Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 474 Reverse Ge 1 Strike

In the study, Sun Ben was pacing back and forth restlessly. He had just received news that there was an abnormal movement of troops. Huang Gai led the army to Beigu Mountain. What seemed to be wrong?

Of course Sun Ben knew what was going on, he planned carefully and arranged for the assassination of Liu Jing, a total of sixteen folk masters who were good at shooting crossbows, the arrows were coated with poison that could see blood and seal their throats, As long as Liu Jing is hit by an arrow, he will be suspicious even if he misses the point.

Sun Ben wasn't worried that these sixteen assassins would betray him, they didn't even know whose money they took. At this moment, Sun Ben only cared about the result, did he "shoot" Liu Jing?

He was very nervous and restless, when the butler's voice came from the door, "Master, I have something to report."

Sun Ben hurried forward to open the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Report to the master, I heard from the servants that there seem to be many people watching us outside the house."

Sun Ben was taken aback, his thoughts changed sharply, and he immediately realized that it must be Sun Quan who suspected him, so he suddenly got caught up in his heart, and said as if it mattered: "I see, let's go!"

He watched the butler walk away, and immediately turned around and said to the two confidantes: "Follow me!"

They walked quickly to the backyard, and soon came to a small courtyard, Sun Ben knocked on the door, "Brother Ji Bi, it's me!" [

The door opened, revealing Chen Jiao's slightly pale face, Chen Jiao said with a smile, "But did you tell me some good news?"

Sun Ben stepped forward and whispered something in his ear, Chen Jiao frowned and asked, "Without evidence, would Sun Quan dare to touch you?"

"Although the possibility is not high, I think it's better to be on the safe side. Brother Ji Bi should hide for a while! I'll find a way to send brother Ji Bi across the river when I get the exact news."

Chen Jiao thought for a while and agreed, "Okay! I will follow the envoy's arrangement."

Sun Ben then ordered to his two confidants: "Take Mr. Chen to my underground secret room, and make arrangements."

The two confidantes agreed, and took Chen Jiao hurriedly towards the garden. The entrance to Sun Ben's secret room was located in the garden. Below it was actually an underground warehouse, where a large amount of weapons and money were stored, and there was also a very comfortable hiding room.

Sun Ben let go of his heart for a while, and then hurried back to the study. As soon as he arrived at the small courtyard of the study, he saw the butler stumbling towards him, and said in horror, "Master! There is an army breaking in."

Sun Ben was taken aback. Before he could ask any more questions, he walked quickly to the front yard, only to see that the front yard was full of flames. Hundreds of soldiers holding torches crowded the front yard and corridors. Dozens of his servants held knives and soldiers Stand up and keep them out of the backyard.

Sun Ben was furious in his heart, he stepped forward and shouted sharply, "Bold!"

The courtyard was silent, and the soldiers were silent. After all, Sun Ben had a high status in Jiangdong, and the soldiers were somewhat jealous of him. Sun Ben shouted angrily, "Who is the leader, come out and meet me!"

A general came out, tall and burly, wearing armor and a helmet. It was General Zhou Tai. He bowed his hands and said, "By the order of Marquis Wu, please come here."

"Hmph!" Sun Ben snorted coldly, "Let's talk about it tomorrow! I don't feel well and don't want to go out."

Zhou Tai bowed again and said, "Liu Zhoumu in Jingzhou was assassinated, and the assassin confessed that he was instigated by the envoy."

Before Zhou Tai finished speaking, Sun Ben was furious, his eyes widened, and he stared at Zhou Tai and roared viciously: "It's nonsense, what does Liu Jing's assassination have to do with me, and what evidence is there to prove that I did it? , spitting blood!"

Although he yelled fiercely, Sun Ben secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong. It was obvious that Sun Quan was taking advantage of this matter to deal with him. The so-called confession must have been "forced". He realized that the situation was not good for him. [

However, Zhou Tai said coldly: "Marquis Wu also meant the same thing. He must have a relationship with the envoy, but he wants to prove this to Liu Zhoumu, so please ask the envoy to confront the assassin face to face. Liu Zhoumu cannot allow Liu Zhoumu to accuse at will. If the envoy refuses to Go, Marquis Wu will not be able to prove the envoy's innocence, but Liu Jing will take advantage of it. I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the envoy, so in order to prove his innocence, let the envoy please!"

Sun Ben couldn't find a reason for his refusal at the moment, so he could only forcefully say: "Why should I go? This matter is none of my business. I just don't want to go. What are you going to do to me?"

Seeing that he refused to leave, Zhou Tai turned his head and gave the soldiers a wink. Dozens of soldiers rushed up from both sides and grabbed Sun Ben firmly. Surrounded by spears, they are not allowed to move rashly.

Sun Ben shouted angrily: "Zhou Tai, do you want to kill me?

"I don't dare to be humble. I think about Jiangdong's interests. Assassinating Jingzhou Mu is a big deal. No one can afford the consequences."

Zhou Tai waved his hand, "Take it away!"

Dozens of soldiers dragged Sun Ben together, took him away forcibly, gagged him, got into a carriage, and the carriage quickly left the mansion, Zhou Tai then ordered: "I will search thoroughly, every inch of the place will be searched." Can't let it go."


Inside the Marquis Wu's mansion, Sun Quan sat on his seat with his eyes closed, like an old monk in meditation. Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Zhou Yu and others had all arrived beside him. Liu Jing's assassination was suspected to be a major event, although fortunately he did not stab Liu Jing. But the impact is extremely bad.

