Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 546: Marching on Shu Road

September in Sichuan is not as refreshing as autumn in the north, with blue sky and white clouds, the sky is always shrouded in cloudy clouds, and it rains from time to time, adding a touch of autumnal coolness, but the warm and moist atmosphere quietly moisturizes people's skin .

This is especially evident in Sun Shangxiang. She has followed Liu Jing into Sichuan for a month, and she herself feels that her skin is more delicate and white than before. When she was happy, she immediately wrote to Tao Zhan in Jingzhou, He strongly advised her to move to Chengdu as soon as possible.

Naturally, Sun Shangxiang came to Chengdu not for enjoyment, but because she longed for freedom in her heart. She was unwilling to be confined in a mansion every day. She longed to travel among famous mountains and great rivers, so that her heart would be as broad as the world. Liu Jing also satisfied her desire. I wish to take her to tour around Bashu, so that she can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Bashu.

In the misty autumn rain, on the Jianmen Shu Road in Zitong County, an army of thousands of people meanders northward on the narrow mountain road. In addition to the [-] troops, there are tens of thousands of livestock full of grain and supplies, slowly following the army. Walk slowly, the road is slippery in the rain, and the army walks with extra care.

In front of the team, Liu Jing rode on a war horse, chatting and laughing all the way, pointing out the Shu Road to his beautiful wife with a horsewhip, "The road we walk is called Jinniu Road, also known as Jianmen Shu Road. Compared with the Micang Road in the east, Yinping Road is a little easier to walk on the Jinniu Road, so this road has become the main road going north to Hanzhong. According to legend, it was formed by hitting the mountain with the horns of a Taurus. It was formed by five impoverished warriors splitting the mountain with giant axes, so there are allusions of Jinniu clearing the way and five Dings splitting the mountain.”

Liu Jing was in high spirits and talked eloquently, while Sun Shangxiang next to her smiled and said nothing, listening intently to her husband explaining the allusions of the Shu Road. She was riding on a majestic rouge war horse, dressed in fish-scale armor like other soldiers, with a head Wear a wide bamboo hat.

Although most of the more than one month of life in Sichuan was spent on the road, she was nourished by the aura of the mountains and rivers to make her more beautiful, her skin was like snow, and her eyes were full of autumn water.

She looked up at the steep and towering mountains on both sides. The mountains in the distance stretched endlessly to the end of the world. Sun Shangxiang couldn't help being amazed.

She has lived in the rivers and lakes of Jiangdong since she was a child. Although there are mountains, most of them are low and gentle. Even Beigu Mountain, which is known as the number one mountain in the world, is far from Dajian Mountain. [

"This trip to Shu Road really opened my eyes!"

Sun Shangxiang sighed: "If I can't see these beautiful mountains and rivers, my life will be in vain."

Speaking of this, her eyes flowed, and she said to Liu Jing with a trace of resentment: "I was just thinking, when can you take it to the desert to have a look, I won't hate you in this life!"

Liu Jing was stunned, "Do you mean that if I don't take you to the desert, you will hate me for the rest of your life?"

"Of course, who asked you to control me too tightly and not let me be free?" Sun Shangxiang smiled triumphantly: "So, you should think about how to make up for me!"

At this moment, a soldier rushed over from the front and bowed in front of Liu Jing to report: "General Wu asked Zhou Mu for instructions. It was getting late, and the front happened to be an open area. Is it possible to camp?"

Liu Jing looked at the sky and nodded, "You can camp!"

When the military order was passed down, the soldiers unloaded their tents one after another. Although there was an open area in front of them, it could accommodate 1000 people in the camp at most. The remaining [-] troops could only be stationed on the mountain road.

This is also a common thing when walking on the Shu Road. Many businessmen camp directly on the road when they travel. Some people get up in a daze at night and fall into the cliff with one foot.

There are also people who spend the night in extremely narrow places and fall into the mountain stream after sleeping soundly. Fortunately, the mountain roads in this area are wide enough to build small tents.

The soldiers began to busy set up tents, bury pots and cook food. As the commander, Liu Jing had three tents, one large, two small, and the large tent was the Chinese military tent, which was the command center of the army. After a layer of hay and blankets, the tent will be very dry, and you can sit on the ground directly.

