Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 535 Hanzhong Situation

After waiting for two months in Shangyong, both Gan Ning and Wei Yan became a little impatient. Just this morning, Wei Yan sent a soldier to inform Gan Ning. Arrived at Yongnan City.

Wei Yan nodded, "General Gan, please speak in the room!"

The two went into the official room and sat down. Wei Yan took out a letter and handed it to Gan Ning with a smile, "This is an order from Xiangyang just now. The state shepherd has captured Yizhou, and ordered us to capture Shangyong."

Gan Ning took the letter and read it again, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, "The moment I've been waiting for is finally here."

At this time, Wei Yan asked again: "How should we coordinate our actions next?"

Gan Ning pondered for a moment and said, "It's easy for me to break through the blockade from the waterway. I'd better take Shangyong City first, so as not to overwhelm the enemy."

Wei Yan nodded, "If that's the case, I'll retreat first, and then connect with Meng Da."

At noon that day, the Jingzhou Army, which had been fighting for nearly two months, finally withdrew from Shangyong City and retreated towards Xiangyang. Anomalies in Yongnan City were immediately discovered in Shangyong City.

The Hanzhong Army in Shangyong City has a total of more than 1 people, led by generals Meng Da and Yang Ang. In name, Meng Da is the main general, and Yang Ang participates in the coordinated defense, but in fact, Yang Ang's military rank is higher than Meng Da, and His qualifications in the army are also much deeper. He was appointed as the captain of Weixing County. Among the defenders of Shangyong City this time, [-] people were brought by Yang Ang from Weixing. These are actually his troops. [

And Meng Da brought 5000 people from Nanzheng. This is Meng Da's army. Therefore, in Shangyong City, Meng Da and Yang Ang each commanded a part of the army, and they almost fought independently.

Meng Da hurried to the top of the city. He had just received news that the Jingzhou army was showing signs of withdrawing. He leaned on the battlements and looked towards Yongnan City.

Sure enough, the Jingzhou flag "planted" on the head of Yongnan City had disappeared, and Meng Da's heart suddenly became tense. This was the signal they had agreed at the beginning. Once the Jingzhou army retreated eastward, it meant that the action had begun.

Because of the confrontation between the two armies, their patrols could not be sent out, so the Jingzhou army had to withdraw first, and let the patrols in Shangyong City go out, so as to give the two armies a chance to contact

Meng Da returned to his official room again, he wrote a note, called one of his own soldiers, and told him: "I will send soldiers out to patrol, you can go out together with the patrol, go east to find Jingzhou Army , meet Wei Yan and give him this note."

The soldier took the note and carefully put it away, nodded and said: "Don't worry, General! There will be no mistakes."

Meng Da then sent ten patrols out of the city to inquire about the news, just after arranging the patrols, a soldier came to report, "General Yang has something urgent to see!"

"Please come in!"

Not long after, Yang Ang quickly walked into Meng Da's official room. Yang Ang was about forty years old, tall, and looked fierce. He was a veteran of the Hanzhong Army. After Lu stole Hanzhong, he followed Zhang Lu, slowly promoted, and was appointed as the captain of Weixing County.

The situation in Shangyong this time is more complicated. First, Meng Da led 5000 people to capture Shangyong as the main general, and was then appointed as the captain of Shangyong County. Yang Ang led the Weixing County garrison to assist Shangyong and participated in Shangyong's defense.

Of course, Zhang Lu also had another deep meaning, that is, Yang Ang took credit for his pride and was a little rebellious. Zhang Lu took this opportunity to help defend Shangyong, transferred Yang Ang from Weixing County, and then appointed his brother Zhang Wei as the commander-in-chief. The prefect of Weixing County led the army to garrison Weixing County.

This actually replaced Yang Ang's power in Weixing County, so Yang Ang was always upset, he led the army to Shangyong, he did not obey Meng Da's command, and acted on his own.

Yang Ang also heard the news of the withdrawal of the Jingzhou army, and rushed to discuss with Meng Da. Although his status and qualifications were higher than Meng Da, after all, Meng Da was the captain of Shangyong, and he was in charge of Shangyong's money. Ang Yiwan's army had to rely on Meng Da for the supply of money and food, so he was more polite when talking to Meng Da.

"General Meng, I heard that the Jingzhou Army has withdrawn to the east, and the crisis in Shangyong should be resolved. I plan to lead the army back to Weixing County, so I want to discuss with General Meng. Can you provide me with a month's rations?"

At this time, Zhao Yun's army had just captured Nanzheng City. Of course they didn't know about the changes in Nanzheng City, but Yang Ang knew that Zhang Wei had been transferred back to Nanzheng by Zhang Lu. Now that Weixing County soldiers were stationed, he wanted to take the opportunity to return to Weixing County , regained his territory, but he was worried about the lack of food and grass, so he had the audacity to ask Meng Da for food. [

Meng Da was taken aback, Yang Ang actually wanted to withdraw the army, this is not possible, if the [-] troops left, how would he explain to Zhou Mu?You have to stabilize him first.

He thought for a while and smiled: "If Captain Yang wants to go back, of course I will not stop him, and the food and grass will be provided as much. Can you ask Captain Yang to wait for another three days, and when my patrol returns, the Jingzhou Army I have indeed retreated, and then I will practice it for Captain Yang."

Although Yang Ang didn't want to wait any longer and was eager to return to Weixing County, but Meng Da made sense, Yang Ang agreed under the pressure of money and food, "Okay! I'll wait for another three days. After three days, I will report to Meng Da. Farewell, General!"

