has been dismantled, it should be reported. The state pastor should report the matter to the imperial court in time, and then ask the imperial court to send someone to verify it. This is a complete matter."

Zhang Hong has been an official in the court for many years, and he is very clear about the rules of the court. At the beginning, Liu Biao's arrogance attracted a lot of voices of impeachment, and it had been filed in the court. good reputation.

In this matter, Zhang Hong also went along with favors, frankly persuading Liu Jing in order to win Liu Jing's favor and lay the emotional foundation for the next negotiation. In this regard, he is more sophisticated and tactful than Lu Su, and he knows how to take what he wants and give it first. reason.

Liu Jing nodded happily. He suddenly realized that he really needed someone who had a deep understanding of the court, who would remind him from time to time around him, or pave the way for him in the court. Kuai Yue was a good candidate.

Everyone came to the back hall, where the high-level officials of Jingzhou discussed important military and political affairs. Zhang Hong and Lu Su sat down. This time, Liu Jing had an interview with them in person. Dozens of officials.

Zhang Hong smiled wryly and said, "Let me start with a digression. Marquis Wu's position in Jiangdong has been challenged. The Sun clan including Sun Ben and Sun Lang, as well as some civil and military officials headed by Zhu Zhi have all questioned him. Marquis Wu’s ability, he believed that he could not lead Jiangdong to prosperity, and their doubts were supported by places such as Kuaiji County and Poyang County. This is the second crisis that Wuhou has encountered since he ascended the throne, and the situation in Jiangdong is very serious.”

Liu Jing and Jia Xu glanced at each other. They had already obtained this information, and Sun Quan encountered internal opposition. Not only that, Zhang Liao led an army of [-] troops to Hefei, waiting for Jiangdong to split. Just last night, they discussed Jiangdong internally overnight. situation, they have countermeasures.

Of course Liu Jing knew why Zhang Hong wanted to make this digression. He hoped that Jingzhou would consider the long-term interests and not seek short-term benefits to help Sun Quan tide over the difficulties. Liu Jing smiled and said: "I always pay attention to Jiangdong's internal affairs, and will not "intervene" easily. I deeply sympathize with Wu Hou's situation, but I can do nothing."

Zhang Hong hurriedly said cautiously: "But this negotiation is directly related to the survival of Marquis Wu. Zhou Mu's willingness to release the prisoners in advance is already a great support to Marquis Wu. We also hope that Marquis Zhou can further support Marquis Wu."

"Zhang Changshi misunderstood!"

Liu Jing said with a chuckle: "The release of the prisoners of war was only because I owed Princess Shangxiang an explanation back then, so I gave her a compensation. This is just a personal friendship, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation of Jingzhou and Jiangdong. Zhang Changshi should not think too much. I have always I only care about the interests of Jingzhou, and the "chaos" in Jiangdong is my concern."

Zhang Hong and Lu Su looked at each other, with disappointment in both of their eyes, Lu Su couldn't help but said: "If Marquis Wu unfortunately fails, I'm afraid Zhou Mu will have to deal with Sun Ben, he can guarantee Jingzhou interests?"

Liu Jing smiled faintly, "If he can keep his word, it's okay to deal with him."

Zhang Hong's complexion suddenly became very ugly. Liu Jing's meaning was too clear. He was mocking Sun Quan for believing what he said. I'm afraid this is the key to Liu Jing's refusal to give in.

The first meeting between Liu Jing and Zhang Hong ended hastily, and the atmosphere was not very friendly. Liu Jing bluntly expressed his dissatisfaction with Sun Quan, which made Zhang Hong unable to talk further. Well, it is arranged in Xiangyang Gui Hotel, which is the most luxurious post house in Jingzhou. It covers an area of ​​[-] acres and has five small courtyards in total. Among them, pavilions, pavilions and lakeside Champs are exquisitely built. There are three maids in each courtyard Serving with a steward, everything is considered extremely appropriate and thoughtful.

Although they lived well, Zhang Hong and Lu Su could not enjoy this kind of VIP treatment with peace of mind. The two were worried and did not know how to fulfill Sun Quan's important entrustment? [

In the room, Zhang Hong was discussing the next step with Lu Su. Zhang Hong sighed and said, "On the surface, Liu Jing is relatively easy to talk to. I persuaded him to dismantle the main hall, and he accepted it readily, but he didn't expect to talk about serious matters. At that time, he was unmoved and insisted on sticking to the interests of Jingzhou, so it would be difficult to talk about it, Zijing, this trip is not good!"