Liu Jing was sitting behind a table. He was reviewing documents from various places. There was already a thick stack of important documents on the table. Although Liu Jing had tried his best to delegate power, he still needed to make some important decisions.

After Liu Jing occupied Yizhou, he adopted Sima Yi's suggestion and adopted the governance strategy of "Shu people governing the land, and northerners governing the central government". The prefects and county magistrates of all counties basically use Shu people.

However, the original Jingzhou Mu and Yizhou Mu have been virtualized, with names and realities, and their power has been emptied, and the General Hussar's Mansion was re-established, and real power figures such as Xu Shu, Jia Xu, and Sima Yi were moved to the General Hussar's Mansion to take charge of Jing and Yi. State power, this is their central court.

Then the Hussar Mansion implemented a two-government system, with official business in Chengdu in winter and government in Xiangyang in summer, which ensured the balance between the two states, and the military power was firmly controlled by the General Hussar's Mansion, and each county could have counties with no more than a thousand people. Bing, this new power structure can adapt to the expansion of the territory after the merger of Yizhou. [

At this time, a soldier reported at the door of the tent: "Qi to Zhou Mu, Wu Sima has something to see!"

"Please come in!"

After a while, Wu Yi led a messenger soldier into the big tent. Wu Yi knelt down, saluted and said with a smile, "Zhou Mu, there is an urgent letter from Hanzhong!"

Liu Jing put down the pen in his hand, "What's the matter?"

The messenger soldier knelt down and bowed, took out a letter from Zhao Yun and presented it, "This is an urgent letter from General Zhao, which is related to the situation of Sanfu!"

Liu Jing has been paying attention to the situation in Guanzhong. He quickly took the letter, opened it and read it. The letter said that Ma Chao killed Han Sui for the crime of having an affair with Cao Jun, and sent his head to the battalions for public display.

Liu Jing sighed, and ordered people to take the messenger soldiers to rest, and then said to Yin Mo and Wu Yi next to him: "Ma Chaozhi, fell into Cao Cao's plan to separate, the ten coalition forces were originally tied with a thread, now go to the other One, is it possible for the remaining nine departments to be tied up again? Internal troubles have already occurred, and the days are not long, at most one month, and Ma Chao will be defeated!"

Wu Yi nodded, "From this point of view, it is indeed wise for Zhou Mu not to enter Guanzhong, and Guanzhong is not like Hanzhong, which can be won in one battle. We need to prepare for a long-term battle."

Liu Jing valued Wu Yi very much. Not only was Wu Yi able to lead troops to fight, but he was also very good at strategy. , eventually leading to the destruction of the country.

However, Liu Jing reused Wu Yi. He appointed Zhao Yun as the governor of Hanzhong, in charge of [-] troops in Hanzhong. This time Wu Yi was on his way to Hanzhong to take office.

Wu Yi was also very grateful that he had followed a lord like Liu Jing. Liu Jing appointed people on merit in the civil service, and was willing to let go of power, so that the officials under his rule could give full play to their talents, and also won the loyalty of the officials. .

On the other hand, the army is clearly rewarded and punished, the military discipline is strict, and the army is firmly controlled by both kindness and power. At the same time, the army is lightly paid, the trade is encouraged, the economy is developed, and the example is set. Military heart, such a person is the hero who competes for the world.

Wu Yi always likes to compare Liu Zhang and Liu Jing. Every time he compares them, he sighs. In comparison, Liu Zhang is so weak and cowardly. The vast number of virtuous ministers and generals in Bashu saw their own future and light, which gave them the goal and motivation to fight. After washing away the internal strife in the past, they all wholeheartedly assisted Liu Jing to fight for a higher goal.

Thinking of this, Wu Yi smiled again: "Wei Chen has another suggestion, Zhou Mu might as well think about it."

"Sima please tell me!"

"When I was chatting with the ministers of Central Shu during this period, I often talked about Guanzhong. It seems that everyone has their own ideas. The state herdsmen might as well openly solicit 'Ping San auxiliary strategies'. On the one hand, we can brainstorm, on the other hand, It can stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for participation, and make Shu officials look farther away, and no longer stare at the three-point land of Bashu."

Before Wu Yi could finish speaking, Yin Mo couldn't help but praised repeatedly: "It really is a good strategy!"