Both Gan Ning's navy and Wei Yan's army withdrew from Shangyong City for about [-] miles, just left Shangyong County, and were within the boundaries of Fangling County, which gave Meng Da the opportunity to send patrols out of the city. At night, Wei Yan was reading a book in the big tent. At that time, Wei Yan's personal soldiers hurriedly led a Hanzhong army sentry to the front of the Chinese army tent, and reported: "General Wei, General Meng has sent someone."

"Please come in!"

Wei Yan put down the book, and he was waiting for Meng Da's news. The curtain was lifted, and the soldiers led the messenger sent by Meng Da into the big tent. Submitted, "This is General Meng's handwriting, General Wei please read it!"

The soldiers passed the note to Wei Yan. Wei Yan took the note and opened it to read it. Meng Da said on the note that he was going to wipe out Yang Ang's army and asked the Jingzhou army to enter the city in time to avoid "chaos". Just set it at Xushi the night after tomorrow.

Wei Yan nodded, "Go back and tell General Meng that everything will be done according to his plan, and I will show up outside the city on time!"

The messenger salutes, then takes his leave.

Wei Yan pondered for a moment, then immediately wrote a letter and handed it to the soldiers: "Quickly go to General Gan's fleet and hand this letter to him!"

Time soon came to the afternoon of the third day, when the sentry soldiers came back to report to Meng Da that the Jingzhou army had withdrawn from Shangyong County, which meant that the Shangyong alarm was temporarily lifted, and Yang Ang once again sent someone to urge Meng Da to deliver the money and food , He is going back to Weixing County.

Meng Da set up a farewell banquet in the county government office, and invited Yang Ang and his twelve confidant generals to come to the banquet and go west for them.

At night, the county office was brightly lit, and Meng Da set up five tables of banquets to entertain Yang Ang and his confidants. He invited gentlemen and sages from Shangyong City to accompany him, and invited a group of dancers to add to the fun. The sea of ​​wine, the sound of silk and bamboo, the graceful dancers, and groups of soldiers brought up dishes and fine wines like flowing water.

Meng Da raised his wine bowl and said with a smile: "Thank you Captain Yang for your assistance over the past month, helping me defend Shangyong. General Yang will leave early tomorrow morning. This bowl of wine is my respect. I will do it first."

He picked up the wine bowl and drank it down, and raised the empty bowl high, everyone applauded in unison, Yang Ang and his men drank a lot of wine, half drunk, they couldn't help but glance at the graceful dancing girl Ladies and gentlemen, they haven't touched a woman for such a long time, and they are about to leave, everyone's guard has been relaxed, and they start to feel distracted.

Meng Da knew it well, he changed his mind and suddenly found a way to deal with these guys, he laughed and said: "If Brother Yang doesn't dislike it, let these dancers accompany Brother Yang and the brothers tonight! Just take it as part of my heart.”

Yang Ang was overjoyed, smiled and said: "Thank you, brother, come! I will offer you a bowl of wine."

Everyone drank for a while, at this moment, a soldier stepped forward and whispered to Meng Da: "It's still a quarter of an hour away."

That is to say, there is still a quarter of an hour before the agreed time. Meng Da saw that the time was approaching, so he ordered the dancers and gentlemen to be taken down. He stood up and smiled at Yang Ang and the generals: "A moment is worth a thousand gold!" , the dancers are already waiting at the back door, and your horses and attendants are also at the back door. It’s not good for the soldiers to see, so please take them away from the back door! I will send the money and food tomorrow morning.”

Yang Ang smiled and said: "Thank you General Meng for your kindness!" He winked at all the confidant generals, all the generals were burning with desire, they all drank the wine in their bowls and got up to leave.

They were drunk and walked towards the back door. Just as they walked into a courtyard, the front and back doors suddenly closed. Yang Ang was startled. He suddenly found that the walls on both sides were full of soldiers holding crossbows. He suddenly came to his senses, "Not good!" He yelled, turned around and ran, but it was too late, an arrow shot through the back of his heart, followed by random arrows from the wall, killing Yang Ang and his twelve confidantes. shot him to death in the yard.

Seeing that Yang Ang and his confidant generals were dead, Meng Da immediately led dozens of confidant soldiers and rode towards the east gate. At this time, the defense of the east and west gates of Shangyong City were all replaced by Meng Da's confidant soldiers. , Meng Da ordered loudly: "The city gate is open!"

The gate of the east city opened with a bang, and a soldier waved a torch on the top of the city. It was Xu time, and the appointed time had come. Wei Yan led an army of [-] in ambush outside the city. When he saw the torch on the top of the city, he felt Overjoyed, he immediately ordered the army to enter the city.

More than 1 Jingzhou soldiers entered Shangyong City. Wei Yan took the lead. Seeing Meng Da in the firelight, he laughed and said, "Congratulations to General Meng for your great contribution!"

Meng Da clasped his hands and said, "Yang Ang and his confidants and generals have been killed. General Wei, please go directly to the camp and surrender the soldiers. There will be no resistance."

Wei Yan nodded, turned around and ordered: "The army enters the Western Army camp to surrender soldiers, and those who dare to resist will be killed on the spot!"

The entire night, Shangyong City was in chaos and tension. Because Yang Ang and his confidant generals were all killed, the Jingzhou Army did not encounter fierce resistance. Apart from killing more than a hundred stubborn resisters, they Having completely controlled the situation, Gan Ning wiped out all the [-] Han Chinese troops responsible for intercepting the Han River early the next morning.

Wei Yan left [-] troops to his general Lu Jin, and asked him to assist Meng Da in guarding Shangyong City, appease the people, and recruit soldiers. Weixing County.

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