Lu Su fell into deep thought. He had dealt with Liu Jing for many years. He felt that Liu Jing was not so stingy when he only stared at the little profit in front of him. After a long time of meditation, Lu Su said slowly: "I think this may It was his emotional venting, he was very dissatisfied with Wu Hou's tearing up the agreement to go west, the key is how we can convince him of our future promises."

Zhang Hong shook his head and said, "I don't believe it. Even if we want to go west, we don't necessarily have the strength. I think he knows that I don't have the strength to go west within five years, so I think he mentioned Wu Hou’s so-called breach of contract and breach of trust actually has other intentions.”

"Could it be that Liu Jing is waiting for the outcome of Jiangdong's internal turmoil before starting the negotiation?" Lu Su pondered for a long while and asked.

"It's very possible, that's why he said, if Sun Ben is true to his word, it's okay to deal with him."

Zhang Hong took a few steps with his hands behind his back, and suddenly shook his head to deny his thoughts, "Impossible! Liu Jing must know the relationship between Sun Ben and Cao Cao, and he would never want Sun Ben to take power in Jiangdong. He should support it." Marquis Wu."

Both of them were a bit confused, so what was Liu Jing's intention?

At this moment, the steward rushed to the door and reported: "Our military adviser is here, please see Zhang Changshi!"

Zhang Hong was startled for a moment, and immediately burst into joy and said, "Please come in quickly!"

At this moment, he suddenly understood where the key to today's unfavorable negotiations was?The key is that they did not communicate in advance, so Liu Jing was unwilling to enter the negotiation. Jia Xu's arrival must have come for the prior communication in the negotiation.

Zhang Hong greeted him personally, and met Jia Xu at the gate of the courtyard. Jia Xu smiled slightly and said, "I'm here to solve the "confusion" of Mr. Zhang!"

Zhang Hong was even more delighted, as he had guessed right, he hastily bowed deeply, "Mr. Jia is here, and I have saved Zhang Hong's life!"

"Hehe Zhang Changshi's words are serious, let's go into the room and talk!"


The two went to the room to divide the guests and hosts to sit, Lu Su also sat beside them, and two maids served them tea. Jia Xu then cut to the chase and said: "We know the relationship between Sun Ben and Cao Cao very well, so we hope that Marquis Wu can be stable. Don't give Cao Cao an opportunity to take advantage of the situation in Jiangdong, this is also the wish of my state shepherd."

Zhang Hong sighed, "After hearing what you said, you will know Liu Zhoumu's sincerity."

Jia Xu smiled and said: "Liu Zhoumu also has his difficulties, please forgive me Zhang Changshi, I came today just to hear Jiangdong's reply to the previous conditions, let's try our best to communicate in private, for the sake of the table. It has laid a good foundation for the success of the negotiations."

Zhang Hong nodded and said, "I fully understand Zhou Mu's difficulties, and I also agree with this private communication. Frankly speaking, we promised not to build large ships over a thousand stone within five years, and now the remaining 150 large ships can be handed over to Jingzhou. , and the second is to open the embargo on inland rivers, we hope to limit the trading of grain between the two sides."

"This can be considered. In addition, Jiangdong is not allowed to buy kerosene from Jingzhou."

Zhang Hong agreed without hesitation. This is Sun Quan's bottom line. As long as the grain trade is restricted, the inland river ban can be lifted. As for fire oil, they can buy it from the north. Wanshi’s food compensation, Jiangdong is also facing a food shortage, we hope to use pig iron instead of food, is it feasible?”

Jia Xu pondered for a moment and said: "The earliest Liu Zhoumu proposed was 100 million shi of grain compensation, which was gradually reduced to 30 shi of grain in consideration of Jiangdong's ability to bear and the livelihood of the people in Jiangdong, and it would be given to Jingzhou in three years. If it is changed to pig iron, then it will be more than 30 shi, and there is no installment, we want pig iron compensation equivalent to 60 shi of grain, and the payment should be made within one year, can Zhang Changshi agree?"

Zhang Hong thought about it for a while. This condition was not harsh, they could afford it, and it didn't even have any impact on them. There were enough rough iron billets in Liyang's warehouse, which could be handed over to Jingzhou.

"I can promise that there is enough pig iron in Liyang's warehouse, and Jingzhou can pick it up at any time."

Having said that, Zhang Hong and Lu Su glanced at each other, both of them looked a little excited. They didn't expect to reach a consensus so smoothly, but there was still the most crucial point, which was the ownership of the two counties of Yuzhang and Qichun. , Jingzhou can agree, that's all.

Zhang Hong's expression became serious, "Next, I would like to discuss in detail the ownership of Yuzhang and Qichun counties with Jia Junshi. We have proposed a plan."

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