Jiang Dong issued a written security guarantee, including Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong and other high-ranking officials who signed the guarantee. Now that Liu Jing is assassinated, it is a heavy blow to Jiang Dong and their own reputation.

However, Zhang Zhao and others have already guessed that it must be Sun Ben. Liu Jing's assassination triggered a melee between Jiangdong and Jingzhou, and Sun Ben could seize the throne in the chaos. Obviously he is the biggest beneficiary.

"Wu Hou wants to use this matter to deal with Sun Taishou. I am worried that if there is no evidence, it will be difficult to convince the public, and it will affect Wu Hou's reputation."

Zhang Zhao is thinking that Sun Quan and Sun Ben are brothers of the same clan after all, and it will appear that Sun Quan is not benevolent if he uses his elder brother as a knife. Moreover, Sun Ben is also a veteran of Jiangdong. If there is no sufficient evidence, those who support Sun Ben will take advantage of the opportunity to support Sun Ben Lang, causing Jiangdong to split.

But Zhou Yu said coldly: "Sun Ben has a heart of disobedience. No one in Jiangdong knows. If everything has to be compromised, then sooner or later Kuaiji County will split up. We simply make a decisive decision to separate the contradictions and regain them by force. In Kuaiji County, if Sun Lang wants to rebel, it means that he commits crimes above and below, and he is rebellious, and everyone can get him and punish him."

Zhang Zhao glanced at Zhou Yu with some dissatisfaction, "Captain Zhou, the matter has not reached the final stage, so how can you say that you are using weapons? They are all your own people, killing each other. It is the people who are suffering, and it is the cornerstone of Jiangdong that is being destroyed. Governor, please be careful." say!"

Zhang Hong next to him said: "Judging from the current situation, Sun Ben will definitely not compromise, and the situation must continue to be stalemate. Of course, the longer it drags on, the other party's support will gradually dissipate. It is indeed beneficial to us. Sun Ben also knows this well. Ming, I’m worried that he’s actively preparing for the battle in Kuaiji County, and if he drags on for too long, he’ll give them a chance to prepare, and I’m especially worried that Sun Lang will collude with the Shanyue people and use the power of the Shanyue people to expand his power, that would be bad.”

Although Zhang Hong said it implicitly, his meaning was the same as Zhou Yu's, suggesting that Sun Quan deal with it decisively.

Sun Quan opened his eyes, nodded and said: "The governor and Chang Shi are right. Wen is good for us, but Wu is not good. This assassination is the best excuse. Even if Sun Ben didn't do it, we have to Give it to Sun Ben, find a way to find evidence of his collusion with Cao Cao, and make it hard for him to tell."

Zhang Zhao understood what Sun Quan meant, even if it wasn't Sun Ben's doing, he still had to create false evidence, he sighed and said, "But it's not so easy to hide it from Zhu Ran!"

At this moment, a guard came from outside the door to report: "General Zhou has an emergency to see Marquis Wu."

Sun Quan immediately said, "Order him to come in!"

After a while, Zhou Tai walked into the room quickly, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "Report to Marquis Wu, we found Cao Cao's counselor Chen Jiao in Sun Ben's basement, and found a large number of weapons and armor."

He held up another roster, "This was found in Sun Ben's study, it's the roster of his party members."

Sun Quanteng stood up, he took the roster and flipped through it, his heart burst into ecstasy, he couldn't help laughing up to the sky: "God helped me!"

That night, Jingkou City began overnight arrests. Huang Gai and Zhou Tai led [-] soldiers to arrest each family according to Sun Ben's roster of party members. Within two days, all [-] important party members including Zhu Ran and Han Dang were arrested. was arrested.

Every household in Jingkou City was alarmed, and people speculated about what happened. The entire Jingkou City almost slept overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, notices were posted all over important places such as city gates, government offices, and city entrances. Sun Ben colluded with Cao Cao to assassinate Jingzhou Mu in an attempt to overthrow Jiangdong. Speculation spread quickly through the city gates.

But for Jiangdong civil and military officials, Jingzhou Mu Liu Jing was assassinated, Chen Jiao was arrested in Sun Ben's mansion, and a large number of weapons and armor were found. This is an iron fact, which makes people talk.

Many originally neutral officials also expressed their opinions, strongly condemning Sun Ben for betraying Jiangdong's interests, trapping Jiangdong in unbelief and unrighteousness, and triggering a devastating war. Morality and justice have completely sided with Sun Quan.

Sun Quan immediately ordered Zhou Yu to lead an army of [-] to Wujun to prepare for Sun Lang's rebellion.

Although Liu Jing's assassination cast a shadow over the marriage between Jingzhou and Soochow, Sun Quan still hoped that the wedding would go ahead as planned, especially Mrs. Wu was even more worried that her daughter's marriage would be affected by this incident, so she specially asked Qiao Guo to represent her Apologize to Liu Jing.

In the cabin, Qiao Guolao cupped his hands and apologized to Liu Jing: "Mrs. Wu also lost her temper and ordered Sun Ben to be severely punished. She entrusted me to express my sincere apology to Zhou Mu. I hope this incident will not affect Zhou Mu and Princess Xiang. wedding."

After a pause, he continued: "The old lady said that if necessary, she can come to apologize to Zhou Mu in person, and she absolutely does not want this to happen."

Liu Jing smiled and said: "This incident was just an accident. I believe in Jiang Dong's sincerity. Besides, I have already called my mother-in-law, so how can I change my name? Please tell my mother-in-law that the wedding will be held as scheduled. "

Boss Qiao Guo was overjoyed, "Then it's a deal. Three days later, we will use a grand ceremony to marry the state herd monk and Princess Xiang."

. . . . . . . .

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