Liu Jing smiled and asked Yin Mo, "Why is Wu Sima's strategy good?"

Yin Ming smiled and said: "The biggest problem for officials in central Sichuan is that they are too local-minded, narrow-minded, and blindly xenophobic. Over the years, it has become a big cancer in Yizhou official circles. It will take at least ten years to eradicate it, but it can be solved in a short period of time. To weaken this local atmosphere, one is to serve as officials in other places. For example, Shu officials can go to Badi to serve as officials, and they can also go to Jingzhou to serve as officials.

The second is to cultivate the world's vision, just like Sima's suggestion, soliciting "Ping San Assistant Policy", this is a good medicine, encouraging everyone to set their sights on the world, and naturally they will not be so narrow-minded. "

Liu Jing nodded and said with a smile: "It is indeed a good strategy, but don't rush, take your time!"

. . . . . . . .

In addition to Liu Jing's large Chinese army tent that handles official business, there are two small tents at the back, one is a side tent, which is used for Sun Shangxiang's two maids, and the other is Liu Jing's sleeping tent, which is slightly larger and is a small tent. It is a kind of double-layer tent, that is, there are two layers of curtains inside and outside, and the interlayer is a passageway wide for one person. From the interlayer passageway, you can directly walk into the side tent. These two tents are actually a camp tent. Because their shape resembles a gourd, they are called It is called gourd account.

In the sleeping tent, Sun Shangxiang and two maids were packing things. Like the Chinese military tent, a layer of hay was spread on the floor of the sleeping tent, and then a thick army blanket was spread. Although the sleeping tent is not big, it can only accommodate four people at most. , but it also looks very warm and comfortable. Of course, this has something to do with Sun Shangxiang's careful arrangement. She is a woman after all, and it is her nature to keep clean and tidy.

Sun Shangxiang had already changed her clothes, she took off her fish scale armor, and put on a white inner robe, which made her figure extremely graceful, with waterfall-like black hair hanging over her shoulders, and under the light of the candle, her skin had a layer of The luster is like ivory, and the eyes are shining like jewels.

Sun Shangxiang folded several pieces of clothes neatly, put them into a box, and hung her Qingyue Sword on the tent. At this moment, she heard footsteps coming from outside the tent, and a soldier on guard greeted her. This is Liu Jing's return. She then smiled at the two maids: "It's getting late, and we're leaving at five o'clock tomorrow, so go back and rest too!"

The two maids saluted, then retreated, and returned to their side tents from the sidewalk. At this moment, the curtain was lifted, and Liu Jing walked in with a smile on his face.

"How is it, is it damp in the tent?" Liu Jing asked with a smile after looking at the tent.

"Hmm! It's better than I thought, maybe it's because of the double curtain."

Sun Shangxiang smiled sweetly, stepped forward to untie his armor, and took off his boots. At this time, two maids brought two buckets of hot water to wash Liu Jing's feet, while Sun Shangxiang sat aside, smiling. Seeing the two of them busy with a groan, after washing their feet, she saw that the maid was about to take the bucket away, so she quickly stopped her and said, "Leave half a bucket of hot water, you go!"

After Liu Jing washed his feet, he lay down comfortably, so comfortable that he groaned: "It feels so wonderful to lie down!"

But her hands were not idle, she gently grabbed Sun Shangxiang's waist, and hugged her to her body. Sun Shangxiang was caught off guard and almost screamed in fright. She thought of the soldiers outside the tent, and quickly bit her lips, and punched Liu Jing's shoulder twice, "Don't scare me like this!"

Before she finished speaking, Liu Jing kissed her sweet lips, and Sun Shangxiang's body gradually softened, and he hugged her husband's neck and kissed forgetfully. At this time, Liu Jing's hand reached into her long skirt , Sun Shangxiang quickly pressed his hand, and said coquettishly, "Not tonight!"

Liu Jing laughed softly: "If it doesn't work, why do you keep half a bucket of hot water?"

"You bastard, you have a dirty mind!"

Sun Shangxiang was guessed by him, her face was flushed, and her heart gradually melted. Even though her husband took off her skirts one by one, the night gradually deepened, and the soldiers fell asleep. The water and milk in the tent blend together, and the two hearts melt into one.

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